
Covid-19: in WUHAN one of the very few labs in the world dealing with lethal viruses. The one in which coronaviruses in bats are studied.

Covid-19: in WUHAN one of the very few labs in the world dealing with lethal viruses. The one in which coronaviruses in bats are studied.


Those are not governments.

France probes ties with Wuhan lab; missing citizen journalist reappears; virus follows CCP ties—UK

China prevented French experts from overseeing safety at its first high-security virus laboratory, which is now facing claims that it was the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, according to French officials.
The laboratory in the city of Wuhan, where the Covid-19 outbreak began last year, was the first in China to have a biosafety level 4 (BSL 4) rating, which is reserved for institutions working with potentially fatal agents. It was conducting research into coronaviruses, some derived from bats, from which the pathogen is thought to have originated.
The facility opened in 2015 after being built in partnership with France, which was meant to supply the technical expertise with 50 high-level French researchers due to work there between 2017 and 2022. They did not do
C: sorry it is The Times, no one free item in view.

The hypotheses most widely circulated in the West now are that a scientist in a high-security biological laboratory in Wuhan was accidentally infected and spread the virus, or that one of several labs sloppily disposed of contaminated research materials.
Also in April, China’s ambassador to Paris, Lu Shaye, was summoned to the French foreign ministry, a serious step just short of breaking diplomatic relations, for the first time in a quarter century.
Lu tweets several times a day regarding Covid-19 issues. He has repeated claims by the Chinese foreign ministry’s spokesman Zhao Lijian that the virus came from the US. He has alleged that French parliamentarians supported racist Taiwanese comments against the Ethiopian director of the WHO, and accused caregivers in French nursing homes of “abandoning their positions overnight, deserting collectively, and leaving their residents to die of hunger and disease”.
“If there’s a problem, it’s the fault of certain media,” Lu continued.
C: how bizarre, trumpee’ s strategies. ‘Trompeur’ should we dutifully say. duty free.

 Lab rumours
The origin of the virus is particularly sensitive in Paris, because France built one of the Wuhan biological labs whose security practices have been questioned.
Wuhan is the most French of Chinese cities, the investigative journalist Antoine Izambard writes in France-China, Dangerous Liaisons, published just before the pandemic.

Wuhan Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, a biosafety level 2 lab located less than 300 metres from the seafood market where Chinese authorities claimed the epidemic started. 
The Washington Post revealed on April 14th that US diplomats who visited the Wuhan Institute of Virology in January 2018 warned Washington the laboratory was not secure. A cable dated January 19th, 2018 said the new lab “has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory.” The cable warned that the lab’s work on bat coronaviruses risked creating an epidemic similar to the 2003 Sars outbreak.
China wants the technology, but it doesn’t want co-operation.” Fifty French researchers were supposed to have worked in the P4 lab. There is only one.
President Macron has called Beijing’s trillion dollar Belt and Road Initiative to build Chinese roads, ports and industrial centres around the world “hegemonic”.

C: while yet again boris johnson called the belt and road initiative great.
France did a very very filthy and silly thing, and the Chinese broke their promises, the contract, once the project fully started, according to a French source, ( but one thing that is for sure, is that French citizens have been punished to be French by china for years. The English, all other Europeans nationality that I know, etc…are ask for one set of paper to obtain a Chinese visa, for the French a special list is given to them by an admin, that make visa deliverance for them really really difficult, if possible. Why? Because of France standing up for human rights from time to time.

China wants the technology, but it doesn’t want co-operation.” Fifty French researchers were supposed to have worked in the P4 lab. There is only one.

But while the World Health Organization (WHO) has published a manual on the different levels, the standards are not enforced by any treaties
Accidents happen. In 2014, forgotten vials of smallpox were found in a cardboard box in a research centre near Washington. In 2015, the US military accidentally shipped live anthrax samples instead of dead spores to as many as nine labs across the country and a military base in South Korea.
In four instances between 2003 and 2004, the Sars virus was accidentally released at laboratories in Singapore, Taiwan and Beijing. In four instances between 2003 and 2004, the Sars virus was accidentally released at laboratories in Singapore, Taiwan and Beijing.
 In so-called "passage experiments", viruses or bacteria are passed from one lab animal to another in order to study how the agents adapt to their hosts. Past experiments have succeeded in making viruses more transmissible between animals using this low-tech method.

Michel Barnier, the EU Brexit negotiator who was at that time Jacque Chirac's foreign minister, signed the decree that led to the Wuhan lab's creation in 2004.  But French firms got only minor roles in the building of the laboratory, and by the time it opened in 2017 cooperation had collapsed.
Technip, the French company supposed to certify that the building complied with safety standards, refused to do so after pulling out of the project in 2015, and fifty senior French scientists who were meant to move to Wuhan to work there in its first five years of operation never arrived, according to Le Figaro and France Inter, the state broadcaster.
 Challenge, a French business magazine, has reported that the project foundered when French military officials refused to supply China with deadly viruses or anti-virus suits in case they were used for biological weapons research. 
That was not the end of international cooperation, however. In 2013, a US team filled the gap when the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas, the top pathogens research institution in the United States, began training Chinese researchers for work in BSL-4 laboratories.
The move left some French officials suggesting Paris had lost out to the Americans.
On April 24, a week before Mr Trump's latest statement, the US National Institute of Health suddenly terminated its grant.

C: above, the telegraph saying that americans took over some aspects of the research in wuhan once the french went.

Laboratory releases of dangerous viruses are not unheard of. In 2003, for instance, the virus responsible for SARS sickened a graduate student who worked in a Singapore lab a few months after the outbreak had ended there.
Here’s how a team of biologists, infectious disease researchers and biosecurity experts put it in a report published in the journal Nature Medicine: “We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.”
because “the Chinese Communist Party has refused to cooperate with world health experts.”
Harvard microbiologist William Hanage said the facts do not support the idea that either a sloppy scientist or a mad genius tried to turn an existing coronavirus into a bioweapon.

General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Tuesday that US intelligence indicates that the coronavirus likely occurred naturally, as opposed to being created in a laboratory in China, but there is no certainty either way.
The complex contains Asia's first maximum security lab equipped to handle Class 4 pathogens (P4) -- dangerous viruses that pose a high risk of person-to-person transmission, such as Ebola.

A laboratory in Wuhan is on the cusp of being cleared to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens. The move is part of a plan to build between five and seven biosafety level-4 (BSL-4) labs across the Chinese mainland by 2025, and has generated much excitement, as well as some concerns.
The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times, notes Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey. Tim Trevan, founder of CHROME Biosafety and Biosecurity Consulting in Damascus, Maryland, says that an open culture is important to keeping BSL-4 labs safe, and he questions how easy this will be in
Chinese researchers face less red tape than those in the West when it comes to research on primates
. He adds that governments will assume that such excess capacity is for the potential development of bioweapons.!/menu/main/topColumns/topLeftColumn/pdf/nature.2017.21487.pdf

C: Chinese faces less red taps also when it comes to contract in Africa and other locations, such as neighboring countries, to hire staff, to mine and to log timber illegally.

Those are not governments.

There are governments for the lock-down, governments more as the Members of parliaments are in close-down, that will provide for salaries during the period of confinement.
There are governments that will provide for wages for up to 80 % for the privileged people earning 30,000 euros or pounds.

People earning large amount of money, allowing them to finance lavish life should not be under government protection. Encouraging, branding, fashionaging, waging a complete lack of responsibility and ability at self-preservation and projection). Once the lock-down will be stopped we will have high level of unemployment with working class working all conditions, for a misery, and above all in detestable places where neglect, violence, dictate rules and terrorize.
They live in cities where renting is becoming, has become in fact for a long time- or never been otherwise, just unaffordable. Where one has to find places (de bedsits) to share kitchen and bathrooms with strangers, customarily without lockable place or individual place to make sure their stuff are not at anyone’s mercy. Ready to be stolen it is also the lay-out that authority let to people in difficulty. Good luck to you to keep food in the fridge, etc… a life of misery, where nothing is yours, and this planned by the local council erecting building they put and waste millions in. To be, to put people, staffs and tenants at the mercy of everybody and everything.

Return to your countryside? The sport there is about logging and slaughtering the brave cattle that still think (do they, because maybe they are just like us, waiting for the doom day) (doom day where humans will lay damned by every living things logically colloquially) eating where forest (forage) has been slaughtered first. To see the pollution, the cement and tar, the people that only can leave here, there at the expense of animals’ lives.
The lovers for it, went. And it is a privilege to be there. Here you are, terre.

Governments that subsidize high salaries, that allow the upper middle class to live like prime pruned prude proud pound ponce princes I without responsibilities are simply not governments. They are, and place, re-assert themselves with no subtleties, subtle sublet ties, mafia.

These are not governments. Upholding the way of lives of people who can hope paying planes every season to pay themselves more breaks, who can even hope to have more than one places, to invest in the stock market or in some landlords scheme, whose main problems it to know how they will profit from their estates- that today will be given the same disproportionate amount of money in retirement package.

Also, one has to think of problem of disincentives for the workers who will work without having a break and who supply the necessities for the others while putting themselves in danger. And nothing has been into place to avoid worsen food waste and endanger food security.
Those are not governments.

One thing I haven’t heard often on the radio apparently covid might stay alive for up to 3 hours in the air.

Instead of bullying the Chinese that hid the aids epidemic will do just as everybody did, that is to commit an ecocide on their countryside, stop eating animals.

Like one of these insulting people reporting nothing on mainstream media (of wick national channels are more platforms of self-promotion without debates, anything but real show of experts giving info, expertise or performing investigations)    would say ‘ the great minds’ of our nations could find a way to make these protective gears washable and reusable, what happened to boiling? I mean not boiling because it would do bad to the fabric, but something good. Anyone?

It is so many years ago, that anyone observing the rituals in hospitals would have understood that this throwing tons of plastic under the forms of personal protection, just legitimize by all of us not able to buy milk or almost no available food or whatever is transported without the deadly plastic that will keep on accumulating. Maybe a genius will find one day, but no one will erase how billions of beings will have much more disastrous and vastly rampant and not living, meaning not moving, just dead and staying, like we did, with the same nonchalance we our planet and her children lei-surely killed, than any organic diseases, but chemicals that will attack and make disappear, like Alzheimer does, the very flesh through which we think and feel and react to what is thrown, rain and ropes, but now none will be without acidity. Vultures is the next surviving creatures wet web when the orchestrators will be on moon for more than one day.

Much ado about nothing.
Thank you to the BBC whose millions are spent on the wages of individuals such as anchors of ‘ strictly come dancing’ whose old decrepit male anchor for years and years  (2004–2013) has been standing, for in view of all with every females dancers he was talking to, inappropriate and indeed sexual touching live on TV. For in ‘these strange times’ are on repeat on the same programs all over (a live groping show as a Saville rerun as the English responses to gang rape and stabbing cultures pervasive in the country, covered by the police, social services and council authorities). I mean nothing knew could we need, a bit of archives? For this to use archives you would have first to produce knowledge on real matters (on all the sciences and humanity subjects of high school and university would be a kind start), not only on parroting current affairs for 10 min max on each (thus eradicated) evading subject, or ask their all omnipresent witness program what dinner, and din-din they were having on the day- and the all morning dedicated to untold or barely outspoken or untitled menstruation, hot flushes and jane austen’s class conscientious problems each and every morning.
A vast publicity agency, so and so that it stands for a di la ‘di di do, di la di di da’ dilly Doolally daily insults and self-esteem instructions for endeavors thereof for the nation.
When the media broadcast when and only when they want to do or undo business with somebody.

Very nice 2020, for this new millennium coming to an age, mind it is not like we did not ask fro it.

The make and mark of the base beat beast on surveillance:
While the American president does everything he possibly can to pose as the 666, so-well awaited. By the way it is very instructive researching the subject of the devil, the mark of the beast etc, on lectures given by the very numerous Christian sects all over the US. Almost all agree on one thesis, the devil’ asset that will usher in the apocalypse is old Europe and the European union itself. A paragraph showing contradictions more than paradox but well. Taking stance about Trump, in my opinion things could get so much more very grave, because it is one cannot be clearer, that he is in fact not sane. Now the more America will get super sick with covid, the less they will be able to vote, the longest it is possible for the incumbent to stay in place (just like in France [and this will be the subject of a next post- the police proved to tend to vote far right as well!!! No more wondering as to why trafficking is common place and why police refuse to investigate it even when given the right addresses…- in your country is that the case?] would flirt with the far right politically, the municipal has been delayed).
It should have been to stop using plastic that we should have gone for a standstill, the time to reorganize a sustainable, honorable, instead of horrific, mode of buying.

Virus may stay up to 3 hours in the air. contagion worst in families, because we are standing very close for long period of time. Also, the length you may be contagious, the carrier or infected by the disease could appear in some cases really longer that generally stated. WHO said cannot get rid of it without vaccine, so much for herd immunity? they torture wild animals and they’d like to base their logic onto the ones they raise and torture. 
we know why china toll is so low: it is death in hospitals. With the social credit system who knows what kind of pressure they may add if turning up at hospitals. 

Just some info on covid- I do not work on it or update it, so every ‘info’ here about the virus needs to double-checked.
I would not trust asian figures on the corona. in china, the censorship is so rife, that it is border-line dictatorship. but even so they do not need to do more than censor as usual, because it is still deaths in hospital that are compatibilized as such. we could come with china (and korea i don't know) just like with the aid epidemic or unemployment, with figures that are non-existent. But anyhow china certainly owe its success to so many people working hard, consuming nothing and harboring the land well way more than hell excess- but now inevitably things will slow down, as how disgusting the system is when it near inflated 200 times, will make too much evident its flaw, and flaring snares.
Please isolate as much as possible, the virus I read might stay in the air for 3 hours. Don’t freak out mentally about isolation, reading is the most beautiful discovery occasion. As for foods and other supply wash packaging and everything you are not cooking- or put what you cannot wash in quarantine.
Contagion might be worst in families (or shared work space for long hours) because we are standing very close for long period of time- when it is possible for people to be in different places at all-. also, the length you may be contagious, the carrier or infected by the disease could appear in some cases really longer that generally stated (longer in some individuals). For the Spanish flu, the highest numbers of casualties was in fact on the second year. It is really telling that WHO and other national and international institutions uses only hospital deaths, just as only the ones who accesses it and their costly medication patents are counting. What about the millions in south Africa recuperating from HIV? Killed populations. WHO said cannot get rid of it without vaccine, so much for herd immunity? they haras-s, catch and torture wild animals and they’d like to base their logic onto the ones they raise, harass and torture. 
i think you need to ask the medics if you think you have it, before taking any medications (for example they do not know whether ibuprofen might worsen the symptoms.

Info I gathered, still to be confirmed:
I would not trust asian figures on the corona. In china, the censorship is so rife, that it is border-line dictatorship. but even so they do not need to do more than censor as usual, because it is still deaths in hospital that are compatibilized as such. we could come with china (and korea i don't know) just like with the aid epidemic or unemployment, with figures that are non-existent or criteria that are so loose that everybody is employed in china. Does not protect from poverty and living in trash absolutely riddle with rubbishes quarters and whole part of countryside as the tips of garbage is never picked up by the party!! Beyond any criticisms.
Anyhow they will rubbish countryside and towns so that people die young or are forced to leave, and take it for estate, more and more building, empty and emptying (all other the world building industry amongst the best effective mafias, as long as it is not with the food…).

Please isolate as much as possible, the virus I read might stay in the air for 3 hours. As for foods and other supply wash packaging and everything you are not cooking- or put what you cannot wash in quarantine.
Contagion might be worst in families because we are standing very close for long period of time- when it is possible for people to be in different places at all-. also, the length you may be contagious, the carrier or infected by the disease could appear in some cases really longer that generally stated (longer in some individuals). For the Spanish flu, the highest numbers of casualties was in fact on the second wave. WHO said cannot get rid of it without vaccine, so much for herd immunity? they haras-s, catch and torture wild animals and they’d like to base their logic onto the ones they raise, harass and torture. 

Unfortunately, there is no good news for bears in China and Southeast Asia. China’s Health Commission has been promoting bear bile as a treatment for severe COVID-19 cases. 
The Hong-Kong based charity, Animals Asia Foundation, has been campaigning for the end of bear farming for a long time. More than 20,000 bears are held in captivity on bear bile farms. Animals Asia’s investigations show that bears are kept in cages too small for them to even turn around and bear cubs are often placed in cages which they won’t leave again for their entire lives. It’s not just bears on farms are being exploited for their bile though. Some people believe that bear bile from wild bears is of better quality and will therefore pay a higher price for it.

China orders citizens to get rid of their pets - or risk having them CULLED - amid fears that animals could catch coronavirus
C: I repeat it here, it is what china is going to jump all over onto, the opportunity to kill and kill, and kill again, invoking cleansing, blaming the torture wild-life and the ones they bred for the corona- like they did on aids for the gays. By yet again the north helped. This will serve to satisfy everybody, killing, killing, render people sad like death and deforestation for estate more mort and mort rapidly.

Trump floats dangerous coronavirus treatment ideas as Dr Birx looks on

He should inject himself.

For the developing world, it is going be terrible. Things will have to get moving and assistance coming from more developed ones.

COVID-19 cover-up fears in Tanzania
The adviser, a consultant who is on several working groups in the Ministry of Health, said the outbreak was being treated as “a security issue, not a public health issue”, meaning the health minister did not have the final say.
“Everything that is related to corona is now in the [central] government’s hands,” another health consultant agreed. “There’s tremendous political pressure coming from the president’s office to control all of this.”
Footage of secret burials of people who allegedly died of COVID-19 are doing the rounds on social media, while parliament has been suspended following the death of three legislators in quick succession from unknown causes – fuelling speculation over the extent of the outbreak.


Lame answer of WHO later on in the middle of the pandemic, who basically says, but you did not tell us what was the gravity of this disease!! Like if Taiwan was in position and obligation to send a fully convincing file on all the aspects of a new disease before WHO’ responsibility to investigate kicks in.
NO, the reason more than complete incompetence, and impotence and neglect of duty of care to the whole population, is that china does not recognised Taiwan as independent. Why should they do so? Maybe because Taiwan, contrarily to others, are not a dictatorship pushing its limits.

Taiwan produces evidence it warned WHO of coronavirus in December
By World Tribune on April 15, 2020
What's even worse though, is Taiwan tried blowing the whistle on the Wuhan coronavirus in December when they alerted the WHO.

C: here I think clear evidence of cover-up, well before wuhan in the spotlight, and whistle-blowers brought to the altar, just like in any other countries, common, come on, you know many a one that has whistles successfully??? with all the crooks and shameless mafia practises in all trades and all counties.

Also look at how leaders of massively big countries deal with the corona like if did not exits, once again, not only Shitna.

Also worth to have a look at the report on widespread corruption in the WHO and most notably the UN quarters, unbridled. It is the best way to erode the necessary overall institutions without which not consistent work can be done. Make them nests to useless ‘’’elites’’’, paying academics, frightening, threatening and counter-productive, a financial hole, malfeasant and mafia building.

The west does not want the south any longer as they fear that their values, hopefully, foul, fool, of democracy and human rights would be undermine by the ones they give positions and jobs too.
In fact the values of the south if less benevolent than the ones of the west, how could one live in country killed by preventable disease, preventable famines, under the scourge of trafficking and wars, with the west organising diamonds and oil loitering for main actions and live in opulence and some kind of innocent ever after that, prompting laugh and feint adoption of cultural parameters while would never like to know about the wisdom that could make us victors.
So they fear the values of the south that are made out of neo-colonisation etc??
They fear not, more and more of fascism, from all colours, sectarianism and stolen wallets, the tyrants like that.

When it comes to the covid crisis though, it barks loudly to me that it is just what trump could have hoped for. In letting americans die, it is the most diplomatic gesture that trump and others could do to co-,mates dictators and ones that inspire or aspire to become so. Maybe a vast, maybe an overwhelming part of the world that just won’t say no.

As for in the UK, the BBC really put into question to the minsters whether the first measures were not too slack (imitation game does not work in the uk, as it is not like in Europe, a mostly rural territories, and that people are more concentrated both in the living areas as the workings ones, but still at minimum 400 deaths a day after 2 months of confinement and a steady pick at 1000 deaths, the uk is now planning in a fortnight to allow businesses to call their staff to the offices- look like the bosses are not going to pay for the life insurance for very long at this rate, or did they give themselves the time to invest or disinvest where they know their Russian rulette are at 5 bullets?

I hope all your family is well. She is to be back for 8 hours at her office as soon as the govt permits it. I am terrified, because it seems that it is the second wave that will be coming in these conditions. VIRUS LOAD

Or the start releasing mid-May, with unselective, unprescriptive no rule on employment that will allow everyone to act just like normal on the first of June, to mark the second wave just ready for the summer solstice, it sounds pretty credible for these new forest pesticide junkies witan wackos.
Permissive and lax positions on the epidemy will allow employers to call their employees back for normal length day, while they could still make them work from home, or ask them to come to the offices just for a short sessions. Call them back in death trap just because they can, in a new no neo-liberalism take on freedom, kill your staff if you will, just by whistling them and another wwave-in.

We will see if the UK will have been able to vote for a guy who does not have honour stored enough to recognise all his ‘bastards’ (as in children out of the wedlock) officially, that in a few years being mayor of London transform it into a ghetto (making impossible for the workers to afford a bus ticket- within a few years of boris johnson mayorship. Right now, 15/05/2020 the millennium coming to an age what a party, the current London mayor, saddick kahn, a labour party gamer, in the middle of the possibly worst recession since Fordism, is yet again rising the cost of transportation, the slow tickets for the workers pay nothing, travelling miles to part-time jobs, while bailing out the fat(not fast) pussies cast cat network That surely is about to do the same to all other should be national organisation and institutions if by lack of fortune he stays in the office, and thanking grovelling the nhs staff that saved his life in prioritising him largely while they will have to put others down. Pardon me, decline.

Just as a remember since in my quarter nhs staff are applauded for being at the front line. They will be also key workers of another kind of major discussions, that prompted a sizeable number of fateful decisions now. The silent invasion of the euthanasia or mercy killing debates. Doctors are set to put us down, if not now, it looks like it could well be comfortably in just an handful of decades.