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Caged until 'broken': life for Mumbai's prostitutes

The Dark Secret Behind Your Favorite Makeup Products | Shady | Refinery29

C.ET: and india is of course not a democracy. By any stretch of the imagination, only for us all now, democracy men means demon.

Child marriage is still legal in the US

December 12, 2017 2.51am GMT

Child Marriage Is Legal In 48 States. These Women Are Asking Why.

Over the past two years, at least 20 state legislatures have considered whether to ban marriage under 18. Only two have actually done it. › News › UK › Home News
22 Mar 2018 - “The problem we have is that four million children are in poverty, and some of the children due to be hit hardest by cuts – those in single parent families or families with more than two children – are seeing their risk of poverty rise.”
Poverty affects more than one in four children in the UK today. ... Families experience poverty formany reasons, but its fundamental cause is not having enough ...
As of 2017, 20% of UK people live in poverty including 8 million working-age adults, 4 million childrenand 1.9 million pensioners. Research by the JRF found nearly 400,000 more UK children and 300,000more UK pensioners were in poverty in 2016-17 compared with 2012-13.
23 Jan 2018 - Please provide me with information about the number of children in poverty in the UK. Please provide this before and after housing costs.
22 Mar 2018 - Relative poverty, absolute povertyand how the UK is faring. ... the inhabitants of Dickensian slums were in povertyin many cases today things ... to refer to them as measures ofpoverty (for example, in the Child Poverty Act or ...
31 Aug 2018 - This note sets out information on the levels and rates of poverty in the UK, including ... although poverty may be defined in different ways and there is no single, ... 2.7 million children were inrelative low income BHC (19% of ...
24 Jan 2018 - More than half of all children in the UK's very poorest areas are now ... Child povertylevels in Theresa May's Maidenhead constituency are ...
7 May 2018 - A million more UK children in poverty than in 2010 – study ... “The government is indenial about how many working families just can't make ends meet. ... the employment rate andhousehold incomes have never been higher.
16 Mar 2017 - About 30% of Britain's children are now classified as poor, of whom two-thirds are from working families.
4 Dec 2017 - UK Poverty 2017 highlights that overall, 14 million people live in ... This is made up of eight million working-age adults, four million children and 1.9 million pensioners. ... But that progress is beginning to unravel; poverty rates for both ... a fall in poverty and are now under question; state support for many of ...
Searches related to 

Gay Polish Artist May Face Prison For Posting Images Of Virgin Mary And Baby Jesus With Rainbow Halos

After a Polish lesbian artist posted images of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, the most revered image of the Virgin Mary in Poland, with a rainbow halo to represent the LGBT community, she could face up to two years in prison for offending religious beliefs.

Apple has a long history of censorship when it comes to information about Tibet. In 2009, it was revealed that several apps related to the Dalai Lama were not available in the China App Store. The developers of these apps were not notified that their apps were removed. When confronted with these instances of censorship, an Apple spokesperson simply said that the company “continues to comply with local laws”.

Hatred that's SHAMED her family: Sickened relatives of NHS worker who screamed 'Nazi scum' at Trump supporter say they can't understand what happened to the girl they knew 

C.ET: it is what will happen time and time again. Stardom people will treat one part of the rest like they are inferior, privatizing care, giving, creating, legislating (stating) only work for cons, gayttoizing….etc, endless list, it is the torture number.
And if you criticize then, then the downfall will be better, everyone participating, like in fowls, the pecking order, with all what you though were thinking were humans, taking breaths out of your life live. On air.

What is it to be human, is a bbc series.
We have enslaved animals, and finally it is not unreasonable to think that an inventor just dump us on a planet and will come back to see.
We will never know what it is to be human. Animals have their beings, their miracles they perform and brew and live, we have destroyed everything.

We will never know what it is to be human, just know that we spoil it in our lives and will pay the price of oil split during the death like a spider will take our soul back to the narrator.

Brian Cox hits out at BBC for inviting climate change denier on Radio 4

When Night is Falling - Trailer

C.ET: plutôt mauvais clip, pour un film mythique.

t.A.T.u. - All The Things She Said

All The Things She Said VOSTFR



The Rasmus - In the Shadows

Charlie Hebdo : Caroline Fourest censurée par Sky News ?

BBC Radio 4 broke accuracy rules in Nigel Lawson climate change interview

This article is more than 1 year old
Ofcom says controversial claims, including on the frequency of extreme weather events, went unchallenged
BBC Radio 4 broke accuracy rules by failing to sufficiently challenge the climate change denier Nigel Lawson’s controversial claims in an interview, the broadcasting watchdog has ruled.
Lord Lawson appeared on a Radio 4 programme

"Migrants are first of all human persons, and that they are the symbol of all those rejected by today’s globalized society," he tweeted.

C.ET: for the pop who talks about people that get exploited, but it is why you cannot do too much generalization, because for the migrants that want to import slavery not salvation, it would be complacent to treat it with the same generosity though it sure is hype.
And not the last nor least.

Leniency towards rich pedo

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration took a major step to weaken the regulation of toxic chemicals on Thursday when the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it would not ban a widely used pesticide that its own experts have linked to serious health problems in children. E.P.A. Won’t Ban Chlorpyrifos, Pesticide Tied to Children’s Health Problems

Factcheck: Lord Lawson’s inaccurate claims about climate change on BBC Radio 4

parti pedophile en Hollande

Blasphemy in European Law

Jordan, prison preventive

"I wanted to die": The 'hell' of kafala jobs in the Middle East - BBC Africa Eye

DuPont's deadly deceit: The decades-long cover-up behind the "world's most slippery material"

For decades DuPont operated above the EPA and knowingly concealed the dangers of Teflon exposure

C.ET: thank you to the BBC for the info.

To check for publish

Cold winters have been caused by global warming: new research

has linked the cold winters with the “rapid decline of Arctic sea ice”, caused by warming, over the past decade.

Most scientists agree that we need to differentiate between weather and climate. The NOAA defines climate as the average of weather over at least a 30-year period. So periodic aberrations

DuPont's deadly deceit: The decades-long cover-up behind the "world's most slippery material"

For decades DuPont operated above the EPA and knowingly concealed the dangers of Teflon exposure

including the chemical, called C8, that DuPont knowingly allowed to pollute Bartlett’s drinking water. Bartlett’s travails are also a cautionary tale about C8, which has become so pervasive today that it’s found in virtually every American’s blood.

Why a Warming Arctic May Be Causing Colder U.S. Winters

“Warm temperatures in the Arctic cause the jet stream to take these wild swings, and when it swings farther south, that causes cold air to reach farther south. These swings tend to hang around for awhile, so the weather we have in the eastern United States, whether it’s cold or warm, tends to stay with us longer," said study co-author Jennifer Francis in a press release.
With fewer plants available to absorb more carbon, Arctic warming could accelerate, further weakening the carbon sink, suggested the study.

David and Louise Turpin house neighbour skyview
Pics collected.

council scandal

to have been harassed and bullyed socially mutilated in front of preo people saying that they did not know if you were ‘good’ and of course see what they meant.

On the ground in Uganda, our reporters uncovered how Chinese telecom giant Huawei is providing surveillance tools that African governments use to stifle dissent. Video: Clément Bürge. Photo: Sumy Sadurni for The Wall Street Journal


Huawei Technicians Helped African Governments Spy on Political Opponents
Employees embedded with cybersecurity forces in Uganda and Zambia intercepted encrypted communications and used cell data to track opponents, according to a Wall Street Journal investigation
By Joe Parkinson,
Nicholas Bariyo and
Josh Chin

People will want to make sure that there is no anthropomorphism going on, as the worst of all is when this species thinks itself as being exquisite. And that is to say all the time, and when not, it will portray itself as being or fragile and so atomized or universal and dominant.

It is one of the texts I wrote about it, attempting to present the situation. I am aware I cannot give to anyone like that, it is a kind of text, that has lost its academic tenor, or at least the website did.

The main reasons given to me to shun this subject were, ‘it is not my area of speciality’, or there is nothing we can do it is religious freedom. I attempted a petition through the uk government website and it is the same reason given, this is protected under religious freedom, as the right to preach such things to anyone and to children are.

I also tried to launch a campaign about it, but since 2018, one cannot send emails to people that do not sign up to your newsletters or have agreed preliminarily to be part of your email lists. It means that awareness campaigns are now prohibited or that one would need a phenomenal amount of funds to advertise it.

I thank you very much to have let me send you this email. It would be good if some political correspondents could be aware of this very very serious issue.

My guess is that the terrorist attacks on Charlie Hebdo was very related as they were about to publish the life of Mohammad, version of which I am incline to think would have incorporated the period and numerous occurrences of slavery, sexual slavery, and child marriages. The only survivor of the team ready to publish the life of Mohammad cartoon, French Moroccan intellectual, Zineb El Rhazoui has been sacked from Charlie Hebdo little after the terrorist attack.  

There are numerous examples of people being censored on this subject. I have never has been far right and will never be, and I also do not know if Tommy Robinson is far right but I know he was cunning enough to catch on camera the moment Aljazeera cut him when he did raise the question of Aisha and other terrible crimes committed under the rule of Mohammad.
A French militant, Caroline Fourest, has been cut life by sky news just to show a portrait of Mohammad after the carnage. The list goes on and on.

just as remark, also as a response to the level of state censorship in china. British, European and all other media should write many articles on Huawei before it takes over the market. after all the spying, industrial espionage and patent theft operated by the chinese; Huawei in control here in the UK, Europe or anywhere else, I think it is self-sabotage or rather like suicide.

Unless this is fake news, the china has been reported to have hacked the European Union itself and now Huawei is accused to

In Uganda in 2014 the international community and the Ugandan people had to fight to repel a-kill- gay law. The same way it is common to imprison people from the opposition.

Huawei in control here in the UK, Europe or anywhere else, I think it is self-sabotage or rather like suicide.


Against all odds, Viva! Campaigns have returned to Hogwood pig farm to expose shocking conditions for the third year running. This time, we left hidden cameras. Click here to learn more.
We reported our findings through to the government, Red Tractor, Trading Standards and of course, Tesco, who Hogwood supplies. Tesco simply responded with attempts to reassure its customers that they take animal welfare ‘extremely seriously’ and that they expect producers to meet ‘stringent, industry-leading requirements’.

Hogwood Pig Farm 2019

The Real Sex Traffic (Crime Documentary) - Real Stories

An estimated half million women are trafficked annually for the purpose of sexual slavery. They are "exported" to over 50 countries including Britain, Italy, Japan, Germany, Israel, Turkey, China, Kosovo, Canada and the United States. Misunderstood and widely tolerated, sex trafficking has become a multi- billion dollar underground industry. According to the International Herald Tribune, human trafficking is the fastest growing form of organized crime in Eastern Europe. Kidnapped and/or lured by those who prey on their dreams, their poverty, and their naiveté, Eastern European women are trafficked to foreign lands -- often with falsified visas -- where they become modern day sex slaves.

The Real Sex Traffic (Crime Documentary) - Real Stories

grand vehicule in bouddhism

Fleabag & Sherlock's Andrew Scott rejects 'openly gay' label
'Openly gay' leans on stereotypes of sexuality being hidden & closeted
He's right!
Peter Tatchell Foundation

Andrew Scott rejects 'openly gay' label

UN rights chief unable to secure West Papua visit

The UN Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet says her office has so far been unable to secure a trip to Indonesia's West Papua.

Boris Johnson has promoted Th̩r̬se Coffey, an MP with an anti-LGBT record, to serve in his Cabinet Рmeaning a majority of his top team are now MPs who opposed equal marriage.