
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blute nur, du liebes Herz: IV - Kathrin

Blute nur, du liebes Herz: IV


About all these questions, whatever you ll chose I ll support you.
What does it mean? Support you 100%. Is that right that?
Because I don’t know what the fate as for me, but it terrorizes me, yahea, me again my little me.
But one thing is sure is that I would not stop wooing you and I could stop to woo you because I know we have to fight for life in general but life is nothing if not about it, and one takes its chances where he thinks they are better and will you I can see “it will be”. It would but I put myself out of the abstraction to say it is present reality because it will last my wooing if you let it.

It what the deal with you chum? To get a baby when you are nearer 40?

Homos problem baby?
An no, non, no, neni, or they pick up the poor infant the others threw in the rubbish, even if ti is rubbish.
Or every one happy, balanced, touti quanti, and I don’t mind having a baby with another gay couple that want to make peace with everybody, very good, me I am having it for my wife anyhow, or my husby call it like you want, just call me if it is with another fiend, that I divorce and kill myself after that.
Ah no there s the baby. He cannot go with me everywhere and nor in Africa, where they belive very very strongly in the demons, and they kill the albinos as long side as the non humans when they don’t say that it is a too big one so better elect it as president bozize.

Ok, ok I am taking position, but I never do it I want to be curious if not ready. I am holding them but one, it looks like an abruti, two, I am not sure

But still we, ok, I could say that it is a lick twice a term.
Since ther rest is to posh to be told and tell.
And when you do me harm while asking me to go on, then I could an handle have and uphold. And stay sweet? Yah, but here is the challenge, am I, do I call strength enough? About to explode, well thinking of you and have a reach that make me last, as Olympic games are ok if they don’ t find me or rushed, or imprecise, or missing you, our target, and you is mine, or lax. Running down or up, no streaming right.
You understand, no one has even reallyflirting with me, it never go beyond intellectual, practical questions, ntither went farer than mmh, no. oh god make me shut up. I don’t hint at all it is therapeutical to unveil me this way, or else let me hope. So I hope of never being outlay.

The same amount of women but between 16 and 29. But what I mean is that unless numbers and the satisfaction of having been functioning I ve got nothing to say about it. Woman the same I never be into someone so how to get technical? No ways. Also it starts blowing and finish t.v. three times after it is broken I am not for arguing.
I don’t think I like sex finally, it was just to say I won’t die like this, and that I know I am prone to think the same once you d definely leave me but still I d rather write. Far better. I mean I rather write all the time that having to look for mediocrity.
My writing might be average but in her I am looking for unbound my divinity.

I can wait how much you want, I said cool id did not ssaid easy.
But need to see you, so the suggestion is on you. I mean see you, having a glimpse, a meeting occasionally, phylo no Marxism, I don’t know where? I don’t think you d be please if I go to your home too early. Don’t let me be in love with a disappeared don t do me this misery.

It is not that I am drunk, never you heard, no drudgs, youo enough to kill me when I feel dizzy.
If I took I would not find the way to our hidden place where the murmurs are the stronger upon me this all earth is a cry and your shine your whisper the river that move away tears and fright.
Space out.

How come that animals, like the horses, are not obviously given sign of sexual excitement towards human, unlike dogs, cats...maybe because I don’ tknow enough the subject or Because you mistake it as fight or agrressivity?

J e voulais te remercier pour ce que t avais dit la derniere fois, c est ainsi que je tiens, heureusement. Je us is suis bien.

I am never bored, even if you wanted only one day a while, I am talking in 2 or 3 years.
Well I d spend the rest trying to convince you for more but just in writing and it won’t be compulsory to read it so d accord?

It is for youre ease, because me tomorrow it is ok but the fact that I would have to train hard during the moment you just want to talk because my level is improvable though.
We talk about potential.
It is why I need a patent
Because you could need 2 further year for talking, 2 for coffee,  for teas, 2 reading groups
And we are 88 you win it, unless you ask me at 66 to think about dorothee.
I feel like tee, telling you, ok we don’t see, I don’t want to lose this sanity.
But what d the plan be to have make you an heart attack when coming back blew 30 seconds and me thinking you know she does not dislike you, it is just not ideally.
My heart craks, y heart bleeds, my heart hurts, aches???
And what about my all body? Ok finds one demon, and wait, and strengthen, and, and, and, but one can do that anyhow, and this will happen but if we are honest with it.

But wherever I am I would cry you for not being with me. Mel. It is what habits me. See film habits not a hint at whatever but not bad frankly but the fact that I would give myself to you if you d need to drink me.
I M NOT vampire but I wish I was one only to avenge the humans and to flee eternally to you.
As for my ex, I wrote the same maybe, on theme surely but happy with it it s you. As for emancipe I don’t feel threaten there or here, just give me a big slap whenever the need to awaske me appear.
Don’t feel I try to make you plan anything or rush or whatever as the day I d want to produce this effect I d say the opposite I need you to dot tod, right?
You can print and frame this one if you like ti. On your bedsit and thus I ll be in advance like never.

To start saying one is not in love any longer as the person is gone.
But what about their return.
It is abot human destruction. No law, no inspector, and people destroyed until the come back of maman.

You don’t want my writing the one I do for you I am nothing therefore, my heart iw is that is for, implore.
Till you come down, and this day I could crunch on thf floor an d hold my chest and at last check and hold on one, please spare me with me having an septic Osiris play, isis for you death nay.

I know I have behavior showing physical reactions that could be qualified as being stressed, hardened…
I am no violent. I have a history with violence that make me understand it. I ve been beat up, I had a few beating up back. And I have my shame story because I one poing I used coercion and my physical strength- I used her not in a dire way but real too pushy- I was not alone, there is no education in france for this subject when I was working with very severy “mentally people” some have criis over crisis, throw stuff, unclothes, put a mess that one will have to clean and basically there is enourmous pressure as for prevent this incidents. I am not saying I had been violent at any point but and in more than occasion it took me to be trained in the uk to be sure I had been so forceful.
I had a dog that has been beaten up before I took him, he was my baby, my best mate, my honey- I had a lot of mates human at this age, toomany I was popular but for being a lesbian a drop out and a drunk looking for a joint from morning to evening it lasted till the moment I stop doing like my father the version junky and looked for a job. He healed me instantly. Not the job, as when I get a constant one I was working rather hard, and inspecting the candid way one of the poorest quarter of paris region, the poorest building, it is in an immigrant building of 13 storey I spent my 4 years, the only woman we were 250, one of the only french but…I stopped speaking I was 22 and smoking joints and cigs like a chimney.  I was 19 or so. I was not yet in paris, I travelled for dubious- I work in a bar where you have to speak to the customers in exchange of champagne- 2, 3 months I think I did it because for the first time I accept to wear the robe and last time. We were not prostitute, we were not even touched at no time unless you decide to go to the saloon but you were doing whatever you wanted, my boss that the gayer guy in town but my clients were no woman, fortunately as I think I could have well stayed. I won’t tell you everything today but ok I might be bisexual, it is just that my feeling, well I did have the knowledge of the possibility of nurturing love for a man, but I think that I am too frightened by the deception by being betrayed, abandoned, whatever make me a lonely gall- so why the females because I am so in love that it cannot enter my calculations at any time.. ,  jobs. And the dog, Geronimo, I kept his name, peed. I was not at mine I went for the first time angry and to do what I have always seen doing spanking when this happen. I saw my dog going in his back, his legs in the air, like a returned tortle, looking at me crying and peeing on himself. I certainly made him cry first when looking for him. I never ever touched him again. As a guard he was crappy but-a shepherd but nothing to do with the fact that since that day of violence I had been stopped, for the rest of my live and hoping I d be serving the next one.
As for my cat I did the same thing for his poo but just to show not to harm, just to show. I reach the same conclusion, also I was putting him in prison for that and when I not I he killed a bird or a mouse.
He, he, he, they are rescue animals and I love them like my girls.
For the guard stuff Geronimo was a little but when I was attacked he did not do nothing, it is 11 years of that and it is now that I realize he was inside, so I would not know that I could have done if outside, comme quoi ca me fait du bien d ecrire ces conneries. But it is just to say that one need to be trained to defend too. And my dog I could not even reproach him anything as it was his psychological role towards me I was playing protective, you know my dog behind and me in between I d learnt to separate dogs very fast as if the row started really exept a bucket of water it was nearly impossible to intervene.
Every of this to say that if you wanted ti rough you would have to insist but really persevere and mince menace and all that.

I am just writing that giving you an understanding of how I am, I don’t know about doing anyelse for the moment, and I am not gonna do cut and paste for anyone else I am not ashamed of my past. You’re my present, there fore.
I don’t know how to say that it is the present that I want for ever that it should be like, but I ll find a way of doing that, free from speaking to myself but…

“not’ing to rely on” genesis, on man’s fool.

They might have rendered their son vicious at the expense of their daughter but their son is at the head of something holding money now.
Volition , voila.

Seinbol, sein, sain, breast, chest and sane. Nurture from one’s liquidity, the water and the milk, not mild but summit and receptacle jauging the and the need for purity. Source of nature and emb

Of course I would like to eat your cake even if I stopped sugar that are not fructose but chocolate. But the problem is that I would ask you everyday for one, in the trances of thinking that your cake could be the last one of my life, as tomorrow…
Just like the day when my mum would see your smile and pity me till the hell down because one day….

For me a revolution sexualist would be to have only you for ami, aim, with the rights and duties to be blunt about it. Art of appurtenance, as you are my world, mon enceinte, and citadelle, to venerate one’s contour and detour and to respect her boundaries to tend to to inner harmony, incommensurable the center the heart the all passing and emcompassion of what other worlds might be best to me.
To be my seal,

Psychic, electric?

I go in your back garden on Sundays for it to be ready as I cannot on mondyas.
And there facing your windows is saint mary. I put bread around her, kiss her hands, and pu my face on her beloved face jolly, touching her lips nearly

We could not be accepted as a person from somewhere else it is like that tha the last arms was to enforce our own culture where people was in disarray, and inhumanity and cruelty in display, as every cultures has been the devil play on concurrent mass grave.
Mass ter(re).
Terre, ground, earth, seriously.

it is just to know if eventuellement you found a French English dictionary in your office, I slid it under the door, would it be possible to retrieve it, it is a precious tool, my french is not a lot of vetter than my english ll be, but blind and still.
Thank you and sorry 

I “posted” a French English dictionary. I never like being an indirect cause for us to depend upon this huge factories fare also I make them circulate whenever I can, and since you translate, I though you know.
If you found it in your office, I slid ti under the door, would it be possible to have it, it is a precious tool.
Thank you and sorry

I d like to come and practise something in the back garden instead of kissing heavily mary now, but there is too many people and then I prefer to go just the room down yours, one story less, a corridor, and at the beginning I would close the gate.
Busy, I ll do with it. But were I in the garden practising martial art and fine apple appeal I d be afraid of one’s fortified of her raid which one I know that I could not take, eradicate. I don’t want to ve angry, don’t want you to be angry, never egain, above all in good society. Show me the lane. Annees. Aneantir, et bien non c est un peu pres notre speciality tres emcombrante qui l nous ferait evider, qui l nous fer, qui l nous faudrait eviter. Juste a l occasion je ne cesserai detre une bonne mere.

My mum reacted like that in the denial of profound, prefund, disfunctionment. Why do you thing think?
To cut short. Because it would have been to let the flow of all the stories coming back and hit harder, and with the tide a lot of more. Also she reacted like that like a dyke, a dam.
Deciding to react this way, all the more painful that it could be, but not stirring up what would not allow discontinuity

She t(h)anked me for waiting but did she realize I could wait her for her only. I could cult not but live for this waiting. It was wows not a choice, it was her, so what the thanks for? Off air.

Key of abstraction in the embodiment of conVeying.
Cone, eyes.

I just notice I contract I don’t remember which way a youtube account, it is automatically I go there without doing nothing I don’t know if you know when I send the melody. It is for glory anyway.

They call homo sick.
What is sick is to fordid someone’s love.
And it is more than that. Maybe people leave themselves injuriiated knowing wig that darker is upthere and tanned, burned to the almost core and our body are shaking from the menace that pests spray all around.

They fire us, put fire on us, for the system to be reappraised by more voracious.

I think of you to renounce, did you see my scar just cutting my belly, just there you d stab me.

I also think but this does not hold 3 seconds too thin, that you could just ask somebody to ask me to leave.

To do like the last of the Mohicans.
To have this ball only.
And wait till to avoid execution using it.
Fair play or grandour what would qualify. Nothing we are the one describing what remove from us all honour.

It was this time when I would have refund every lock, every bars, every nails, vices, lug, brick of my life. For him. Ok it could have been careerist but I am this kind of man that give absolutely every of his sweating. And it is when I realize he led me only for a psychological analyses and then I star eating like if I had been starving and vain.
This candor, this comfortable vanishing.

I ll imitate you with nails, I did not as or I was working with lorry or with personal care or mum that was harassing me cos they were black or at school I start to play nervous, till the day I bit them through being it really or thourgh the habits of . But now I find the feeling excellent of not having to use the tip of fingers, it kills the pain, the too much intrusive contact molesting our tiniest vessels. It ‘s brilliant. It is a very sensual touch I like that the nail giving a kind of response to the flesh.
Apropos of answering you right to protest I mixed up everything won’t do it again.
Unless I found something more refine. But that s all me I am not the finest.
Unlike your clear laces, your crystal clear pattern.
Sapph ire.

Vous vous souvenez le coup que vous m avez dit a propos des barricades.
C est ce que ma vraie m aurait dit.

Ce n est pas une energue sexuel meme s ill y ressemble , c est intestinal.
To penetrate you as to have vibrate guts and all tissues, irradiate, like the sun light has to relieve of the darkness of the mind.
Let your self penetrate.

And we won’t have them as we look after the ones hatch already but when you thrust in me in quest of a baby I deliver crying joice and happiness, marvel and bewilderment like the door of paradise wild and wide open.
Hope. Nope. Sun and dawn. Doubt her? Dew rising tiding rivher. Arriver.

I know knowing beat beautiful only scientific, play on sounds and words nothing predetrimental nothing predeterminate, god is aback absence not it is the denial of that that bring us to hold on, on what? Live per se? illogical, or holding for supreme or not holding at all, or for cruelty? Well take you sword. So me the believer why don’t I sacrifice since there is a mistress mind of life. Because become = finding love is the way I believe in god and once found one don’t abandon or life decaying become.
Life is decay, but there the way of bringing to other places fleshes and mind.
Flesh, fleche = arrow…and the way one can notice that physical connection, attraction, interaction does not need the touch, also it does mean that in the air they displace like my arm an object.
Elec tricity.
Elect trick.

But becareful because one day I could buy myself a masseuse session.
I thought of that but to who I would like to give inner outer mentally the energy in question?
So here we are, no question.

A snake and a dunk quite noby.

I f one day I d have a sign of your love and commitment I d have to go in the forest and ask to be alone for the rest of my day for bewilderment. Not anylonger afraid of the dark, would it be there than once in my brain oblivion, abstention, extinction, all would be for me equal. To never die. Dice. Deux, dieu.
The apprentiship of faith, fiat se fiat and trust.

Fiat, fait = to do = fact.
F#act around to do.

Self ish means destitute of wit. Of the inheritance of the mind and spirit of the truly religious of the love to reign and conquire. Conquire what life and not viper. Not that I accuse the viper she is the serum but seldom. Sell dom.
To reassert thourough truth and why it is the meaning of err. And us air?  I didn’t take two protozoa.
Prototype human beings he has in their mind the demons, but no tto accuse the spirits and the imaginations, to accuse our deeds, and our acts, not to divert onto appearances, and opinion but through taking the feel of live tackling th e fact that we are cowards.
Co wards. What? Need a budy, an accomplice.

This harpsichord that he could have played, this instrument that was appealing to his fingers whereas the piano refuses to them. As cave-in reminded him another era, as vivid as a film on which he would have starred as young first stud while he watched it once, a long time ago, every long time ago already.

There is not now without an after. Ana theme. Fter. Feter = celebration
Faite = done, pinnacle, skyline.
And ter, enterre.

To give one’s life is love to take ti back is …sack, rack, ransack.
To give one’s life, one’s love and humour.

Ce eque j adore dans bach, mais plus qu ordinairement, ce sont ses fugues.

It is a luck you know me a peu maintenant, sinon vous devriez, deviez, devour, allez a votre patron et leur dire que vos enfants sont devenus de plus en plus insolents, vraiment.

By the way your choir does (do, fa, re, mi,) hit it still in your life? Any theologist?

To recite one’s prayer and know remind, rewind, that one does no t possess the might.
Each time if thought brought me to exalt I think that I shall be able, capable to die to ensure us a place safe. Safe but of you, my conjugaison of all time. But what could I do? You are notable, the war is in each counter, coun tir = shooting, tri = sort out.
In yours, in mine, in theirs, in ours and to who would be the lend, (s) oan, (l) oan, land. Sooner or later, sown will soar.

Our hands looking like trees, our tips led by veins just like stems.
From stern to stem. Noah is gone.

Theology, for goodness sake of course, but of actuality, currency, the news of today.
No one would send prophet, the human being as erase eradicate than he did to another species, objects, ideal aleas e ideas, and words, any com concepts.
E, euh,

E, euh, each, hue.
Eu = had.
Hint, why. E vad.
Vade mecum

Like all civilizations, like all moments of our lives, we are saying, ho yes this is the summit, the fucking pinnacle, we are the kings and queens fo all that, just to find out, that it is the down.
Get it. Communitarist in all kinds, as there I sn o communities but one. Everybody, and everybody possesses their secrets weapons did not bear the name of hypocrisy.

But to marry one has to slay one’s dragon.
Drag queen?

Kill who, the nearest of you, and it is at this moment of purifying that you think shall I kill, or my ex that I shall I kill, not physically but psychically and then you understand how lame is the mind, what constituent, haunt, what’s resistance, how resistant?
The resistant is you, me the reactionary.
Who wants riot now? None of us as we are still opponent.

Bestow, best tow.
Tow beast.
Town tower.
Towage, who did draft, draught-horse = traire = milk cow = mild  slavery? treator. It is what i, is man, not  creator but a traitor.
I, iand his dead head for dot.

En gal, or angel.

And you want I look after you, then I say no we have to buy some seriousity, and you betray me , so I come to you because it feels os so good that I would die for it, and once you are well sure of it, you sack me.
Where s the paper for resignation? Do I seem resigned? Tahnk you dock, cot, deco, doctor.
They get away with ti, shall you have decided to do your carver in medicine. Cared, carried.

And maybe I ll send in the pour(ali)gatory because of not being a messiah, but we could look after some kids upthere don’t we?
Mind if it was in the same state of mind that most of the asshole that go to school to nick the previous and next generation all in the same rating rattling just like the parents taught them and the society- there’s theres’ you can attest to the milk snatcher aka the iron lady.
Ire on, weapons were more heavy, navy,
Shut up cunt you are in angleterre, royaume de jean sans terre,
And here the robin wood story.
Here upon a time, just now in newham city.

And ti sis when they realize that the devil were a it.
Always to sexualize it took one’s time one segregation.
To do it short, who don’t have sex, as they always think of animals as possible pseudo revenge.
And then the revenge would not be in the air, in the green, would you , who would think that the devil is so facile??????//////))))))((((((,,,,,,you see all htat not straight cut better, not in length, in serpille = in prune, in billhood, billhook tune. But it would be simpliest to cause the poor funny writer a distress than to ask your banker what kind of do you play it?

)( back to back it should be nice that like movement and position.

I can feel your jealousy enter my me, my sex, my tromps, my womb, and to keep it right in my belly. Bell.
And the stickler is you. Health and safety but when will I steal you, tangy? In bold, oui, oui.

You are right I don’t even mak you love with my own sex, I ve been tauthg and learn conscientiously, sciences y to be ashamed, that another one is my tool, but to who and above all to whom? Would you want it would I be sure that I t wasw mine?
It is only a pussy, I mean it like I d say dick, is to say everything so to speak.
But it is mine this image we forge of it?
It is why people find reason at doing nothing more, or any kind. What do you think we could find on that that would not make anyone a holy whore?

In fact what really frighten me I s te choice I will have to operate about my study?
I don’t know, ann, I don’t know, I call you mary, I call you Helen, because I won’ t officialize what you rather encore anchor ashore.
Sure? But of what of when we explore? We are at the edge fo this forest, and it is what I ll try, I don’t know just don’t know if well, to enter and effort, effect, affect will be enourmous I know you are in my core, shall it be no ominous. As I welcome you in my breast, and if you have to do eat me, I am not a saint, or not yet, as every one is a saint around one hundred, facing our eternity. Where will ou be? I want this female to whom I ll will am ask this question my all life along your eyes colt closing as far as my envy for slight light . as but you there is nothing I d like.

Will, I am.

I ask you to cu touch as it is painful
And as you do I know that I ll be free,
Like the eues that are being made close, at least like this.

Each time I feel that I could open this door and that I could find a note from you fine(ly) finishing ot. Hot, thi, hit, oter = take off, remove.
 My brain goes cottonous, sugary consistence like without the taste but the head ache after it be melt with shoal of coal chocolate.
A choral push me to review why one would go one, on, as sprite as ever after that.
I feel like throwing up, womiting of anguish. And now crying out of despair. But with you I d rather be in it. But if we, I d find an exit.

The arab world is falling apart, as their past allies find a way to empoch money, so ti is the forces victories. But who will counter capitalism insanity now, robotics?
Who is applauding victory that are none but military because the politicians want us to believe that there is no military but yankee state anymore, ok you got a point but military is still the sole action. The rest is endlessness discussion about what one should do morally with application to the money and capital aka pit-al. and they think they are the king of the jungle, smiley as peevish monkey.
Mother nature, father elements is gonna to give a glimpse on their trances, a the taste of what the victories were standing for, not for mocking the gods, ok?
They say but god gave us, nope, they gave life and if you touch another of their creation it is why with ??? what will us pay?

Ah and pardon my poor writing skills, it is not art, ney.

When you will see all the reapaces (replace) coming all along at the same time branding all the same philosophy of legitmattion priests rapists, wuou will appreciate the arabs resistance of the past, with veil and company, of course as dishonest as those but managing for survival. You will see, and understand, but to late, they bread the last wall. To whom will you belong is the next question of this passionata puzzle, still funny, busy, witty?
Question for you: you want to be the slave owner, it is what you think? If it is that you think you are well down on the ladder, later.
Froggy weather.

Every barriers to your liberty erase like in Nagasaki.
And to whom will they wage war?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

But rush of emotion, vision, intellectualization, kinesi, whatever exciting is like opium, whateverrrrrrr the dose, what about intensity? The differences there is the reangel of their authentic or un, million relic lotus spud mildiou – mildew, meal adieu (meek) paper spury psaulms, what is ours? Hours.

Meal, mille = thousands

The veracity of a situation is for example this song the at I d never send to you without having written before and not just a few, so it is an occasion at having a laugh, a dersion and alos be respectful as it can be read the other side, right? And what could sound dubious reappear as tamed by humility, please I do it twice to you, but not the way you think  approach and whatever you hold is that it is without this that I am getting sick. And ti is just a proposition, like the statue, an ave maria, that the fact you let me sing that, is the sign that I could would belong to you, or else, I need a domptor. And yet again he is you. But the domptor I chose, chose = thing as I ll have to.

Like the face of the statue that have inside lane of all my feeling, answering me.

After the end of the inquisition here the charia, n o one has to support the church anymore we have got popular chains and stones coming from where the tycoon may well say, I am nothing to do with that.
Anyhow, the last remparts to capitalists has fallen, so the reign is gonna be on what preecpets human rights selling for millions of dollars.

So work! My sweet, seed!
Because the day we will have sony breach our datas bases on bank numbers this time, it is not gonna be on bankders or lawyers orders. And even if it was, if we follow the philosophy corruption will shelter what you say. So be culprit instead of disabled.

Pour moi tu es Marie.
An angel, someone who guard one’s life scale, one’s heart beating.

I will never retain nothing in my life but the love for the mother, the love for the children, for the hjinnrun,  and the love that is rulling me all day, the charnel that make me all my songs play. Cah carnal as by you flesh and blood, spit and poo, messy and menstruation, sweat and hymen, womb and glue, hair and hairs, tears too, all of them I will have to implore, and implore again and pray to like lick them and start (and star in) each of your secret. Milkyway.


We cannot say that the backward people are culprit for anything because.
Forward has done and is doing so much and so more irrepairable stuff that one will have to brag grab anything to

The clash of cut culture has not arrived yet, but will has we are now really melt, or yet again breeding, but anyway of what there is not nautic nature to do the job of tell the signs.


I would like to kiss you like I d drink mine and your spirit at last unseperated.

The veil? Because to accept bizarre costums whatever enforced by foreign colons or sultans fashion one had to hide the horrors of being put into believing the muck and faces (faeces fake).
And for the unveil, not to be able to look into a mirror without surgery thinking.

The tip of our iceburg. Borg. Erg. Desolate the desert, sert, service.
Desert deserve.
Sert(isse( = set, crimp. Jee, well, fool.
Jesus jewell, jee us. Die first.

Why did not joseph save and try jesus.
Because there was marie and to leave marie could not be possibly thinkable.
Would I lock you for you not to run after him, why would I intervene, to leave my wife a widow? To live my wife in misery, in dire poverty, to leave my wife at all. I live my wife and without ther her everywhere including paradise is no more than darker.

And the thought o fmy son of course will move me before and after I die but who hold the thread to my serenity, what in another promise, another dawn, how to caress and that crack a new day without what she beholds?

This new tear that won’t torn as my tongue will drink and reintroduce into you the syrup and tone.

You could think when you are love by someone that you had been really beautiful but in fact now your lover, the true one, will watch, see and implore you as the saint, the holiness that you are for him. For it.
Your body naked from having rested, and you crunch like a cat with her back round, a shell to who, I d, I ll, I want, I submit and give my last bone too.

I have a good meal, a good work out, a good pee and siesta happiness for pursuing is as simple as that.
But when oneself, one’s relative, and any one in the all realities are in risk of being sadly treated and manipulated.
So what?

A propos vibro, I do have one but for the inception has never been in use.
Not this week end I know you ve got al lot to do, but on Monday before you ve even read my, I am shamy, could do perhaps one, let s say Tuesday to give you time to read those, I am more prevenante , considerate that IT, I ll give you all the time to be prepared. Till February because I have been hinted that once you will kiss me, kiss, not kill, even if I see you every 3 months and like the light going through the forest when the wind caress them like he taught me to pray you.

To do so many mistakes while thinking do good, what are the next lessons, you are my sole concern also it cannot be but you. My way of accepting difficulties without rage as you’re my choice and my children subconsequent. To be able to have to redeem, and pay for errors but as a duty not like a tragedy, sweetly, calmly, slowly.

To submit to her egoism. In what view? Transformism.

To spend my life with you, oh my love, is the sole sets sense I have, a youth, of you.
Th e eternity in the knowing who reincarnates love and the fact that live won’t be stopping at looking for. To finally join you, finally there another world.

It might be easy to preach in an atmosphere of intolerance, but what will we preach if things wre getting better and the range of our mistakes smaller, perhaps could we preach liberty as having the same stance, but people need their staff and starves.

Belle, bell, belly, eve.

I don’t loose my mind, you know that I am hobbesien, then the contract is there, ti is just I like to be sure that it won’t raise or lodge any complaints.
And I can see you now, while it be months I have met you  charging into me to redress a moral that does not end but in sore.

It is what I did not get, if you tell, they take control of your ship and shill.
It is so that they call that wishpering because if you do more than that you ll be killed, giving to everyone a sense fo telling

I feel like howling my love for you.
If they were not forests anymore, what could we do ? in the water and cry as much as the aire ? air would permit as the trace would be nor noticed nor repair as it would not be doing freely ok.

What they say, we are superior and supreme, why ? because it is about our lives and those they are the power and properties of none but ours, i love you ma cherie, you don’t come today, i ll do with it, but as i need as much space as you, to day is a relief not to have to show the wreck of which you are taking care to you.

Betrothed is troth, like a promise, it is that the marriage contract, to do whatever fair the other will be please. And if our fair are separating, yes, of course, but one is likely to know beforehands whence the advantages of marrying later, and abstinence.

Land claim, territory sovereignty property.

To minority sauvegarde individual rights (western fashion rights) as to cease to be the sole frame through which rights responding to community needs might be achieved (miodrag), that is cannot be addressed since the needs of someone living in a natural reserve in canada will not really differ from anyone but will have concrete implications that will be different since resources, social, economical and political structures are different.

The sex of my past, in my life ti could have only come from you the simple word of jouissance.

Do I know? Do I need my finger to rub onlong how long, oblong? Well why not but when it is your whole soldier I gag grabbed in a position where we cannot be detachable, and all bursting and dripping and swelling on every side. No.
Like my camarades the males when you think were the anus is near by?? Not almost, just like a vagina. Doing frotis, frotons, with the beely, intestine, lunch and heart over there, articulation and the all combination.

The people reappraising text sometimes taking seriously a sentence whereas the all works had been obscurate, like if the master, dedication all their lives to meaning could not have a laugh a derision counting on the ability of degree making of their reader without the art of writing would be a discordance and unhappy pretense at celebrity. Sell ebb rity. And lower flow.
Of bible and touti quanti.

Any how without this ability the best author the best brain and authenticity would have to spend their lifes writing without that no one could understand from it anyway.
Comprehend from hand over coming.

I don’t want to touch me as when you do evetr y of my contenunce is exploding
Would you want o f me crying?

To have to reassess live with another body opening to yours, a responsibility, a res.
Resources, res public, re , reign over one’s soul, sister.

People say o h you don’t socialize poor freack.
But themselves see people like objects, and they see object like junk
Here the painture with you duckies.
And or else you d understand  the individual relation to another world

Not invidual raleation to your money but to another force and reality
Power you mean.
But money blockhouse resistant enough won’t bring.

Weh I think of you I enlighten, anglais.
It acan be seen under my skin as you hav given yur sun, you, glad golden

The causes of things might be explained, but what about their shapes?
Brain egges.

I cuolk not move sometimes when yu kilss me as from my mouth could pass all that I have as energy, as my lips would reconganis the why for they are red and not blame or pale or stony.

Could the color of th stone ve reflecting the color of our part and body?

J espere simplement que vous ne me prenez pas pour une abstraction is concrete love I d like to give to you I have to give to you

Are you, are you phovi, phobic
If yes you have to come towards me also a little vi bit.

I won’t jump I wont’ get excited I ll kee p m ydistance as they were.  Just a tiny inch ich just a noise.

Because I am the menestrel my type I am the muck I ll be clean to you, I am but my life? I won’t be able to stop small talkan am happy with my small life, satisfy. Je suis le griot. Fasse que tu puisses me pardoner pour ne point depasser, te recevoir c est tout ce que je souhaiterais. Il faut que j arête je vais finir par trahir la verite.

Moi je I ask myself how I shall be dying it is the sole area of my wondering.

Mais il faut que je sois prete, e cest tout ce que j ai adire t as raison.
Alors te laisse lass pas manipuler par les gens qui te dissent qu on est un couple de degenerees. Pige.
Jamais. Je tai me et puis c est l absolu en fait qu e tu es en train de me donner, je jonglerai bien mieux qu avant, je me sens devenir fort de savoir qui l me faut aller de l avant, tu entends?

And you would say but we are both play mate, but you come for seriousity.
Well could we not just be easy.
But I d die after that, 9, look even your name is a spiral.
I won’t go and say let s have ti around the bush.
And why not?
Well, ok.
And I be disgusted to have make you love to you not in the real attempt a t grasping in you infinity.
Understand in you, you, you infinity. As in the other you would have, teach me.

Cet ete je vais t envoyer des videos lesbienne je n en ai jamais cherche auparavcant ce sear maintenant maintenatnt que je ne peux plus sortir avec person en vrai ce sera marrant just cet ete arpres faudra se remettre au voulot monotome.

J ai venive envie d etre aup res d e vous ,

Si je vous dit vous c est qu vous etes la prof don j ai toujours reve et eon’t je reve malgre tout.

Moi jeu sans toi ne vuex pas.

Je n irai pas frisquer  ma vie en afrique meme s I quand vous en aurez fini avec moi.
Je devrais server les gens en ayqnt besoi par le billet biais de l ecriture ou des petits bouloots que je pourrai fi=aire secure.

Ce serait le renoncement de ma vie celui la mais tanpis je pense reelement que je risquerai une attaque homophobique ou du genre pour rien d autre qu un suicide aguise, avise deguise. Je ne sais plus rien nimeme de l amour.

d e sentire la chaleur de votre bouche

ike a dog that would wait for the door to open, and nothing of your feelings, sensation, opinion could avert  toutou from entering the p(a)late and p(a)laces of the one you desire it but with toutou the dog the “wrong time” won’t operate, he is on service on and of ya.

Liked 2 donkey one want the flowere the other the chardon, what d happen? Would you go with me there just for me to have my meal as if I left you on this occasion, I could loose your trace and find someone in the jungle is difficult if not impossible.
And every day would be danger, it would not take you long just a dinner for the other one I ll arrange myself with what I can find along, aside our candor, but I need this diner to calm the fate that asks me my own nature to embrasse and if I renegate her she would abandon me an d be abandoned by one’s own is assisted suicide also , internal secession, I don’t want to become a were dead, j ai besoin des chardons.
Et toi des fleurs, tant mieux, autre au travers toi j aime encore les couleurs, et toi le spicquants c est ainsi que tu m as choisi, si j abandonnai les epines tut e desinteresere par dessus le marche, je serais votre mere pour ells et vous la mienne pour les autres. Je n aime pas votre people de debauches et vous n aimez pas celui des cures. Pourrions nous les reconcilier?
Tu as la psychology des miens et moi leur clefs et vice versa pour les tiens, la psychology des bandes d encules c est moi qui l est, c est assez marrant. Parcontre moi les allures assez bourgoise c est eux qui m ont donne ce que je sais maintenant…je suis sure que tu l es pas de problems je parle du cote raffinement le problem que toi meme te plait a denouncer c est ne voir que par l argent, tu l es?
Tu vois rien que ton café qui nous coute ce carton a chaque fois, tut e ferais un thermos et tu le donnerai a un petit qu a pas de monnaie, ton denier, jusqu a ce qui se soit organizer, because the fact they sell stuff that we know is gonna kill us and above all the new born is the sign they won’t do anything to stop mine, your unequality.

Mais ah, quoi qui l en soitr je vous ecouterez.
Je pourrais meme eventuellement ne pas comprendre tres bien only to have your words again. And your whole body looking for  a way.

You want it in lat e September only it is so it ll be.
And the second in February I thought it was too late, but you explained me ok
But if I write this and its opposite is that we discuss you know and plans are refining it is why you think of cairo.

I realize I am in a total anguish because of my essays if not I am ok.
Maybe you int the same state for the week end coco.
Go there d perfect place, next year perhaps, and I saw you for the moment, next year it won’t be iconoclast, later I d more of you than ever, perhaps.
My mental? Melting to yours? Like the way my voice can and ocean resonated when and only when I find how to sing a sound that could attain what endows me with thoughts and their energy- you my choc and choice and way, the voice that convey to this eternal duty, the quest. It is quaint? Out dated? Bullocks with your impudent, insolent, shameless, bare faced, terror that I d be afraid of having as pesty at home.

Could people who don’t believe, be the results of not acknowledging the force that what has been seemingly man made will bring. The taken for granted. One won’t defend it is here, as the consequences of what, which debates?
Notwithstanding what life force has of complete mystery for starting.

Religious, considere their god like a flower that provide everything and forgive everything, it could the day you are no more than this fucking dust you spilled everywhere.

I let it be funny, does not mean that I am the creator nor the befouled rejoicer.
Or frustrated, yeah, we know it all about it all.
I know it is that or the rupture, just to show how much it is meant to be good laugh.

The dildo of course it is like mine, it takes strength and delicatedness to introduce and move about. More and more so that all the tension of the body is taken by that.
On all directions, and thrust by the entire body connections, the sex is the object of reproduction and it does not loose any exitation even when it is not the intention, as multiple, as intellectual, as emotional, as every concepts every motion is question of this reproduction and fru furtherance application.

The stat(u)e I now could take my wed wreck on her arms the day I would be ten thousand miles away from recover. Like a tree. Unlike you.
That did not know I was living that did not know I was dying, that would not know I d got her seal.

What d I like? Making love all day and day after day.
Like demons?
Whatever we are tow wot wo-men or two men, like so we d manage to have a baby. Would the human species still be wanted.
Like mutans? Like sultans.

One cannot ask someone to believe in love, as love is the only component that we have, being a composite of it, explaining the power of live and resurrection.
 One cannot ask someone to believe in love, because all that we have is love not believes.

Me I understand you are a machine at doing your jobs, I cannot do the1 /100 of what you do, I told you, so the day you want to get rid of me, this reason would make me understand.
I feel inferior in the task that is to come. I am as I feel couuuuuuld you not help me in not divulging that are no me the messy. I am caroline, the puke, and finally I underglam that I am happy. Would my love for you be a necessity? Yes, as you are the captain of my heart but not only of the one’s that you taught and informed and lecture, of your affinity and speciality. And me I cannot follow you I can just look up as it is sane to do since each field and summit to each body.. what else, I miss ya but this is without consequences as I fantasme that you will read my transe. But a bit later, what if you want me to quit in a hour? What transe are gonna to supplant  the void since I am adolescent?
‘I am shepwreck’ like the rest of the glove blog globe apparent.

They are not unsympathethic they are forbidding in case when their plates could be meanaced from being coller, and in fact it is what would happen

Music and film like in the french saying to cool us down, but if there weren’t this art soothing, lubing the cracking machine, what would appear, Lord?
Dole for the guy that pretend this fun is right, this fun is strong. It is art that still bring us to the moon light unless one starts phantasing of the escape onto another roll, as if there is no peace on earth what peace on moon will have to by, and step by step the torment of too much space for any life consideration, as the wind be not there to address us with this clear one day you abandoned the global the universe will kill us all.

The relation to the caste, the relation to the object, as being similar to the one that has been forged with regard to the king, namely if one touches the pheasant of the king he will have to face the same term thatn if it is someone of his social rank that he had killed. The king representing there the place where the community grows his castle the place where business and armory tacky trade is taking plight and vile veiled value of the insincere.
Community and security.

I though I was gonna die. So I thought she will throuw me out, she is gonna split, or she is cool and my call are not entirely tall y for despise but I ll know that it is not her true love.
And of what am I dying? I am dying as we will separated, I am dying as I won’t see-have-saw your being, nothing to do with love but sight, seeing. Awe, dying is not disgrace also.

Don’t let them to call you any, if youdlove me, if you love me, you bear my name, and by any another one, I ll take the one you want for me.
Don’t let to call any,                   if love,                  if love,                       bear name, and by any another one, take the want for.
You gain is sake in space furthermore.

We become stronger than nature let’s say that for the primary class, because after all I am simply a teacher and I am not paid to speak like philo insided my class.
And since we are the reaper for her now, who will be crunched, not the pale apple but the male redden.

You know your style? Your face? Your lll? I don’t know what but your spirit, resemble so astonishly mine that I know what is in your mind. Let them run out to their childish villainy (via lain) 

Loulove, youlove, louplove, wolfy. Lowfy, lofty. Leaf, laugh, lot,

Attack pal?
The plan is not to restrain the combat at when we are under attack, as tactics are always in everywhere lurking, but take the one the most undefendable, vulnerable, and shillegahl the bush that are awaiting to kill and eat the nightgale.

Neverose psychose religious hellish hellenish the one who clams this an that the slayer the redompter all this beautiful bench of omit that are trying someone to believe otherwise that we ar all possessed?
But why we are all possessed, but nothing is new in the notion of spirit, but the exploitation once aq again that is done from it. Death doll dun donkey are your spirit, who whom habit?

You my dun.

I d rather go now and flee away rather than having to grasp any hop of taking you into my arms so freely that your back would speak to me, waving like the spine does when making love, waving without you to have to move it, waving through my kneeing that at least give occasion a fortification for its resting.

To have taken my advances positively merci.
Now ti is time to woo you. What does it imply don’t ask me, I ve just finish to…[secret]

A chilly sensation come through now.

And you would tease me onto becoming vulgar like me dum like it is not allowed I d think I ll have to relax you sortof. And you ll take the mickey, insulting, fleeing away, diminishing my pride, belittling my ardour,

I kiss you like if we have me at 5 year old an it feels so , oh lord.
Without ending but resuming.

When I imagine you sad I feel like ro    tening
                                      In danger        crying.
            Know you that you are wander
                        Know you that you are swearing I start being firghthen as it is a insolence oto how, womb, whom that I don’t know but I know that for the protection of you, your bits, and us it s gonna be more than hot, hauteur, too high.

I could slay you but I could pardon you every little sin but if you d betray me once again I d made a mas h of yoo.
As I am the most powerful, after your lovely god, as I am the most powerful and that I let yu think? That taking a deal with me is simpler than educate children and growing old stinky pant.
As I am a lover, as I love my hal, half and family as I love everything that gor grow and go older. But what I cannot redeem is any one touching to this candor.

People are s.m in order to kill the voices inside of them, as they are dangerous, but more dangerous is to make fun of them.

to believe in love nin, and this last night, is not a night, a time or in tense, it is you as not minutes, or hours but as my element.
Ele, ailee, im mence.

Vous savez these moments were the dice has been thrown and that one has lost everyghign without knowing it yet, well it is that my only loops, loss would bear your name.
And alas it be for every present I know it through my past, person who loved me this case
I have no twarned you as I always take great care at not sounding more important than due, but this is the truth, if you are really in love but like your belongings go away, you ve heard go away from me they will have you, their way are so astonishing that, they are so vula ovular, vulgar and so dement that…
And if you love me not tell me that the end of my life it should be not. The problem here is that I believe you, I believe you like comfort too. What are the part of our success, don’t ask me to stop I won’t do, I am not the one playing the chess tn.u.t, I am in love with you where no one ever brought me, simple as that with dickou my life has been an hermitery, I hid it is true, and you? You hid too, very funny your blog really who could believe that you were holding a second extra professionally, your mate drinker?
I fi could stop you, I would do from the age 16, when you took this one without your pa. it is not htat I want to have a row with my in law but to be honest with you. What you would have become out of control? Eh n, they make me believe that too, problem is that I work enough with people and behavior to be astonished at familys trick. Don’t throw the stone this is a profession, sickly done by the way, but they are 55 60 65 now it s high time to do a mea culpa don’t thy?

noose Nose, noise, moise,

Now you are with me I can go on.
And if I say thigs wrong well you can well do a release to remind me of my treatrise.
Do me a favor spoil and rod, I am your nascent. Who I want to silence with, to listen to? You.
And don’t give the shit and after, it is the technic of saying to me that I am not enough, admit.
Ok I might not be, and there again I ll pass for the whodunit.
I ll be if you d take me. I ll be anything reasonable, on this you can trust me.
Anything you need, two oranges the miring one banana afternoon and soup in the evening and the blow job at night, it is what during my childhood I heard my dad saying. And my mum who plays it posh and were expecting me to become a lady, a little more and I would traduct that for her and for my pround pork daddy, I told you that we are plebe playing like if we were dead reciproquely.

Oh and I am a simple writer, I write what I ve heard, don’t ca claim for the copyright you are the seigniors.


For sake’s,

They are not unsympathethic they are forbidding in case when their plates could be meanaced from being coller, and in fact it is what would happen

Music and film like in the french saying to cool us down, but if there weren’t this art soothing, lubing the cracking machine, what would appear, Lord?
Dole for the guy that pretend this fun is right, this fun is strong. It is art that still bring us to the moon light unless one starts phantasing of the escape onto another roll, as if there is no peace on earth what peace on moon will have to by, and step by step the torment of too much space for any life consideration, as the wind be not there to address us with this clear one day you abandoned the global the universe will kill us all.

The right to protect specific individuals’  right as simply because if this should right should automatically protected, the fact that a grouop is lobbying for them will probably bear much weigh as for being granted- versus tyranny of the majority.

I let it be funny, does not mean that I am the creator nor the befouled rejoicer.
Or frustrated, yeah, we know it all about it all.
I know it is that or the rupture, just to show how much it is meant to be good laugh.

The dildo of course it is like mine, it takes strength and delicatedness to introduce and move about. More and more so that all the tension of the body is taken by that.
On all directions, and thrust by the entire body connections, the sex is the object of reproduction and it does not loose any exitation even when it is not the intention, as multiple, as intellectual, as emotional, as every concepts every motion is question of this reproduction and fru furtherance application.

The stat(u)e I now could take my wed wreck on her arms the day I would be ten thousand miles away from recover. Like a tree. Unlike you.
That did not know I was living that did not know I was dying, that would not know I d got her seal.

What d I like? Making love all day and day after day.
Like demons?
Whatever we are tow wot wo-men or two men, like so we d manage to have a baby. Would the human species still be wanted.
Like mutans? Like sultans.

c est juste une blague vous le comprenez doucement.
eigh vous le savez.
J ai peur d aller trop loin cette fois ci. I am afraid of going to far but without your wanting me, I could loose time, precious time and it is when you d mocking me because I am a snail in full speed capacity. But if I don’t take all my time to think of us and chocking sulkening childishry I know I will do something not rock and roll. I don’t know what nothing colossal but they are expecting us behaving like royal, so ok for you but for me! It is just that I like my head to be screwed no strewed up very much. Strewth

Effet, enfin plutot quelques moments pour s amuser.
If you react like me ti is like that I understood my fashistery is when people did salty trick to me but nice one or if not at least giving me an insight onto my disproportionate feeling. Sometimes as I cool as I should not be, noting nothing of the others’ trespassing trepassement, or jumping on a little detail and wish they culd go to autswitch, or virtually.

I write yes, but I wrote a little about love, of course it is the fuel of all sentiment but hunger.
But hunger is what symbolyses our trespassing, trespasser = to die inf rench.
I will have to see you from time to time because me the revolution you see, I am more in a warrior type of mindset, also I need to see your move to recall at my head for who I do, who is the boss here.
Problem is that I don’t stand any bosses so your lttle sluts they are for me.

But yet again if I could not thank enough people that gave me rproof about its evidence, and evidence about it s proof, if you wanted you d be the first and last to teach it to me. The last because I don’t know if you know about duck or poultry, but the first person the bird see after their birth her mum, dad, their single parent will be. It is the first time I am conscious. And let be. I haven’t been knocked in the head it is a freedom sensation really.

 Anyway I calm myself like that because should im, I , we, found our glimpse, you would always ask me for something that has no end, and so would me, you, us, you, me and it and it whatever I won’t finish solely nor sultry. Finish and be fairy different, as fiery is only one element. It is just these old legends about fire being, jiinns, soil beings, human…it sounds very interesting. So fairy maybe not, but at which point of their meeting and influence and appearance and recurrence, my apology, as for the psychology the unconscious concept could have quested for this kinga tracing, but no one have done as the market is first for everybody, they all are avenging on the concept of culture the sole work and word that endure, nothing than but money. It won’t last long, we use to fear the nature, we use to bow to the e air, e animals, to the forests, to the river, ot the weather, to the seasons because e people knew that they were made up by them and no what do we give, we use to give insanity to do sacrifice to kill other species, a good note on what were to happen, and now we give her rubbishes and on top of it we don’t replace the trees and melt fortifiant, your facaes sap and sweat and urines, all the oragainic  with other composant that soon will become deadly toxic.

C est juste une blague doucement bous le comprenez.
I sent bamboleo to you because I love you justly. If you don’t let me well I ll never have a chance to come closer than IT.
From the guy I married white, the souvenir that is left the cd, they might be in prison the married couple prison prison. I d like to fight for that too. This depending on family and being incorporated, on groups, on interests. I could have been him I could have been his wife, it is what I lived before losing the north completely but I was only the friend so I just had to run the most quickly, and it was not horrid he just gave me a taste of what is to be engaged without exit with no a bad man, but man is always bad for the other fool when in position of supremacy. What supremacy, nasty. Always too much easy.
But always thanks the one that do it in front o fyoy, as one can cancel you by cancealing it, and it s when I return to parental authority, or unaccountable hieararchy or about the people you are the superior but tha hav e the power to complain or make u p the fault or countabilize how much your faults are without assessing your forte by any. Children that forget to bow.
You  know why it is because I love so much my wife that I would find normal to rape her, if I  was not reminded that she is holeding all what god has for me, as she is my love, and if I don’t love then to approach her is forbidden, did not remember to bow. As who can teach me but she??? Like the north star, the one you know have ridden you to your sacred event, most sacred than anything that one could count you, it is thanks to one’s inner story that the strength is here to pursue the one of the connos, commomo,  redden you and the one you can see all the way thourgh this the night of our lives, one night one life.

I was going to post that on your pro address not tha I agreed but that my inner voice just say yes, eyes you have to you play on her false fear,so I agreed, ans when I was set up to do it, she said no, but no gnome you have to do it with your words
I am fed up fed up being an abrit, abruti, a damn idiot, I am fed up
But if there is no test there is no results there is no success, so I continu, jeu ham, suis fou de fou, fou de vous, si vous ne le comprenez pas je me tue.

What do you do want?
A tiny revolution that lasts?
But why on earth womwn has ever been a part of the creation?
But if you set your bugs on me? Or if you neglect them after it?
And me? It is just that the one with who you have or have not.

An WOMb.

An WOMb.
Wombastic, wo, bom, bomb.

Your body abandoned me, you are dead and if I could I would put fire out of my anger that you are not responding and I call and I call but to where now I am a valkiry of still and yet but though listening.

Yet you could stll say you are because of revenge, but I ll be even if your resentment it  has to be and I ll get the message that you need from me and feed your want.

And one cannot leave  like that a 8 year old, no, that s not possible that.

We could have been borne from on e being accoupling with another being. Period. No male no female just two or several for it to function ate and finally make it more direct making evolving, specializing the different abilities by the nature condition needed. Do we need any more of that? We need every hinge more and more knowing that humans are about to go out of their cell, earth. Without the ancestral knowledge, he will be completely lost in a world where everything and other stuff can burst. Bon voyage, les gars.

The history manipulated by our schools proof?
They wanted to implement one version of what happened to justify the present order. Style???
Separate sphere, we are under flow of people saying and the men were doing that and the women were doing that and…
And when you open still miraculously preserve other document, (by empire mythology) you get that that things were absolutely wanton obviously. Or they wrote ti when it was like that as their last deed before being blasted.

 I look at them, mon ange, I look at them, even I stare into then, because I cannot do but verify, maybe it is you that would be there and what would it be were I miss that?
So I ppeer, peer into and it is for the sake of life that I do. As I can perceive that won’t be lost in loneliness, be lost in wrechage, in patience, in failure, in math and check, my love, lava, live for you.
Looking at them with what I was thinking of the fact o f loving, tenderness and rage arranging in the same packet, a body excrete. Crete = crest, ridge, top, peak, a summit submit.
And one of this bambino that would yell at me ‘tuck, how come you look at me?’

I ask you this question on gender as I knew that the liberty you make me feel would generate my feminity to be willing. It was not to know how your masculinity were going, but you know people likewise like pairing.


The harmony at being verstatile is that our female side is the one that has to contain, and also cool down as to burst without a license is so easier that it is of the best interest to do without, bursting while being in the canon is alirhgt but this take so much more talent that are learnt outwards.
So being versatile is to say no and yes, to go forth and back.
And within others’ limits, geographical too, her dick has a dimension, wall, and slick.

I know less an less what my life gonna be but if you allow it, you d be this the one that I ll never given up even in front ot the worst adversity, enemity.

Me rechauffer par l intermediaire de quelque vers
I have my head like a water melon.
To think of paradise is all that I I know doing, whaat is worth besides the way I could help me daughter to ding and find a way a heart, will you sir. But not like that like warriors saving life saving birds as to sing love if they are roost then our light will be horror of our nature and for ever, our couple a lust of falsity needing more and more to renounce not the world but renounce the right for our species to grow among other god of love, namely animals like birdy and their plants, to save us from killing and eatin paradise should be.
I am not tale taking tall talking human being in a tin but otherwise further more the eden sight where “no one says take, all is to yours”, but say take and you ll know what a cashier is.
Yes the human have the opportunities to kill or rise they own beddy. Pathetic. And they thank god to have died for them and to be able to soiled where everyone is breathing in getting away with ‘what it is with you’. Me I am simply descriptibe, but I think we are done, and band of rats, it d be ther pleasure of the rats’ bands, platebande.

Your hierarchic give you ffood for calming the frustration, force feeding them ask maman.

The problem with my excitation. I am fat, impotent, my brain tend to do gel, my come jelly, I don’t want to go on like that as you are the one that give me this excitement to realize that between mental and reality here come the weakness of obesity. Sha ll I starve? Lif I short is what they say. To appreciate throught the mental the gap between believes and happenings, have I written enough to indulge in some necessities.
Necessities, ne cease, don’t stop or is stopping the one that would go and stop the slope of depending.
I cannot insult my dreams they are what I have and more that I gave, gave up?

And the sin will come back under the shape, but which one dare-devils so courageously spits of the leak out of trade,  from what? Not under the shape of what one will say oh oh oh it is the deon let’s kill it it is hampering some of my other ways, no, no, in the shape of what you cannot kill, cannot touch, even cannot grapes or graph nor hinted or pointed at degenerated macaques!

for Tuesday, it is not inside I was talking about, it is just for reassuring myself ability to concentrate on a point de mire given. Or retractiong, I won’t be wordy I ma rubbish I have to tell it.
No able to do it further without being clumsy and if you d open I think I will pass out in the way of not moving any more nor my breath nor my body, brief.

 People have inclined to like the past better, because in the past horrors were happening that we were pretending to be secondary or incidentally questionable…
But now here are the sap of sackening.

People are shrugging shoulders when speaking about liberty and rights, but not it is nto like that it is even not about discomfort it is about implanting death in our veines and all that.

To love someone who don’t or cannot love you is the equivalent of being buried alive.

It is not question of being jealous but of being your law, who is gonna respect me, no one so? Who is gonna take care of my house, children and dignity of person that are married, forcely married in the rulers of non other love possible and a cuckold?

are you ready to work for less for the communauty?
This is not a problem the problem is hat you work for little money and not at all for communauty but to imply at the social care system or welfare system the principles of slavery and crookery.

ecoute c est pas pour te mettre mal al aise mais tout a coup je te revoi pleurer, mais me dire que c est pas forcement trite ni thirsted ni triste,  bien que vraiment ca y ressemblait.
Mais sit tu es triste pour moi, tu peux touours m appeler, alors comme je te disais c est par pour te mettre mal a l aise. Et fucking a’’ comment je fait.
 J ai reussi a m faire pousser les ongles, oui je viens d e feter mon emancipation des patrons, mes ongles j avais pas envie de les brosser, c est super le bruit que ca fait. Ca protégé les doigts c est assez magnifique comme invention. J ai envie de lecher les tiens de patiemment langoureusement les sucer et les mordiller pour que cela te fasse du bien, mais tu seras sans doute obliger de m arreter ou par mangue de confiance ou parce que je m emporterai parce que je les aime bien plus que tu ne les aime, la phrease c etait plus que toi, mais je ne pouvais la laisser tu me manques de confiance, j ai pas dit tu manques de confiance t auras note

The wildness of people who saw their fate reduce to nothing by others people and their toddlers being raise in this principles, spite and value, everywhere they have been, it is that to know the dog, god demon.

to do it for the posterity in the sense that juggaunaut and hurdles are but exercices for our body to create else, where and what without knowing but with the ability at feeling it right.

Si vous le voulez je pourrais me faire couper les cheveux j en ai marre de leur donner tant de soins de plus mon crane a besoin de respiration. Et puis ainis nous serons petu etre laiisse en paix en tnat que couple hetero. Je prends la part du gras garcon.

M y lady d arbanville was my favorite song because of her sadness, she is still one does not hum a melody for all these years, but before I was crying that and now I celebrate its title as she is alive as she is lively as she is life given…that without there is still love but in misery.

I am 90 now and I think of this old song that brutally remind all the story, this going forward, this surge, this impatience, this credo and Esperance. I won’ t need the cord having waited all my life for it, I won’t need love in another transe will yet again separate and reassemble, toward her was there I shook, in who am I now to tremble like f.amine?
Fam, femme, amen, mine.

If I was patient I d be simply happy today, but I am not so I am destroying, instead of reserving my energy for my letters to find you relay realm really


I d like to uner go my imagination go through this illusion or hallucinations but if I do so It b that I have to renounce to you also, if this is what I have to go beyond, and to consider you as one would be the end of all worlds, of all as what after yur similar a size on paradise, on happiness, on completion, that I would have to ignore…and what do I do even let’s say if I don’t want these sensations and achievement, would I be ready to die? I d be ready to die the day my paradise has gone the other side. I d really like to know what you think about this? Do you care? Ah, because me too I am novice.

It was my favorite song because she taught me ti.
And she had been sincere in doing so. Her story saved me. The taboo of homo, death, drugs, illness, mental, witchcraft, tenderness idon’t even know if without I would have encounter tender, every of my gestureeees ha d been a reproduction of that time after. I told you my score in love is a zero.

The enemity between siblings in order to exploit, prevent incest, and train to unfair competition and ruthlessness.

Lar evolution made by madame, make mecca
La revolution intimate and who is gonna chastise sir in all that?

Lar evolution

I love you for IT but as a writer of obelix and obcession would realize that it is the most beautiful of the sermons, and vows, though I don’t have enough of it. It has been cancelled the 2005 spirit. Where do you put it? Make me believe is still in location?

Would not people recourse to tricks because of innate lack of resources – example in roe the kitchen disappear without knowing it debating about it without clear means of questioning the decision and the rights for any students to use this so basic needs facilities, well why not room occupation, withing ths system or because the system is faulty and therefore encourage disharmony

About your feminity do you have in view at aall that I could be share with some other body, mine on this token? Or is it only for and all for you simply?

I live something I ll never think still now. Your persona let me to understand I could have been deeply in love with people I ha d met before but for whom I felt sympathy, acknowledgment, conviviality or

It was a girle pretending she was under cover and has the journalists has some info she could have swallowed, but what was under cover, to render one’s colleagues parano. Under cover iven if so my info are always proteted only for what my private life are concerned and the confidentiality oath.

Are you afraid of your pursuant> I mean you are so sexy so social, it is ridiculous to talk like that, innit?
Not but talking about myself on this occurrence, I feel that you d feel abnormally oppress if I d ask for a wash walking? Not a little, no it be stupid it d e I d why it d b stupid and therefore oppressing?
 And if we could meet once a term for you to ve suere surer that I am not your type of seer.

Expression of swexuality is absolutely outlandish since I met you
Could you hel heal me from that?

Et Il a fallu que je tombe sure le saint Maritain,

The voice getting lower when there is a contrast between hot and cold, from outside non pregnant guy should have taken.

If rape was not sexual but from th e frustration of not felling pregnant.

each day I fear more and more to do or become someone that you could not keep nearer than your jugular. It is the investment harvest I guess and no success. What about my books if I grow a pest?

I can see yoy posting things at 5.oo am in the morning. I can put my word on it. To see that, to be woken up by this, would be the freshest instant, the most entirely refreshing and chilly of all the live-giving orangade under taken scorching us sun, you are my sea.
From the bed, lying and getting hot thoughtful stopped humbled and hard dreaming over that life is the day when you d put me in your bag for me to sting as your scorp, how life, like that, should be.
A dream in Arizona, arise ore on and peace for horizon.
Rise hot.

To make love with the one one dies desired more than the world.
And not a play, as after, sexual pleasure and love freedom cannot come without, and I let it go away.

Poverty has been the target of being brought shame upon to avoid any chat around the how, and why, that it to be worked the way dignity has been stolen the first way: SAYING THAT ONE COULD STEAL SOMEONELSE FROM IT. LOOSING IT WAS NOT TO BE POOR BUT TO LET IT HAPPEN.

BEFORE you he was finishing. The letters all by death and sufferance termination. With you it by here and there though true that all shall begin.

The instinct of protection coming from the necessity and learnt awareness of live far fragility and profundor. This is left to the raiser, the parents. To respect every life with various life expectancy make the human brain to get an idea of how will be growing a being from its birth to its death, and thus ceremonialize process and their dependences integrally and come into fruition seromptiously. 
Inte grally       gral = grail in el(ev)ation.

I bow to the day hwen  I could make love,
Not to the one you let me go through your door or I ll call the cops now, and you?

Affair? I ll stop when you say.
I ll stop anytheme that aare not conducted by me in your mind, not that I am manipulative but my carress other souvenirs could eventually call, and your abandon a rape as we ain’t strong enough to have mansioned the third way.

If I feel dying without you it is because of my already dying by injection of your split infinitive injunctions, and my forgetting your romance, more coming from roamin romain inbuilt profession drifting towards oblivion.
It is from inspecting our err that one find life and destiny function, as none is hazard and fate neither.

It is ok as if she is ashamed of the stresses that have taken upon the curves and flat hurl lens, lines, lanes, lease, the crater the bomb that weakness and sloppiness make her bear even need to go on in this semi dream thinking that it could even come true ultimately going on like that. But she is intelligent enough to know that this coming trite or so even the shadow of it would be only after this live if optimistic hoping view on wishful side now.
Therefore you won’t touch her but she wouolld tie you to make certain you don’t approach your detector and catch that it is trough, and all of what she knows of this asperities to take in licking and relaxing and repossessing what were waiting to be lok looked upon. You could not say no, you could not move, and I d be repeated till you feel asleep or without a move.

Fire eating and ascensions.

And I was told and you will do and that for yur wife, for your life and I did not I knew it was not appropriate and one day I, new, been presented to who would be. And then this extreme had become the those this cine without nothing could be, this same that I would enforce right now and all along till surface where she belonged. This is a past as to find it right a husband has to the protector of the infants, knowing that they will grow, no risks that can avoid to be erase by one’s own children having the wrong allies, but still on earth there is one mission, family unified and faithful to hospitality. And god, shall us be killed it would had been a mission on earth, and viva homosexuality! As my children every child can be.

To be the angel of your happiness, a job to  be as a free partner.
Free of rules and routines, I am here to learn if not nonsenses be sincere, I ll be honest life is something else that if alone. Totally different and it is why I could go one praising my single apparel, but what I want is to belong to the that that can’t be bled.

Even if all was there I would not dare.
Praying for you to stay, as if it had not been recorded, what would be the word coming after filling filthy?
Even if astonish.hind at what it is the very so contrary to plain
Seeming sage comme une image, as wise as a condoling granny, you would be the last hope that d vie.

S il te plait ne chuchote nothing of my life, I am obliged to tell you as my life is for a sharing, I have to tell you but if I will have not to tell you.
There is no issues, no drama. As I told you everything already, so is that a yes, baby?
Nll no lest no forget I d o the anse answer.
No, ca ira?

This sister soul complex is to be ready to live for the other one, this decision ll make and be made of the rest.

I know why I am imploring you, that exulting every inch of live I had believed into, you are this very same. My prayer, the lord too.
I don’t mean  you are a god, I don’t mean to be blasphematory I don’t mean to be mad, in love it is all that you are, I don’t mean that you are but yours I ll be with all the fibers withing me fiver fever, on how my hand has no more finger inside of ya. Acting constituting our reproduction in our flesh and sibyl, see bill?

I was homo/hetero,bi, what I want to welcome is to belong to her, to him, to thee, to all of your personas, to every of your game yes or no funny.
I am not romantic I am in love. The way you want, and if I rant punish me, one of your brawl would be enough to revise more and more and revisit.  To change and with that without to have one’s death as company but not the one you can get stronger with the one that d say world wanted to vie, embittering to be.

To love is to know that one would stay even if every component d be different. It is to love, it is to vow, it is to say freedom d be low if my wife, the sense of it, would tell apart due to my dick.
Could I not be a she? And render that has to be prayed to be, your gladiator. No muscle, killing envy. For us to be any envoy, no more destroy but mess he.

Pourquoi tu ne me dis rien, tu pourrais m appeler, me dire oui ou non…
Non? Lasso aisons aise laissons tomber.
Do, er, would it be a cause of some irritation the fact that I could be slighty amused in the preservative and (put in) perspective (in waiting) to wait?
You won’t me to die and rotten, don’t we?

To have everything but to miss the same amount, do you have suggestions as for what would count?

bring its priviledge to your king, queen!
It is just for the exclamation mark, I noticed you liked it!?
It is not that I am jealous, when are you coming around, goose? These are those this good boys and girls you praise all around. None at mine, you socialize with your bandits?
Fortunate for you they ain’t that good in dummy psychology.
No cos before pampering around you will have to procreate with me, let me see infinite and how will you explain your ghosts to your hostie?

Each time I want to sneer I think barby following by N techniques, and I sneer like pneumatic dir drill or vibro, au choix. You want impale, or epilate me or what?
You are a very misogynistic dominatrix, don’t hide that. Or is it only for dyke you re like that cos the rest would not grasp you, of course you d report that for the guy to the Gestapo honey, rape without a word the missy- as ti is taboo no one comment on it- and spit on the gypsy.

To make love with, to ensure you commit, as like that you could wait for some explanation, finitude, reflexion on my part before deleting it.

Don’t say I hate my adobe, whatever environment, home, situation or body but to have let them running down I hate me.

To communicate one’s emotion, is a tacit history on the how, why, causes, consequences or their assumptions about what bring you there. Intelligence testimony.
The contingence of history as we discount ourselves as being without other powers than this relating, relation.

By the way the day you jerked me, don’t even think of slapping me with all the forces of your conviction, I d have to be a live to come back at some other occasions.

I come to love my home, because I was alone, because of my practicals, because of my cat that were waiting sometimes, because thinking of my lover ov whom believe in is the antidote of torpor. Thor pour.
Love, of.
Offer, often, sudden.
Sod, salt, sea, frost.

Even my for your as a span in time,
Eternal. Internal. External. An absence or presence of boundaries, to crawl to you and it. Without you the candle light cannot be more than a wind of insanity. As the candle as for emblem the dying sense of what is the sole sign of live for a lesbian. Only here her an’ ‘er ‘hore. And if we cannot I transform my in vampire I promise, but to exist you will have to pray he.

In french it says ‘hoe your pussy’
It is so romantic hey, mind when you think of when we were peasant, well oui.
Pleasant, and to be nourished by the green growing inside, but the week after week weeds and seeds that were sliding in your slotboard, yes holy.
This pretty cock forgetting their grandparents evolution as a species cannot say that, that mother nature finsished the work of their parents in giving them an insert of all other species.

But I know I love you but if love exists then what do I have to offer?
My fear excluded, to be nice to you but whne you sin? Or even but in stopping you? Or he vend and l fowl lowing you.

Uni privatise, hive, knowledge, without knowing knothing than the assignation.
It is no a melancholy on th past, as they surely know what were or not going to last.

I am afraid of your refusal and if I see the future, I am terrified.
But no as ariadne will take me by the horns. Ths arachnide, the snails, wahever you may need, whoever you ve got to heed. I am on you, as simple as k, as it is you name now, ney?

How many times?
 I ll accept all of those, you can even call them these.
And to when mines?
Was he your lover? Yes. Or you play mate? No.
So is it old fashion you way of having a wife?
Talking about him.
You ll keep us both, one for the living, one for the dreaming, who for the writing?
No for goodness sake it is now I ve got to practice small talk.
All my life I tried to get along without, consequence no one would date a desolate landscapes, and instead of playing with a flirt voltage, I am trying to know if is it a trap or a siege.
I trust you N I did many miles, and your face is too pure, but what I don’t trust is your candour.
Don’t start at watching me strongly it won’t erase the faced bared fact that you call me the sole while you live with this rat. Tar.

Your attitude and your writing form the most of the summit of what feminity would have brought me to imagine. The degree but what do you do wit it knitting?
I am not kneeing, I am at yours, crawling of desire, crawling of despair, and I know that I cannot be more idiot it would be insincere. Sin, sire.

No one has to envy epoch, as the revolution is perpetual and belong to everyone.
 To cry as one is placed inf in front of perpetuity.

Big parties , big themes, are in elites the whims of the people only, who rules the feast, millions of apprentices, are we?

Fearing emotions as where would they hope me? And without am I dead? But dead I culd with wish it but could I save some kind, help it.

I love you more than lapse else and all of this reunited is what I d like to say without knowing it is the last of my holy deeds. After the y could be good but frightened and like passé.
Always this child that I could chess kiss- to save an element as a tactics never as a strategy as billions are on the way and this time my fate an ice on cream ok- dearly but what would I pass then, but longing melancholy, the one that believe in this all made me, a universe of his cheek against mine, my eyes cramped, his silent. There’s. theirs, the world

Tu m as fait totallement oublier mon ex jamais je n aurais cru ca possible pare ce qu en meme temps ne m a pas echappe que tu es quelqu un de difficile voir tres chiante a creer crever.

It is not enough, but at times I become suffisant, no my manners but for you to love at our guise, you the manon, me the manant. I cannot bear the sight of someone near you and I know that it is the case of the time. Case.
In french caisse, cannibal if veggie.
But it is otherwise you would teach me, otherwise I use it since reading your philosophy.

To wish and wag a cig. Look look I m killing me self anyway.
Maybe it was that at a time there were no welfare for the retired, be careful of not spitting too hard on it.

You are brasse bouillon.

But before I was wondering how was I to find a way for dying and know I wonder how? Just how and when. The way having been spoted and agreed. And end yours by anymaens.

I suffer the nigh martyr, just for a voyelle, in tracks of you or them.

And I beg whereas I am happy on my own as I know that you could be here I a second, maybe in 1 years, 2 years, 5 years, maybe in in a week, a day or as any second in another world as you are my massy. And I beg but I d beg you for the rest of the time alone for the rest of the time with ya.
My name was jaja when I was a child becaue I used to say ja fait ja vu … instead of j ai.

I ve got details super simple to tell but I need to wrap them for them to be read by you with rather the same pleasure than the one I try to explain. And it gives some line an it is not poetry as poetry is the seme pleasure of those offshoot when the seizure at sensing you has to be offset than. It is no art but just an outel outlet.

To do things similar to your wife, and also being competitor would finish in nightmare or amertume spitefulness if communication were not opert. Helping but also that the insignificant or criticism or other point of view might be heard even if not listened to. An as the time on elements and precision is conical but won’t loose of its ideal of having been said as here is the duty and puissance of recording.

There is  a noise in my mattress that make some utterance and this is size master king supernatural, but on a how to make it grand? My chicken will know even if I don’t if I started to speak to them with heart and hounour. But to risk psychiatric hospital, oh that no.

Don’t forget that if love is not a choice commitment and its ramifications are. So what is to expect from the other? What is to hope? Choice and its knowledge array. And the tow of you reassemble in order to create this panel as linked as autonomous of freedom an intelligence. It have to be recall that the reign of lies was substaining this view over the religious with enforced marriage or one has to spell those lines with having other lifes hidden by the words? Not hidden by the words but the enforced life style that are by lies and hypocrisy such law of denial of truth and true identity. How can one love themselves if obliged to live with an experience of love that are the prior to prison?
At least they got a family? Which family would have sold love? A family that sold its members.
And business reigned.

And love is called the demon as who would dare loving at the cost of its own life?
But someone with the knowledge and the passion, the fire that tells me that life without can’t be.

People being chosen, as for chosification, chose = things, to become the same reate as theobject is conspue. To be supposed to reenact horrors learnt comedy, to be paid as plebianing ghost.

I do know that what s you want is my essay but I have to realize that in life one cannot expect it all.

Yesterday were no trouble but the face that dead me bring from childhood to Esperance of felicity.
Today is you and all that the combat would have been of holy
There is no regret for such sight that a woman that could be wify, like the leaks as witty for my future posture to be more informed on my lack of substance as love has been out of reach what shall I do for you to comtemplate freely the skies, hills, you my win, sanctity.

If comindown to the place were your voice would have been silenced, I ll be the seignor of the dead, looking in all chambers were my fiancé would be. And all these other voices in which I would try to draw you and out of, but would I be a devil for looking just for you, not for he. Not that you aren’t a make male but whoever it will have to be you my betray without thee.

It is not my kind to write this kinda stuff but for my friend  I do write it. Can we read my friend as secondary, no, not the one that have paid me but with the monnay of being emasculated, immaculate??  in me, and them too.

I have to reproduce with you in the sense I am made for that, and I think of my old chum that with his body friend were doing that, and I let my imagination shows me what he was at. And I always came out traumatized as in desert as the dromedary at the idea of I could be a cheat chime calling every one, and what if the idea would say but no I just was showing its way. 


Win? Sin eat he.
It is not because I am a lesbian but cos I (believe) in men equally.

Mafia intellectuals.

Heteor enforced marriage and property ??? children, as for work as for enforce d sex, is the state of the society frustrating?? Here is YOUf your baby.

Sexy? As making love with resurrection as for.

I was still calling granny as even if she was groaning at me qua(s)y, quail each tim  a little bit of investigation proved that it is in the whole family that it was from human memory had been like that.
Tat, ta-ta, tattered, tatties.

To act attest of one skill, inhabited. On form. Why to haste as to have on board, for it to be a board will need every fantasque.
Fant hom, fente, Fantaom.
Real telling, and royalty.

But what can we do about that? But a lot.

The relation to the caste, the relation to the object, as being similar to the one that has been forged with regard to the king, namely if one touches the pheasant of the king he will have to face the same term thatn if it is someone of his social rank that he had killed. The king representing there the place where the community grows his castle the place where business and armory tacky trade is taking plight and vile veiled value of the insincere.
Community and security.

I fear you find yourself just mildly homo, just because I am the average pro, pork and boy, that if you weir in presence of a super glam beauty your being homo would come so naturally.
I mean I amnot your homo, I am your knight would be and it is in writing that sentence tha   I guess one might encounter some difficulties.

L amoure.
La mujer.

All word or utterances, any phonemes, any significance, coming from your mouth your lung and throat and speech and sex insane your long is sainticty and not only for me form me.

To eat just in order to have one’s mouth crocking.

These porno literatures that was left in the toilets.
Taught me to bring texts there and else.
They were the friends of friends and my parents leaving me without saying nothing thiking that one will forge oneself, in fact thinking not as they did not have value pride for what they have encountered and the why of sufferance, locked up liberty and shaming shedded shred. It is why the child was leave, not to counter control freak ordonning their kids like dolls but to let society shaping them like demons unable to stop the hostilities and also aspiring to swallowing as proof of good condescension.

   This child that the love of you could have me love like if it was my heraldry, but would I have got so much strength to look after him or her while tech teaching that it is a reason, nay to go on fortifying in this existence, what for the sake of them, like a star awaiting the dying whil overseeing th lightening younger ones, where about would be and boo, off go, my dust and germs. Outside or in. no more side, of course there s morals and protection, the instinct of life, but for whom what will be pure actions, as my energy stopped at longing for oblivion.
And this each time you blame me.

And I would have to play like if I did not love you and you would see an apart falling soul and what if you don’t get that? How yes you would but oh awe hypnotized but your soul, was ti a game between shame and that. Wat was it this surging sign of loving rule? Not the devil or it is a being of purity, of having stand against the lies of whom who adore or more feign it. To bet, to get, what on the other hand is to somebodies’. The ones that preach for human order cowardice inspired. The ‘realists and all that’.

ha yes there is something, thought but I can assume that I won’t be the easiest, I need my shoulder to be quite regularly unblocked. My shoulders.

Told you about my white marriage, one day and it is the day I lost ground, nevrotically speaking, I found myself lock out by the very guy I was helping.
Look told like that it is a mess up but what I want you to know emergently is that don’t feel that you have to make it hetero to offset my lesbianism, because I am as securely hetero as anyone else, we are all so, as much as the queer side, we are all homo too, whatever the persona we have chosen. You know what I mean don’t do it for being consensual or so it d be my shit.

Something else, I d like to make a subject out of the faking exam of ours, a shadow writer and you are a graduate without knowing how to be holding a pen. Agree entierely, or I capsize you.
But agree or not, you shush, you shush, this is my party, as we are a couple now, intellectually of course, they don’t need us both as carrion. I ll regurgate it to you in end of race.
You do understand you made the choice of melting private and professional life, even not public as you could have done, but pro one. Right? So shut up or they will shoot you.
You understand my love, as far as the mick mack is concerned I ll be there, at least a little if their hesitant or reluctanct courtesies hold on the respect I have for the majordoms, thinking all the time of you. Not the majordoms, or else, am I cocky? No, I am study as for explaining what is my reproductioin I have to undress and I am getting tired of it, tired of live. If it was not but you, the one without I d rather die or awake killy. I use the wrong word to express vulnearability and impunity.  (punish, pe(n)is) Vulve-arability.
And without you

Pen is.

A gal a battle one does onto not for but with. Paradise fo power exerpt.

Foe- faux-false=scythe.

(punish, pe(n)is) (punish=puit=pouvoir= be able or well, pitfall)

desole j etais en pilote automatique cliquant pour la millieme fois, je voulais me l envoyer a moi. ne vous occuper de rien. plus rien importe dorenavant.

What is vicioius in the feeling of sensing harmony, is when you are not here, that it is derisitory to be happy, well at leat it would be.

I would like to be a woc cow because if I could do like putting my head on you and make you feel my weigh, my warm, the tenderness of my brain different in density, developing it softly.

It was not a saint but the mistakes he make was noever on pourposes.
But you should stop alcohol here is the truth.
We are becoming more and more dummy
And it can tell you, ti is your first spectactor. One o fthe two. It has a female but not a female like yours, a batatne.

It is no worth-value to bribe me I have none of the coined respect.
At least I wish so.

And he asked you how come that he could touch a saint like you, and you answer that it was because you were nice too.
An he aske d you how he should thank god for this and you answer help again somebody, it was the revolution word foryou, and she answered I ll have first to make love to you.
He and she was the same person, only that to do your cleaning and stuff when you hands needs from being sucked out and numb, is not the only holy stuff I can do- for you, to you.

And they said saint, and in good religious communities, they started tereated her like a slave, a good deal she did not kill some. Not the time.

You know you would leave me now, I would be like if I was completely alone on earth, mummy, ok but mummy cannot count for that. I had waited for so long, I really think that there is no more beautiful that longing for your shadow as I could your body looked up0n, that if I was left tody I would not go because it is for the girl I would not do it, but to pay someone, anybody with a condom big enough I would do it.
And the swingers party, I could wank but for that.
I mean other promises, other attempts I could not do that, what would it be called at the research of ya?
It is in my having attained the most of my own romance that I acknowledge that romance could be lost just like that. Never again and the honest way, I would understand who would look for it, I could be getting gentleman because my aim like your of not loosing time over futile, and also savoring still the moment I d shared, they are counted you have to keep and value up to all one’s manners.
If I lost you, I don’t await betting on life, but what I know to day it is I would do myself friars with the odd activity,
Previously I though I love but I still can find some other body and explain it, today I d feel I d  be lying.
Who would conduct me? Who would understand? Some? I don’t want that. I d stop loosing my breath, loosing my saliva, in collation of feeling, wishes as they all would have become whims.
You wanted an education sentimentale, la voila.

O after

You cannot be jealous mine is ours.
So I should be keeping it in mine or yours interior?
Ofh if only I could. I am too wak wead wead septic swede for that. I am too weak.
Wed if only I was strong enough for that, strong spiritually, you know I d prove that a saint can marry.
Oh, mary pleine de grace que ton nom soit sanctifie sur lat erre comme au ciel.
Donnez nous le pain de ce hour. ?? from slavery?
Pardonnez nos offenses comme a ceux qui nous onf offenses. From birdreries. Brebis. Brideries briberies.

sur lat erre

it is hard to bear the water when cold and a lot, it is oke when the spray is little and by another that knows where touch you while you are robbing you from cancer rubbing like the devil.
Water k disreeeeeeeeeespect will nick you sincere.

To retain her from doing pour pur sex as once she would have done, she would throw me to have accepted that. So why did she do it? To remember it well, to make a case in place? Cos she could not suffer that.

Je serai a howard 001 mercredi pour une conf.

You ask me to say I love you but all what I caress of accomplishing or do is for you. And you come with reproaching me not saying it while the every second of life won’t ever do………..

I would look after you sexually even if I did not feel like it as it is when I can see you coming that mine is arising.
Come into fruiction and existence. Con sistence.

Oh yes you would rape my wife?
Well me I would gang rape you, at the search of every one of your tears.
But you problem will be that we aren’t like your wife, we won’ t believe in ti.
Every one of your limb, taken fresh to the villagers, by interval of some weeks.
Not the head it would be too obvious.
And yes your penises last as it is by where that you could loose your whole blood, the last stuff you would keep in mind when you would have to tell yourself story to make the tiles pass over.
And I d have your woman too as if your horrid arrogance goes on and on it is because she is wanking, and after I could take your children for mine, as initially I was not for horror, but orphean in this world of monsters…

Between pain and jouissance, sex and torture.

I could have doen with only killing you but in a good village. In another kind where I am coming from they would have driven their members up to poverty cannibale.

It be for her to do the carve, so you thought you could…wishful thinking. Yo u see thinking like this bring you onto becoming meat only, the passing over to being a dead, above take all your time, don’t rush that, can you see what is happening, acan you see? Yes, well if you are sure, now take time to comtmplate, no , no I won’t touch it, it is for you to duplicate. I d just teach the god dog to wait for the head, but of a well dead only abbreviate when time elapsed for us to be reassure of the regain of our good appetite.
As reap the other wife is like to say you cannot be sure enough this it. A simple mark of jealousy a property game, melt with omosexuality, the dick you could not challenge honestly. But ofor me who has nothing but her, it d take for ages to improvise your recipe.

And you see I am not the one to let the pussy alive, just because when she shushes it was to mock us only. Of female there woul not be bigger number under pious chivalry no rivalry.

And you could try to buy my pity to say that it is due to homoseuxaulity and my wife wyould achieve you. What do you mean mine is a object?
Exactly when you think that tow sex of females needs, or that only one sex, needs what
That they are only objects, needing objects, as heterosexuality is objectivation of the all laws of condescention.

In the morning I rush toward university to send, for you to see that 5 am could be a big party.
Tripping over my stuff as my appointment is in the mail.

And I am kissing you with all what the time is deposing at this instant in me, and you are asking me if I d ever stop, but id on’t know wat to answer, what it is about being perfromant, I am intimidated, violi.

Her eyes, face, mouth, her body part going aside like to check if someon e is around or of having known the being tracked, or for calling compere for the hunting or stopping.
Is to be on and on on one or another define what we will have been doing? Life is more than psychological statement.

This art that I love so dearly, because I will be sending it to thee.
Because it will fly me up to me knee bowing in research of this instant of purity, toward the one the lighthouse you this other would be.

To come back to a subject and analyses further more each time when a synthesis is needed, it is that complexification on a subject even at the personal, atomistic level as synthesis needed each back onto the field and shafe and shield, a mockery to ascert to make consensual plan out of society debate, and say that things will be like that. Human are not considered as being human. But I don’t know under what kind of order commanding folies of the devils’spurses.
Any mal. Animal.
Animal. Are freer. Devoid of powering humans viles, but freer. And as the human won’t rule anylonger like that, they are already underpassed by their consequences bye bye crocodiles tears.

The Unknown Soldier-The Doors

  • Hut ho hee up
For Alf.

Our idiosyncracies that are spiritual hall mark on when I thougth of you incounsciously or when my energy, ideas, perception were coming from the period in the time we hasardely shared and but by eclosion and fragmentation. Utmost necessarity as I would not know where it d come from, from someone, whichever had been short or long the time we haven’t seen, if we are to, how long it had been you. On other operture, that wuld stay insupsionated would you air strike mine through the mirror.
Mirror effect and mimetism what do animals soil sole social are in touch though is not at the reach of the humans that are their natural and compulsory target.
The human this religious unspiritual. A degueuler.

To polish what you will be taking, to dust where us presence will be melt.

And I communicate, but become more an more rishy risky in order an answer to get.
Infantile, we admit.

And our energy is spend trying to enforce bassics morality against a machinery that is pretending to have the needs of being convinced first hand before putting her weight into upper-sixth evidence of doing it with complete imbecility. What could we have done of posittivity iwith this ernergy attempting to prove what every one knows, what god gave us as reason, and the taste and thanks for us liberty, life and endowed with divnity instinct of fraternity, to prove to people that know but keep on loosing us time into us doing piracy, genocides, and their command them indirectly.
This is the end, a gain.

To have thought to be deaf when it was that weren’t we prepared to face the truth or even have the slightest idea.
Imagine you don’t get that people are talking surreptiously, as you could not think that they could complot behing other people back, it is so hopless, and people are so devoided miserably without anything done towards the subject of spirituality and esoterism, that.
Then imagine the same situation but facing death this time, not knowing god.
Because? Of having profeetering from, not profiting, prof-(h(eatering, putting knowledge to a side not on edge of but black mailing, from ehe deaf or from not hearing permit ad premises.

In challenging romantic terms, one has to look after one’s pintade everyday, the whole year, till the end. It is how marriage (tide and flow, up and down, high and low) mare age and sap, can beat u p life disarray, in having lived for love- and whenc the children play

Never have I imagined tha t jealousy could have been associate dwith me. I think I am gonna become enraged and crazy. 
Rabbit.  Rabis

Now when I check and imagine that you could have send me a note asking me to stop.
I ve got a rush into my brain opened stroke.

A come my baby, come my baby,
And I will caress you till you are calmed down.

I close my eyes and saw in one the thunder, in th other the moon or sun.
I ll keep them close d thinking of their welcome and I know it be for you whatever they come.
Up and down my retine, without there is not world
Row, raw, old, hord, ore.

You cannot be successful as a society person, in this world as every one want you to be a businessman if you start helping people, like the state that were supposed to look upon all their citizens, you are put down.
On capitalism

The problem this the party system that take the state one after the other, like the analogy of a divided people.                    Berk,
The state is our safety net, but it should be taken by all parties not as a looting but as being in the open. But what are we afraid of?
Of legitimazing point by point our filth, and starting advocating pure conceit for our  same species, our equal. Or despite the eveidence stert a rhetoric of but no that is to lie, to deny, o r start professing logics that are insult to the intelligence of everyone. It is exactly what it is happening the difference is that the documents and the assesement even less, and the opportunities to assess, are not, what to go and justified such folly, or to do exactly what every one is doing calling themselves jobs but what towards the society. Voyeurism, doing nothing that assessing but in the perspective of waiting to be paid, for what in that kind of conditions? for robbering.
If I am conceited, they could be as well, that is legalise the way we tereat each treat, retreat, each other.
Council of vampirs it will be. Times billions, as open and it would be or taken, or salvaged or forbidden, and punish action and standardization, nothing more one can do version of hell.
Naked like worm, people would understand we are the last straw. As fragile as crakling but soon enough to tie raft onto boat in theory brothers, sisters, passereaux.

And now maybe it is the time to attack the people as there is no more nations, the system will have to find a way out in self criticizing, cript size. But how?
Is there people? Nay. Any? Nanny?

Embetterment, embitterment is impossible?
And the dead completeness of f the err static?

The passion that save us from hatred.
Any leasure, activities, hobbies, stuff one can be pound no, pround of, from what it is astonishing and limitless one can learn from and with?
Any children in the street, in work that paralyse?
Itn the work.
Hatere, hater, hatred

No I understood namimal mammal milk is blood, would not drink they burn the inner skin,
I scientist were searching on not an but thousands of veggie vegan diet, I ll prophetise one thing: the jouvence diet.

I am not only gay I am with the dream of my life.

Party put into question, so the system put into question.
                  Biased                                        biased.

I wanted to give my life to equality and I have to espouse its reincarnation as it was just that I did not know her, and also towards veneration is honor.
Sir oeuvre her.
Sir veux, voeux

To sing high communicate the sound to the sky.
              Low                                                          ground

When I understand that you mind my words, I feel like covering, suckling you till shout of joy.

For you not to dry your sex because when you come back it is still in opening I want it.

But for you to get it she has to love herself, and then operture will sing what I want of you what you have of me. Et ter earn.

I don’t retain my violence, when the image of what I interpreted as bad is looming, I start being more and more aggressibe. And what about thinking that since I always think of you, since I live for you that every of my unbalance would come and hurt you.

To suck you, from the behind of your ear, in this part of the skin is so fine, direct access to your auditive. Pump. Punkin, pomping.

Without you I d loose my heart, that is my puissance.
And if I had before ou it was from seeking under the leaves over the land.

My desire that did not bring me into entering your body just sound a betray I should overcome.
It is not logic you see.
Because it is not pleasure, it is suffereing , souffre reign, desire and existence but what your absence would be. A cry, a torn, a thorn, a ball mask, black mass rather, stormy, the wind waiting for it to be submitted to one’s won stopping. In going onto you, my mountain and resuming caressing.

I hear you like if you were on the phone but still in a system of resonance me in the rights aisle an you in the left.
And when I am at mine, we could not control your presence, I hear your voice in the distance it is remote like if you were yelling incentives and funny imprecatives.

I was a dead, and now she revives me, I am afraid of being widower the minute of her divorcing me.

My sesxual introduction. Father made mother drink and she has well had to, she must habe been the top of the hiding to make us believe that a couple they have been, the unreal queen. He made her drink but if I had known for sure that would my childhood had been, and little more awakening, at least I had been spared with thinking that mother were a useful whore, but did I learn to react when coming that neaer to a field of this faked fucked filth. Na on the contrary because alcholho helping I am sure that his or her later aggressibity will be passed on to us scrumy. As a chores child of a fratry.

I know it because I am from a bad boy background without ti ti be soiled to the ground without knowing that the reins’ are the mafia oboss’. On politics and intelligencia.

At manifestation, we could go by horses if nature was not the scapegoat of all our affairs. SAFARI.

Oto explain the light, after having made her encounter, not before, after. Oft, aft, her her.

I was going on thanks to that I kneow I find you I will be going that thanks to you. That the first (former as it is to the primary that they led, not as being secondary as the first will be instilled in them) was the way to the eternal peace (toward the latter) but not as a rest as the eternal quest for elevating towards that has not “weigh of everywhere belonging”.

between you putting your weight and me asking me to be heavier an you rocking against me like you d approach and enter the floor and my tension on that your fel flesh from this moving round and about my own skin don’t bear no friction nor derision but the one that deliver.

Fell action.

It is not shifting of personality, it sounds different because of thinking of someone, new perspectives, viewpoint,

The question was about living for others,
As he was foucusing on wanting to live only for her, blinkering that the reight sentence was, to live only for us. Oblitering by his egoism that she had for function to transform into the love he would not have but demand- as egoism is a sin it won’t bring back nor random.

there is no problem but th e money –as a truncated exchange, used as a easily proliferating dishonest exchange- and ther relation around it
just to confirm it.

That it is very dangerous to focus on one communities, are on e community is only one with its way of discrimination, abuse of rights discourses, exploitative manners…
What about other communities that could strive into tolerance or be in the shadow just developing this say, in order to adapt to an overall and overwhelming threat at being subconsiderated by ‘other emerging or ruling class’

Holy spirit a woman, giving birth to a child.

Ho god sake I thought we whoud see each other today.
I was in my good pansies.

This same excitation she was arousing while talking on sex perspectives, was like a knife in her just emptying her body off its energy like a sandbag whose earth would have been opened, with the chest uncurved like rigid, boxed out of hypnotyse, bending down to expose. This is when she the other, her other talk about sex, this sex she is not concerned by, or have to fight to regain her lover, a rape her loosing her.

Ehyena .  why would we like have to proof our bisexuality of homosexual to people that in general had not totder other aims than suppressing their homosexuality and subsequently ours, and our its possibility.?

It means that you somewhat enjoyed hurting your mum.

My religious and silking my intelligence is the moment I am reading you.
Never reading gave me this pleasure.
You are so funny, you are so witty, you a writer ma Cherie.
Ma chere c est comment ma mere m appelait et cela vous va.
Ma chaire, de vous tout m ira.

The lady komodo dragon at London Zoo has died in miserable, lovelorn, circumstances (s'practically Shakespearean if you ask me):

'Six-feet-long N, who weighed 44lbs, died after scrambling up an eight foot dividing wall to reach her mate in the other side of the pen.'

'A zoo spokesman said N's action was "both spontaneous and entirely out of character".'

This is merely one tragic example among literally TWO regarding crazed animals called 'N' dying in zoos. The other being the polar bear at Bristol Zoo who just got bored and went mad, ultimately bashing her head repeatedly against the wall until she was no more.

have a drink my hedonistic chums....for the randy-but-inept-dragon, shed a tear for the lonely, listless bear penned up in all-too-finite circumstances.... and remember, always support your local zoo.

then i will admire you. because you speak with alluring, attracting words of what u do.

about this first pronoun. i realized that if i am not specially cautious about it i use it twice in almost every line.
you are a litterature teacher then?
mind theatre is a good plot to speak about oneself without having to use words to introduce oneself.

 oh that honey come really very handy.
u d like someone what hold you so firmly and sofly that it could reveal your shapes time and again?

Today I finish my year I am on my bed unable to move like stricken

Separated, k I don’t know if I am , if has an utility the combat.

To make people loosing their time and energy pretexting that the logics of love and equality is something one would have to persuade them with!
So make real, then, yes but it is just that the fact that they don’t want it, pretexting that we have to argue in their sense, is entitling them to breach the rules of dignity, to abuse people, it gives them time and on top of it, we don’t spend our time to fight for liberty, simply talk about it, spend our life avoiding that the worst sharks toughened the laws of the robber-rulers on and on.

I am a true prosperous prostitute, but I am married.

C est le lundi of the day I thought I was last to see you and that you did not come.
I am reading it, and I laugh, I don’t know what I d be doing without you, probably empty stuff, IT is here fortunately I am not lying to you, I would not like being dying today, clear for you, mind IT is here it is contract imbricated problem for you is I am the less humorous.
Ok, still I write for ya, will it be ok?
Cannot redeem it with amaking you a tea? The number of time you talked about booze, I d like to throw it directly one your Augustine eyes when icy.

revolution and pregnancy coming to a circle and the why thing has to come from education from new doing between generations.

Bbc world program.
Cooperative consumption. Why buy a lawn mower if we could share it between neighbourghs or cooperative, but not unaffordable to rent or difficult or dangerous to exchange.

People who don’t accept other homosexuality or heterosexuality or bisexuality are in fact objectivying people they would marry and have married. Object, using, disposing, have as in availability, in stock, in their meanlifying pervertissable desirability, their cruelty.

And then you find gentle urban band that make you believe the same whilst buying your being grateful into believing you and the world are insane.
 And nick the peasantry?
Nature, nature, when you hold on me.

Mais N c est pas possible il faut que vous fassiez un livre avec ce qui l y a dans infinite!

To learn to be afraid, be afraid of one’s deed, detrimental for its creatures, our siblings.
Be afraid of god, would it explain the malicious pleasure one has to frighten, to punish, to be angered. Note for myself, to be cruel even if gratuituously, even if it would cause no harm apparently?

Was ti review for tien amen?

They played the caverne people to justify their doubt on homosexuality, but at that time no problems that they were dutifully aiming at reproduction, and between gays with inter gays encounter, and that was rock and rock because no one would have nay problems to have children with a friend as long as they can defend their honeys, expect when it get political.

I realize I have to emergently talked to you about having enough credits to finish my single honors, as if I attempt a full time next year the following year will be part time again.

Intellecutuals are essentials as recording minds and people is what they do.

It is since oussama, and sadam have been at their turn assassinated that maybe the fear the fright will turn on table.

Your only liberty is this? To be the chef? It is rigolo to talk about threesome but to stack the lesbian…freer in quality of captain not sure?

They say take a strong breakfast, I say once upon a time it was a general advice for people who were doing physical jobs and hard on top of it, and even then they I suppose start with a little one before go and tuck into the real thing after a couple of hours to fuel their efforts not their expansion. Therefore I d like to thing that the bigger one should be around noon, why because in the morning it is for its night that the body is thankful. Problematic what to do? As we want to succeed so we obey it, the rule that seems, and end up destroying a natural balancing, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
But still we can argue, not enforce but argue, because people don’t want to speak but for being firy these days have you noticed ti?

The rhythm of love?
Do the evil take me yesterday?
It is but you; who come in my mind any time of the day (the one of 24 hours and some spudy taters= ta terre = your soil)

And iif I was a true bore, something ou would not spend 4 secondes at if you had known.
Ask me whatever you want except pollution and meat eating, and you are a h.r teacher…
Break my cahins out of your genius, I am but like you say in the black carbon copy of the inconscious, it is how I write, an there is nothing more than writing in my, eat set.

Life, sept, life set. Set up? Up to?

I remind and recite your words, fortunately there are there, because I d be at two seconds to go and ask you, not in your office, well in peckham then.

In an animal rut, on the utmost romantic upon open sky.

Wars and its calmed rewards claiming that threre were nothing else than the chiefs could do.
Or perharps another war to prevent or slow down the nastier.
Were cups are not made of blood but wine.

In my college they renovate every 6 months all that can be covered. The fees are so expensive one don’t know what they are paid for really, but like said this other one (bbc world 9-5-11 around 4 pm) do they want us to be able to afford it???
So they do paint after paint, remove stuff to put them in another place, do a lot of work in building for the Mafiosi, it is so easy to launder the money from there obviously, but the ‘surface cleaner’ her is left with a vacuum that does not work, I guess it is to ameliorate the sense fo impuissance, that we work as gelding for the big cats, neutered too but fed as much as the overall feeding-up, you see try to be the boss and it is not your balls back that is the object of the promises. Not she is on a non working vacuum because they don’t have percentage on with the related promoter.
You imagine ‘working all day for a work where it is well specify our are a shit, our colleagues and rest has tot be treated like you, and the obole work we do, well let’s hope it does not later blast just right onto our face, for this we have our baggers, bugers, burgers, next generations heros’.

My jumper is so old that from green he has now his full tinge of blue, asshole. A true life for him that dress me like higher fashion as it just too k my form and me his softener parabole.

Talking for nothing, but yet again those who don’t believe in words just destroy the process of having had to talk, we know that those are in order to slow down the process and necessary time to build strucutures rocky, and that we cannot decide on our own, we are in competition with other countries, well let’s begin a true international politics then, but not the one, the same to what is already done domestically (whatever policy of family, corporation, company, or industry and states, which we lamely justified by ruthless competition among nations.
Let’s stop true politics for higher scheme of surburban survival into well being.
And if they do nothing well it is a choice one has the choice to do nothing and one will always doing one’s fair bit for food and cigs.

and this is thanks to you because the other staffs don't have this overall knowledge of course when we talk about it incidentally the other year.

The information that someon should be paid to give and assess as for their doing, as the informations the advice would change the courste of your life, as every ifno does, but this one at the top of the scale, and why are they paying for? As the work is split with people overload, they are but paid this little sup to RETAIN. And nothing IS GONNA CHANGE, YOU SEE. TRICK TRICK TRICK, STIR.

I am as quick as my heartbeat, and since in my body and soul it is like if there nothing holding onto but him.

SUPERVISION is seen as control freak as they are shaped on the view of pleasing discriminatory rules with on top a lurking underemployment or underwaged spade your throat under.
It would not be so, and would be allow to personal arrangement to do things our way if work was plentiful, and true work is surely is, we foil the planet with our living in, so effort given to it to be free from our horrors poluluting it and other effort for the space conquest ok.
Two, ok to be personal as long as our deed would provide food enough to survive, and more, and that our deeds would not bring death to anyone, object, and objectification included. And what we wait for the devil? Is still better than being readily eaten by her.

To express like singing. Emitting sounds whose substance is the one we are thinking of and looking for.
The relation.
But you the one for and through you ll conduct towards who?

On homosexuality. And endogeneity, or maybe should we be moving around?
Although officially barred from entering France before 1770, Rousseau returned in 1767 under a false name. In 1768 he went through a marriage of sorts to Thérèse (marriages between Catholics and Protestants were illegal)

Sola fide (Latin: by faith alone), also historically known as the doctrine of justification by faith alone

Mosaic law all on the basis of Paul's teachings of the life and works of Jesus Christ and his teaching of a new covenant (or "new testament")
new covenant? Covenant use in law but what are they but books without foundations?

We are behaving with earth as if we were distant visitors coming from another age.
In fact I was pretty like much so.
This individuals from another countries to whom was inflicted the owrst stories and no one where intervening, exactly like if it was not real, like if maybe it was a travel through time whose emission were light ancd  colours moving only, like tv, not that it is not real but because there is not interactive button, only a switch that could even say I behave even with my counsciousness at home like there did not exist, like if I did not have the obligation to mention.
Like if we did not depend on it, so what will we like to depend upon?

I ve never wanked so strong, so deep, so real. In fact I let myself if not imagine, adjusting. Why not imagine? Because you are there but in my exile.
Can you imagine it you ve become the number one of my entire sexual life, it is insolent magic.

-why don’t you phone?
-simple I have to talk, and since to be honest to you I d have to summarize, dying resuming.

I have doubt on sexual problem, is not to communicate my pleasure?

Of course we are all bisexual.
Don’t youdicsuss more than tea you among and your friend?
We all would be damned to have sex anyhow.

Only that, in admitting that we are up to it in front of the eternity, well you transform into the sex I psychologically admit, and there will be logically a lane for it.
How to reproduce between same sex dude.

How to reproduce between same sex dude, and this time not the spritiual, the holistic way but the biological manipulation, homos and their children you wanted them so different? Let’s bring the mus-ic one.

Dis don infinite-piglet it is comic of repetition?

I d like you to know that I live with someone blind, that I did not believe he was really seriously when the proof that he gave me it is that he was actually even more than he let it understand, managing to know by heart where the stuffs stand.

Ok internet is a revolution but now is done what about the hours we spend on sites that are not designed with functionality?

And if Christ story was a discret warning, look at what happens when ones is not minding his own business, or business as a general appendange? Very like Victorian hopelessness.

To know love is eternal as in life deeds impose upon a recognizance that is to, so.

you start your invectives, and I say no hone, my pleasure not today, but you tackle the situation that it drives me another personality, and I groan of it at the idea of flirting with you just like if it was the first one when I have to prove or ensure the love I bear for ya.  In this another dimension time m y other hald half is satan, belzebuth, all of them, you transcend me everyone but me could become insanct, insanctitus, unsecure, insane.

I don’t want to do too much cultural annotation as people of another vackground would nor enjoy nor profit from it!
So what’s satan? Erm, anyway, he/s he don’t complain on profit.
Or maybe, as a nice unexpected surprise could it be? To expect have the dark forces with one’s and when it appears real to constat that the mess you put inside is not of the taste, he belongs to the realm, of having been the second to no one, but the unfaithful chef just like that. So what would one want in commiting sin like that on his behalf? Cene.

Still.... as a female who knows N... I wonder if she bitches about me or wants to fuck me



To be roasting in heell for each of the stuff we ve thrown, throne.

It is Tuesday and I did nothing as if you let me write it is no more desire but loving.
And the pleasure of this conclusive sentence will be enough to satiate tonight.

an attack with a truncheon left very, very unmistakable trace on a body – Yeah, because to come back to the truncheon story, it is for certain that a medic would know if it was a blunt, round, of very peculiar shape and iron object or such flat and concrete stuff like a wall-unless it is on the edge of the stone, pit or what? I don’t know I am not the one of csi plus if they make that up they would not be so gross, would they?

well i don't know who to ask but something i found very intriguing. it is about one of the protesters, Alfy as i read it had be knocked out by a truncheon while the police said that it was a concrete stuff. well i am wondering if it is at all possible for a medic not to be able to differenciate between an injury caused by something stony and probably flat and this other thing ironic, round, and to put it bluntly compare to a polished stone, still very sharp. any liking for csi? or would they argue and demonstrate that he might have been in due-tie, properly stoned?  Flintstone, flee(t)stone, fleet or genTeel tile. mason anyone? 
Fleece tone or philistine.

tiens, mon brave gars.
The unknown soldiers.

vera, tu verra
vera? Look up.
Bore d’ elle.

But excuse me but my uncle of adoption was cockney and to women that thought they were a saint, innosaint, because of telling off other, expecting them to become but the servants of god, he would have said ‘you are but pussies but not, pussies are respectable people, fuck you all but all’
All in all.

Mon amour, j I have something to say, we were discussing what name I should be wearing given that you were protesting, and I thought of my mother, di d she want my using her maiden name.
And then I thought that if I was so in love with my ‘career, as battle field as it may be’ it is surely mostly thanks not due thanks to her.
And I am thinking of this ombrageuse woman, very sweet, very discreet, very neutral, very efface, for the others, but why does not she say nothing, nothing, do you hear me, only when her shame is in play, nothing, she said, she would say, nothing, nothing I could hear, nothing she would explain anyway nor reveal.
And come back into my head how I would say to my child that they were, the first indeed, but the other too, he knows it if the ‘hit’ in question  really think and love me he will obtain the full sense of my paroles and their optimist pacifyist optimum.
I say to her you know I really loved your dad but you were unexpected, and so and so.
And it is when my girl really loved her sister, the one of th e life not o fth blood, they don’t see, they don’t see each other nau more my wags, that she would understand why it is so natural to me not to say a word, I have not chosen anything, anything in my life because when I was 20-22 I was dreaming my route about o to just fall. We did it, I would not say we made, mad, and I came to be pregnant by entire surprise of having some inside completely reliant.
And yes we kept you.
From the daughter preserv patriarchal perspective perchance, she knew that her fav unkind unlike her mm, would have her being pregnant with all the intentions, at least they have been there once, towards dishonesty? Ah no that’s another subject which is no abordable, at all do you understand.
I was saying nothing as much as having not chosen my life.
Get pre-gnat. Naked mid(all-a)ges.
Doing children for the wholly war probably.

The blind people should dial…and give up with the number made for them longer. For 999 Deaf and deafened people using a Textphone(minicom) should dial 18000 in an emergency.

Theei will tell you since we be ve got an awful judiciary systme, permitting someone to be allowed by the odd judge thousands and thousands in settlement that are worth zero, (like maybe they insult each other in the media to pump all around, to make fashion this type of intervention- to make them popular- to make them plebe, the ebbs)
And to say to you oh no you cannot do anything but what is on the stipulating lists if not we could be sued for health and safety breach.
You understand the fascho? Technique miss, finally it was good ideas to have powere for pussies.

You know me it is your openness of mind that revolutionized me, you lavishly allowed me to imagine all of you, well therefore thnk you.
Thank. Thnk, fnc, fnec, fcaik, snk?

To regret nothing as when in the right path, even if we loose some of our skills by adapting to the emergence it is but for that serve us conscience.

To express?
The passing of time.



You want to talk about sex?
Oh yeh you love a girl, I know what you mean.
Don’t load yourself with any less than essence.

Love will be though, hardship but dolly good.
I ll be at the lecture a t horward today, even though I cannot read your philosophical essay, the readicat…euth radical.

The revolution but to understand the moves we have to be half way of life time, to realize without getting in touch that every one is already dead and tied.

They play politics like if we were the nations from different planets, like if we were about to make a bomb and explode everything, and that because if this each group has to take the most serious measures in attempting to dumb the other in order to justify the faschism uprising, the fact that one breach human rights in their own communities in defiending, defreinding, but defrosting, defending their patry, no mony.

Today they have to get class struggles more than ever because there is no more escape, the walls are falling, and we are, will become a global village, but no more pouch for slavery, no more geographical, let’s hope so, but if every one wants it, who are gonna be the next to pay and sign the bill? Banda fascho.

-I have got a hater outer hatred for pollution and thus for convenience asshole my car.
-It is because you don’t have the money.
-I would have ti I hope for s.o.s solely that it is to run against you that I would use it.

Every one in the same boat? But ooze, hose house, whose is it?

You, scurry.
Me, scud?

I would not commit perfumed perfidy perjuridic perjuries if I were you and neither blasphemy, cocky, cocky.

We are but only the falling half of this other half in you and me that is still not nor yet has been completed.

In-divide dual

You are lecturing, or you are doing your swimming session?


And she will free her, hersoul herself my due apology, when
don’t think you could stroke me where I am not ashamed of it as where there is less fat, there is the toxins.

I was in comtemplation of me, hanging ty by the hands, swinging on the near ceiling of your office, like a condemnee.
And you opening this f urious door, and what reaction would you have at the sight of my longing for you to come back fronting my despair, facing your pair.
Feel like fleeing to your minestrely, no, no to your ministry and ask for my detachment, otherwise you would do it other round (confer maiming me chick) instead.

Ministry,             mines try.


On pain pressure, and pain relive relief.
I am visualizing you, my girl friend, in pain and want of analgeisic.
To relift, I would get an idea, but I would need to be with ya.
I d be your loft.


And in case you d like or want to make a movie, it is no, even if it is only for us to see, or I stop to make it.
Unless it is you in chains.
And only you.
And only that.
The passing of the time, facile, fascination.
I could watch ofr hours probably.

Authors reproducing the sound, the acoustic of their periods and methods.

I used to do autistic, not autite after autite after swimming under water, but you…
I reaalyy feel a cuddle now.
Since your drums has been destructured, you can stop ale altogether now.

You know it is not because you would choose to kiss me that I thought of you wanting to see me every second week-end and all. You would pick the second, as the third as much as the first time. Ok I d come and propose more regularly but that’s it.

I live for writing, I ve got that chance that is inestimable, I live and love for you, I ve got all the time.

You asked to me, to me that had done whatever I could to survive your discrimination, if I am gay? Or gay really?
It is me you are insulting, or all others.
Insisting, insulting.
Uncease cesspoll.

M ecrouler sut toi de fatigue.
M ecrou,

The paranormal, as themed by vampired, ghosts, darkness……………………………………………………………………………… viewed, propaganded as not happening in the daylight, not happening in quite (quiet) constance.
The paranormal is as much as kept and keep us buried.
Higher, hire.

Generation post-eve? Ever.
Blog, bog.

I think that we made the grandparents, reall suffer, from the war, they have to get with vomissure of modernity. Without having the opportunities, nor leisure to say really noghing about what??
About wars, if effectively conducted? Its effects and its origins.

You are my wife, and for you I ll stop what you say I have to stop
And as you are, one day you will ask me to resume where I gave up to finish it.
On mesmerizm.

To be able to hypnotize someone one has to be able to hypnotyse humself.
Yourself, oneself. Ego, superego…
To be able to look in the mirror and look into one’s own eyes and considerate it as an ”enemy”  ene = haine = hatred, + me

The energy coming to a round, could put anything, including others’ observators (expecting=unbalanced, in prowling) mind to the ground.

Celebrity or famousity is an entire and independent actor.
That means that if your are the one emobying the controversy or themes you are not regarded like a being any longer but like a debate. People will hate you, pity you, admire you, support you, lll, but never ever love you or just acknowlogding you like a piece of flesh that need walking on without trepassing. You are the opinion token.

Mal = evil in franch.
Para nor mal. Ah yes, norm>>>
Enormous tentaclelous ponds of potentiality left not even unused but enclosed. Prssr cooker you know that. You know, ney?

They will treat you as a unsavoury joker, now they know I am a serious one.
Don’t go for it, they want your essence, serious, and this is deserved as far as you are concerned by just by one.
Think of that, and the joke in your veins will go into their aid.

And around your brest, so manifold ruts and veins, hills of course, shaping the general but inside it is the moon with this criteria cratere in between. What should I do to pass through that and pour my energy inside you intrepede, intrepid.

Cleaning is a nice job.
When you are not commanded to use product and kill the planet.
To move my body at something useful, when it is useful.
And to be respected while doing so.
Meaning as well that retributed, not in money allowing pollution or disrespect of others though.
And doing it not for the personal space of other but for the commune.

If doing for personal space well the exchange is not you the negre, one pound an hour me the bankers one hundred, your mortage and your pension. At the office you clean your personal space, clear clean?

They behave like if they were concurrencing other world completely apart, separate sphere, the stuff is that id if you d like revolution is very much the time as the “bubble” is closing down more and more tieing everyone, the gig big ovens it is likely to settle down everyone?

Believing in tarot through rationality as the medium knows the symbolic of its tools and boards, pens for gnomes liberated by just like us the fro and forth and ebb of thought, the tools he offered is indicative of what is perceived- and therefore released.

My ghosts were the presence I was endlessly seeking to endlessly losing, you are the one I am always in and come and awake me to say, come on, darling, go on. It is the difference between all that and ya, spsychically speaking.
Psychically/spy, chicolly, chologuy.
Colloque, chick, co-lleague, .

G? host?
Gelatin, gasper, gallant, gyro, goulh, gorilla, gohr, gay.

I suddenly realize the generosity of your breast, which I would for the all golden place, palace, or against, love to press between my chin, mouth and palm. To press for them to interchoc and down your chest part recipe in, heart et sip in. For you empress of volupty.
And breath impress not me but the devil in me who has to go, pleasure like this don’t hate homo.

To be in the cold, with no choice as to do cold/hot with one’s throat, and drink or eat hot, and instantly to have a voice of the cave, and people, pussies nowadays, thinking that you went through some sort of devilishry, without noticing that devil is the nature itself but the one we die di(e)srespected.

To woo you is to make the promess that happy around me all your life I would do, I d be my utmost for you to please and ease to be.
I am damned of you not knowing it.

Inspection of you canal to the tromps with a nelly, naily fingering?

I d just like to drop in next week, Monday most probably, just in order to retrieve the french/english dictionary.

Re try eve.
And setting righs.
Res (latin of loi) cue.
Law hint, rescue: to have the power is to be able to do it. retriever

What’s is impossible to do even if most seriousness, cease to selip, sleep, play.
What’s the balance, go on with strict avoidance of going on detrimental see demence.

It seems a bit navrant view the state where it stands, but I am affair, afreusement careerist.
But the game I think is honest to play, towards everybody, from the most destitute, to the most depossessed, possessed by the horrendous acts of general society, you know I am afraid of going in hell for not having approach that to the slightest, read as ass real ly,
And when I thingk though I was telling people it is what I love and I could live with you transmitting it. But the a day you come? What, ma cheri? Would I become like my daddy, little by little saying that he is better in his best day cos it is like this, business is business, or I could say I have to save my bit from this world, and what about the love you gave me? It takes time to knee.

And when this time is not taken or you die as a fornlorn knight, at least forgotten, or sap your lady.
Without my lady I can be. I would have to fuck with the dragon after it.

-You are falsely romantic?
-And what do you do when she noticed it?
-just to put another layer, over-layed.
-where’s the dragon by the way?

People treated as unpacifist when trying to spurs debates on rproblems.
Whereas what are the other expecting, a blood bath resolution?

I think you will kill me before I finish reading IT
Did I tell you I chated with a woman from n.y she asked me my i.d when I ask her for a drink. She had been raped in her own flat, no so uncommon up there.
Did you notice that you had been robbed first and loose your hearing in second. It was what the analgeseic the night they break-in?
I d be your mum I d mess up, I d be your gril friend, you want me dying.

Girl fire grill
Gril fiend.

I imagime you talking to me softly and excited. And me head down responding. All other person would go out of the room, for not come back, or ask me what happens, and do the same with postponement , porn intently inflictuate, cunningly, aimant, but will do the same exactly.
You are the one that would know that I imagine and store your sound for it to neverending go inside me.
The one that would know and get it.

You are a grown u p being, and would I have made love with you it is that I d be asking: what moment of your life would I be left missing.
Bereft. Bear heft.

You understand you have to give me this moment where we can retrieve to a younger place, it is not question of age, it is to see you at any stage.
My life depending on yours, what would, what should I be without the parfum of those?


It is so grotestque tht when you will opn m y secret document, you will see through comic of repetition , injunction.

One can be instinctive on people but what about being on things and events and our own doing, and missing and decision taking or escaping?

I just got a sneeze, resounding like the one percing a glass ceiling, your heart might be at stake, to be feminine liberated by you, felinity would bring me steak.

They ask to be save but when it is a shared aid that one is talking about, the crucifix they would hold on ya. Piglet.
Hey ain’t so mean, that, than that, the pig, hey, not you. Cochin d inde, du peru.
Don’t treat me like a racist, I report my gore forebearer, c est tout.
Now, next destruction on my class will be for my child if I behave so gently. Please, please, smile, eh, cheruvin, if not you we ll save mummy. As for you I tale ya the count of necessity…
And therefore to have to kill to get the job I want you to gget and extort.
Ex-tort? Ex-tract?
Tract, contract, and propaganda of your children ready to die of whom neurosis will say it is to be an hero that the world is made like that. Isn’t it my dad, isn’t it my nation, isn’t it my bourgeoisy?
That makes me believe that life was this way, one day.

I become slave of you, wondering if I should not differ my making a fresh dinner in order to be at the university at the earlier.
So ok I wake up between 4 30 and 7 but 5 est la bonne heure presumably.
Slave of me?
In case I would arise more than pity. Mind at 5 with you, it is better you own beasty…with my 5 honey, with, ok lest no start pity, you d enjoy it.
Yes, yes, we use old recipe, older than the formula even but coming from the heart it stays a good spun, and my marmite, the pot they are coming from what comes on top but your desire and care and respect on my autonomy, I always wanted to sleep with my mum, much more than inconsciously, but to be chastened while with at leisure cuddling you, the spectre of my wifey that mum would lead me to smell instinctively.

Your writing, I star knowing her now, her frame, form, structureeeeees, an unnumbered fracture,- I write because of mistyping and I do this play when I have to do something with it, yeha.  you are 
Maniac, superb as a author but I try to think that I should guess what I s to spend one minute with ya as the control freak of my own felling for you, my turpitude nin, if you are like me mum, asking me to smile and all that…it is because she is still and pround to be me mum, but me mum that she is stell steel around.
If not I would be alone completely, but Daniel, but it would not bother me.

It would boost me even, perhaps I would search a mum around my demon, perhaps even surely. I need you 9, if I had on ny dkey board I d say Φ each time, any but far too reach you won’t complain.
In heed, I need, someone I can cook for fresh, I a m fed up having these thoughts and you are the queen of al l my demons oplus being it of my days and flesh.
To break this circle it is why I need you, why I want you is another, alogeter another poem. Is it poem you call that?
I would not say but the beauty of your remontrances when it is not like that.
Would if suffice, I would dan muself mes(s)elf, to bring sanity in the throes, rivers and pond that have brought the sea.

I will tell you why they appropriate our relationship because they say that I should be a knight and work for their advantages, me I say I am your knight, thank you very much ofr your gentle attention, of protection, families. On what is really socially marriage.

She resembles your mum it is why I am appeal it is why you are weary, wiry.
W, v (alk)iry

You know throught the love of our work, it would come as undestroyable our affection, renewable without a fault even, is planifiable with bloody tension

And I imagine you go away after 20 years of our ballet, for someone, and I imagine my pain calming down as ti would be one of your joke of mine, and I d be, my back curbing, face against soil, groin kept at distance with it growing a hole, thrusting into the ground. Burrowing, ready to spare the time with eternity. And you touching my head drefus, draining the hole of the sadistic aspect of being a prisoner for the faith that make him alive and sex, bloody no, alive exept. Bloody, no ex heft. Don’t do that I think that I d loose years of live panting my reaction back into a body whose soul is infinitely gone and weary alas already with your no you ll reinforce me to thee. To live? You are the penitence woman who don’t know that I am alive, no more than freddy mercury and shaen connery.
If you do like me though, drop it I know you don’t have the t.v. it s a good sign though.

Someone masculine and very sofl?
Someone feminine and very soul? (means rough)
Very feminine my cherie but whent I start staying over, and saying it, I am readily, ehm, oui, ouai.~) it s a smile. From a cello, here I am I know with which instru I want to play out of my cello solo, le  ho(e)bo(e). C etait un play on therm that? Or the harpsichord if it is the tambourin e you do. Mistle, no not measles.

thank you for the dictionary j'en air reelement besoin, but i am gonna write to you, because ok i am a lesbian, thank your for the notice, but what i did was nothing bad. you know the truth right now is that i had been waiting very long to have a student life, N, i told you very long. i have a story, and i ll write it to you. see you later and """" the capital. in brief see you.

I don’t know if I am due to it long or brief, like usual when I come to speak about his personal it is only to highlight facts therefore it is never something prepared nor for which I have been longing for but these last past seconds.
So I will do it short for you. You know the workers type of mindset, they are more than one, I agree with you. But the one that say just go to school till whatever you will have and after have a job when you come to an age, cause maybe another child but you in particular is the one with whom you won’t put up with.
Well ok he went, at 19 during these years no one managing to explain what was to study and the importance of learning but the chores that (do) elped it. He is from parents working middle classes, upper even they are devoted to bourgeoisie, oisif, the grandparents, workers, and god knows that it meant for the older, the war, the food restriction, the cold, the labor from age of twelve and below, the orphanage.
He though quite quicly- not that he is silver at it- understood that he had to be happy, meaning resume his goal but this time with attainable project under ti. Well en d of th e story.
Between learning a trade, full time, following by some years of part time studying, at a distance, it is so that the student life, tu vois ma belle, for everyone but for dickey, anyhow even in soho, she is too travefallloo, or too many, concepts in mind, equalitariasnism included to play more than a “it”, not i.t of computer, the virtual is life but not completely.
Not that he does not belong, but the coffee story… if I do blog it he does njot go to pub, don’t think I ve got two personalities it is just funny, to write is always through a pen, pain, open? As much as us communities.
In speaking of it, the communities, long I am waiting, so long, ti is not funny that. You know he is third way, no communist, no, but not a dummy, not in politics N, life as fairness? Yes, but faireness does not overuse of stragler strategy. He is not a doer, as abstraction is his passion, yes funny he does not fare long, but she is the oblong that keeps him warm at night during the winter especially.
Then we will change the dames, the draught chess, I have been ravished by the scenery and if I am not communist I adhere to the dissidents’ some of it, it is the bigger party (20% in france, not so long ago, chery-blair the cavior, caviar one, it is that I would fight it, the lies, the intellectual hatching manifesto and doing their opposite, the worst dangers, the kill dreamer, dreamer singular or plural, celui ci?
You are a public figure? Yes well you are in the societal debate, the public sphere, harbermas something, tu vois j aime bien la sirene et ses lectures, don’t think I am insultory you would completely miss it.
But me N it is for real, rick, I saw what did in our countryside the conjuncture, the paysan that everyone put aside, pull away, whereas all that they would say is that the planet dies. And at 20, like this bunch I was a baby and I tried and I tried to what? To have a lot of inconveniences, so I thought It was me and I startede reading an reading and reading. And I started to let people know, and what I have learnt of the difficulties of ideas is that they are always congenial to spread and display but what when they are used as “stilts”? as carots or sticks nothing for their puissance but just a parapet. Not a guide, but the recaller we are up to that intellectually but follow these good words, and it won’t help ti?
Funny or regrettable, upsetting, secreting, siracuse of infantry, you want the revolution and then where’s your che? Doing dinette a la sadman, I quote, I quite, the party we are more than phrasing phasing the lesgay?
You are a hub, I thougth you viewed it as a, your duty to convey. I mean they were public these meetings, or it is the kalamitychingoff he will have to envisage. I mean what if the public place is resterained because the chef decide to stop debating, appartchick???

There is tournoi, k there’s curse crusades, and I want to run for ya.

Discrimination on differences and freedom by categorization is ignorance and uneducation, schoolare included to add to the structuration and bonewhalees that have been dimed.

You would not like cover me with shame? I turtle, trusted you, in ny live I have one love, the theory, I know I am talking to a professional of it, a Methodist maybe, anyhow, the hysteria, sang gloire upon my throat, thank you very much I ll do without. Don’t give up my cd. See you Tuesday, it told you I want my cd only. What did I do wrong? Stir the dea debate a little bit? Not that I reckon I was the most nice and man in the street citizens when you chaired, yes flesh, ah yes, lady, the unexpected?
What is the problem? Love? Feeling are in the air, and are still there without permit. Do you think I ll do a big mistake, do say it? Proof, evidence, surveillance, let’s talk in code? “I hate you not” Moliere, mole, ivy, mais les chaines ne me tentent. Musauliere.

I love you and as when you hat me it feels like the end of every mission on earth and I am a drop out. To be strong at that time, is to hold on to life, quite simply and reinvent the way of not going wrong, of searching blessing, of still like someone.


you would hold on to the transbar woody warm and how you would like a poutrelle, not a pole, the one that supports the roof to cover me all. You thighs on the upper part, shoulders and the arms I would put round around thee. And this all for you pussy might englobe my mouth and your juice right inside and flowing though my stomach down to my blader, from the one near the upper chest too. Anyhow when I eat you my body is messie.

I COULD spend hours wathing the pics of my cat, I could cuddle him for long period of time an he was pretty happy, pretty sure of what, if of mine, wyould you like one? Maybe?

You cry because you are harsh, you think you could have you minet?
Arch de noe.
Noah arch, minaret.

Look you talk about it as if it was the liberator, and yourself react like a fashist.
I love ou and I love your honesty, but to think that circa will come round it is weakness not modesty.

She was resembling a goddess; the others one some people I once met.
And you resemble no one, it is you then.

I lost everything, with this shcok, coming, I saw all th events tha defigure, sacked, scarred my family for each of them around circa maybe. At least some verity, the home truth, like the words I use for them not to fell into oblivion, like if they had my memory.

I have to thak you for you patient attitude and all haste of your blows but I am nothing at present, so what do you think I should combine?
Nothing to nothing, it is that the freedom negative.

It is not that I want t owrite like ya, it is I am like you, except sexually? I don’t know you did not let me that, any secret, any pendants? Your sole is it lonely? Mine is without you, without all of that, it the difference between being alone and lonely; perhaps the desire of surrogate and spurned lover is that.

 You let yourself go down to mediocrity caused by fiendelity? Fidelity is a quality that it wherever you go iit is not down ok?
You are jealous of absolute, infinite now and then.

Arlequin as the colors are needed for the rainbow to find treasure and heart in the same light, the one of destiny, the light the friend only. As windnng as a mountain path the rainbow of our sovereign bisexuality, throning upon the plains of imbecility and fear yes no one has forgotten, forseeken, been disinherited of that.

Don’t talk to me with this tone, I am not one of your child that stay with you for the heirloom, or by fear to loose your love that you misused for the other bro, drone. I am the one you set your family against or ask any bribery. Wahtch you r tone I am not your son.

I was thinking if she was with him she would say it, so she is not but after a while the conclusion came that she never mentioned him despite him being the nearest bugger, so that is the lapse, the time?

I think of your sessx, and I touch mine and I think of your coming and I blow my fucking despair away.

I d like to stop sleeping altoghether to thinl of you all day to makd love to you at ths same time and to same everything as without you, they, the, me are unstable.

I read your blog and I think tha you travel too much to be my half not tha I could not marry and stay but idon’t think it is appropriate, tourist are for the be tray.

The sound resonate inside your hips, mean that to play with the sounds one haws to play with the boundaries , the tougheness of rudeness and clossness, the softeness of openness, but thisis not biologic is positin

You canot refuse they take you as an idiot, idiocy needs protection, id-eo.

When you preten d you are angry, your forehead is undergoing bad things, for the toddler head.
An no not this one, this one is hatred, and I don’t desrve ti.

And I read, and I rea, and red with flushing og them to have activated me, if someone use the owl owly workd to avoid the right posture to adopt; the right song to sing only to mock the melody that is the constitute- destitute me and everyone related, exf except the things, as if you order them to be lied upon they will form in your  brain, brown bright (bri-an)= a bribe, fallacious. Falsely enlight
Brain, bra, v, in bred.
Bri-an, an bright.
An = bri, an=thing=bright, better for one’s brain to respect each thing intact, as they would mess up upthere county.

Where is the che, where is you gaytitude, the day homos will b e sent to the gulags, would you be the one sorry to have helps the waves but not it is barely vague, what to do? Don’t they. V, the why.
The why of the gathering, they? Or ar-gent.

If I cull not write anylonger, I would go on, as in matter of thought, fought, writing is one, to positionate twice. Ice is bone armour and if I melt it d be from thd degust of the global warming happening.
Vengy veggy.

The cello as second, the guitar to sung you first in my head yesterday eperdurment.
 Yes Ser?

I ll cut my hair, don’t worry, military, I want fresh air and less manip.
No it is not for the manip it is for fresh air and moinstrorizing.
Then I think by my hair retain trap transpiration, oil and dust, what to do on that?
Shampoo, et wet…you d like to see my skull don’t ya?

Man- nip

Never do something less good by lack of time whenever one could have taken this time, that is when the roll does not cover you this its trail, undeathable, undefeatable.
Not taking time to do do things correctly is a betraying life itself and therefore, underlie the understatement or highlight needed?

To hear you but not as same identity. I hear your thought but I don’t know they belong to you. I can answer them but not ansawer you.

An swer.
An swear.

Were. Wear.

Teaching dummies, passive citizenships.
Lost of reasons to react.
No motivation, ti is the rules to not understand, or if understand say that basic rules of survival deserve one thing in our system: ABSTENTION.
Assure absence.
Ass, sure?

We don’t have any more older, even older preacher!??

touch·stone  (t
1. A hard black stone, such as jasper or basalt, formerly used to test the quality of gold or silver by comparing the streak left on the stone by one of these metals with that of a standard alloy.
2. An excellent quality or example that is used to test the excellence or genuineness of others: "the qualities of courage and vision that are the touchstones of leadership" (Henry A. Kissinger). See Synonyms at standard.

I d just change my passwords your name for  ‘thepest’ yesterdat
Today, check I am still enforce him (h)at.

Because a voice give substance, pratique, the one that infiltres, to texts.

The subjects ou are talking about may not be of my first priority, but what you say about it yes, I love the course of your being discursive.

To be nice? yes but to ve (thee be) inferior? War just type.
Vor vibe.

To remember him saying “there is people iwith bad vibes”
Double u, the.

When she was in presence fo someone for whom she has desire or anguish about emotion, future plan, her comportment where she had to be in and live full live in, in order, her comportment changed altogether. What she has undercontrol by effect of transcendence, but this requestioning, would put her in transe. Th e kinda themes that cannot bear avoidance. This existential that suddenly takes you on any cliffs, on top, this type of moment where if you are not screaming for a key you ll be dying. When oneself reveal to oneself when we have to inspire decision making for more reluctance at the suprising evidence when you act not as it seems, at it sets and as it seats.

To suck YOUR anus? Your anal, beyond your all, around and hole, like ice for a beginning and cream melting delice. And slice.
Desist geezer, gee x her? Upon what gargoyle, girl you will giggle.
And my teeth to make sure you want stand perspiration. Nor ex-sit.

Vintage pornography means biological lesson?

Every one would be at equal strength what would be the coercition and following which laws?
But equal reason?
What is not equal then, the comprehension, the respect, the awareness…no, every equal.
The overlapping of worlds then, and allayed reality.
Whence, wehence the danger of condemning spirituality, here in the sense for verity, not foe to verity.
Small print noting.

The bizarre comportement is the one that is not understood by others, maybe because since it does not have an insight, a control, a dosette, they want to be banned and surely disliked.

These pro porks alraty slaid that once they are aroused look after their ow cock or else pussy, instead of thanks the ole that did it.

The people passing by and telling him: “we are for you, we are for you” but how can one be for someone when they don’t know the overall, the bottom line, and would they know it there is still the way people arrive to their end. The people believing the rumours that comment positive and negative without you or the common intelligence to unererstand (honorary) like if they were not enough

Er er.
Or ar.
Ore herOr are, are we.

She had like a hole in the brain, and she beats up her children just at the spot where a cerebral accident could happen.

Like with a heifer that one likes particularly, one large stroke for the warning, one little on inside it (the larger stroke arousong) for the agreeing.
Profuseness/ (slash) profuseness’ of feeling, ti is not that he was asking, but whose he?

Dis donc you, is communism a dialect? Only?

Your puzzling me.
My gaze in the void like if it was in the lointain. When you told that it was not me, to recover the what I did miss, see.

Are we jealous, by pedantry honey?
Oh, yes, oui?

Preachers si disgruntled with their own work, when it comes to the holy
But without my wife love, I am dead already

You would not imagine me betraying you, to stay basic?
You want me I pass what, the w-heel, torture my love I am resistant to that.
So, what the, I could the tambola win? I ll never use my money for this puta banda capitalistic way of doing. Reassured, or you just want to play poshy, juging me onto your philosophers of misery?
I saw your colleagues, it is me that will become the slayer and reapidely.
(jean gabin tone)

I see, I see, I see, you, you, you, my telescope through.

I trust tu your class and infiny distinction. I trust you would not be letting me rottening even if I haven’t the clout of w-hom you know. A real chief, a che gay v ave, avera = prove to be, turnout.

Fees big noo respect for the professors, any onger independent, and symbol of ‘intellectual’ emancipation.

‘Beurk’ but it is not that I would think of you, it is what I d think of what you think of me.
It is so much essential that semens, someone can distinguish between his feeling for the parent with those roe for the children and for the spouse.
It is not that I don’t desire you, it is that I regard you as my child or mother or father.
It is so important as let’s call them transfer feeling.
It is true that it is important to convey a non acceptation but to what prize?
It is not pushing the bobby to insist upon a feeling when we already understood it,  a manipulation, main pulation, of our genetics. Do the sentiment not here to symbolyse and therefore made us detect and furthermore embody energy?
So once I get it, still have to get another once, feeling is when time imbecile becomes crowdy, energy seeking and setting is always surprising (sure prizing/sur=above, prise=hold in french) and in suspension, suspending the time?

Abolition of human rights.

Don’t worry about spelling mistake, I am a bit of a vocabulary stems geek, they are on purpose but take a long time to reckon what it, the spun, is about. So no need for no one to play around. I d just wanted to record hit.
And sometimes even not the sliciest, sly not whole?, that I could be hinting at, that I could recon
If you don’t like that just skip them, there is a sense to the paragrapher all the same.

It was for her absence I was crying and the sole thing I was perpetually please to imagine what would restore my life’s happiness that flee is to fell and be received onto her heating laps, chest and arms. My wife, no married, but = aim in frech   mary.
The woman for me that as human as she is, the saintness itself embodies, the love for sanctuary, century.

I think of the woman that I was leaving in the past, that I managed to call ‘ancient’.
Because my present will go

Amor, careful at e…. body, what we don’t queit know for the moment is how hti s place is real posh, they are this we know it but you know, you are a leading star…
Don’t count on the general atmosphere, don’t count on philosophy, ture tur, true philophy is the enemy of idea of being restrictive in the name of gold trea(t)sure.
Don’t be my ally, they would attack you, as you are the vulnerable link, ti is your career they want, ok, but don’t give them your skin, they will eat, don’t be my enemy, it is my elaborating mental the nelly, to not want disaster, I don’t want to lose ya.

We are not the perfect match, you do too much of outer, I do too much of inner, but there are our assignment, the way structures are laid what can we do about it?

The blanck the paragrpaher of not having being expermimented, reread, ready.
X = non

She ahs other reactions, she does not want it, but o you believe being the only one tasting love when putting your lips onot, noto, onto hers? Probably, as ti would be too dangerous to think maybe.
You are an artist and you don’t suffer love’s death.
Art is its reviving, its longing. Its call, the ‘art official, artifice, fireworks, to god.

Official, artificial.

Each time I move, I move for you and through your desire.
This is sensuality, this is hot.

Listening an listening thousands, billions even this voice that bring me ot the door of paradise, ond one day at the care and crack of my patient and redeeming track, I could sing the same.
The voice of an angel, the voice of this woman, that have lived the battle, not similar to yours, but the same stories of hate nurturing? Naught u touring, and because of your love, false jealousy but others’suicidal, she would have died.
The demon in the night of humanity.

to renounce, not to renounce you, but not to make love to you when we could not being us only.
To find you naked, and the next instant nude equally for us to melt suddenly.
And then no one will follow us, the instant is a strength in time that go beyond the space convention, a second is enough as to permit this glimpse on earth is the mission.
And to frolic in that, one has to be dummy as suffering, but not anykind of suffering, the suffering inflicted behind, would not permit: pervasion.

The period where we rely on the artists to sing to hear musics, when there were no discs or tv. The imperial.
To feel the same, they have to feel that someone could be repeating them but not once a week, just in boucle, thousand of their, the same day, the same melody in a ‘I chose you’ as we know that between the facility of listening thousand billions trillions different sort of music, create music is easy after all, just like when peering the ancient you start taking lessons and reproduce birds whistling. Wit?

Why people fear leisure, because of that, there would be empty of creation in one generation or to where and who?
To offset, we provide usself with work that are the most desgusting an then yes we will do with mediocrity, just to relax our ass to be still employed like this.
Void of doing without a purpose that is spiritual that would make violence to our spurned, derided humanity.

I would go and lose- swing and lot of drinks and chats and- all what it is left without what we love in common.

I was lingering on the effects this story had on me, although what it had o on the other, did not come into the mind any. Perhaps this empathy? Is at the base of our communication, spiritualizing our conditions.

Whose papers hwose abstract is infititely better than the lecture.

It is when on e understand that they are despised for stuffs that concerned only them, that it realize what is translation of destruction: auto destruction and dangerous manners, and it is also when it takes beck back the pleasure with he commited it, as a rebellion since people were ordering him to do stuff that are not any more conveying further blession, ah not actively then, blesSING, SO at least I was freeing myself in doing nt like you.

They talk about capitalism, they talk about communism: but never about freedom, and freedom from not living out of and in death purchasing.

We can see the time where this big democracy would allow you to send comments on line that will be epurated by people you will never know but their pseudo.
There is no respublic.
And I am not one of those paid to say that one can profit from this present ofrder.
Order, offer.
And ordre like that are just willing to become unretribuating dictat, whenever possible and asap.

There is something new in my life, in france I left something like 5 000 pages unrevised, not to mentioned the one binned, not by me, here now my English plays the same it gonna be, I always cherish the travel, but I start acknowledging that it be abandoning my baby.

I threathen you with coming N but I ll never do it , I don’t think, not or just to be savagely slaid by you and the bastion
I am ok for this but by you and you only.
If I would come it be to abridge my misery.
But I want you, careful to this.
Respond. Please, prove to me it is not me, for but pollution and my happy ‘poverty’.

Rick risky.
On country side polluted party. Perverted by the commands from the town, there are the demise, we are their poison-but of course no one care about the smally. Next genre, generation shot? shooted.

Ma = my / nage = swimming.
My swimming?

Miss Alas?
Miss what

The hope in one’s life is to forebode the possibility without believing. The lessons it is when you find? You are being blessed by this other one proving the practice of the knowledge.
I know holy just myself an intimacy, but from the other my appreciation is empty, and she will reveal to me myriads of flower, flow her.

Flower Power?
Peau = skin – king?
Kin  + ing:   on my castle the lady has appealed the sun. and doubt her. Dough? Whatever for, us liberty.
And women will say we ve been machist after it!

To insult one’s family, one’s work…just in order to preserve odr order horror. With malicioius attempt intent, ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssalt. All alternative.
To insult and stay, the wealness story on territory. Territory now just dirty? We will learn how to use in all languages ,from ushaia, to urugouean, the full mean-in and end of chemically. 

Alt er native nature.
Women travelling when marrying inside other tribes, whence her legendary, former, revolute diplomacy skills and of spirtial communication, to have to link with a past that have been brought at distance (not back) put away. Puta.

Forget? For getting, forget it? / H.e.a.r.t B.

In order to get?

Am ploy?
Plot, coy.

102 secret.

I won’t come to the Hegelian stuff, it is not because it is at roe , it is because I pushed it I admit.
Pardon me. I am like a man I saw pro pornography and I thought let’s play rough she ll like it. I am a n idiot but a genteel idiot, like one say it be alright if you fucking me as hard as it should be, that is no porno…I think your analysis might lack one on dimension the erotism style, I don’t know it barely but there is one, it is just they don’t do it too much art around that, like mais main stream therefore you could study on that, do your own production, I would be your theatrer, you in me, teaching me some lessons. Since you don’t leave me, I owould not leave ya, perhaps one day. Perhaps is that that the play?
Very good, all through my letters and your archives, and if not I d be the stronger to have through your grace inspire.

You could become suicidal from dating a pariah, not because of him or her but because of the oprobe, it has to stop has to be stopped before becoming paria from our owe, own home, humainity.

Infinite, in? finite, what is this spunny, spuddy, spurious, spumy, spermy
Without limits or self reliant? Completion or end of it?

My dad was raping my mum, it was rape on us. Sir seriously?

You are not even a lesbian? You don’t like my poetry? Coz cause Position (social polarity)? No, no this one is not for you, not with your being sexy and averted, so what. Banish from the rael rale, of sovereigny, humans is selfish, self thing, hating. And love?

let me ask twice for me to come and kill me with your hand, good job to ask three to underrealize that you wanted to trap me. This one is gonna become exemplary, one of you don’t forge (forget) that.

You are too parno, parano to open secret, mm, vert open, very well it is there I ll be hiding my dumminess, the one you protect, not as much as my pest.

I would like to think of your beauty all day, but you would go, it is that love and it is damned necessary this both melting of life and its necessity, not redundant with necessary, look, cease. That cannot be interrupt, isis, sis. Would have been seth, her brother, and her lover?
Would have been seth jealous of simply being dummy, in the dark of its own debility?
Protect him, he won’t be damned, an angel you are his dame.
I would listen to the birds the all night too, they are the almighty in the dark before the morning, the orchestra it is there that written they have been, and refine to the human ears in your labotory, the same that kill the doomy. But kill it and it comes back with the revenge of not having rise necessity of wisdom, lovely.
You believe me know when I say that without yours I ll die. I need your colors like a flowers, like a rainbow, like in order for us to see, everything cannot be white, can it? And me you black-kcalb, call be.

I haven’t had no choice of becoming a writer, as I have to write and that after that I have to be the proof of refinery. Pro of.

To be read? To vie readability.

I said 5000 pages, should be 4000 wanted to write big 3000, but tons of shit that is true, I had started rereassessed assass.

To feel (the) real, one’s reality, the gratifying fruit of one having worked

No slay.

And I start checking all that can be held, heo, help an caring. Ofor my erudiction, eruction.

We went? For what? Because when yo u are not in the mire, yo u stip thinking of it. You stop helping even if what you ve heard and said tally not transcendental sole lute.
No lavish solution but strate for starting of it. O feat, o fact, o vite. Fit fix heat. Do I mock, maybe a ltille bit, but no as far as lauching compaing on recycling…and permit building running in front of everybody, but what is aphenping when hidden electricity and heating without creating jobs consisting in swiching off. Like in ancient time because people are irresponsible, before having a system of fines, someone who putt off and on the lamppost gasoline.