
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

JADE J’AIDS: Chapter III Lis, lotus, lys, Lili, llllllllll


Lis, lotus, lys, Lili, llllllllll
Elizabeth I

Elizabeth 1. ‘Un’ in french similarity with pronunciation ‘an’.

egalite - social and political equality; "egality represents an extreme leveling of society"
equivalence, par, equality, equation - a state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced; "on a par with thebest"

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité


                                                                                FOENO. PHONE.

Again, against,

Or aims,

Hint, intro. 


Blew, wel.           Veil                  
Veulent = vouloir,          will, want.
Liw, lew
Lev           =            lift.

Loup = louper, miss a target,                  loupe = magnifying glass.
The moon, the luna,

Magnifying, magnific, imagine. Manifestation.

Approach. Accroach,

the Oracula Sibyllina,


Darck, dracker.

Rach, rack. Bach.

Ach. Ash.

Car, card.
Crack, rick. Rick-rack.     Rac,       cure.

To give energy, to rise again, or to give happiness, to find it in a more than in an instant caf, fact, cath, catch,
One would need a miracle.
And as for godsends they are, but in a while.

Rise, raise.
Aise. Sire, erase, sierra.
Although the Book of Tobias was not included in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Septuagint did include it; therefore, the story of Raphael would have been familiar to almost everyone in Jesus’ day. It is quite possible that the “angel of the pool” the sick man was waiting for was, in his mind, Raphael. It is interesting that Raphael never shows up inJohn 5. It is Jesus, not an angel, who “heals all your diseases” (Psalm 103:3).

Recommended Resources:
Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels, and Demons by R.C. SproulandLogos Bible Software.

Read more:
Septuagint - What is It?
Septuagint (sometimes abbreviated LXX) is the name given to the Greek translation of the Jewish Scriptures. The Septuagint has its origin in Alexandria, Egypt and was translated between 300-200 BC. Widely used among Hellenistic Jews, this Greek translation was produced because many Jews spread throughout the empire were beginning to lose their Hebrew language. The process of translating the Hebrew to Greek also gave many non-Jews a glimpse into Judaism.



Approach, apaches.

Gala,                                        titans.

       H illi.



Gir,  gear.

Gare, guerre,


"She mispronounces many Latin words"
About most English, mother tongue.

Finally, Turner’s purpose could be to resolve the ‘fact-value dichotimy’ in saying that the fact is that since everything might be the object of fragility- a constant life’s feature -, threatening the subject’s enjoyment of life and the rights inherent to a happy, fulfilled existence, then it is of natural, logical aim (not charged with political dissention or of subjective morality or personal interests or the expression of intimate taste that one would like to see a generality) to protect people whenever they are in danger: a sociological reasoning resulting into the need of a positivist legal frame.
The rights inherent to, or an inherent right to {...}

Yaw, yahoo.
Yawee. Ave.
Ayw, eve.

a. A road, path, or highway affording passage from one place to another.

a ford.
A lord,
No, a lady. Dale.

S a woman.
Whom An.

Hard to find the info on your site. of course enough, it is lying through their teeth and no information is complete. a good deal it was even hard to purchase and hard to pay.
It stipulated that contrarily to your competitors you did not make the price goes up after a year of being your customers, but in fact it is just what you do.
I guess it is why I could not find your price first place, unbelievable.

C.ET:          also, the debate would easily go in circles as T is advocating a supranational institutionalisation of rights rather than citizenship. In taking back for example Marxist criticism of rights then a more globalised and in fact an all globalised legal system[i] (implying rights of all kinds by essence) could revetre at any times the bourgeois rights or bourgeification of rights that Marx denounced [ii].

Whether sociology cloaks itself in a methodology of exact or humanistic sciences     
‘Science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul... Science sans conscience n'est que ruine de l'âme’ by François Rabelais.

Whence maybe T’s renunciation of their staying as in humane, human rights-universalistic.

There is deconstructivism, there is destructivism.

 As for his dismissing human rights as being western, since he quotes people saying this, without himself resolving or fighting their claim. I find it quite insulting!! But I won’t say that, even more when Marx solves the problem of the predominance of property law holding people to exploitation, by the suppression of the right to property at all.

Came out.

Reve, ever,

Soul, salubre,
Lu                 so
Lumiere         soleil
Loss. Soluble,
Slo. Slew.


Tree, trim, trinity.
Trick, rick, crime.

The absence of pep perspective

:          I was questioning myself, not forgetting the importance of the number of ratifications, and that the UN is an organ of peace, and therefore integrating every body, every state, whether the fact that there are people fearing for their lives because of the UN countries members left without having much to ensure against, was not a too big gap for the UN action to be as highly ‘trusted’ with a globalisation of process, interventions and policies. A failure of a diplomacy that does not investigate or be pro-active properly.


And in the process, refugees, being perceived as weak and helpless, might just be a part of the puzzle required for achieving more decent and suitable solutions. If they would just be more appropriately perceived as the ones without the home but not without the voice, their suggestions might just surprise the decision makers.


What I think is that being gay or not is not a question of religion and should not be impaired by any. So, to associate with muslims would also say that we are not under any cultural or origins classification. Just gays fighting for equality wherever we are or we are from. 


Jardin = Garden,
 JARD in                                     jar = goose.


Gar,         gars, = chap.
Garce =, female.

team, female.

Eam,        aim
Feam,          theme.
Fell,            feline.
Gra. Gore, fro, gros, grail.

team, female.
            Emfa           enfant,          infant.

Dessin,      = drawing in French.

UN :   the work of an institution that justifies itself saying that they do not have not the means but the money to be up to the job of replacing an aim of universal love n respect.
A religion.

An investigation is under way into whether officers used excessive force on a suspect who evaded police on a horse. CNN's Stephanie Elam

C.ET: do not need to know ‘whether’. But maybe police do.
En francais la folie furieuse. Frantic madness.

Oklahoma officer kills suspect after mixing up gun with Taser: officials
C.ET: I felt like crying.
Events after event, to understand the anger and the fear, to be killed like picked out of a line when queuing.

Interesting, police coupled their force with mental health problem.
Problem, the side you are in.

Frock force

Lubber, labor.

Equation, equitation.
Nation, born.

Born, rob, nob.

Galilee, leo, gall. Gale.
Opening, hope but not the one deep, not deepening, the sky.
Below, whole web of scientific fascization.

Poem for a poison.
Defeatism, for the losers, and poor education for the Poe, people.
Justification for stopping educating towards meaningful jobs and society as well as socialisation (through culture and also opportunities, equal opportunities for introspection).
u will never succeed,
C.ET: defeatism justifying of people treason, and others’ proto bono, bona fide incarceration, sort of guetthoisation or segregation.

U will never succeed,
To wane,             to what?

A wand, may, take different shapes. Like, liked, lead, leek, leak, the one of a computer for ex., expand, ea. Rest eat, exam, email, emance, romance, emaciate, emancipate example, exit.

Caveat, ascierie, associate, assiete, assize.



China releases five women’s rights activists after global uproar

released on bail

The five, best known for staging peaceful “performance art” demonstrations to highlight women’s rights, were detained in early March because of their plans to mark International Women’s Day by distributing stickers and leaflets about sexual harassment on public transportation.


In New York, Xi is due to address a U.N. summit on women, co-hosted by the Chinese delegation to the world body.

China raids NGO offices in latest sign of crackdown on dissent

Obama Supports Ban Of LGBTQ Conversion Therapy

C.ET: they have that!?

I thought it might interest you, a bbc world program, today at 1 am 20 GMT talks about the Turing document code on auction. reception was bad but i don't think she mentioned his ordeal at the hands of the British for being gay. also about his death, they say, 'sudden death' and 'suicide'. i love the BBC, i ve listened to it for 15 years now, everywhere. well diversity, avalaibility and range. without the BBC sometimes i don't know how on earth about my making progress in english, above here in china as even with internet censorship is to heavy, affect most of the western videos one can find on the web. But sometimes when they talk about a subject i know i really like it less.
thank you for linking me, maybe do not do it now, i am booked at uni, i don't know where in china next time and also gf is in london. i would not be of much help or of news to them. in fact i am very happy you mentioned it, that there is of course other ways to know people that throught google. i may need to ask you later, today i do not want to be a loss of time. 

 i thought it might interest you, a bbc world program, today at 1 am 20 GMT talks about the Turing document code on auction. reception was bad but i don't think she mentioned his ordeal at the hands of the British for being gay. also about his death, they say, 'sudden death' and 'suicide'. i love the BBC, i ve listened to it for 15 years now, everywhere. well diversity and range. but sometimes when they talk about a subject i know i really like it less. 


The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.
Preview by Yahoo

The outlines on how sociology distances itself from the dynamic of rights, which is activism and taking position. Rights as what they ought to be and what they are, just like humans and institutions, in an inherent position of frailty and precariousness if left violated or left be taken as a tools helping violations.
Left, be let and liberty.

Goon, gun.
Lag. Gall. Glas. Glacier.

Reveil. Awakening. To myself and legitimacy, a legacy.
The day when my soul reval revealed to me who was my real daddy. The skies collapsed, at these remembrances my heart still collapses.
But then at least I know who it was, and not the one that born the work, and word for it.
And also I had one, I had been lucky, even though long dead and buried by, lay to rest by me, I thought I was my grand-daddy.

And also the soul reveals that you can have one the one you chose for it.

Yea, yard of revelation without which it is but blurred and hidden (rely on lure and tales of abandon, renunciation, unshared knowledge, truth, passions, convictions of the best, not the worst of our realisation) reality.
The soul’s sounds should go for it.

Sound, nous.

Nose, noise, noose.

On how dark energy might be heavier and influence the weight of the asters, how they are thrown, and the trip into travel, and their sot story amongst marvels.


Mist,   in the midst…on my tears. (gossips, go sap, s gospels).

A pet, NAI, ANIMAL, brings a lot of love home. And as far as treated just like a member of the family should be treated, the apprenticeship, ship for and of fraternity.
Off, of, instincts in every And EACH thoughts, the breath, breadth and depth of a panting philosophy of time, space, when free, the call to liberty.


Miss used

Φ = philosophie ; θ = théâtre ; ψ = psychologie…

Maybe you could tell us what i would like to study even more precisely, and then we could try to give you ideas.
‘Equality of opportunities’ in the recruitment domain?

Heart, this feeling that something is moving and that the move (contrarily to breathing in and out) comes from inwards.
Feeling of the heart.

There is no absolute freedom, as each act that is acted through choices, will restrain what one may do in the future or even presently.

If the mind can go beyond the body, can the body go beyond the mind?
Can. Knack.

The soul has to be here, and functioning part of the individuals, all persons, and others, because we are one life amongst others, inside a universe, itself a unit. Participating, to a general dynamic, and however complex, having a sense of us, as something that is one, but a part.
Functioning, found.

A correlation between ‘self-interest’ activities, when the same than ‘greater good interests’.
Should be linked ideally. Or as ideally possible, but then corruption would take place, and lying in the face of values and happiness, construction, and exhaustion.
Self, fee few, fells,      sell, sefl.

The revolution sexual: because induces the liberty to choose one’s partner, and not forced to or not to by discrimination of origins, revenue, skins, passports, politics (ah I would become anything for you), and of course sex, gender, or biology. The politics of reproduction, like we did it to the doggy.
Does a dog want to see human race own his baby?

Maybe one, to not fall into Manicheanism, must remember that we well can be togged between to be tougher and everything cracks down or too lax and everything flops, and flags.


is it an assault on sovereignty or on impunity?
People speak about humanity like if they deify what has been done and practise in the past. Cultural relativism is not to ponder or to weight but to fall back down on to absolutism, an absolute not in theory, but to give all chaos the right to drop and win over liberty, wisdom, and restrain on solution made easy.

: when the beauty of life, might become at the hand of evil.

Are my.

Mer, mar, ammares. Mourning, mourir, amour, morning.

The engraved drawings, carved in the stone, fir, fear, fur, flirt, fit for a vampire. Though was se smelling too much of a human work, sure of they having, owing the stone, in whatsoever means, through owner ship, engraving, or the possibility of destroying a work, however was it, it was, now withstanding, notwithstanding, its beauty.

‘Healthy life expectancy’

What kind of hypocrisy could be stronger than cultural relativism, because racism when not coming from pure evil, come from the fear of others’ cultures. That makes did identity.
Or the fear of losing culture that took so long to subsist and pere persist. Took so log long, sun since they are already the leftovers of so much dying, and not always the natural way.

Persist, siter. Sister.

I cannot access all your website from china, but did you scrapped most of your blog, or is it china censorship?
Just a comment, the pics are all from the same day, I think it reduces you to your current party, which I thought you chose because of lack of choice. I know it must be hell to establish personal ideas within mainstream elephants such as classical polarised two main parties such as the labor party or the conservative in the UK, still not long ago.

PS: you are usually (much) better and inspirational looking than in those current pictures. Also, your name in the slide looks like you are being held at gun point. Well I think you are rather quite handsome, appealing and sexy, just to tell where I stand.
I thought your position universalist, so still holding on to this premise, i think it is dangerous for you to identify with them to the point of annihilate most of your past deeds and activities.
Hope you won’t mind me telling you this.

It is not that you are not ok in those pictures, but representative of you, i don’t think so. Photos shop rather than caught, recorded, reminded, in the act of work.

well, no in fact you are still good looking. affiliation made its effects.

It is not that you are not ok in those pictures, but representative of you, i don’t think so. Photos shop rather than caught, recorded, reminded, in the act of work.
Anne-Marie, are you sure you want to work for this retrograding party for long? you know at the end of the day it is not the migrants that made a country a mess. i thought you took it as an independent party, taking independent people, but to prove your independence you would have to go on with your activism. because to be honest independent, i bet that none.  
Me, I would have seen you as green for someone compassionate, soft, sharp, protective, deep-thinking like you.
and maybe you could have been more hoe, hopefully, as they are small and that people did not perceive, clearly established they ain’t green at all, free and creative, not technocrat-makers.

Cross borders
you know, if i was living in a Muslim country (and others), as a lesbian, my only chance to survive in a flesh that feels it worth living, would be to cross borders, even at the risk of being drown, perishing, a life without a woman is worth, is to have for only absolute the one of dying. Maybe in grace, maybe still in beauty if permitted, but you know death desire is romantic, religious even, but never people loving. You still can love the lamb, the child, but for the rest, you know you get out of the picture, that is decaying. 
And I think of many of them, caught in torture, exploitation and slavery just to have made this move. 

As homo and as others.
What should not be permitted is people coming to crush on liberty. Because then fear is a lie. And nay any way me as a traveller I would like to go and see of the other countries better…

Ground, round,

Analysis Extra: Company vs Country

Mon, 30 Mar 15
29 mins
Michael Robinson asks what lies behind the boom in companies suing governments.

C.ET: this one explains how companies could make pay states enormous amount of money, for the state to be able or in fact allowed (enable) to compel them to stop unhealthy sales or mode of productions, killing populations, nature and countries.
I think it could rapidly become specially a green issue, or why not, attached to subjects such as alienation of rights... as it is clear that it is a case of state losing rights, as like with individuals asking for justice, mostly they will have to pay for (perhaps eventually) procedure to begin. Such a mockery.
Before finding it is a grey area of the law, or that the juge cannot be investigating because there is no law or only law that will create chaos.

I try to entertain myself because as usual it is difficult for me to tackle a topic in depth and for very long. But on top environmental subject, 'my pet subject’, well my best-friend, a shoulder, a heart that I can tell, renders me sad like stone. 

This one is less related. Real beauty, because realty and the flows. 

When death is all around, and becomes inevitably your inner strength,
but when there is nothing around, that the others you know that stays because no left.
Then instead of flirting with the death, she becomes your mistress.
Son amant. Amen amend.
A menthe, mante, mantel, dismantle. Martel.
Inventively, o, invo, inventory.
Vivi. Sect-

Son, a men.

If mirrors are regarded as being a door, a portal to the supernatural, because on or into it, are our reflects, effects.

Reject, defect.

Ok, I am sorry about passing too quick comments. you were right un site is researchable. 
At first only 'climate change' and 'sustainability as appearing topics, 
When clicking away from first page i found, this one    and then this one.

Thank you for the precious tips, I become click-lazy, as often strained for not much, and on top after just a few clicks, hands start stiffening. 

Turks people responsible for the Armenian genocide, welcome by germans?

Gerant. Gerer, to run. Gestion. Gestation. Gest?

You know tally talking about colonialism, etc., maybe time to ask what westernized culture is - is it in fact western in any way. Maybe a big colony, but each time power just simplifies views and liberty. What is left for and of everyone?
And the jewels of abundance and particularity, in the sense of availability and the possibility of create more than consume, without having to break or kill, the tree for the paper, the stone for the house, the pen for the idea, or id.

Reduction of pollution tackles while aiming at ‘Sustainable Energy for All’.
 With a respect with what one produces, system of waste, even if land of abundance, one cannot speak about what is bearable, a spirit of waste and use (of not what is given like thousands generation fleecing each other have said, but of what has been met or encounter, a meter) cannot bring respect or stability.

The vampire is solitary too gain in blood thirsty? That even his shadows have less flesh or then flee.


Bygone scenery.

a right should not be granted socially, the reminder of a slavagist society that gives even prompt marriage between certain types of guys and annul some others. And on top this villainy proclaiming, asserting, staffing, stabbing its way on citing god will and calamity.

Right to equality between sex, and here equality of status and treatement. And then whenever man or woman are better at a task, let them being paid more for that, but does not include conning or killing randomly. And let the competition inter sex taking place, at the front like at the back of all feeling and sanity.

At forty, even before, waiting to double that, and then to die.
The world getting rid of its germs, and gold.
And what memory in all that? Fading but what about keen, key keeping the shading shallow of what we did not know, and have nothing to say, to stay about a love, and true universality.


Key, kneel, dean, deep, departure, keeping
d’ ane,       annee.

When able to melt with space and time, life teaches that they will take us beyond. That were, where, and there, we are traverse, transpires, transpose, transpire, transverse. And vector.

Leisure, lay sure.

Interventions that would lessen, weaken a country facing the future unfairness and restlessness of the others.

i miss every thing.

Celle = the ones females or belonging to females.
Celles, celles
Cell = cellules, cell, de prison.

The camera does not lie.
But what happened before that?

Won, wu.
W like 3, when figures took on letters, or V/V.

Terre 2015 05

I feel like being with you, but if sensations have their say, it would be feel like burning, but of tiredness, am so fed up not being a body. Yours, steady. It seems to me, you are the only to cover my fever of being uncovered (unfit, under, condole, condone, candour, candle, confusing) emotionally. To feel my muscles come harder and surrender to the knowing you within and to innate, inmate, immobile beauty. Still and heavy. Boiling, simmering, just the blood strengthening towards apoplexy. The difference of being alone and without oxygen, and with you and having to have any.

(I) Am.


-Babe i am not mad, just frustrated i dont get simple answers
-So u express frustration, you are so much of a bad ass. 

There is rubbish tipped everywhere, in the nature, in the river. It was acidic to breathe and then it rained. 

Everyone will admire bill gates for its computering invention. It is one thing to have revolutionized every one life, another one to be the boss of a company that on the reverse deliver a micro unable to save the time of someone really involved in computing. By unsaved computer reactions, by the how it is impossible, through windows maybe, to manage more than 3 documents successfully. When I work on an essay, and doing my paid jobs, while surfing the net, this amount to 20 documents minimum needs to be open, just like for a normal desk, but with Microsoft, no.
Also the technicality and difficulty to use the software, very expensive software, each time I have to change of machines, that is not even sold with an appropriate guide and full instructions within, that you have to buy handbook to use the stuff. Should be ‘bitten’ or come shy as a bittern, you are not a good boss at this way.
A malfunction a day.
Kit Keep it away.
On an even keel.

When a pope, for example, Gregory, is said to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, then they take spiritually speaking maybe the same type of legitimacy than a Dali lama.

Theological quarrels reveal in fact that everything was under heavy debates, disagreement. To end up with a (rebut, attribute, diatribe, distribute, but, res, lute, lutherianism-       English of which erase the word passion) result is (don’t cope cup the pop) completely dissonant.
Questions about iconography, trinity, cosmology, the way we pray, we way we think and represent, the way we spoke (and poke) of. There is no religion per se, that is what is illusionary.

I know it is not academic, and not politic, but beware human rights is in fact all politics and certainly the way people talk about them. Environment rights statements have been fabricated around human needs not nature rights or other species rights. I scroll the UN and UNEP and I cannot find traces of the contrary. I am repulsed with horrors since it cannot be source of discontentment.

Just a note on earthquakes, the fact that humans have pumped out the oil is one of the causes, if not the one, of increasing numbers and intensity of earthquakes.
It is because oil has for function to cool down tectonic plates tensions, to smooth their moves. Without oil, the planet will shake more and more violently.

Also in terms of protection, my opinion is that earth is living and moving and growing, it is part of her evolution and needs. Till prove of the contrary or of a possible negotiation.
But I don’t think people are up to talk to her with this fashion.
Finally, unfortunately, it is true we need to protect ourselves from diseases, and danger, and why not from death itself, but in terms of quantification if today someone is to be emergently the subject of restrain it is not the planet. We also have to stop this often religion discourses of nature has to feed and live for us, and also we need to kill it before she kills you, peasantry mentality which able people to slaughter animals, species, and habitats, in the admonishingly palliative philosophy of the having rather than those of the being.

I know it is not academic, and not politic, but beware human rights is in fact all politics and certainly the way people talk about them. Environment rights statements have been fabricated around human needs not nature rights or other species rights. I scroll the UN and UNEP and I cannot find traces of the contrary. I am repulsed with horrors since it cannot be source of discontentment.

Just a note on earthquakes, the fact that humans have pumped out the oil is one of the causes, if not the one, of increasing numbers and intensity of earthquakes.
It is because oil has for function to cool down tectonic plates tensions, to smooth their moves. Without oil, the planet will shake more and more violently.

Also in terms of protection, my opinion is that earth is living and moving and growing, it is part of her evolution and needs. Till prove of the contrary or of a possible negotiation.
But I don’t think people are up to talk to her with this fashion.
Finally, unfortunately, it is true we need to protect ourselves from diseases, and danger, and why not from death itself, but in terms of quantification if today someone is to be emergently the subject of restrain it is not the planet. We also have to stop this often religion discourses of nature has to feed and live for us, and also we need to kill it before she kills you, peasantry mentality which able people to slaughter animals, species, and habitats, in the admonishingly palliative philosophy of the having rather than those of the being.

When a state is unable or unwilling to provide this protection the responsibility is transferred to international community, licensing humanitarian intervention. (Goodhart, 2013, p 437).

That’ s only the theory, as articles of the UN charter in fact will outlaw or outbid real intervention, effective passing borders, sovereignty won't be trunked and will leave situation in a state often described as impunity. also there is something that will belong to the UN to decide, between general assembly I think I remember and also the veto of the security council, most of the time used by one of the 5 foes. 

No, it is necessary to have your recap or suggestions on things. My speciality is to focus on one theme and lose the overall picture. I know I drained my marks dramatically. Too little time for reading or the ability to be engrossed and take one path and meandering towards a few another reasons. in fact I find the e activity super challenging. Don’t manage to complete them. The star students will. Someone who is able to keep up with it, is an aca, at least it is how I perceive it. 

Stops sensing.
Me I would say that killing nature will make that, unable to sense no more.
Get lost.
Stop to sense, to be sensed, stop to pray.

For the moment, i work on primary texts, on UNEP and journalistic articles. I think that this time my secondary text reading may be a bit short.

For the E3, I will never omit again to quote what the text I work on says precisely.
However, I don’t feel the mark reflect my note properly. For me E3 is the exercise where you can debate, dialogue, about a precise topic without having to read other texts.
Usually, I choose, or till now I have chosen questions I am not familiar with, but with this E3 I took a subject I know well, as it is my specialist subject:       sociology and human rights, I have a bachelor under this title.
I chose this one and find myself in front of discussions I know well, if not very well, compare to the average student of this present year.
It took me, I spent a lot of time thinking of this critics.
I will never take a text deliberately having for title.           Outline of a theory of some subject such as human rights, and such. Because or it is a piece of genius or it is abusing one’s position to declare doing this when one it would be herculean to try, but here I don’t think that Smith is really seriously trying, and it is what I tried to express. I think that too balanced opinion if front of something one thinks is a bit sure and certain and usurping such a more than context but entire system. I think I did a reasonable job in proving what was not complete or too dismissive or too restraint.
Maybe I should have taken this with more relativity, but after all, academic worlds is about words or v/v, and I don’t think that diluting them to much serve or the case or the cause.

Can I ask if it was you marking me? Just to know if you know.        i used an appendix just like I did in my dissertation, it is not to be included in the words count, you don't need to read it. 
I try to use less space but ok for the intro I should have recap. But this mark don't reflect the theory I put in it. In my opinion, the appendix should not have been a problem. It takes me time to make clear I edit this out. Word count has been respected. 
I think it might have been a too harsh, or automatic, standardised way of marking. 

 I hope the appendix matter could be validated as what it was, edition.  i feel 40% on a mark i worked a lot is threatening my overall pass, very significantly. 

you can check yourself without the appendix there is no whatsoever a problem with word count. i am a MA student i do not have any problem with a word count, i just tried to keep what i wrote within a whole. 

Could you ask the convenor if you can mark me not taking account of this appendix? It is as this they are used the appendix in my former university, added material, nothing to do with the word count. They are proof or sources or add material in case the reader feels it desirable or necessary. But nothing they would mark. It was for my text not for my mark.

Also, you justly said that smith was trying to protect human rights from claims, my thesis was in doing so I feel he weakened the larger concept of human rights themselves, and therefore their related protection. 

To penalise me for the word count it is not appropriate i think.

It is just technically. I know it is not due, certainly unexpected, but my appendix is a trick to keep part of my essay intact and at the same time to respect the word count. I write at length for me word count is, even though I understand the need for limit, a liability. 
Am sorry I created an issue.  

Flowers on tombs or on visit to alleviate from odors.

Alleviate, all, allied.

I won’t bother you on and on with all of this but here maybe more than my opinion but also knowledge.
Traveling is good and you own a caravan because also, because to own your thing, and since when you rent a place, or people might wreck it or landlords might rip you off.
There are no sites enough, there are no waters and hygiene conditions kept.
And London though a place where there are jobs is just unaffordable.

As for reducing immigration, let’s talk about laws or work, whoever you will have in a country, if the work, type of work permitted, and though behaviour in general= work inefficiently, work while causing harm, work while letting people down….work to damper security, work to unfairness and segregation, work to deepen inequality.
Whoever is in charge, well-intentioned people, ill-intentioned ones, that I guess M.L. King, called as character,

I have been working almost a decade in your town, you can give me a call anytime, if you want a version of what you say about hard working tax payers, but you know don’t call them all this way, a lot of more, because like usual the gypsies will pay. And when I say gypsies it is whoever they can find for their work to be done, or to be finished rather, and then fired them because you know it does not take a decade to know or you work well and with honesty towards every human being and community (but when I mean you, I mean that work should be practised this way, not the opposite) or you know that you are on your be slaved again, generally of people profiteering from bad, lax, permissive, biased, just for one side law, or the ones pumping the state money, be it travellers, commoners or managers of any kind and nationality.
Yet again, I don’t find any logic the defence of women’s rights including issues of rape, FGM and immigration issues. Human rights are at the heart of the human condition, one cannot settle them with quotas. Am not saying I am for free borders just because in all areas of life you need checks and incrementality hoping that things will go well and for the best.
I know, I think as a person educated religiously you know that misery won’t stop at our life below, if it stops, or pretend to at the fortress of the richest countries allowing all what inside they allow – pollution, corruption, poor social results, child poverty, absence of real education, and for that UK is at the top of the list in Europe, quite amazingly.
The servants of servants, who never served anybody.
Bien a vous.

They misspelled your name, though Maria it is of all beauty as well.

The animal and vegetable word knows it. And it is for this reason we need hatred. They now know for sure that humans kill them at leisure and that every year the scale goes unprecedented. Something will happen, perhaps in the domain of disease or others, or both and beyond more likey, likely.
They hate us, and hate will erase human being if they cannot erase their mistakes.i do not even seek for pardon or redemption, I take planes so anyway.maybe I should live like an hermit, but society has it organised itself does not allow us to take boats, and are planes incentiving.i was born this way, I fear how I will die, the other side, of a hell where it is yes as a devil we would have said.

Si ciel.
Sea, see, seed,
Distress, stress.

You know you have to look after them. Do you know why? Because you make me think of my aunt, reminds me of her. And my aunt she was important to me, but I think she did not that. One, She was many times grandmothers, and how many times an aunt. She was important to me and (I) and she did not know father tried and succeed to isolate me from my mother, my brother, my family, my studies, and the few times he had interacted with me in my entire life was to teach things ‘dirty’ or to speak or treat me like an imbecile.
I needed her but she did not know that.
Now where is she? Dying for the past 20 years in a retiring home, amazingly. My aunt was obese, I never put this what way because she was my aunt you see, so for me I was not obesity.
And I don’t go and see her or called because I attempted a assassination on my father. No, a moral assassination. So I stopped saying, seeing people of most of my family, but anyhow.
You know even for me that have been a bit stifled by them, laws are good, because all together it makes that I did not take the riffle gun.
But laws for people like my father does not exist.

Father, affairs.

May. Spring rings.

Utilitarianism,         most happiness, no pain




He said happy, in a lot of it, he thought of rich rather than happy. Satisfaction. Fact, no, action.
Fake, faction.

A logic of life in which one cannot destroy gratuitously, as it will destroy itself, as in Freudian psychology where the uncaring parents will be killed ultimately by being left to the rudeness of a life alone, unprepared, or by one’s children, just resuming, what they learnt –neglect, unfairness, recklessness or unbound violence- or unlearnt- in a replication.
Human beings just like with economy pretend to be ok with producing debts, to devalue, under or overvalue work, certain type of work or of product… but if economy can be stopped or healed, not a dead nature,  as nature is not human making (nor the genetically modified will, as never be creation from naught), as it is not like economy inner to human arrangement.
Philosophy being = philosophy in order to, makes human believe they can just get rid of their abode. Of their unique abode. What can it tell us about the degree of human dependence and corruption, errance (heir, hearing) for not being able to react to this.

Still remembering that gypsies and homos were never remembered on the day of remembrances until not long ago. Many people get away with war atrocities, including the people having made money out of collaboration in France notably.

Infinitude of complex interdependence. The survival of the species as a whole, as well as the review of beyond human-centred ethics and philosophy: the one of life in general- of every and any life- that is the real and unique dimension of universality.

I learnt to try to make my plans earlier, instead of keeping on reading and writing. In fact, it is thanks to Leicester e activities.
I have to hurry up. Here building are very porous, it is highly 'distracting', annoying. Though people are quiet, for most of them. I can't, must not take it as excuses, i ll send something in 2 week time. 

It is dangerous? Is it compromising?


In an era where even the most obvious is refuted, constant instances of us poisoning, is contested by people paid to take over the question- time in parliaments. In fact, the overall lying is a mock on us experiencing nature destruction absolutely every day. In fact we stop experiencing it directly a lot of times, since it is already eradicated.      Town without nature, country side without wild area, cattle in barns or remote fields, animals in laboratories, meat delicately slaughtered in plates to soothe one’s spirit, since it will not elevate,  or just ever shrinking sanctuaries. The areas now depict as natural have in fact, been long devastated by human. Their bio diversities ruins, the forests the most remote can attest of this, with absence of mammals or their presence being diminished to an alarming degree, dead forests, where trees are waiting to be logged anyway.

Representation and power.
Globally, in terms of research then media and academics might also play a distortive effect. If the BBC world is one of the most potent, accessible and documented media in the world, their news will tend to address the UK in particular. As well who is going to report that greens or environmentalists doctors within universities for example behind a dialogue focused on greenery are in fact more interested in selling bio vegetables than the fact that their woods are being trimmed to the core, leaving no living spaces for the animals that used to shelter there. For an environmentalist to end up advertising to change a woods into a park as an ecologic victory is a bit hard core, but though it is the actual trend everywhere, to pass ornamental gardens as nature while they cannot host wild life, leaving hundreds of animals for each allotment homeless. To go on promenade in china’s ‘natural reserves’ in a city to see birds that cannot even lodge anywhere since trees are just a band where people can pick-nick neatly but where birds could never nest or even rest as trees and bushes are so stunt, they are no more than a Hyde Park in London, still claiming some kind of conservationism that is in fact conversion of the nature into .no life can shelter anywhere To translate globally concern onto local occurings would also be daunting, as for the translation work, and beyond the translation, the actual representation, communication, and appropriate actions that have to be taken. Such concerns are real since globalisation is also necessary in view of harmonisation and in this case to make sure that one place is not left without protection, or bear the destructive activities of human because of not having appropriate laws or enforcement mechanisms. Finally, global solutions are the only solutions to avoid looming mass catastrophe simply because of disloyal competition. Since GDP countabilise what costs pollution as element improving gross, as one is allowed to sell product made unethically, putting at risks people and nature for less than the competitors practising more honesly or in line with requirement of their own country, to stop destruction would not be possible if it goes on meaning more money.

Om, hi, homestay.
Tie, nest, hone.

To be.


Conclusion:                  pledges that we all know are not enough to tackle nature or human impoverishment and sufferings.
But even the best texts legally = shaping the laws, formally circulating, are in fact the clear proof and establishment of a civilisation that see its best accomplishment in the exaltation of subordination of all that they have been able to enslaved- .
Them redeeming or trying, of what would be the last tremors of human dignity reacting, people that tried to sue them are now facing being defamed.
Instead of that you are threatened with some kafkaian legal cases whose existence, any trust on any institutions will repel, to the slightest of dignity the dignitaries held, those should be expelled, brought by whom who were against life so much as to create no-go zone and polluting the rain forests and amazon.
I pray for you.

Even if those cases had been brought before a court by corruption, their ecocide exists, it is justice that lie on, that we lie on.
It is because of high and low politics inner corruption that people, states, and companies manage to kill everyone.

hi babe, I so felt like hugging you all evening last night.

To make believe peol people are victims of hallucinations, or victims of what they are not, to endorse veg vengeance acts that stayed unnacounted for and from.
Say hallucination while demolishing someone previously guilty of other or past violations.
What in a country or atmosphere of widespread horrors, terrors, disillusion.
What of system that let, and are made from people whose family or whose conditions is due to perpetrations.
What next? Others?

Next, txen, Zhen.
Te              T        zhen.
Hen. En, en, in. ne, nay.
Egg. Gay.

And what then would be validated out of the state of being aware, if it was to stay as it is, vulgar, sadistic killers. Nowadays even killing for fur, cosmetic, useless experimentation.              But even to have access the technology to eat healthily and though killing animals to satisfy taste and a reluctance to change, even if we take comfort increase more than happily, now amongst our taken for granted lists of rights, and liberties.

And if all civilations fall, fake participate into violation and even, ecocides on nature, planned and recorded eradication, what civilisation will win?          That is who will manage to loot what are called by virtually everyone resources, torture and kill, poison our very body and abode, and get away with it.
All civilations fall, fake

But in fact treaties lies.

A cold description of: for example ‘loss of biodiversity’
When you know about the reality on the groups, the dozens of endangered species, amongst them biggest mammals, and thousands of unknown species disappearing every year. From it one can know that in fact treaties are lying, as in a lawful document, the depiction of reality must be done exhaustively and reactions, decisions making done in relation to what is really happening, and not some vague concepts and theories masking the gravity of the loss in question. The loss, a killing, a depletion, no coincidences but hundreds of human backed and mostly approved by deeds and in deed, ecocides.
NARRATIVE: Not a loss as in a miscellaneous (misshaped declaration, misspelled, miss sell) happenings in hazardous circumstance leading to grievances but the outcomes of planned economy, backed for most part by programmes and policies.
             Data on how grave:            

Human utter dependence on nature, announces a logic, logistics of destruction, that human does not fight as plan is to loot the nest, a race about using what is left (as instead of reacting humanely and stop fishing waters already empty, and what will become beyond bloody, as sciences and commerce would allow human species to stop killings, the dynamics is focus on how to hunt better, and their treaties)  marine property and territory.   and still to be found and consumed, and instead of what politics of human activities want to make people believe, does not produce enough, here in its noble terms: create.
A logic of life in which one cannot destroy gratuitously, as it will destroy itself, as in Freudian psychology where the uncaring parents will be killed ultimately by being left to the rudeness of a life alone, unprepared, or by one’s children, just resuming, what they learnt or unlearnt- in a replication (      )..

Human beings just like with economy pretend to be ok with producing debts, to devalue, under or overvalue work, certain type of work or of product…

But problem, economy is a human tool, mad-able, end-able, nature is not, and despite genome modification and the like, never will be. It is the origin, the content as well as the recipient.

Philosophy being make believe human can just get rid of their abode. Of their unique abode. What can it tell us about the degree of human dependence on corruption, erring for not being able to react to this. Thinking they will dompt nature, as they recoil in front of the smallest, human unadaptability, by theorising on their superiority in pollutant, invasive, excessive, all-ranging discourses that use lying on a so regular basis that the norm is the acceptation of the grotesque. At least people do not give up to panic even when it is clear we are dying errance for not being able to react to this.
Well that is people of the west, as one cannot count the thousands of migration on the planet, mostly on developing countries, soon or already, no more politic or economic migration only, but sicne rural exodus in fact ecological totally.

Environment and other animals: a collaboration game.
The correlation between failure to respect nature, and failure to respect human beings,
                                                          To respect life, with failure to respect human nature, freedom, and their need to live, and evolve, develop within an healthy and respected environment.

Ex:       rain forests

i am burning alive on my chair, i don't think i ll go more than 2 hours, or not a lot of more. see u then. am tired babe.

Paternalistic, in linking effort to stop destroying nature always with what it has to do with being better for society.         People cannot understand that nature has to be respected not as a means but as an end- of course, not circa, but clearly linked with human improved life but not in term of economic benefit and harvests but on the general moral position and clear implications (has my life caused harm, havoc, sufferings, and has my intelligence and capacity of adaptation, have managed to prevent them, or to protect from them) that a human life will result in.
It will also allow people going on destroying nature, not esteeming it as a living ensemble worth, entitled to respect but as an instrument here, whose function and reason of being, stand in the fulfilment of human asserted needs and whims.

Could as well say for growth, animals not mention in order to avoid the sad fact that the planet is seeing the death of those she bears, an unprecedented sinister cemetery and dying place for whom human beings should have for first aim and living way to coexist instead of… only blame.

,         54 countries will be short of water by 2050               infinite growth is not an option, and that therefore technologies will not secure nor answer social problems (Professor Henrietta Moore) such as redistribution, and as far as nature not environment is concerned, the way people are able, trained and ready to transform their relationship to a symbiotic one. That would take not a taking for granted position, hoping to be nurture by the simple act of signing in, symbiotic relationship with nature to succeed as to become an end, and surely not a means such as being paid for a NGOS protecting a bit of nature while eating and frying animals. What do we fear, would we fear other species to progress and become technological species like us? As what differentiate us from animal is not politics, they are politic and organisational as well, even not technological, I bet they improve their radar like sharpening razors through their lives and all the decades.

+                        based on the false cue that sciences will arrange things. But how could scientists work convincingly while the organisations, communities, countries or societies of nations are in fact at the origins of sufferings and relentless and unashamed, un and same, organised, informed, respected, condoled daily, constitutional attacks on nature rights and its sovereignty.

Suffer              rings,
Suffer                reign,

Sov, save, vie, vine, deity, deign, dignity.
Savior. Saveur.

Suffer           rein,
Suffer           rig.


So yes, if it is a mean to an end, that some of the nature is protected in saying it is for human sake, but that the result of it nature protection will also be for the sake of nature in itself. But here no, it is only just what about mortal, moral stance and standards desecration.


I swear I would take boats, but the facilities are not there, and now still battling for greener, I have to blush anytime doing it, I take plane. I work ‘foreign’.
And foreign here is an important word, because problem of visa and what to do on boat, for whom work, and the length of assignment are the why we cannot, we could not, take boats.

People are aware of the danger, but are they of the permanent, relentless suffering. In a society that insists on values such as compassion, nonviolence, understanding, efficiency, safety, how come those horrors stay. Is it possible to challenge them at all, since despite being in the open they last just presented as perennial[iii].
Is human being able to pity themselves only? The religion of which one is the god. Sad god.
Terrible destiny.
Killing the ture goodness, turtle and oceans surrounding by continents, here hell coming sure and slow but at its pace and space, wont for eve revenge be reluctant.

C.ET:           even if it is a shame to think a parc parachoicly,       since sovereignty and absence of law, measures and the de facto habits of harming and view environment as a well design to human, ordered growing needs. Needs not of sustainable invention bu t need for looting quicly.

Here an extract of to be bought literature on the UN website:
In the sense, not available for free. If ever one could criticize without being mad mandated.


And what is horrific is that the UN usually strive and compliment itself for its displays some effluxes of theories that would improve human rights in its absolute value, even though partial, and politicised, limited statements,
But here the notion of human respect to other species is absolutely absent.

Finally, one has to elude at why environment is classified as being so global: because one its effects cannot be contained but this is not the main features. Labor exploitation though ‘keeping more or less its slaves’ concentrated on a few areas or countries is indeniably, for the world, to be sanctioned as a plague affecting the entire humanity. But there is something more about environment: it is that all people, in an overall consensus on prodigious humanity, have in fact settle their difference, some of their violences, in making nature the best to be pointed at as bestiary.
All civilisations see still fit to kill animals to end up onto their plates. Vampires are popular just to satisfy our need to outbid horrors of our daily set, but does it?

Succeed, successor. .
Ace, excess, exec, excel.
Expel, exil.

U succed,
Us seem, seeks, sees, sex, seed,

As for the questions on origins, fare from being able to address them, who would give access to people unable to respect their own species, other species, their own planet, well not theirs, but you know what I mean.
The key is what we can do, is to pray. To pray for a flower, a bird, for them, the world to stay and be beautiful…and living.
Never ending.

Does not work.
The course I went in, deliver no serious data, it was just a compilation of exercises with only a few advices, no courses for this courses. it was a microsoft one. i had to click twenty times to do things by hand because short cut and overall general information on software were totally absent. It is an IT courses their system is so unoperative that one has to try to upload their work 20 times before succeeding. The team was rather nice but feedback nothing more than a repeat of exercises orders, not whatsoever help into the software, when one has a problem with software because of having access exercises by different route, they are unable to help you, because they don’t know the stuff. So we have to do the entire exercice again, even though a tiny information only had to be changed. They were absolutely stuffed with it.

But most importantly, no courses were provided, just a list of exercises, and I managed to do them by exploring but no whatsoever IT advices in order to do them quicklier….
I had and I will in the future to refer to a free website               , I swear I don’t work for them,                      because their free courses provided actual lessons. Very disappointing, a waste of time, from log in to exercices that never end, and certainly not in further knowledge and skills. I just clicked onto every single buttons to try to build ‘manually’ what was expected.

The provider asked me to complete a satisfaction survey before diploma delivery. I never knew if it was anonymous, I went there after obtaining the certificate, survey was closed. To whom can I say? It was state-run or at least subsidized only.
Otherwise team generally nice and i don't really know why you check people identity by phone, if they were to pay somebody else then the latter would have the data needed to proceed, a bit hopeless, hapless.   Also check on to have an idea of what i expected.       I.e. a course, you don't Want to breach copyrights? in that case i don't think you are a course provider. Saying that thank you for your help. tutoring was nice.


Eva, eva,
E(le)va, elevate, eleve,
Enee, eneide, nee.     Native.

Outlet of aggressivity, towards animal, yet again global consensus.


All of this are opinion of political categorisation, explaining how human fight amongst them to use or abuse the power they have over nature, as no one can fine, imprison them to have killed the innocent, the defenceless.
But how would we call the aim and end of living amongst nature, not as a political, a resources, a wellbeing self-serving game but as a proof of the knowledge we have about our own nature and condition. A gest of sane humility having no other need for teleology that the one that we are living in nature, that we are part of it, that our sole reason is life itself.
A way of ending race against time and possession as the only ones that exist is the ones permitting to loot nature, as no one has of a temple, a ruin millions of lives after billions like no other species with the possibilities of changing of organisations and strategies could possibly dream of doing, unless they are up to being designed and pointed out as being without a brain or anything, of thinking organs.
Organ, on/off, ogre, o.rig, orgies.

Environment treated as resources

Economy              people              economy based on the exploitation or in fact the execution, the virtual killing of the planet

A brighter future?
C.ET: industrialisation of the green, a machinery?
The ls last maillon of the chain. In human cheap and shipping philosophy as well as in human rights.
But the only one that will be lasting. Outed of the human language, as human does not reconzi se similar rights and is compassionate through politisation. And polarisation.
The victims that can’t write or not a letter that we will hold as constitution. No alphabet or any sign , phoneme , drawings that we will keep inside dictionary, books or in a net of concet contraction concentration and reflexion.
The non political world,          but seen what human beings produce of the ppolitical h ones, maybe there is no much to be envious of, and wit waith the collapse of hua human organisation.

With human rights proclaimed to be apolitical since researching universality, only utopia in a world that want to exploit nature instead of culture, a la mode Marxist, or utilitarist.

With human rights proclaimed to be apolitical since researching universality, only utopia in a world that want to exploit nature instead of culture, a la mode Marxist, or utilitarist. Where every is to be seen that respecting the right of the planet is jauged by what it will bring, how much comfort the existence of the rest of the world will bring to human and human society, it could be say in fact that human rights have being directed, in fact violated by sociology, as their concerns are being restricted, imprisoned by human condescension, by utilarianism of a society that stabilises itself in order to get better deal as in better drill, without any reciprocity for their environment or rather the space they know, the living they come to know, not a sp soupson. Suspicion.

essay 8          'the environment'
The adjudication of life.
To call it the environment.

Citizenship can be seen as safe net. However some states did not even enter supranationality on the account that international standards were too low.
Also each nation has had their way to support and protect the right of human, and if supranational efforts aims at enriching people globally, it also needs all what migh be brought from local knowledge and practice to be universal, and diverse in a way that multiplicity be able to endorse the infinitude of the facet that rights and laws, and human interaction, amongst themselves or towards outside, their environment might implies.

C.ET:             avo above,             a more and more complete and complex set of ethics, action, protection, prevention, and por provision needed. To fight poverty and impoverishment of social structures, cohesion facing mode of economy, and exploitation and find common ground for similar moral tension and position. However if ethics wavers and does not reconqgnise equal nature or animal worth, then destabilitisation, too many individuals, too many species or terriotries to protect or too little interest, and the possibility of killing with total disregard.
Outlet of aggressivity, towards animal, yet again global consensus.
Dath death penalty still here, exploitation, prostitution, organs trades, but still fight at least on papers and also limited thanks to moral stances and deed. But what about nature protection.  Quasi inexistent, burt but ornamented with human centred projection.

C.ET:            describe the study of a phenomenon rather that the values the observa      will be deriving out of it.
Two different activities.       Why not separate them??

The real texture of universality.          A common ground for everything and every one.

In terms of humanity, keep nature to keep origins and destination,

C.ET:   Not the property of any particular religion, Natural law could be find in secularity.
The law of nature, would be found logically in nature, that the study of human being and society would conclude that human is killing, like if they were attempted to get rid of their suzerain or leading reason, as the principles of respect and protection to life is trampled over.
Maybe then could we conclude that it is because theories talk astonishly more about rights, that they talk about laws and duties that human being understanding of their power stop at how they can exploit the one, not directly in human language able to be heard or read evidently. As nature as not issue a human voiced or written laws of its ‘equal value’.

Weber thus rejected the idea that a universalistic and normative foundation for law (and hence for rights) is possible.
The decline of the natural law has robbed the law of 'a metaphysical dignity' (Weber 1978:875).( (Turner, 1993).

C.ET:    and weber maybe here rejected universality if based on non-metaphysical account, that is on a sort of positivist, that acknowledge only the consensus between intersubjective human senses account, and not about the concern of laws that are in fact not society only derivated and conscience of but laws that are taken into account a more cosmologic dimension. People as scientifists not as law makers just like if their official political agreement- fruits of corrupted manners, and clear incapacity at solving huma man matters- made them the chosen of gods. Laws that have to be shaped by the respect for idea and liberty and all nature not by greed, self-contentment and institutions. A egoist, self centric human, individual or collective, identity, identique .
Identic, identify as inventive but as identic. 

In practice, however, many international agreements exist. For example,
the International Whaling Commission attempts to achieve a consensus
between member countries on quotas of whales to be killed(Carraro, 1992)
C.ET:              quota not on an animals that one cannot know how to refrain growing as they are parasites and upsetting economic system balance and diversity, but quota on a endangered species.
These results, however curtailing massacres, are also the patent image, the text formalising a culture of annihilation, its dynasty.

Juggling with people needs or demands, industries per pressure and the pushing fear for competition threatening subordination or new type of imperialisation.

European Economic Review 36 (1992) 379-387. North-Holland
International Coordination of Environmental Policies
The international dimension
environmental policy
Carlo (Carraro, 1992)
University of Udine

Would, idee, aux, haut,

UN seems to focus on climate change just like if tuned into the main media debate.
It certainly has its reasons as how global ince affecting the level of the seas, and overall crops, but is global warming one head line in the un sustainable.
Deforestation, oil depletion, animal slaughtering (even if bizarelly it will pass as an unrelated subject, as quasi-everyone agrees on slaughtering animals after having bred and feeding them, as well as their offspring- will dutifoully remembrancing all other anthologyies of indexed human atrocities)

Other types of interventions, rather than more or less dealing with imminent catastrophic scenarios of the poles slowly (for a holywoodian romance time formatted) but surely would clearly set the agenda for an upturn of the current global economic lead.
The one that dominates through cash crops and cripple lands from feeding with a balanced diet the ones that are sheltered by the land. In Africa we can almost without subjectivism say survive instead of live, since patent on medicines and 2 dollars a day, is a sure pictures of the UN:And shortocin shortcomings.

Spirituality and the time passing.

Spirituality and the passing day.

Passing, or being, or having or adding.

Deforestation by logging but,
+                  case studies,              rain forests,                       less rain?

Yes, I now can feel confident in my finding and articulating my thesis in a more correct manner. 

 Thank you for this postponing, i hope that my perspective will be finally able to bring something a little new.

Well, I was not talking about that one. i lack focus. I think        is champion for student who needs more time for digestion. I hope it will stay this way, because too strict dead line would mean sheer segregation, I am able but need reflexion. I hope it won't affect your statistics on student achievement or figures like this. 

No, no maybe I don't deserve to pass that one, that's all. i will be ok to submit it on time. 

‘Ignorance brings more confidence that does knowledge.’
Darwin quotes.

7 when completed by its diagonal, its symmetric figure, would resemble a

Carvag ac caravagio,
Carnival, carnage.
Channel, carnal.
Carn dial.

Ordial, ore, ordeal.

I thank you for this article. it is clear that instead of being western attitudes killing African values, subsided horrific or pseudo compassionate stance from the church demonising and segregating before killing homosexuals or homosexuality and its people, is clearly, a western subsidise for Africa to gaily kill themselves, their gay.
Crystal clear, More than holy-water.

But here the key phrase.
Homo marriage.
 “without distinction as to their sex.”

Qui ?             who?           Ow, oven, awe. Ovary, ogive,       hen.                    -----en,
Adjectivation of, no                verb from adjective,      add,     ective, invective,
Objective,                    thick-en,           hen.
Bo boil, ive, eve, blood,     odd.                    Do.
Objective,                    eve,

Des, sed, das, said,

The authors suggest these groups concentrate too much on protected areas, and ignore the issue of over-consumption. (Black, 2011). When here over-consumption is also the one of nature, the human eating away more and more of the wildness while branding protected areas just like agribusiness would keep a pet amongst thousands of animals they have slaughter.

Dualistic would again address western philosophies and psychoanalytic (it), as a sin of the matter. Whatever it is justified originally, protection is nowhere to be seen in the UNEP theory. One cannot protect someone we in fact belittle and put down to a lower rank, that we in fact put aside to be eaten.

And if all civilations fall, fake participate into violation and even, ecocides on nature, planned and recorded eradication, appeased by discourses recommending for it to be done within a pace falsely imitating peaceful, fall mimicking, mummies, what civilisation will win?          That is who will manage to loot what are called by virtually everyone resources, or when they become scarce simply have,while practising politely but avidely, torture and kill, poison our very body and abode, and get away with it.

If all,
I fall
Laf, leaf, affres,
Fail, laugh,

Infinitude of complex interdependence. The survival of the species as a whole, as well as the review of beyond human-centred ethics and philosophy: the one of life in general- of every and any life- that is the real and unique dimension of universality.

Human utter dependence on nature, announces a logic, logistics of destruction, that human does not fight as plan is to loot the nest, a race about using what is left (as instead of reacting humanely and stop fishing waters already empty, and what will become beyond bloody, as sciences and commerce would allow human species to stop killings, the dynamics is focus on how to hunt better, and their treaties)  marine property and territory.   and still to be found and consumed, and instead of what politics of human activities want to make people believe, does not produce enough, here in its noble terms: create.
A logic of life in which one cannot destroy gratuitously, as it will destroy itself, as in Freudian psychology where the uncaring parents will be killed ultimately by being left to the rudeness of a life alone, unprepared, or by one’s children, just resuming, what they learnt or unlearnt- in a replication (      )..

Agony, Antigone.

Lies, sil, e, seal.
Seuil, threshold.
Thres, three, fresh,              hold.

To respond to segregation, discrimination, racism and others.
-        What do u want me to do to prove it?
You ain’t even of this color.

-        I can dye.


Alongside laws on the protection of nature, those of mass killings: industries of trace, commerce.
Trace of trade.

Nevertheless when it comes to be informed by UNEP, the accounts are, if not anthropomorphic, anthropocentric.

An amoral human rights.
Amiralty.            Realty,                     reality.                     Realm               send, sand,      scan, scant, cant, scandinavie, chant, hum, hymn.

It just is the expression of a restraint waiting for the stock to be used without any further other preoccupations. Slaughter

Scientists and politicians alike denying existence of global warming, just in a total paradigm to previously known record of sciences spreading diseases (myxomatosis) and helping keeping poisons (rationalisation of genetics), why not say now we will produce species genetically modified by humans, so belonging to human technics.
So be cursed.

A politicisized sciences, a negationist and sponsored sciences:         the spectacle of human corruption, a conspiracy against nature and their own species fuelled by quick wages such declaration will bring, in an economy that reward corruption and punish by a drop in consumption competitivity behaviour such as work done well, and without occasioning waste or poisoning.
To negate human activities, is not only left unpunished, but buy time in parliament.

Growth is everywhere but in the parks where they could preserve biodiversity.

Maybe could this notion be found just like in UNESCO defence of universal cultural patrimony, but yet again a worry looms, with parks naturals defended just like museums or historic monuments would be as relics more than as repository of a culture of excellence and abundance, not of consumption but of treasuries, while around nature goes on being the targets of human activities, and space of true wilderness ever shrinking.


One note, is a lot is said about money, pledge, objectives…but none about the programs themselves, is it money well invest?? The title environment protection is not enough to know if suitable combination.

 And then even within sciences as pseudo sciences, or here again violated sciences, made up to suit mafia-like invests, showed recently how used, by negationists it might be, negating by the same token, truth and justice and appropriate objectives, scientists and politicians alike denying existence of global warming.

People would not understand  the word beauty from the mouth of someone who venerates it.
Is everthing.


And because through her, everywhere it can be seen.
Never reach her, but when performing, its remembrance, to have you looking at me through penance.
Or through the love you inspire me, liberty,
Or on being able to soothe suffering but just recognising in all this same equality.

One can suggest that while one concentrates on protected areas, they ignore the issue of over-consumption. (Black, 2011). Consumption here could be reinterpreted as the one of nature, the human eating away more and more of the wildness while branding protected areas just like agribusiness would keep a pet amongst thousands of animals they have slaughtered.
Jester, unfortunately no yester.
What they have? Done yet but also is in their possession: slaughtering. And it is gratefully agreed by all nations(maybe less by the Gujarat)

Environment: The case against protection. 29 July 2011.

But in fact treaties lies.
Rewards, towards, fore, we, ward, war.

NARRATIVE: Not a loss as in a miscellaneous (misshaped declaration, misspelled, miss sell) happenings in hazardous circumstance leading to grievances but the outcomes of planned economy, backed for most part by programmes and policies.

And if all civilations fall into violation and even, ecocides on nature, planned and recorded eradication, appeased by discourses recommending for it to be done within a pace and space falsely imitating peaceful ordination, then, what civilisations would win?          That is, who will manage to loot what are called by virtually everyone resources, or when they become scarce simply have what makes nations maybe readier to defend themselves, maybe people more satisfy with their nations, or just what is vital responding to need such as housing or alimentation.
Here some figures, indications:

Environmental disasters and abused are in fact engineered and
Embedded in the economic system.

Even the most powerful political leaders have reasserted that environmental protection is not possible without a total reshaping of the economic system, the present economy turned into a green economy (Goldenberg, 2014). Every time someone is thinking about balance between generations and planetary rights, he will conclude that.

The loss in question is not the fruits of miscellaneous (misshaped declaration, misspelled, miss sell) happenings in hazardous circumstance leading to grievances but the outcomes of planned economy, backed for most part by programmes and policies.

If one think in a positive way, one could say if nature healthy then humanity healthy and protected. In a negative way, it should translate by if Nature destroyed, and it is, human destroyed.

And surely by extensions, just like staff, or people rejected (prostitution, people without work, people without earning sufficiently to be healthy, and now the whole human population as absence of nature will kill humanity but ………………….. at which rates.)?????????

54 countries will be short of water by 2050, and that therefore technologies will not secure or answer social problems (Moore, 2015)
Moore, H. (2015)

The End of Development 09 March 2015

Mon, 9 Mar 15
29 mins
In a lecture at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, anthropologist Professor Henrietta Moore argues that development is an outmoded concept.

 Such as redistribution and as far as nature not environment is concerned, the way people are able, trained and ready to transform their relationship to a symbiotic one. That would take not a taking for granted position, hoping to be nurture by the simple act of signing in, symbiotic relationship with nature to succeed as to become an end, and surely not a means such as being paid for a NGOS protecting a bit of nature while eating and frying animals. What do we fear, would we fear other species to progress and become technological species like us? As what differentiate us from animal is not politics, they are politic and organisational as well, even not technological, I bet they improve their radar like sharpening razors through their lives and all the decades.
Moore, H. (2015)

The End of Development 09 March 2015

Mon, 9 Mar 15
29 mins
In a lecture at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, anthropologist Professor Henrietta Moore argues that development is an outmoded concept.

Redistribution, retribution,

Three main species instead of hundreds like in the past, 7000 listed species were feeding the planet before. Crops are directly facing the elements, and will be tremendously threatened by global warming.

Could be very soon a problematic minimal?

If media could reverse, inform, bring awareness.
Media not equipped to investigate,
In Formation

Would, could evil be a good sans queue, ni tete. At sixes and sevens?
Not knowing what to do, how to do, in brief, someone in such bordel.

The will of state does not reflect automatically the will or the interest of the citizens in line with cosmopolitan citizenship, taking into account everywhere at any given time.

State intervention:     state with strength enough to intervene, the same state that propulse daily individual and industrial consumption to rocket

The return to the mother, the one way to the sea.
Embryo, and first lives altogether reunited.

The UN, despite being at the heart of shaping new moral laws fathered UNEP whose design is found to be void with concepts such as the respect for nature, the respect due to nature.

what should remain our hopes and objectives that finally economy be as caring to people as it should to nature????????????

While        the UN         focuse on             renewables
And rightly so, if one stop retorting that present ways of life and above all ways of thinking could invalidate, or doubt the sincerity of their claims.
Economy is a problem:

Baffling figures, though the fruit of ever-present knowledge, such as the ones reminded below are the clear evidence that one does not have the luxury of infinite growth even as an option,

Incredibly complex politics, would ask to summit unprecedented degree of collaboration between and within countries – beyond class, and purchase power, origins, markets, political parties, religions, affiliations, individual, groups and collective politics and legislation, and how beliefs or the claims of beliefs might prevent redress of wrongs

And rightly so, if one stop retorting that present ways of life and above all ways of thinking could invalidate, or doubt the sincerity of their claims.

.           which will in time, lead to economic depletion.

It drastically, ras, sar, sack, serve, sera, razor, race, rack, stick, till, tick, tisserand.
Tiser, teaser, tisser, sit, weave.
It drastically, ras, razor, race, rack, stick, till, tick, tisserand.
Tiser, teaser, tisser, sit, weave.

No mention of animals rights, only resources.

Economic, is the cause of environmental hazards.
Poverty, is the reflect of animal exploitation.
Exploitation brings about poverty.

Culture of bullying, martyrizing nature and populations
not possible harmony if refer to UN treaties and philosophy.

who    excruciation.        


Economy impacts on environment, while environments problems impact on social security and equality. Since anyway origin of environmental problem, horrors and imbecility.

UN(less wealthy   (guetthoisation)

C.ET: some laudable, some not enough more pledges than effects. A list of aims in the future, but what about today?

civil society           or media
While civil society are seeking funds to wage or local, uncordinated or localised actions,

Yet, again, linked to an economic value, economy should reinforce environmental health instead of the opposite.

Conclusion:                               a transform h. r into its true universality, humanity turned towards being in symbiosis with nature. Asking a reversal of our ways, instrumentalising nature and people, in exploiting them but also in exploiting their believes and deprivation. To make believe it is ok for humans to just kill and legitimise themselves in stating their superiority. I state I am human and therefore I have the right to kill you. Just illustrating what is done in genocide, here done to other species, because human does not recognize other species a language (that human disregard as chant or as noises), an intelligence, and strenght,                     all of the above permitting people to deride what suffers and finally the denial  of    does not recognize their right to live  .

In speaking this way
To stop pollution means a total rethinking of economic practises but also political ones, as politics take the environment for the basket, the nutriment from which they will redistribute, instead of aiming at a symbiotic relation to nature, in which all sides are nurtured.

People deprived of their rights just like nature has been written off the lists of right holders.

Lies, texts not in fact describing the extreme situation we are in. talking about ‘loss of diversity’ while we are about to be cut in half while having lost an enormous, uncounted, amount already.

That would take not a taking for granted position, hoping to be nurture by the simple act of signing in, symbiotic relationship with nature to succeed as to become an end, and surely not a means such as being paid for a NGOS protecting a bit of nature while eating and frying animals. What do we fear, would we fear other species to progress and become technological species like us?

She, shell.

[i] Then, Turner proclaiming offering an outline of theory rather than a few notes about it, then in turn, refuting the universalisation of rights, reveals that the sociology presented by T, cannot handle or recognise its very own limitations.

[ii] (i.e. a hidden enhancement of facilitation of opportunities at exploitation for certain classes or for all classes as long as they support a discriminative and ‘disqualitative’, ‘depreciative’ economic system, under the adage of capitalism or communism, liberalism, cosmopolitanism, communitarianism or pluralism {...}.
In fact the very monopolistic, uniformised, unregulated and drastically unfair economic and therefore social system we are in.

[iii] And what then would be validated out of the state of being aware, if it was to stay as it is, vulgar, sadistic killers. Nowadays even killing for fur, cosmetic, useless experimentation.              But even to have access the technology to eat healthily and though killing animals to satisfy taste and a reluctance to change, even if we take comfort increase more than happily, now amongst our taken for granted lists of rights, and liberties.