Golden 2019 05
Golden campaign comput 12 2018
"I want freedom of movement for me and my children, and it will be a cold day in hell before I unite behind you & the party you lead," said the Large Hadron Collider scientist, who is a professor at University College London.
"I will never forgive those who brought my country down in this shameful manner."
C: without a fight, with a PM who launched
the referendum who was against? I mean what kind of dividend could push such a
And the best of it, without a fight,
without an attempt as doing something for Europe. We know that so many issues
are at risk to have huge centralised center of decision. But what did them do??
Nothing but being irritated that the blue print of extra capitalism and
mercantilism, the system of the severed servant and their royalty did not do
for the whole thaw country- on the side, the tiny territory that is standing
near ocean and sea. I name Europe everybody.
vous êtes un tas d hypocrites, predentat de rendre homage
a la vie, en bouffant de l agneau et en vous prenant pour les dieux, ou le
fils. le ton de cet emission est affligeant. se faire recatholiser, comme vous
n attendez que de vous agenouiller devant l islam pour vous y aider. commencez
l emission par vos menaces de rendre les droits de l homme absents, ou juste
de les crucifier et apres cela faire
un expose de gens gentilés, par contre etait neant moins edifiant. www.inthenameofhumanrights.com
Et puis professer gentiles, pour qu’ on vous la
rende ainsi, en anglais on dirait ‘typical’.
Pour moi vous etes des charlatans et des bonimenteurs. tout, peut etre pas,
mais la majorite chretienne dit que le fils est dieu, etc...et vous commenceriez
par dire, non nous omm, sommes pas l equivalent de dieu! mais quand meme par
rapport aux animaux on est quand meme mieux. donc le pecher originel qui nous a
envoyer en enfer sur terre, renvvoyer du paradis ou l on ne tuait pas........et
bien sur ici on peut boufver bouffer de tout, de l agneau a la cocotte du
samedi au dimanch matin de l' an 01.
Vouloir trouver une autre veil vie??? si elle comprends ce qu' on a fait
avec les autres vies, cette autre vie, elle aura tout a fait tout interet a
nous aneantir, bien jouer bande de sao saloperie. c est a dire que l human
humain cherche quelque chose a exploiter encore et toujours. il le prouve mille
fois, il est sand coeur, ni foi, ni conscience, et bientot sans ame. pas un
humain veut trouver une autre vie, parce qu elle serait maltraite pas
acceuiolli, et si ou s interesse a l humain et sait comment le dejouer. am
amoins qu elle en ne soit superieur pratiquement au niveau tho theologique du
mot, et du moi. elle devrait nous...exterminer. rien que pour ce qu on a
torturer. se venger.
Et ne commencez
pas ap a pretendre que ce serait alor une creature diabolique, elle le ferait
en legitime dens defense, vous, mre me raser, parce qu il ne prendrait pas
longtemps pour e cette creature de remarquer, que vous faites souffrir par
appetit, par plaisir, et puis surtout par aisance.
Peur de rien blues - Concert
C : for zineb.
Thank you for the homos, Zineb. From one.
You know i really feel to answer those who
dare insulting you, but the social media will delete my account, not theirs.
I’d just want you to know, as a matter of
fact, you cannot even answer. just like in society. their insults they could
find some reply but no...they rule. And it is their insults that will be taken
as a freedom of speech curtailing, but in fact, they obtain what they were
asking. the rest? Not any longer can we talk about, 'us'.
You know these many negative comments in
comparison with positive one. I have one hope, I pray god, any god for that. Is
it that people do not care about their theatrics and only them go watching
people talking about how easy it is to be a fasho? Let's hope the monster will
eat itself fast enough. but doing nothing will be it enough?? Rhetoric here is
so sad, that it should be sufficiently threatening even for a fat fag bigot-
men loving themselves and women hating themselves or predating on it. Religion
gets something. this is hell, where animals and nature, life, god, can be sold
and said by everyone to be good to eat.
Free doom.
In religion, what
has been called prophets have also been deified. It was the paroxysm people
would gather, to reach absolute hysteria, and start defending the way they
could group together, using sometimes parameter beyond the origins, though all
religions are sectary and therefore in a way will duely manage to create a
case, caste, or blood line system for the populations and their supposed
Moral compass can be
invoked and association of power, be them legitimated by self-preservation or
simply in view of exploitation and es destruction.
But one comment,
they seem to get along with each other.
Respect their lies??
Are they lies the things that nobody believes in, and even if you do, you will
be shown any and enough sin and signs that the only god they believe in?????
They don’t believe.
Credible is only for
the banks. Here the thread conductor.
And no one will ask you if they want to
exchange their lives with the ones that are dying, and that they are
sequestrated both by national and international exploitation or neglect of
From the Infinitely small or infinitely
big, what being or unit could see?
The lesser spirit good or not as who will
meet god outside of the universal event of being a creature.
Growth not a problem, from oxford
university , a first class dumb. that rules. Good for the hot pep people, match
the debase thing.
Pimp, peep, pip.
I just had unexpected further change in
regulations, and hidden costs new to this year at work. they ask us to put on
the hours, and change templates, even invest etc, arrange meetings, and face strictest guidelines and inspections...
so i am quite strained.
And pay twice a much for the imposed
professionals that frame that.
do not worry for the deadlines.
All for them, none for us, in terms of
profit. It is not even a business plan anylonger to have a small company, while
we are administered, amputated, admonished, molested by the big ones.
Regulations made by people, administrators
of public-private companies, whose masters is the milk-man they have snatch
already. Regulations made by people not knowing the trade exactly, that will
never ask but ‘big’ ‘doctors’ that for big bucks pinned, yet-still-already,
Whose aim is to tread.
Quantic-quark: aquatic. To create the dimension in which
your birds is still in the cage, as you know that if it is gone, it won’t
survive the cold and hunger.
like to inform you that due to repeated or severe violations of our Community
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C.ET: I had lost accounts in the past, to
have tried promoting my books posts by posts just like it would be possible to
do via paid adds.
That time, it was only a few same relevant
messages to people, some of them venting randoms insults at the gay communities
or targeting migrants, not politics just discriminative- you have not my passport,
you have not my skin and I want your wife kind of thing.
For a company in position of complete
monopole and that drained countries’ GDP values of interests, that is border
line NAZIS.
And these people have at their hands, a
legal team, that even if I d use their own texts, to show how bad it has
become, would treat me as a liar, because, what is recorded of their own
censorship and how they can gather all people’s sweat and activities, while
banning them, the way they wish and treat us like nobody, nobody’s waste,
Will this excruciation in love will create
something somewhere. This inside inborne unseekable, unsavable, infertile
desire for the one that is no more, or here, or here with me, or here within me
The fact that people can complain about a
social or medical service providers permit that. it allows the professionals
not to seek if people are well, and therefore provides a very good raison for
abuses to their patients to remain unspotted, unspoken for. if someone can
comoplain about anything and fire you. i.e kill you professionally,
financially, socially. then the mafias will have the whole space to operate.
and now cameras are everywhere mafias need more than ever to work official.
Religions have for virtue to praise god, to
ensure than humans understand fast, helps that there is no excrutiation before,
that god is everywhere, that life is sacred. And personal intimate love for the
other to be venerated.
Every life sacred.
Regal. Not human.
Every life. Religions are corrupted for
their satyrs made us repeat that animals were soulless, making humans demonic.
The being that no one can stops from killing.
Humanity has destroyed its nature, and its
equipment assist. How long?
People again will try to defeat and feast
on homosexuality. But like before they will have to pay. Why? Because
regression is extinction. Regression here standing on pretending. Even if it
worked during some pretentious period in history.
To try to be hermit but with always staying
human. Solitude, Desolation.
No wonder why religions stand up to their
being demonic. the sacrifice of innocents. by stinkies. horror of domination.
terror of inferiorities, only happy in destruction. too dumb to come up with
something else. do not wait for the end, foe, to sacrifice is already to be not
What is it to be human, is a bbc series.
We have enslaved animals, and finally it is
not unreasonable to think that an inventor just dump us on a planet and will
come back to see.
We will never know what it is to be human.
Animals have their beings, their miracles they perform and brew and live, we
have destroyed everything.
We will never know what it is to be human,
just know that we spoil it in our lives and will pay the price of oil split
during the death like a spider will take our soul back to the narrator.
Dies irae = "Day of
C.ET: dies dice.
Divine love is the one that we will, must
follow in each and every life that we will be parted with. The same love, the
very one inspired by a woman or her children.
It ix when performing its duties with no
relent, lent. That the sould souls knows she is within her body.
Be one, solder. Boulder, art-iculation.
Inculpate, opaque, insulate, inoculate, inculcate.
Maid, medical. MAYDAY
and chemical of course. it reminded me of an essay i started doing
Joan, on animal liberation, or around what is called the 4th generation of
rights, environmental rights. i was writing on it while in the background,
ethics and research method were discussed by the university forum. and it is
then i realised that experimentation on animals were conducted in the cellars
of the very same university i was in, or its annexes. some scientists have
pretended that disgust, moral disgust that is, does not exist in animals. i do
not think that i have ever come across pairing with the one i felt at that
moment. but like animals contended within some kind of space, open or closing,
nothing that I could be doing. Not even really awaking.
Same with the psycho, psychiatry domain,
instead of well put at the fore is medication consumption, famously chemically
condemning patients by the thousands in the us, and others, in quest of
conformisation. Experimentation.
It is just like any texts may be said to
mean the opposite of what they originally meant, or any other versions or
directions, in verse or in prose, no place to hid for the raw idea.
But then words would have no other pursuit
than the one of the art, and this can only be said by those who do not like
them. Words too have to be cherish. But life is abhorred so one cannot expect
love for these that though evoke and invoke and mark progression. Even
Rethink: rain was the gift, everything was,
and though we poison it all, we still regard the weather as if it owed us some.
Then, the moment justice is redistributive,
the only part that still could endure, maybe, the hell created, will be the
I was not talking about your being biased
but how biased the texts available are, or are they? at all available- or it is
even interrogating primary sources. if publishing is about uniformisation, how
to work on something else? research? theory? innovation- that won't make it,
won't be published, or heard, and that cannot appear in a bibliography either.
like the BBC spending all hours in interrogations of witnesses, asked the same
old questions (same for france culture, the same anchors, again and again and
again, every single day, without any length of interests such as long-term
background, or more than one person talking about a situation. we will have to
work on texts already available anyway, and what is? people suffering, at what
hands? neo-colons.
If you want an audio about wild life by the
BBC you will have to endure the same voice the same anchor that has been doing
the same thing for decades on that same national radio. even if it is of good
quality, hearing that same voice again, what will become of these archives? The
brain is saturated. having heard of Attenborough (who If my memory is good sole
diploma lies in political studies, a BA according to wiki. Everything is not
through uni, but when you educate people on the same subject for years, the
voice of oz is more likely) (who more than i heard from all my extended family
reunited- no blood included)?!! (e-ven more so, since the only person still
speaking to me is mum.)you know one has to stop at that point in time.
and then you have the only scientific on
air, 'horizon', done by professors, saying one thing interesting every hour,
intentionally very purposefully and measuring not more, whose faces are the
interest but what they are talking about, or supposed to never, seeing their
faces instead of the subject we try to hear about, and introduce by 10 min on
how they feel, interjected with 'i', í', í, the king of all realms. at least
horizon was not subsidized by the OU.
Phi? Fees.
3R freeze.
it is why beauty, in all her senses, be it
justice, courage, life, hope, beliefs…whatever is her shape, will be eternal,
as inscribed in the sould, that will never stop searching.
A woman.
Her babe.
To continue, or the essence bearing, borne,
To think so often of people I almost not
knew. The friends or encounters that we have been deprived of. Still the body
has some records.
Personally i have been gobsmacked by how
scientists working for the nazi regime, just got visas for everywhere to work
notably for the US after the axis defeat. while we cannot deny that france
collaborated and that in windsor, the whole english royal family are in fact of
german descent too. while the study of genetics in order to manipulate bodies
the hitler way, was a british pastime near to professionalism.
Singing is too find cavities in one’s body
that I never been described, round, volts, waves that draw you. Changing
skeleton-s s queleton queleton of a
temple of a soul that search to speak to is its object.
park concert, it is really a good place. i was mystified when i realised for
the first time that there was this track for the horses to run in the middle of
the diplomatic center of london. they should be everywhere, with little farms
in town, etc, etc.
I don’t think soul should be equated with
mind and body, as it is not a part, but what goes beyond that enclaved reality.
I don’t think.
Nature will nurture and nature will heal.
Bu, bikini??
Is the veil wor(n) as a reminder that
female are to objectify?? Sexually and socially to outcaset in good
intelligence with their neighbourgs in whatve wants a caste or alike systeme.
I thought that at one point my writing
could be good, regularly. I dispersed
too much, but even without it. Rewriting and the unexplored other side of the
pictures described. Never rewriting, modifying, editing really in the distance
Distance, destine. Distain.
Obtain. Obstinacy, oscine.
The fear of the unknown of the hidden that
makes pep people running fire, ruining their nest, to just flatten the
forest. That war that never cease nor
gets less.
Stopping it: at the last tree, then human
will eat himself more than symbolically. Because then killing the tress trees
was a symbol. Of funest absurdity, because humans think they are alone.
To be still in a pre-gallileo area, because
they would have successfully managed to make belief the word, even ‘our world’
without talking universe, by the way the religions do not really talk about it.
And when they talk about anthropomorphism
is to deny the animals to be beings that we cannot reject for not being cold.
They have blood, so we would say anything to denigrate their feelings, and
their intelligence, and their agencies? We would not say, because the moment
someone has then one will have to create other reasons, reasons other than
non-resembling to eat and enslave what they beam of both virility and feminity,
or forces and delicacies, of soupless and rigidity.
Allow people
dictate their believe or orders in a god that slay: i.e. multiculturalism.
Ç: still did not
under understand? That millions of people pretend to believe just to be
Of course, it
seems alrighty fair, when one’s own religion is the one of money, because they
have some common goals to share.
Quebec’s new
‘laicity’ bill to override provincial, Canadian rights charters
By Kevin
Dougherty. Published on Mar 28, 2019 1:23pm
Teachers, judges, lawyers, transit commissions, municipalities, school boards
and the staff of provincial government bodies would be bound by the Coalition
Avenir Québec’s proposed bill enshrining “the laicity of the state.”
A ban on wearing
religious signs by designated officials, including the Speaker and Deputy
Speakers of the Quebec
National Assembly would be imposed under Bill 21, which the government of
Premier François
Legault hopes to see adopted before the assembly’s summer adjournment.
The bill, presented Thursday, also includes two
notwithstanding clauses to override guarantees in the Quebec and Canadian human rights charters protecting fundamental
rights, including religious freedom.
C.ET: but the big joke is that under
neo-capitalism there is no state, care is privatized, transportation is
privatized, libraries????????? Are dumped. Schools?????? After all it cannot be
difficult to group under 16 in classroom and say one fulfills the need for
education of international in war standards. Education has been for decades at
the center of controversies on how class are there fabricated. So what? Dump
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C.ET: the state is for everybody; it should embody freedom
and justice not appalling and disillusional ranking system.
Religious freedom is not the right to impose it on everybody.
For the truly religious- 0,0001%, let’s hope you will be
accepted as priests by your community- the righteous.
Religions have for virtue to praise god, to
ensure than humans understand fast, helps that there is no excrutiation before,
that god is everywhere, that life is sacred. And personal intimate love for the
other to be venerated.
Every life sacred.
Regal. Not human.
Every life. Religions are corrupted for
their satyrs made us repeat that animals were soulless, making humans demonic.
The being that no one can stops from killing.
NB: to search in more depth: Korea war, Vietnam war and the
invasion of Tibet by the english forces followed by its handing-over to China.
Tibet, since there is no beauty that strikes human's hearts effectively, still
will be seen as a water reserve in Asia that is vital for the whole of
Southeast Asia (India, and all other neighboring still independent countries).
Entertaining theories: the love intertwined that have solidified,
not ey yet (eye, tail, take, yes, yes, yeti) liquidified, the imperialist
Where is the part
where the daughter ruins it for herself? i mean there is the mum, but
altogether or partially, people have to train themselves on their own. and
chose their destiny, even though it is always super to have the perfect mum.
potential problem prefect. you follow wisdom, but without having finding yours,
and more certainly finding yours raw. do not think i say make it easy, life is
furiously difficult even with all the keys. so be good- it is an ordeal, order,
He looks like a bird really, i have a bird,
a rescue pigeon, her feathers are simply magical. strong, light, so warm, so soft, so big and
concentrated. but totem, it starts when humans wanted to take the life of animals,
that to take that do not belong to them. with the worst barbary with people
legitimizing it through voices, papers and pens. what about the trees? it is in
the bible, we have been sent in hell. no paradise, we are doomed to kill and
die. and of losing one's grace, at each breathing, more or less, though, the
divide. It is why we are slaves’ owners, to be threatened by others, it is why
we own ourselves as slaves – our salvation by the other detained.
Some say that
communicating with animals is telepathic, of course it may be. But for me, we
communicate in words and sentences through movements. From breathing to
running. The noises and articulations that escape or are released from it.
People will start studying empires, and
this doing will provide them with a feeling of appropriation or
re-appropriation, that also will to stop occulting them as strangers will
accept. And then they will start passionate clog ploy (a pawn, that generally
just like itself so much it is becoming immoral in itself) collaboration. I in
final they will be clowned at the expenses of their duality, that used to make
their souls supple (coupled in view, associated- though a soul for clones I
would not deny- but sale humans not to reach our mountains the best time)
enough to combat itself wobblingly towards progress: comatose.
Bye the time one will finish, like now, to
cry on their poor mind, the rest of the world a layer of naphthalene is to
Thank you for your links, very interesting
and demonstrate that even very valid, and even peer-verified references could
not be found by a simple research on google as they would not appear in the
results... i will now focus on self-censorship instead of censorship as a
I could take a picture, but with my no
skills and tools would never have reignited- without breaking the power to the
viewers and even grasped from me the velvet that I had myself seen- how my
forefinger on its brick wall curved was wearing the shadow, spreading to the
whole hand, or the glove on this hand partially visible, as bend onto its
skeleton, crippled and vibrant still. Like the hand of some crow.
An ostrich, a lizard, an intelligence that
was before some hunt furs for their survival. Before that same counted on the
peace of other species, that did not know that this one was to kill, and to
kill everything for its profit. They should have pn punished to have killed and
kill in turn, and this would have prevented the doom of this world. But they
did not know, or wondered or simply thought that food was naturally needed.
Like if they could not have averted it.
This elected? This species that survived
from having been spared by the true wilder and wider ones.
Not being against plants, their virtues
(virtual? Vert = green), since we need to feed. Not against drugs or alcohol.
But about them, we could do it to maybe shun from pain and aching or diseases
invading, but do it for sensations, maybe in time of peace or of extrem. But
the drugs’ problem is that they impoverish the individual, taking energy from
the past or the future and cancelling them, in fattening favor of a present
that vanished as it displayed.
Disc dial displeased.
Dill drill.
aughter. = hauteur, homonym, height.
An ostrich, a lizard, an intelligence that
was before some hunt furs for their survival. Before that same counted on the
peace of other species, that did not know that this one was to kill, and to
kill everything for its profit. They should have pn punished to have killed and
kill in turn, and this would have prevented the doom of this world. But they
did not know, or wondered or simply thought that food was naturally needed.
Like if they could not have averted it.
This elected? This species that survived
from having been spared by the true wilder and wider ones.
What I knew I had lost, contrarily to what
I had not lost or felt the loss of, came to inscribe themselves in me
I think that of course we are made from the
same m-old. But I agree totally with him that just put homo and stir will not
change anything at how discriminative and destructive this society is. History
learning want to tell us that homos always has been inexistent. Homos always
have been rather, and always have fought. This society is the product of us
all. And it just keeps on likin(g) and killing.
All those Hollywood jokes, that pass the
Chinese as an insect kingdom all similar towards the bee, towards their queen.
Here everything is modelled and standardized, the west does not anything but to
align or agree with the strongest they have to or they can find.
In fact you can still crack the joke, cos
now we will laugh or wonder at the irony of lads that do exactly the same,
pretending they are free. Just like on the radios, when you would like to have
a serious talks with these hosts and guests that do not know anything about the
reality- and that it took you decades to understand they are here to joke about
the crap they say, about their level of inefficiency and self-serving empty
prophecies on the pirates will never part, they will just own this part and party.
"Migrants are first of all human persons, and that they are the
symbol of all those rejected by today’s globalized society," he tweeted.
C.ET: for the pop who talks about people
that get exploited, but it is why you cannot do too much generalization,
because for the migrants that want to import slavery not salvation, it would be
complacent to treat it with the same generosity though it sure is hype.
And not the least.
Rotherham Pig Shit - Police Threats & Cover-Up -
Nicola Blackwood - Jayne Senior - Risky Business
C.ET: police does not find anything when
asked, just like the banks.
They form anti-trafficking, one thing
ensured more titles, more salaries and annuities, more rots, and the same
amount of misery.
PS: and ps: poshery porcherie.
The panoply and assortment of stars, that
may, will in time, recall us our lost and lasting love and lust.
Like a link to the past that will never be
emptied of shoots and lines, even though they will be replacing that languid
You are right ailment are also
psychological but you know something is intriguing. we spent our time hearing
things about global warming and find that growth and more waste for only
solution to it. i think that they forget another scourge: we have poisoned this
whole planet, in throwing mega-tons of synthetic unbiodegradable matter while
violating the planet from her oil, plants, animals. and this poison is going to
be everywhere, included our body. do you know what the company Dupont injected
into every household?
I saw a very good documentary on the BBC
they found trace of teflon in all people all around the world.
and this is nothing to do with emotion. i
am sure they could cover up scandals and their ignorance, saying that these
poor people are emotionally unbalanced, while they have been poisoned doing
their work, drinking tap water, etc, etc. adding insult to injuries. helped by
doctors and psychologists....
we have been programmed to believe
docs...well they are being paid to deny global warming made-man is happening. i
mean who would believe it.
like to inform you that due to repeated or severe violations of our Community
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review we determined that activity in your account violated our Community Guidelines,
which prohibit spam, scams or commercially deceptive content (https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801973?hl=en).
Please be aware that you are
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For more information about account terminations and how our Community
Guidelines are enforced, please visit our Help
C.ET: I had lost accounts in the past, to
have tried promoting my books posts by posts just like it would be possible to
do via paid adds.
That time, it was only a few same relevant
messages to people, some of them venting ran-doms insults at the gay communities
or targeting migrants, not politics just discriminative- you have not my
passport, you have not my skin and I want your wife kind of thing.
For a company in position of complete
monopole and that drained countries’ GDP values of interests, that is border
line NAZIS.
And these people have at their hands, a
legal team, that even if I d use their own texts, to show how bad it has
become, would treat me as a liar, because, what is recorded of their own
censorship and how they can gather all people’s sweat and activities, while
banning them, the way they wish and treat us like nobody, nobody’s waste,
I just had unexpected further change in
regulations, and hidden costs new to this year at work. they ask us to put on
the hours, and change templates, even invest etc, arrange meetings, and face strictest guidelines and inspections...
so i am quite strained.
And pay twice a much for the imposed
professionals that frame that.
Do not worry for the deadlines.
All for them, none for us, in terms of
profit. It is not even a business plan anylonger to have a small company, while
we are administered, amputated, admonished, molested by the big ones.
Regulations made by people, administrators
of public-private companies, whose masters is the milk-man they have snatch
already. Regulations made by people not knowing the trade exactly, that will
never ask but ‘big’ ‘doctors’ that for big bucks pinned, yet-still-already,
Whose aim is to tread.
Quantic-quark: aquatic. To create the dimension in which
your birds is still in the cage, as you know that if it is gone, it won’t
survive the cold and hunger.
Will this excruciation in love will create
something somewhere. This inside inborne unseekable, unsavable, infertile
desire for the one that is no more, or here, or here with me, or here within me
Un probable.
How come that this species spends its time
building things, and killing all others? For what, for whom?
It cannot be said it is for themselves as
they eradicate their nests until nothing remains.
Agsi against one another? A retrace, a race
to what ampler?
Agonise theirs, so who would ease the
They collaborate for what ideas, ideals,
thoughts, that they do not know about. Who is behind the shadows of the cave,
outside and beyond that?
This light that will be untenable or so
tenuous, that none can’t be seen, and from the unseen will the disappearing for
real supersedes.
Even if there was only one life, this life,
our lives, live leaves traces.
cloniser, no coloniser.
Unemployment is symptomatic on how people
strength are viewed and treated as less than nothing. The proof that society is
Small business falling through regulations
that ask housing be 5 stars, while big corpos take the money from monopoly and
internet colonization.
Just like in the whole of history, small
people are checked (now by the legislators) and disposed by daylight, highway
robbers while the big companies stay unchecked with alleys and avenues for
ripping off the whole population and destroy the competition by making them
bare the price of regulations. Not over regulations, but a regulation that when
it is here will force people to invest and lose all gains to reach royal
treatment for everyone that won’t pay, and slavery for the rest.
Everything, every move will soon become a
To only count on one’s body lasting, but
what about the mind?
To be busy thinking, and watch how it
affects and weighs against a transparent under-sky, that remits and emits.
Eh mate.
Emetre. = emission in France, also eh metre. = meter.
Not to have trust in anyone any longer.
And all the better: as to protect them from
the evils, what would the mind starts plotting?
Said in a tone, that would arrange and not
The humans like ants with antenna that will
make sure that they choose a leader.
There is no class, no classes?
A unison of what they want to see
discriminated, then what when they have adorated?
Admonished, abolished, adornated. Adorned,
hr, hornet.
I wish for a computer to find my piece,
that they could know about my work and what I tried to size of the past and I,
and therefore of a bit of a mind. Shall we call this knowledge?
I wait for a machine to pick it up and read
it for a time.
The humans like ants with antenna that will
make sure that they choose a leader.
There is no class, no classes?
A unison of what they want to see
discriminated, then what when they have adorated?
Admonished, abolished, adornated. Adorned,
hr, hornet.
I wish for a computer to find my piece,
that they could know about my work and what I tried to size of the past and I,
and therefore of a bit of a mind. Shall we call this knowledge?
I wait for a machine to pick it up and read
it for a time.
Ultimately it sounds you ll work with
Machine Translation, you are right it is the future. I am not sure they will
need translators for anything but this in a very little while...
To me you will need to focus a lot on the
justification of how come you chose to modify a text. and not by moral
justification alone, as people have a right to know what the ST was. i guess though modifying a translation is 100
% ok, even though they may be called adaptations (that is my opinion) or
versions more than translations after that. as long as the readership knows
that the translation is not reflecting the original exactly because of the
translators' decisions or stances on either the ST or their readership or the
way the market works....
In fact, i think I’ ll see how I can
explore feminist theories more seriously for my own censorship subject, I’ll
find pros and cons.
ST source text.
I am about to throw my phone case, because
its locking system is dangling. I could probably successfully repair it with
duct tape. So why don’t i? it would be operative with it, and still look good
if I make sure I do with deference on what is in fact a need for help.
It still look good and moreover I wouu
would not have to throw an object that still can work work and that did so,
that well, for years. I am about to throw it, as I am about to throw me.
Duck, adduct, adult, addict.
Dock, doc. Dyck
People will want to make sure that there is
no anthropomorphism going on, as the worst of all is when this species thinks
itself as being exquisite. And that is to say all the time, and when not, it
will portray itself as being or fragile and so atomized or universal and
If god looks like a human, it means that
there is other looking gods.
Cultural translation, politics of disempowerment and the
reinvention of queer power and politics
First Published January
31, 2012 Research Article
At the beginning of the new century, a violent
recodification by straight scholars and institutions took place and is still
taking place in France: queer and post-colonial studies are dismissed or banned
as subjective, unscientific agit prop.
In the parks it is covered with thorns as
they shred the green 3 weeks ago. otherwise i cannot thinK of anything likely
to have caused the injury.
they recently cut enormous trees and did
all of that leaving the plastic trash all over. you know at that pace i am not
sure it is wise to let the council doing things their way.
In china in
some quarters, the administration will never pick up the bins. these people are
so poor, that their older ones recycle the rubbish by themselves to earn money
(in center towns). but when remote or severely poorer, the officials...? they
let them rot on it.
Some other quarters of course are as poshy
and glittering as dubai's.
But for that they make sure they force
people to leave, destroy their old houses and ask them to relocate where they
can. in china it means in dilapidated houses without electricity or even water.
A has allergies, it has been years they do
test on her condition, they do not know about it. they just give her very
strong meds.
Relationship to reading is carnal. It is
why people need gathering to discuss of a text, because it would or could
become painful to read an author a lot without entering relationships following
that invest.
And therefore, tendencies to (for?) a monopolistic
monolithic monomythic and rather sel sleeping culture (more entertainment than
harvest of products after blossoming looking after) to concentrate on a very
few examples.
In a land that have been made dying by its
inhabitants. To them magic is available not, it will turn into the death art
for their witnesses and into for them the art of the dead or the art of the
awakened death. Other species will realise they need d to be poison and will
have to give their energy once again turned to the human calamity, with no
other hope that they can stop vility. Hope will churn like the phoenix can
leave no stray.
No living creatures that from close
or far are related to the suffering, slaying, or even disrespect of their
planet will manage to see through.
I could remember her face, just as it
should have been at the only moment the face of any living will be this way. On
the energy, and aging, the feeling of experienced against hoping. A face will
never have the same face twice, even a second.
And also I could have said him. His face.
To conceal the one I have been always talking about. Have been. Haven be. E. or
what for you I wanted.
To become a being, the one you would have
chosen, its incarnation, when there is for eternity, one spirit only.
The religions that proclaimed that nature
is here to serve man, is sure to create hell, and prophetise the end of their
worlds, while tey would trick into awaiting not even a redemptor but a savior,
their belief system.
The torturer, the willing, the investigator
of it is not to be saved…but to be saved from.
Correctly exposed to the sun, like, just
like a plant, the body is happy.
The song that make me stop. The prayer that
i had addressed to you that threw me into now more than a quarter of century
ago and without recess guided all my excess towards death prematurely, a life
without the fire that made me (soul).
This fire that now notwithstanding will
have to go without you, its channel, it warmth without a recipient going out in
nature. And at the time or death be real, I will have to enquire whether a
vessel is adjacent.
Humans are so serious about killing themsle
selves and all around them, that the only unit of research will come to be the
one sending a few elsewhere, outer space.
again do it? Or hope they will finally know their big-bang.
Such a beauty, but I won’t be there as
taking a plane would have failed (not fair net field) trying make my coffin too
These mountains that I knew of me not being
pure enough to be on them. Now I think from the other side of the world are
calling me. Not for me to go, other than by foot, but to reassure my souls that
I won’t because of distance be shunned by their majesty.
These majestic walls that would be nothing
without the trees and bushes that punctuate their spaces.
And it is what towns are increasingly
becoming Exiguous, exergue.
Empty of its blood, and by the pollution
Others, authors.
Ante. Haunted.
Strategies. Strates.
To let the world go so badly, no entry to
school, professional formation, no salaries, no work, no money, no food. And
after that send a witch-craft. The most amusing? A world run by perverts and
the biggest hunt is one sexual harassment, with the possibility of hunting down
entire profession, teachers is a good place, they are theoretically in place
where they can make a difference on thought processing and literacy.
Maybe throw in prison, the poor homos that
tries to prove their love, while the top and their middle-class of tomorrow
would live like a Berlusconi. And when the Mussolinis (ease) owe a trade, it is
like in the social sector, who would like to work there, if doing nothing,
taking no risks, just growing people ready for severe exploitation and unemployment
and be tamed if any attempt at the contrary. People are deserting where they
can help other people, because try to do that? The aim is to fork money, not to
shield boys and girls from prostitution, drugs and mental health. And the best
for the social sector, dependency.
The side effect, a purge of the teaching
profession, by being controlled by the fear of false allegations. the way this
might be done on sometimes just looks like a witch-hunt. just like the mainly
publicized pedophile stings against pedos, are not the bosses famously earning
the most easy money of all through human trafficking (drugs and weapons reach a
higher percentage and much longer imprisonment time)= and their influent and
rich helpers and the rest of us. No they are not those the stings are against
those johns that I don’t condole, but who do not look for under-sex people, who
look for someone, are told half-way the person is under-age, and go to the
meeting place. Who would think that an under-age girl have tried to date them
in the first place anyway? For sure if a teenager send you that kind of
messages you have to go to the police, because it is bound to be the result of
human trafficking or parental pure total neglect.
However it is totally abject this is like she
says a common thing, or a thing at all.
I think the gods will want us to go
extinct. We did the role of death, we took the one of torturer, instead of
nurture. Go vegan as the only individual gesture you can still operate at the
personal level. As we should pray for pardon. None of us will have the gods
believe we were their lovers.
As for the Christians that pretend the son
and the father, their masses is just a pretext to black mass and inspire
And we marvel at what humans built, but
this is the gift given, by the gods, to kill their creatures. Only a satan
would give this, and everyone knows that that say stays stain onto desire of
being a villain made golden onto temptation.
To present one’s religious texts and give
it prevalence, saying it is the one written by dog god, comparing it to the
world as we know it, and even though we only know how limited our perceptions,
and even more our biases and false pretensions extend. Is to be so completely
out of touch, that in the long run just have to be used to capitalize on
destructive disdain and sheer dishonesty, to be brief, and shortly….
I am a L, and when i see that, i am in my
forties now, and i just trigger back so much pain of the realisation that
people converge and converse to have us gone, that it just makes me sick
There is shock therapy and then they will
force us to change sex through sex op. mutilate us. when you identify as trans
it is ok. But for children?? Or for gay, it is just killing us. no less than
Human psychology would easily think that
people not having children on this earth convene to their unsuitability rather
than the drastic realization that some system cannot be honored this way.
We call it evolution, but is it?
Maybe not being intelligent or that
intelligent, but a brave heart, will simplify the cake calculus of all that
perversity and find the solution that cracked all appearances. Being
intelligent to destroy and follow facilities is reaping the disgust of
one’sown, what is own and what is sown, and of all and every as extension,
extinction is the unbeaten life Story. Storey-ray, rage, storage.
If the universe had let us one book from
which understand anything, it id did it is the most splendid, the one of
nature. What will happen to those disrespectful of it ?
La tristesse desesperee, the desperate
sadness in the eyes of animals whent they have lost their mates. Or jsu just
saw the disaster that life emits, propagates, takes…maybe animals do not cry
because they are so connected to nature, that animism already blended. Blending
like it tries us when we em melt.
i miss you like a dog would, sometimes. it
is powerful though.
i miss you like a child would, sometimes.
it is beautiful, tough, and innocent too.
i miss you like a dog would, sometimes. it
is powerful though.
i miss you like a child would, sometimes, suddenly.
it is beautiful, tough, and innocent too.
i miss you silently.
It is almost 7 years, and it is a little
bit more than 3 years that we live together after this vain quest to find a
never-existing job for me in the uk. I went, experienced at least, after 15
years aiming at it, a job overseas.
I have been freed the day you kissed me,
because I know you were not doing it, for a odd day with me, you at least for a
good few months of I hoped loving and tender intent and care.
Similarly it is 3 years now that we have
tried to stay together with no ending date or project that would distance us
living (you tell me if broken syntax seems seamingly over the top), and to me
it feels, it is, not as if, it is 3 years of life. Before I have lived of course,
but it was never ending vain combat, that also would go longer and longer at
every day that my life counted, to see that everyday my plague, my cross more
and more have weighted.
Since us, this lost fight is the past,
buried, without even dragging me or saddening me or saddling me or antagonize
or agonise me, for even a little tiny bit. It is the past and it was worth
because now I can claim I have lived.
Magnetic-non magnetic bracelet and the
poverty of geometric or carving, desing choice. Cannot say we are high in
craft, arts, …. There is still hope therefore. A bracelet is for live.
Though and without irony, what can feel and
think, minerals? Lie and live on a land that we would just have to walk, pace
to get reenergized. To think in terms of humans, to ensure a continuity but
would humans be their own? Is a metamorphosis, distractions just destroyed, not
A continuity
In a political arena, where politicans
harness themselves to one and mutual mission, to prove the volatility,
futility, lies, inconsistencies, betrayal, belittling, thievings and worse
orders and models on behaving.
Suc-cess (recess- cease) foul
In any case, my luck is to be married as I
would die alone, the most horrid of deaths, my body would attempt to transform
into sand or something drier yet. But, or no, and solitude can soothe me only,
silence to speak with, to listen, in no determined policy.
There are the gays that would be killed,
but there is still the castes, the different religions and ethnies…..
Marriage. Age. Aegis.
But the fruit the fruits could be done in
order to kill other units or families. Bordel.
She is strong, it is why I am not the point
of misery of what she has done.
Since I have been with her, since I have
been married, it is the only time when I have touched on happiness. I did not
know that for me it existed.
To be with you? To lose you once again?
I have had passions, but every time I have
been inspired, the fire, the light, the warmth of my flesh, for you, to you,
was the exhalation, the exaltation.
Being interred, Sulphur, suffer.
I almost started to write about what
happened to me. For what? For nobody. It would be giving to the mock, an
extract that has been no novel.
Just to those who look old, that are
hiding, that seems wise or certain, that one look for for what what bad lines
hit them to look that mystery. Until one understands that people are like
politics, and it is well for self-interest and pour pure purr selfishness and
hate of love that these ladies are now ugly just like in front of the best
meal, eating lambs and other creatures of the land and the sea.
And of course, you wanted mis-t-ery.
May miss, mist, me, every eerie.
Being touched I can’t bear.
I know it sounds sick but I did my best
pieces for so long. Now that I seen because for years and years for you I was
longing, I saw whom you are with, just like I never existed.
In any case, my luck is to be married as I
would die alone, the most horrid of deaths, my body would attempt to transform
into sand or something drier yet. But, or no, and solitude can soothe me only,
silence to speak with, to listen, in no determined policy.
Of course, I give up.
So many emotions for so long, but I cannot
be so far wrong in saying that for the first time is crying to fell feel you
I am here 20 years later. I thought what
are you, what have you been doing?you pretend to have stop living for love,
went to strengthen, to discover a crown, and by the day, every day for years
and years, you become poorer.
I thought one day I could find you again,
and alone.
And now I know where you are, at least
where to post. I am without anything but the ideas and soon redundant clichés
info I fail to pass on.
I have done everything to belong, not to
anything, but the good that I thought you would see as fitting. It was not a
car, is, it was not a profession when I had the sense that fashos and racists
could be sent to rules, to collide with and within other nations.
I have done my best and came to nothing.
And I just imagine at the end of this road,
come to you, for you not even open the door that would make me see the for
Write like if it meant I was strong, the
only strength that would stay, is that I work for the woman who would love
that, so perhaps there will be a next time, the will, the way, the wound, shall
not be mine, do not worry, since you do not, next life would not follow. And I
know that if I did something right then next time will allow me to come closer.
The strength to go on to fight for what I
belive in, what people and ideas brought me of errors, horrors but also thru
truth. But one day they will disrobe, rob us of all ounce of that, those
shadows, that if they are not light are in the ra realm of what can leave a
print, seeing.
For whom who have tried to select the
tutorized, titularised types of intelligence they wished to play with and
endorse. The other types as in a process of evolution and adaptation, will not
fail to work, wor-k, work at their destitution-demolition. Downgrade nature and
simplify samplify pile and file it won’t harness, won’t harvest n’yet.
Yes, but with walking it is btw being cold
and over-heating, electric situation. and my hands are a problem, even feet as
waterproof is difficult to find or the gear is not proper for longer walks.
Just like when in bed when you are too cold
for sleeping, add up blankets and wake up super over-heating. My guess it is
Here was a blatant response of
self-censorship from the media, much more discreet though was the almost non –
existence of the primary subject in the main stream media: the life of mohammed
itself. Translation in English and French omits the period of mohammed life
when he enslaved and killed and instruct rapes as a weapon of war, as well as
his life in polygamy with a last wife that are in many official interpretations
by muslims scholars with a little girl of 9.
Touching on the reputation of traitors that
translations have, describe the translators as a traveler as a nomad even, that
rebel since they leave their cultures to live others or another and this way
will differently understand.
convincing. Con Vinci.
At times.
At ties.
This (lingue languid) liquid viscous coming
from the ars, ears, that suggests an infection.
So you
are paid peanuts, you have to spend double time on website that are giving you
absolute hell to record what has been done, and when you are supposed to have a
lick on your bowl, you have to contact the admin people, honorific, altogether
irresponsive, because they never came to pay ya.
lives of notes in our purses or pockets that go along, are told apart, and
wondered to what series the last ones and the ones to come belong.
for the monarchies having to have the head of the state, that ugly face on
them, on top of their ‘way of life’, lavishing, by the poorest being paid.
galvanise themselves with being part of a line, and to further it. And what
about amongst a lot of other things, such as social Darwinism, that just beg
the question of what the social is. What about the thousands, and millions of
deads during wars? Without counting the ones that were killed by their side for
not wanting to collaborate with the ones that after the war will have to
re-establish an order, growing from death and suffering spreading, growth in
time of peace out of.
if what we see is the result of us welcoming, being thread to certain
vibrations. And what if or when stopping being linked to these, we started
acknowledging others. Then moves, noises, would start to talk, unit of beings
or objects would start to appear as for example the billions of different units
that are in the single unit the mind previously saw.
if from seeing we could after hearing what that shape has told.
from hearing, seeing the spirit that has spi spoken this or thus.
from smelling to understand like a dog the full information.
to select people through the same quality they are deemed to have, or they are
able to project, share or worked on with the selected people they are supposed
to amuse this way. And thereby constituting classes, casts, bodies and other
hermetic and compulsory sorting out spaces.
There is no state interference, as long as
people can both con their way out, and still make a society that is profitable
to a pyramidal stratum of groups in the society (against each other, people and
Mind the fear of these mafias controlling
the states more than they already are.
allow double meaning, sometimes just one word develop more clearly whatever
angles the mind could rather have taken. The authors know sometimes don’t. but
can go and be taken away, apart-anything, including writings.
phrase dramatic that suddenly captured this disarray, in a light second could
be transformed into so languorous some joke that would make believe, appear
even, that I’d miss the undue stay or unduly stayed.
trees left for shelter, the end of this world like humans designed it, all o
owner wonders what is going to be, but for one, it won’t be there in the bible.
Written by the devil in person will the tone of atonement, as doors won’t let
secure and escape
who.did.not.follow. the madness of killing? No even no more birdes birds
to say, or to bring, the reconfort of a language that is to the reach of the
ear that want to learn musicality, that deprived human speech to say more than
they wanna say. If humans stopped thinking themselves as good they would know
how to speak with birds and others, but why if they do, and pursue their cruel
pity say.
By the
sake of foresay. Do not remember that you are going to say. Stay.
am a blogger i know it is hell to manage only to make the button subscribe
correctly when you are not a web developer. same recurrent problems on both
I think that why autistic kids enjoy the
classics is very simple. autism is one of the rare ‘mental’ conditions possibly
with high impact on autonomy, that are recognized as not limitating the IQ.
though people treat other people like unintelligent persons, just asking for a
service minimum. nothing more, nothing less. So it is the instrumentalisation
of both carers and service users that result from the mechanization of the
minds- hypocrisy and competition done the job.
Classics just like tales are complicated
for the imagination and for the morals that derive from them- potentially
dangerous because exploitable, you know descriptive not prescriptive type of
confusion. They therefore provide intellectual stimulation, and for the souls
as well.
Note: I guess I might be somewhere on the
spectrum. The only time I really reacted to a test, I tried to take tests
before and after that, was when I met an asperger’s student in Roehampton, and
thanks to him (through our common interest), took the test. The test that was
at the uni, was very thorough and above all explain in details and depth how
aspergers people could feel and what kind of emotional and intellectual
interest or activities and reaction they have during cognitive or social
activities. It is the only test or lecture that ever really resonated with me-
and I undertook many. So my guess there is a shortage of real ‘real-time’
pushed research…. Test out there. As for comparative literature…
Ane Brun - To Let
Myself Go (Lyrics)
cannot subscribe. on my blogs i have a similar problem. I think the subscribe
button is embedded and when i try as if i was a guest i found that it is not
possible, the feeds or email subscribtion (works better) does not work, it
takes me to an encrypted page.
wonder if it is not on purpose, as long as one does not pay monthly for a blog
not whatesoever help provided on it. I have cash from my ads, a very little but
still, I gave google all my bank details several times, to finish submit the
file just in order them to pay me is just impossible, 10 years I have been
anyone, no one likes me :), it is harsh writing/reading/living. but there is
nothing like it.
The creation of myths. Myth, meth. Ode.
It is harsh writing/reading/living. but
there is nothing like it.
The creation/framing of myths. Myth, meth.
Joy. But then here's the propaganda, as
this joy, hoists, appears when not downed by the humans, not nor, not the gods.
Jade, J aid.
French and English censorship difference is
not my subject and if I d be very interested to see how francophony translate
into englophony in Africa, on this subject unfortunately it would be
impossible, as LGBT groups are targeted too violently for translations to exist
or subsist at all.
3) Numbers of translations in the rise and
new platforms:
Globalized word relying
and producing more on more on translations.
Translations more and more available in many forms and platforms.
of literacy, more and more accessible through education
· Circulation
of literature through new
types of publishing: the social media
Importance of the publishing space and opportunities to
freelance and crowd translation.
Could this trend correct mainstream standardization?
Not, necessarily as social media themselves main sources of
censorship- an unregulated one.
Lace, lea, laced?
You, I, it,
a matter.
Mad hatter.
On diet, can at times hear the beating of
my heart on an empty recipient. And the reflex of (flu flow) filling it
pressing, as is a dauting, even painful thing, this heart searching, present,
Flu in French vague.
‘Pesant’, in French, weight.
Calligraphy bringing letters nearer to
drawing, is the model of how writing as in itself this attempt at symbolically
represent(at)ting life. This is the anthropomorphic account. The drawing, or
signifier, or signs in itself, or at least probably at the beginning was what
but life.
And even though, even if, writing was not
at the beginning drawing of things, they could become so, they would, when
languages that construct itself without life in them, would go deconstruct the
ink and path, the accents, the traits. And paintings would take place.
The conditions on the ground is so
desperate that people will stop believing and practicing the arts, the
sciences, be them exact or philosophical, of the mind or of the environment.
And more and more theories from ‘beyond’ will placate on the rest lethal
resentment. That will be shared in the honor of (we) what? Of the ones
producing the (though, thro and throe) theories by incident.
To find ancient towns, or wrecks, etc…
major remains, is telling of to what extent people have forgotten absolutely ee
everything about (their) history. Only 20 – 30 years before, the middle-age,
around our teen, what do one and you remember, even when haunting?
Rob bin.
you for trying, it is the last 3 weeks and i had work added i could not expect.
and then this MA is just awfully expensive. it is just awful. for the working
class they made it impossible.
then this MA is just awfully expensive. it is just awful. for the working class
they made it impossible.
On the account that the diploma makes you rise your pay grade.
-frantically domino dominical demonical, domical, monster laughter. And rising,
is rising the virtues too?
Virtual, virtuosi.
Items written not
available without paying as very recent or not with many publishers (written
but not accessible).
Paid to
tackle problems but what if problem comes from mainstream, better paid.
Including biased trials.
dream of being domestic, like one can see that the boss earns thousands more
doing nothing, and that there will be a time where the domestic without
responsibility without moral will be able to take the seat, it is the coach,
the train of cohesion and its whys.
know what people really look into what is said on the web, this way what they
do in real lives, goes unnoticed. The trafficking, the blasting inequalities,
and the ‘intellectuals’ and scientists for legitimizing it, paid.
Life, file.
It was
an empty conversation, at least you should talk about the what. but it is
popular forum, so there is space for rudeness, as long as the aim is not murder
or have you fired because of hatred or something like that. persecution. the
rest i am totally with you. insulting these guys that took the lot, fffff.
being invited on a so serious subject to speak rubbish
Child pornography
they should get arrested in thrown in jail honey, it is nothing to do with
censorship directly. child marriage..... they rather be all annoyed by people
spelling bad words. will it be
the same people that fuel corruption, etc... and results in all these horrors
that will be in charge of censorship too? benevolent.
It is a big speech on terminating anonymity
really?? ok unsubscribing. people need to give their names to be paid to speak
these abhorrences more like.
Under appearance
of grossly, oversimplified translations, following maybe the same argument of
being more approachable by the general readership, people that do not know and
would not take the steps to read more than superficial rendition of the
originals, the quality of translations by being poor or striving towards
uniformization, ultimately would hide the sheer motives for the ST to be
altered- censorship. It is by any way intriguing, that censorship is about
erasing, deleting or hiding; and that modifying, often simplifying TSs
pretexting doing it for other reasons such as the ones just listed, is in fact
hiding what one is censoring and the fact that he is censoring as well. In one
blow, hiding the elements they want to censor and pretexting that censorship it
is not.
Effaces effacement.
Solution to censorship, multiplying texts…
C.ET: solution, independent, many different
translations: but since good quality translations are expensive still need to
discuss their reliability.
Or time con-suming. summ
Freedom, how cost it to bear these many
fascists that want to destroy and endanger everything and everyone they can,
under cover of heterosexuality or any sexuality that give them legitimacy as a
predator or the order is to soil it.
Cynical to say that it is a normative
conduct. Implying that either
SC or TT be unable to confront or perpetuate propaganda encouraging (or taboo
them into denial) the rapes of children, or child marriages. To turn crimes into culture
specific and therefore justifying them as not being translated.
Some human rights defenders in fact said
that this way it enables cultures to say of other cultures that they cannot
fight these crimes and are therefore bound to endlessly endure them ( )
Methods will be a hugely at stake since to
impose a method one has to legitimatize is and will usually do so through
proofs, whence a desire for humanities and social sciences to defend themselves
with exact sciences qualities.
For example, the word ‘translatologie’ is used in
france, ‘translatology’ will be used less frequently in english (Liu, 2012, p.
252). The way translation studies see themselves as consequences as the suffix
‘logy’ clearly refers to something parented to sciences. Which is absolutely
justifiable as these areas of studies are as noble as any sciences, and are a
part of sciences as a whole, like any other parts, just like pre-modern studies
were classified but could have for detrimental effect the intent and endeavour
to systematise or methodised, something that is less and also more than simple
I did not quote anybody in my intro/conclusion,
yes, it is what i realized over the course, I think it should
not be this way, that it is the tutor that can do this, moreover when they do
not give preliminary indications of what they want. my feeling, this is
inconsistent, surrealist- and dangerous for marking.
have always been taught that you should avoid giving references in the
introduction and conclusion, that you keep them for the body, as the intro,
conclusion, is allowed to be more personal.
I asked the forum, i was surprised to learn
that it is to do with the tutor, not the university.
did not quote anybody in my intro/conclusion,-are you ok with this?
external marker?
Of, course hypothetically and theoretically. I saw what they
do with staff at uni. They write books, they tutor, they do lectures, they go
to conferences, they are on the admin board of some organizations, they do more
admin for uni, they correct essay, they mark disserts, they go onto more red
tapes, they have to be head of the department now and then- all of this on one
single individual. they are super heroes, taking several salaries. on that
account, it is not possible to do one job well. anyhow everybody knows research
(and now real affordable reachable education) has been suffering on and on and
on and on....
Anyhow everybody knows research-
innovations, etc...well democracy (and now real affordable reachable education)
has been suffering on and on and on and on....
To say ‘it is my country’, might be the
most distressful distractive, disrespectful comment one can elude at. It just
means I am owning it, and do whatever the fuck I want to do with that. To
still the shape of a bridge, though. Or the one of a bucket placed on its rims,
defang ending definitely very full and empty.
If human beings still wanting to exploit
nature and more killing d like to clutter what their punishment should be. The
one pictured in lousy search for grails, the ones given to Nazis.
The day I realised that in fact I was not
feed up with my life but with myself and the propensity of not realising what
was most important in my life, and remember that I had to do it, all the time
not during the moments I could not because of schedule or other obligations
that maintained me into the impossibility of improving the root I had with it.
Ce serait l amour apres la mort, cette fois-la/ tempt qu il y en a.
ce serait l amour apres la mort, cette fois-la/ tempt qu il y en a.
tant qu al amort plus de repere.
, l odyssee ne s est pas faite comme ca. tant qu al amort plus de re-pere.
Ce serait l amour apres la mort, cette fois-la/ tempt qu il y en a.
tant qu al amort plus de repere.
, l odyssee ne s est pas faite comme ca. tant qu al amort plus de re-pere.
To torture animals, to make people torture
animals or kill them, is the last thing done before they kill their own
species, it drives so much despair that people stop believing in any.
Tired, or tried, when nature tells us that
she shall not play for more.
When pain let us know about waste and
‘eece’, look like curls.
I don’t think people think that eating or
powdering themselves with animals products will cure cancers, etc…what they
think is that invoking curing cancers will preserve their traditions of killing
everything that comes from nature following core, the ones core precepts of
capitalism, communism and anarchism ideology alike.
Is it life or simply the bullying of the
organic versus what appears to be less so? The organic only able to eat itself
Similar to people talking on about prefer,
performance of the industry, performance of the killings they imply as their
baes base, their consequences on the world, on the species. Just like in a
sci-fi novel that everything will be given to the god tenant technology or
They should be given then, not talking
about their dogs, but conspicuously the 6 figures salary boasting their host.
The go, ghost.
No wonder why poland or russia are against
LGBT. When you do spirit before lunch, you put yourself in a very bad spot when
it comes to sexual promiscuity.
All these talks on intelligence while
humans does not need a full one, he does nothing in particular, not emprint
with genius anyway, as he destroys all the way- here the fondation (fund
damnation) of the shared philosophy and measures taken to fulfil it.
Man still tries to assess how intelligent, technologic, refined,
how amazing and servingly deservingly they have been. Whatever however high the
wounded tower, men will collapse with what he built. He? How confuse are we?
Be-cause then men will pretend that the all benevolent god is a
Do you believe in the numbers of deaths suggesting by china?
It does not make me an expert but the crazy amount of censorship
exerted by china that in fact has been predominant for years and years, and has
been worsened by the current president, chief of the party, chief of the army,
shi. Called the new emperor or at least the new Mao…should severely ring a
Propaganda in order for people to comply to say that the best is
the party and to galvanise good opinions from the ‘foreign countries’ (outside
the middle kingdom that is to say). There is a cliché on china and maybe all
other expansionist country, saying that it is better to keep the far lands
happy while trying to snitch the ones that are at hand.
it let me wonder, and everyone else, how china could on earth
limit his number of deaths below the ones of spain, by building makeshift
When I lived in china, I had to undertake a nearly 45 min by bus
journey (wasted of course since mine was with English applications), while I
was teaching in a very very numerously habited outskirt of a big town in china,
simply to find a shop able to look at my computer. It is that centralised!! The
same if you want to buy a car or a part. You have to commute in quarters where
hundreds of the same kind of sales take place (hundreds of shops selling phones
in one quarter and none of them being there mile around). It is that
In rural places, people are not physically the same as people in
town. They are the ones fitting the description of ethnic minorities that is so
often mentioned but never ever in depth discussed or even described.
They are like all people in countryside, the happiness comes from
living in the edge of the jungle, near the snakes, and forests, to which no
poetry or romantic movements can be equal, nor come closer to holding no
candles in no hand.
In this countryside, where
people live (it is where, surely because unfortunately or incidentally I am not
much of an adventurer and the edge of the Chinese forest is the wildes patch I
ever have visited- I met the biggest human specimen I have ever seen- not
particularly tall but more than big, or wide but as tone as the tropical trees
and also the extraordinary dimensions were to be found in the way of the
thickness, how chests and other parts but busts in particular or more visibly
have developed, their depths- in these places between jungles, mountains, the
hot sun and freezing clouds or clouds from the unchained sea, from being bare
foot on paddy fields
or collect tea or bamboo, it is to have the electricity that is a luxury.
Many a home are abundant or still with no proper flooring.
What I want to say is how china is currently managing to massage
the figures??
Tv gives us the image of the wealthy china’s streets and high
streets. The same one from which the poor and poorer population are losing
their plots and being relocated. In china it is worst than in London, for a
flat you need to live with your parents for many or be a civil servant- as they
may be offered state lease. This is for the promiscuity, without talking about
the complete lack of drinkable water, and the frequent water and energy cuts.
In china some people are so poor and outcast that they cannot pay
for their IDs, that bureaucracy makes impossible to gather the papers, and we
will not mention the around 80 certificates that on average Chinese people will
need to manage to live in the eyes of the administration.
In china people who in the west knew nothing until now are show
new streets and new high streets or ancient touristic spots.
The superb schools that looks like if they were roman or grecque
temples. But nearby, piles and piles of rubbish or rumble heaps upon which whole population live and
work on vegetable gardens, amongst or next to rubbish and dust tons abandoned
in corner of the towns, rivers, former parks and walking valleys.
Man still tries to assess how intelligent, technologic, refined,
how amazing and servingly deservingly they have been. Whatever however high the
wounded tower, men will collapse with what he built. He? How confuse are we?
Be-cause then men will pretend that the all benevolent god is a
i think i will do is still walk until it starts becoming widespread and then
was listening to the national french radio, hospitals lack of everything,
ventilation tools, protective gear, humidifiers, products to make solutions and
they unplugged people in coma.
Blew as a sign, good sign it is exponential
in line.
In the uk, police
know about sexual trafficking, the know where the people are, and when the
media report it they would say that there is no enough resources to start
enquiries, to even go in the places the traffick is taking place.
Shrine shine
Martyr (mary)
(Not that I am
against any plants, cana may kill neurons at a disarmingly alarming rate.
More obvious
than alcohol as alcohol has effects and symptoms that are culturally more
shared, no one in some quarters can tell the diminishing effects.
Also when sanity
or intelligence is gone, that cannot be back. Of course, something may replace
Opinions on
drugs are difficult as they may ruin lives, but to admit to be able to feel
good with, in and transient amongst the rest of the forest.
potentially medicinal, recreational, experimental, etc,
-How consumerism is becoming the
main stream global culture?
What, how and why?
- Fear of older cultures coming
back for their known toll of tort (route rut) torture and nothingness. With
their grand allures of virtues and holiness- the nonsensical when called with
reserved politeness. While politeness is used or to admonish towards more and
more enslaved and fuel devil by being servile. Or politeness of the looming
elites, thanking their lords. Ord-er. Hord.
CESsNO CENSORSHIP: link not found.
Metre, maitre,
For me.
Que les pleurs et les larmes
Ne sont fait que pour éteindre
les conversations.
Le propre de l’home.
Be, bien que les animaux pleurant et dansant, et ne
peuvent echapper aux regards humains les torturant, les volant de leurs
pensees, de leurs amours, de leurs vies a ce qu’elles ont aimantes et attachees
a ce monde- beant. A ce monde qui n’ est rien pour l’homme qui camouflant son sadism, a fait semblant.
voice is superbe, powerful and clear- but disengaged the one thing is that i
cannot sense the meaning of the text here of a mother that has been quartered
and betrayed.
be poisoned with micro-plat plastic that will leave populations at the door
dropping on the streets, and that humans will have mocked so much the sky that
the next virus will come from those angled cornered agnus angels that once had,
were watching, why watch people that poison through will. Poison when they
know, when they are recorded, re-ordered, when they could do ten, scores all
without destroying any time of the day, anything, that have known how to do
that so long before, they will start praying- as the post of the deluge are in-
being poisoned by the buttressed, tarred, cemented, unvarnishable, unstoppable,
unblamable hatred of animals that once thought that human intelligence, human
capability could have thought of helping, but how can humans help but what they
sow, far far more than dismaying.
They take
everything, the spread of their unposed poisoning, to this space to this
species that has been spared by the colonies of hungry insects, rodents, bird
of preys and biggest predators, as animals know they have to reconnect to the
forest to avoid relentless carnaging.
The animals
that men is pretending, do not have it, and affirm that under all tones. The
animals that men had robbed, the animals whose common spirit, earth and skies
and beyond are for men something to eat.
Hence end a sense of purpose- to poor and pour; propose to the moon
Now I look at
every body because I need to check if her they could not be.
And I look at
them with the rest of the intensity that the thought of the possibility of
being (WITH) her had released. As they were appeal by this first glance of hope
to finish I regard as it is my duty.
One example of how a word can take you from
an experience to another.
Salvery (salvation), slave, vesal
approaching vessel or vassal.
Vestal. Vested.
Looting. Coot.
Hoot, boot,
Look, loom.
Threat. Th’e at, theatre.
Th’eat it
To hold remembrances, had i been a true
writer, i would govern my timeline with what i recall working on, words, ideas.
Terror and Hollywood.
The have-nots and never will have or strive to pinch at
any cost (the one of the not thinking and those of disengagement for the most
rampant) against princes’ stories, mind this way I can tell why I always wonder
how come tales were so immoral.
Self-sensor (censor) -did not see, speak,
Propager =
Yet another module. Many modules for the same course by the same crap,
unfair, bent lecturer. A modules’owner.
There is an essay about policy but the link you
gave, one of the very few concerning home office is not working could you
answer with very related email to your lecture please??
The collection of irrelevance gathered
chronically by the expert, it is minus two decimal, though they are the
collectors of first, my heroes.
cannot blame the doc, the most official pages, from national or international or supranational organs are so often missing. And worse more, they absolutely never have exit (eye) existed.
cannot blame the doc, the most official pages, from national or international or supranational organs are so often missing. And worse more, they absolutely never have exit (eye) existed.
Rococo, corona, Corrosion
US Black
slang a derogatory term for a woman
[from Black or Southern US pronunciation of
Was son wondering who could possibly
transform a vowel into an insult. To manage to insert into a language the whole
vowel, a main sound, that disculpte. That curse to slavery everyone and the
language itself.
Vowel, voil. oeill, veil.
Herz = heart in German.
Gerer = manage in French
This lurid bullshit. Piece. The individual
as a part.
Re: look at this piece of bllshit certainly of the more gigglyl.
Laugh on prostitution. Laughing about
slavery as a group thing, is leftist. Why the left is for the retard or
pervert. What in their mouth ‘good, no god good lord, godboggobless mean,
goodsssss. The product of their machinery.
League, ligature.
Soul, lu and os. Ocean.
Loi lous
Loi = law,
dieu est mon droit
Miss treat.
Fiance. Finance.
I’ ll
High hill, high heel,
Be that count wash out altogether with
javel, in the hope of becoming greener, fairer, and more sane.
Managing, imaging.
Writing is therapeutic, because when one
manages to make the trip backwards and re-read what they have done, the day
after or years longer, and to come to the conclusion that they did god good or
just awful. In my case, to have never been able to understand otherwise that
part and sometimes whole of what I was saying was so uninteresting, AWOL,
unintelligible. So much so, that, also the years where I recalled I lost my
mind, but that was I in white and black also, I would have sworn that this,
that, the writings, those layers and layers of thoughts could never have come
from me, or that at least I would have discarded it- but no, there are there
one by one, months after months, in my classified files, hour and days, of long
written exercise of the mind.
And my complaints, to living, too
searching, why not even to get along, but to reach resolution instead of this
fall, long, tongue.
Adversaries, anniversaries
Tree on christttttttttt†††††††††mas
Res in.
Re sin.
The tree of life.
age, usage.
‘As forecastin is governing.’
Earning big, gig, gib big.
Beg, being.
It is good writing, re-reading the stuff, I
would otherwise never ever imagine how silly the outcome.
At least i realise what silly things i have
been writing, it is that therapeutic.
Also if you spot abuses, don’t report it
because who is gonna give you or not access to another jobs afterwards, you
former boss. it is what they say or make clear by punishment like that.
The system of reference! A lock-up system.
That it is still, is this person locked up by
the council for being autistic and not being able but to shot to describe his
horrors at things.
Little night. I feel like and the
softness of your skin, the weight of your warmth, your caress's grace.
I am sorry, I know my writing does not
expose always my argument.
so here it is. I don't go over what
mohammed did, and what is still a 'current currency' in some places in countries mainly catholic,
hindu or muslims. my arguments is that through the devotment and worship
towards the muslims much adored prophet, people are preaching, in the uk, and
possibly in all place recognising this idole life, polygamy for once but in
fact far worse pedophile marriage with children.
I argue that the fact that the west does
not warn people against that is this 19 century strategy of pseudo puritanism
when taboo replaces morals, and that this no tell no ask attitude permit in
fact to render children and other more and more bul b vulnerable to indecent
assaults and other forms of torture and abuses.
Example: children are vulnerable to their
family environment or shortcoming in education or awareness, how come schools
in England don’t sensitive the paedophilia and sexual abuses topics- children
will never hear about that, without their parents intervention, bizarre all the
same, above all when you know the rate of child rp prostitution in the uk.
While they permit religious schools to teach little girl with the veil on, that
their prophet age 54 married a 9 year old.
Marriage at 6, daily raped and abused at 9,
just like you, some called it marriage consumption.
And this happens in all countries under any
other denomination, the horrors of calling that religions.
It just that, it is very much more
difficult to have nice day after that.
See my post, not again specially gainst
islam against all that accept that. Neo liberals, pluralist, capitalist, cool
left without reaction, that crying 'fashist' at whatever goes against them,
(like me, here a bit of auto criticism) and other cons, in the bag.
What is
hateful is your kind of cool or understanding approach, doing nothing but
bowing while little girls or boys are raped while you knowing.
Hey babe it is just writing
that, nothing with a stating, truthful to our situation meaning. It is the
sould soul forever erring. Forever and ever but one day stop the dream, as one
day stops the scheme. And no god told it to little rascals that kill.
Over eating linked with procrastination.
The pleasure of stopping eating when ones knows rationally that they have
enough nutriment for the day at the condition of having in front of them an
activity that they are hungry for. An activity that they know they have to
perform, be it interesting, compulsory or cleansing (eg: not interesting but
part of the actions you do and that will enable you to make life freer, and
anxiety free. Or action that bolden or strengthen you. That in fact make react
the body or make space for more.
Make sure you don't investigate your own department. you ll be too
proficient at it. and also a minimum informed.
The rapist
: so it comes from court, and not curt??
courtesy (ˈkɜːtɪsɪ)
n, pl -sies
Anne, diane, liane.
To talk to people the way a monkey knows
about sociology, racist and descrimination is ain’t good, respect this and
that, whilst they don’t. So, what’s that? I meant the way would know how
to write it. As that kind of wisdom is animal entirely not human particularly.
So you think that the intelligence peculiar to humankind is used?
Humans say they are not animals, this
enabling them to be nothing- off the kind.
What a monkey could write people. But by the way, why no
animals would be bother to write to a species that arrange itself to destroy
and rape its own, and all brother. Who leave one hope the ones of that mother
manage to design a virus able to attack the ones that attack her.
If you wonder if it is what the animals, such as our
birds, the wild life that has only to watch what has been done with increasing
disbelief and horrors, when they will pray for a virus, it will be for us
species as a whole, that is able to write to themselves, to steal it all.
Look at the score, YouTube used to scrap video with 'too
many dislikes' Like 15 Dislike
While for me, this speech is the quality of a classic.
A Britain got talent, and X-factor democracy. Please
don’t go, please don’t leave me.
Over eating linked with procrastination.
The pleasure of stopping eating when ones knows rationally that they have
enough nutriment for the day at the condition of having in front of them an
activity that they are hungry for. An activity that they know they have to
perform, be it interesting, compulsory or cleansing (eg: not interesting but
part of the actions you do and that will enable you to make life freer, and
anxiety free. Or action that bolden or strengthen you. That in fact make react
the body or make space for more.
What can a plant feel? Hear, touch, see,
taste, smell. Sense.
The risk of looking after children being
moar more and more an industry. To ask fund for kids with needs and never
provide for them. Just like these teenagers assigned to their bedrooms with
games or the opportunities to do parties, drugs, that will be never harnessed
to the education system. Will never be asked to do their homework even when
there are more staff than pupils.
What about when these private agencies
will look for their quota of children they can remove from their families, to
get to work, to get more hours, or what not. In a system that allows that, soon
the families to which children will be stolen will be single mothers, or people
that already are being destroyed by societies and communities.
D’elle ivre rance
D’elle live, ere hence.
Dine nasty.
Dine sore sure.
everyone at the school is generally nice, entertaining, also caring. i also
hope it goes on, i like working with these teams, a lot.
boss makes me think of you. she is i think a lot like you, or maybe it is just
fantasy. i need to give my love n affection, to someone i can 'carry', n rock,
n cuddle the day long, long.
miss your presence. to repari repair my torpors, today my life is good but
without you what would it be. friendship, animosity, unanimous, of evenings
empty. i am happy i am perhaps a bit like here, it renders life a life, but
short at the corner, of the love for envy.
Squirrels like monkeys, in the face of
the trees.
To have mauled nature out of jealousy.
last, I am blogging almost a decade of writing, so you will re-appear on my
blog (you remember you authorized me :) before summer. I was a complete idiot,
more than that in fact, I must have a co-morbidity demeanor store in my head so
permanently I don't even fight it- I just wait for death, decay and decadence
to spoil it). It is frightening, a decade like that left like if it was
nothing, while it is my whole life (my partner not included, but i would not be
worth to be with if ever i had participated in losing the rubbish i have been
writing- though saved in many places but never all updated and who would trust
a few usb, online storage whimsy and account deleting and never responding to
users and a Microsoft system). so many days, all my years after bread
activities grabbing- not good tactics I could not grab anylonger- I fought for
them while everything past by what I was doing.
One can suggest that while one concentrates on
protected areas, they ignore the issue of over-consumption. (Black,
2011). Consumption here could be reinterpreted as the one of nature, the human
eating away more and more of the wildness while branding protected areas just
like agribusiness would keep a pet amongst thousands of animals they have
Jester, unfortunately no yester.
What they have? Done yet but also is in
their possession: slaughtering. And it is gratefully agreed by all
nations(maybe less by the Gujarat)
In the view of the scientists that ‘prove’
and gave evidence contradicting a humanity-made global warming, what is it
about to happen with covid? i.e who and what agencies are about to get the
contracts, for how much, and how and what for the money will have been
Distrust, destruction
for people who are not really into using it, google as soon as you try to build
something on it, is the most NOT respondent, not effective you can think of,
more than that and people would have to desert it. Even though they could not
since it is the main alley, but how come platforms are so irresponsive. No fix,
no performances. It does not work well, it stopped working, anyhow the layout
and options are so limited that work cannot be presented. On monetisation, a
joke, they take your bank account and never ever has paid.
‘Our ultimate ambition
is to have a world in which all humans respect and live in harmony with members
of the animal kingdom’.
A shame they ain’t vegetarian, those ones.
Taking the pieces through philosophizing, dotting on their hunting dogs while
killing chickens is not an image of any possible conceivable harmony, this damn
word is so sick, late and so sad really.
Whose body did not need the contact, it
once looked for and crave, for information, and recomfort. As its extremities,
just in-carved like the hands and feet, even its head and busts maybe, was
shaped as the ones of a tree.
Whose body did not need the contact, it once looked for and
crave, for information, and recomfort. As its extremities, just in-carved like
the hands and feet, even its head and busts maybe, was shaped as the ones of a
The one that broke and stole my heart,
but that still lead my soul. All these years. But in fact not assuming right. I
though I was dreaming of her. And certainly my mind establishing a support for
sanity and body, that did not perceived that the dreams I had, of course they
all periclited, was about the woman who could make me feel life, not the trip
into the sky more and more cold and more and more hazy.
That was the bit of the universal I was
missing for 2 decades, that would have brought my corpse still inhabited to
change itself into sand, as a sign of relief, oblivion as limon and then
Sedo, sediment.
Mano solo, the limon.
I don't want to be insolent, but there are some vets as
honest as crooky mechanics. I met some they only want dogs with papers- much
more routine, easier to predict things I guess plus better insurance…. I have
met so many dogs with allergies, that took thousands dollars and never cure
anybody, just flushed them with antibiotics and steroids. i mean you know the
vets that kill too, and that think you are verge top weird because you are
Mefiez-vous de Macon et des ses acolytes jouant copains et ceux
qu’on peut caresser.
Regardw regardez a qui il est marrie : er reforeme de l’edcation.
Devoir mendier pour renter te rentrer dans e des universites via
des banques qui vont verifier si vous etes prêt a tuer, vos principles, vos
clients, et tout ce qui peut DEPASSER.
The social
services sevices
In French sevice = abuses.
I would like to report what i did not have the intelligence at
the time to report.
I knew of a teenager in Guildford named X, living in supported
accommodation in Guildford.
In a home for teenagers looked after the social services
He had for illness to take snails into this home and put them in
the microwaves and kill them this way. No one of the people who were
responsible for his mental health deep trouble, never attempted to stop or
report further and treat this extremely violent and unforgivable act. how and
to who can I report it?
To kill for fear.
To kill for fun.
To kill for fear a third person will use
the ones that is killed, but could transform the assassin into a victim.
Killer, murderer or assassin.
Instinct, insanity, following orders, or
the fear that society or the groups they belonged to, or the one they are
dependent on, inspire.
Or the fine fun.
The memory of computer will look after
humans’ past. And computers will choose their humans like one has t o care for
their pets. Per haps. Let’s hope, if they are kinder than that.
They destroy Vietnam saying they fought
communism. Leaving Tibet to china and whatever left to Russia, for everybody to
agree on capitalism to be as kleptomaniac and
morally sadistic as the giants they butcher with.
Stupendous, spleen.
Stew pending.
Yes, mainly amongst
propaganda that israel is to blame in every university. i stopped reading about
israel palestine, but i know that before i knew how islam was a religion of
slavery to say the least i had been convinced through an entire module in a UK
university specialized in human rights that palestine was the biggest open
prison in the world, and that israel was stealing lands. now i just wonder how
people will survive islam, i am against all religions in a way that they
dictate people how to define themselves, are fiercely segregatory, and power
onto the cattle is their common aim. They give a notion but to be
straightforward, I don’think that religions fulfil (not even tiny partially)
the why so many people that don’t belong to them still defend them: to be kind
or appraising deities. I want to write it again, in fact even in places like
the maghreb, north Africa, Africa, and everywhere else, Islam is a new invader.
They compel people to allegiance, and was absent, pushed back, ignored bravely,
only back to during the 20th century, at least in some of their remoted places
To never understand why the love story of
unrequited love never match the ones of the others, or fortunately very very
Who did so have the heart broken?
Until after decades, being rescued by life
before she would have not only made one regret being born, but more regret to
have lived after it. Because it was not after all, being broken in the heart,
but having been shattered, the whole. A co-hort, one’s lot.
Please do not look at the images of destruction for guides as it
is very very easy to destroy, when one is young as they do not know, and cannot
feel for more than one day the pay, pain, and does not experience it for what
stays of the fail.
And when ones get old as one knows so much about being
irremediably destroyed itself. Love life, as we life in hell and will never
manage (really) to protect her, but in our hearts that bled.
lee. Lea.
at the shape, U, like a grail, and lee, like a river flowing from the montain.
Here at the a’end, it is going to the say, or the shape undulating, his sinews
or ore going souterrain.
sea, see.
U, lee. Lea.
He is 53 kg now, he had the effect of a neutraliser on every
dog, they kind of having a heart attack seeing him, and thereafter are super
insolent towards him, you know to keep the distance going.
Problem is when they are having a fit, they are paralyzed. And
then he can do whatever he wants to them, and he does.
Gender crimes, honor killings, rapes as a
weapon of war, etc...trafficking. wholly frightening the psychology behind
it... it is just annihilation. I think psychologists must be very feared upon
within the police. like people say, you say something and psy, or counselors
can come up with whatever theories, you say nothing, and they can do the same.
i d love studying psychology too, but i saw it being used as an instrument of
spoliation. you know to threaten people with being judged as dangerous or at
least invalid, when you make them talk... the famous in the movies when the
uncorrupt cop or busy to catch the villain go for counselling and is being
told, you need to take a break...
Writing is an exercise of the mind, and
truth is indefinitely reshapable.
That people will reject the guilt on
Charlie…. assassins Columbus colabos upstart richer tomorrow, even if one fucks
illsm because tomorrow they would say that it is ok so, while today they say it
is rightly so just like tomorrow, to the seat that bring money, tranquility and
first rank for sadistic expo. The theatrics of old.
For paws something like olive on it, it
heals when paws are too dry, it is as useful as moisturizing for humans.
life when religions are about killing. Most of what does not adore profits,
neglect, drilling, the ones that from them benefiting. FIT. TIF. TEETH.
fo€e of course false of all, mustering to kill…the planet, land in which humans
The clouds cradle by the wind, accompanying
the flow, changing temperatures and pressure, massaging the seas, the winds
that we will never know. The ones that was chanting for the forests, for the
gorges, for the crests, for hays, and hedges. The air that we spurting with
insults sweeping and softening what we have been soiling. The earth, and its
reactions in chains, the sweat and breathing of earth’s charisma.
Shin. Like the sun that will nod for a
scold. Scalded.
The writer
knows of words that if or with only one clause or even one word, they can
change the altogether mark and structure of a character’s identity. What is it,
why, in relation to whom, with with clichés this comment may then be perceived.
The labelisation, in one word the hc h character can even change genderisation,
can change or at least make you believe, belief shifts, bereft are gains, and
happiness forgiveness, the tool of the devil or some hanged pendulum not
knowing what the next second his I.D will mean for these ones, opens, that read
it wilst whilst suspicious of cultural and social fears, limits and boundaries.
Hoe, hue- hope
Perhaps reading is to try and enter,
peruse, use or ruse, rose or hose, haze and maze, spouse, the souls, of which
the writer had attempted to draw the front of their halls.
E, emptied of energy. When I don’t forget that eating more while
pulling my reserves in a twitching way, will not give me any, the fresh I
though of.
I did not respect my empty shell enough. The feeling one’s body
hollow, yes, but able to through the time whirl, wait, wonder, welcome, wave,
woe, wolf and vogue.
Ellipsis and …time shuttle.
Luck is only luck; even though just like
fate and destiny, when imagination stretches, one owes it all.
Own sketch.
I have been recurrently critising mass
media, now, but it is because I cannot avoid listening my radio and that it was
on the sempiternal ‘report’ on a very serious matter, when yet again the
‘journalist’ in question was in front of a building in its shorts at the center
of a diplomatic incident affecting super powers, just doing its jobs, that is
describing the ster street and the trees around the mansion. And not much more
facts, as in information of importance, statistics, historics, sociologics,
politics, theories and essentials rethorics, you not know but gathering a
little bit on topics that are even are the titles all days on those channels,
are treated only by elusion, even when certainly many more is available in
universities, in serious books that are worth a lot on the market, not inundated
by information, academics are not that serious and integer, but at least there
is some that a mainstream news readers could afford to enounce.
So something then stopped me. Could then
they manage more than evasion?
Are they oblige to not cover this subject
in any serious manner, what would happen if they started working, releasing
academic, further education level, not talking to specialist, but any people
talking the language can undertake 10 times more elaborated that what care to
impart these bandits.
Inedited, made aware only of a spurious
BBC, whatever radio 4 or bbc world service.
Not mentioning some series they do on all subjects on tv with sometimes
profesors and doctors that give a good reputation to their it tit titles and
job assumptions.
The radio though se sieving millions to
seem like it is activated, a radio that dispatch and influence pep people all
around the world, in its daily running only attain a local radio quality. An
endless what resembles phone calls to irrelevant individuals that are asked how
well they enjoy their job. Infoless. Inform. People having to answer
insignificant, just questions that lead to such aberrant rendition. Harboring,
aborting any serious constitutive mention.
Telepathy, sort of.
And what if the brains were changed by the
sounds they produced, eg. The language utilised, as for communication, even
inner communication, in order to learn, in order to check shape or background
thoughts and stories and also to pray, this sounds, admittedly units of sense,
will in the cavity resound, and leave a trace.
Mind, thoughts can travel from a receptor
to another, from a being to another, even when they do not share the same
language. Additionally if thoughts are clearer if sharing the same language,
declarations them can be, will be dishonour and then the communication being it
is not to help collaboration but misunderstanding, and treason.
Reading in the pursuit to learn something
privy or helping or revelling ….
I would distrust some of these artists that
are theorising on what it is to view arts- but in fact not as themselves
consuming it, but secrededly as themselves producing it, that is who fantasize
what the effects are on their own viewers.
To cast a spell on artists that are veiwe by
millions nto not tah thanks to the quality of the work that has been partly
given to them to produce, but because of inequalities and marketing stunts that
in a double game aim at giving poisoned food to the innocuous viewers or the
same food to those who will pick up how imbecile and grotesque they are allowed
to run things as the propaganda arts provoking false adulations and followers
will say it is green.
To cast a spell on the, it with one similar
to those you do on parents: if the finality in life was to produce a line life
would have been likely to be organised differently. To wa what one could
answer: but darling there are people that follow a mistaken path, that the
light did not see. …
For my part I believe in what I think is
the logics of certain forms of reincarnation. But here is not the subject.
The ones that give birth (to a child) is
then responsible ad vitam eternam to have done this. Also who would like to
trap a soul in a species on a planet that has to see us as enemy? I know
parents do make sacrifice, and offerings. Off-springs.
Or what else spout sprouting?
The discussion about if a cat in a box
still exists when one does not see it, gives information about:
How naïve is someone who think human beings
are the only viewers.
Or naïve about one manifestations of energy
can only be seen under the form of one representation only (for every feeler
the same object is different).
And of course, objectivise no, it
objectifies. The cat is here definitively stripped of being a subject, living
in its cosmos, that is eternally certainly not the box imposed. That is who has
ever cared sufficiently about a cat that would be left to not to stray but to
be trapped and to starve.
To think that one can impose the box, and
impose thereby death or inexistence, will fuel nazi speculations about being
chosen, and also about that duty of care is no more on. You can do whatever you
want with the cat in a box, if it is not yours to see.
This theory does not even pay tribute to
the imagination that is able to create a cat in a box, and that this cat will
live triumphally.
Humans trim immensity to the what they
obtain to break and put together again or assemble.
Humans think they are gods, and it be godly
good not to see for oneself the result of it. Though it is here everyday the
results and what about its finality. Some said we will be all invited.
By destroying life, one fabricate the box
they will be disappearing in.
They saved the lives of thousands of
cattle. In order to ensure they can eat and buy or sell them before.
The world ought to have been, they save the
lives of thousands of animals. With all
the problems and the sempiternal questions about space and reproductive rates
and going into spaces and the worshipping of earth and life from which morality
come from.
But never ever would have been they save
animals with care, vaccines, to eat them.
On why, how come, you did not think you
were in hell. This is no purgatory. The purgatory is somewhere one get redress
for their having hurt and it is done by your creator, not somewhere where
innocents take the blame for it.
The novelists like the guide giving a tour
of the land he had visited.
devils arrived or are hatched, or they may be, in farms, where cattle, bucks of
ovids and covid, bovines are kept. Because they are awaiting within while that
humans just slaughter them.
When then
humans will form the same, not the enclosure one, the man on the street does
not know of, but when the whole population will be in this same state of
awaiting for a fake such a scheming scythe.
And what
is the difference between the slaying of the innocents and the ones that ate
the living and just as a matter of taste.