
Monday, January 26, 2015



C which, each. Ich who, wh ish.

Tiens, tine. Titine.

do you know that mohammed the islamic prophet married a girl of 9? do you know more about the way he is supposed to have handle the matter?

Thank you for the one courageous enough to defend their other half free: homosexuality.

S had, e, ahead.

Short, exhort.

Where, ea wear, ware, a war.

Communication, adjucation, vacation,
Sounds like religion. Releague.

A dream where you cannot stop the body of your dearest, you brother, to be enslaved and dragged far away by you don’t know what forces, or how to fight or how to get or where it has slipped and slept. As if you were holding inot onto his body, torn apart they could be.

sorry to take your time.
i had a conversation with someone presenting himself as having a volunteer position on your site. as i wanted to explore on vision on tv was working i was wondering if what he said you were is actually the truth as i did not read it this way on your site.
he presented you as a radical left channel
my own production is, might be in some places, rather contentious, so i asked him if it could happen that someone do the job to edit one's job and hobby in your site and that your work could be deleted by one of your team then. he said that no left orientated film could not fit. i tried to look for your conditions, could you please tell me what they are?

magnificao. K.o. chaos. Shoal.

British, brutish, bratish,
Rit brit, birth.

Ascent, a scent.

Material, maternal, marriage. Carriage.

Friendly, fry endlessly.


Said, first Arabic name.

Inscribe, in bribe, hence…

Isl-ma. I solate.

You yapp.

Organization, organ, isa, sia, sai.
Session, hesitation,

Every one insisting on the importance of education in matters of tolerance. But educate doing fucking what and how. Banda pand(or)a.

The reveolution producing not leaders serving the good of all, but distinguished as god favoring impune leaders(hip).

D economic.

The pictures of the buildings and places only a century old, that reminds that that cannot be but hanted.

Enlightment perverted as rationalisation of human affairs safaries affrays became disproportion of technology upon nature donation now brought to exhaustion.

Being a single or live in a state of e celibacy.
Chosen as soon as one terms its partnership adequacy, even thought they wlong for someone, this someone in theory. The partner imaginary needed to bring oneself to a degree of companionship acceptability.

what about coming along? i d pay for your ticket i know what it is to be just arrived. and teh coffee would be this time for me.
to tell the truth i am there not at all to make friend, there is only one person that counts in term of being together for me, and she is a girl friend, so i acknowlegde that it s far more reasonable if i don't ask you further to meet me. a propos your english is very good, and i reckon that you are as creative as prolefic aslo if you are ready to die for your art, do it, fuck the ones that would like to slow you down, and stay nice, good, kind and free. but only if you are ready. fancy ya. The deep way could have be, what about coming along? i d pay for your ticket i know what it is to be just arrived. and teh coffee would be this time for me.
to tell the truth i am there not at all to make friend, there is only one person that counts in term of being together for me, and she is a girl friend, so i acknowlegde that it s far more reasonable if i don't ask you further to meet me. a propos your english is very good, and i reckon that you are as creative as prolefic aslo if you are ready to die for your art, do it, fuck the ones that would like to slow you down, and stay nice, good, kind and free. but only if you are ready. fancy ya.en bi.

Counc-il. Count hill.
Conc- lusion.

What had been done in a very discreet manner at this evening, 10years or so earlier, than now appeared in memory to be dones o clearly. Mercy.

Host. Austile.

Reflexion, lexic.
E fel.
Efle, Efell.
R, feel.x


Chain, chain, chene, chene.

Case, casket.

Task, tax,

benefit from not questioning anything, anting.
H, like human. Not that I despise ants at all, but the ludicrous way they are soret sorted. But h.beings.

E we.
We are not macho because we start smilling when thinking we are hard and stiff, as for you, and without sleeping with you, one can go to the war, who are.

Fees, pheasant.
Social class and
class room

C: Did you mean matter, pain, meaning, doors, direction

Maybe being obliged into hiding one’s feeling = smiling all the time and appear paisible ofr ex, permit somebody to have to not react cliché

as ide. Hide.

thank you for accepting the particularity of my writing and its volume. i ll stop...just trying to be not too much unclear or uncomprehensive. you giving me my hope back and the dignity (and grandiloquence) that wont' surrendered nor usurped. :-) still with a noise but smiley.

I fyou want to fuck me with your ‘believes; it is high time to get a new religion started.

“Civil society as the clash of the social forces, Transcended by the universality of the state according to hegel.”
“But for marx individual and state cannot be discussed individually, euh no, separatedly.”
Marx asserts that the individual cannot be conceptually isolated from his social context: by definition any meaningful sentence about an individual must simultaneously refer to his environment, and an atomistic model of an individual is philosophically unsound.
Avinery, S. (1968) the social and political thought of Karl Marx. Cambrideg university press.
Alienation in context??????????due to the social, and the political.
Also marx stipulates that the atomisation, in this context, isolation, alienation was socially as well as politically monitored.

Helper. Leper.

Not knowing how one is supposed to lik lok look at oneself, as in the mirror the light is direct, is the iris fund perceivable, would on e need to prefigure a third conscience, oneself, the other, the intention.
And if the repository is oneself then to look at how erect, not one’s own strength but the route taken and embody, flesh in our reality, by the intention, the tension.
On mesmerism.

A right even if perfectly conceptualized, by who will be emphasized? And what if one right is defended while the right of another is dropped, (for example due to a lack of money to pay the advocate or the judge)

Fate imam. Am aml huhu hymn am.

Malle, mal, Pandora

Lame, male and duck.
Fuck. Muck. Dedall.

thank you, it won't score high nor well any how. wheel, wells perhaps.

cut library jobs.
Education and class.
Or you will be treated as a fucking idiots, or the latdder will be upload without any consideration for knowledge nor anything.

brilliant summary. i also question the university for not enforcing a real question time after lecture. and i question the fact that since dave behave this way and that on top i was the one being punished from assisting lecture. how come there is no restriction on what a prof will have the power of exclusion and behave so discriminatively in front of the students without being put into question.

beneficiate from fair play in the independence of professional and the free civil society activity.
afterwards and since a long time, since i am grudge, ..., blah,blah,blah, people take upon themselves not communicating with a non conformist you see. but it is a witch hunt that is working and this i won't let it. the head talk about mutual understanding which i though very correct and appropriate, but not when i am still at gun point of some, in fact, here anybody. i am not gonna be happy with being treated like the leper. they managed to suspend me from attending my lectures normally and now they arranged a little party, with a number of student that will make official that was altogehter the rumours and playwright of everybody= my pending disciplinary. if it is that that is called mutual understatement, my personal understanding is that i will have to open up (and not my mind) to people with the potential will and the straight weapons to even not punish me from questioning and behaving this way, but demolishing me.
now of course is it my personal feeling, what the facts are, i don't know none of those as my disciplinary meeting was as kafkaian as in sharia law or other done don kangarou style- what are the alleguation other than ackward and argue regressive. you sincerely call that a meeting? it is not clear that what people did during the board the term they scrap the sub-department of h.r I did it a tiny bit during a sympodium (the one gg reproaches me in particular, to have interrupted guys that took planes from the middle east to read a paper of 15 minutes, while all what the host were doing, instead of thinking what new project adopting, adapting, was to time them, for the 15 min, be not 16.
Last semester after three years of everybody taking ainy pretext to avoid spreading their time , I started being proactive and interrupting lectures, yes, because each time a prof say at the end of the lecture, never this time will in reality be accommodate.

Now let them proceed. Because I don’t wnat to hear that I refuse what is supposed to defuse...just like if they did not put me down already.  Radeau.

I might need a psychologist I suppose but it would not be a roehmpaton based that I would use, if I have any faith in confidentiality or the conviction that or serenade or submission be so pathologic anyway. In classic philosophy, it is or logos or ethos or pathos it s what I read recently, well yesterday but ti is contrarily to dialectics, I am not sure I have to come back to it.

Also I thought I had to precise because I am not thinking of any justice to be redress, I am too experimented to know that I am expected to appear before a court with a judge just tacking the nail and the lawyer or counsellor taking the fees  even though I sinned or have seen out of zeal or seriousness. Errare humanism  humanum est.

I don’t want to go to deeply as they are saying this and this why not starting to lie, like they did already. My words against theirs. I am less organised, they are arranged in trusts corporation already. The favourite of david dave tinham you have to trust [so don’t check it, is what I would have added] .
I ll tell it to you as for improving my chance of holding on to it:
though don't worry i will shush from now, i won't loose it for this reason.

Also I shushed because I could not possibly let people play up with my diploma; or even approach it.

The head Said that I was ‘to remain a student’, I ll argue that tomorrow I, and a few others, could be a teacher if you recruit and keep guy like this. But that at the end of the day our aims would be to fare better than the ex and less than the next, to use old cliché (snapshot of the situation like it literally said)
Let’s agree to a new meeting the album want update sum.

Last time you said that it was the end of it but I have been disciplined with the charges of disrupting classes :

I think that you are inciting students into being confronted.
And into thinking that the materials taught or just the subject or other students presentation is not the object of further debates.
They call that a suspense, I call that a lynching my tongue is taken, then what is left tome is to hope for Kingston to take my case even with a disciplinary.
Your agents.  

On 24/7 hours suite, computers. By chance in this university has been kept the wisdom of letting numerous classroom opened so that one may found free and entirely quiet place.
I am not saying to heat the all building as ti would not be used, it is just the contray (contree) that I would defend, but to leave some little room where students might turn on the heating, I work with room 10 celcius for the past week and like this every single night of the winter when you need to stay, in fact you don’t at night it is 5, is too much even with 10 layers.
No conducive atmosphere to study, by chance still find class room empty where the study area are noisy, no laptops may be borrowed will break between term, though the offices are opened, 24 hours rooms no heating, who can study when room at 10 celcius. That would imply by the patriarchal that no students would need to work on his out office hours and during its holidays????????????????????bizarre.
Unless they want us to such wages and suck policies like ki lilipop

I think that no. I am not annoyed at them doing it directly I am annoyed at being put itno a position of disciplinary action due to their complains. If they gonna know that a meeting have to occur then no by any means I want to know what exactly I am reproached with, and this from their own numerous mouths- to ffeed, hopefully thought for themselves not always bein for the giving, without talking about forgiving.
On the other side I have been accused of stuffs, I tried to explain from where was coming from my behaviour in a quite fair play and straight forward way as none of the complains (or lack of appraisal) were whatsoever even not precise but even less factual.

thing, i will attend nothing if you ware not in the room.

Okay, is echo.

Chaos, case soc.
Chaos, soak.

Middle English encoragen, from Anglo-French encorager, from en- + curage courage
encore = again
anchor, encore, couroux?
Choeur,  choir.
Core. En-core.

‘Marx saying that he did not have a formula’.
Marx latter betrayed by the same people that took his name not like a shil eld but a dustbin.
The fate of a prophet.

Would the proletariat be for the bourgeois values? Or simply lead to fight for so as being employed is not an option and employment conditions obey to bourgeois commands and opportunisation.
‘to be radical is to grasp the problem by the roots. But for man, is man itself’...not god.
Nor are they divinity as well as having to fight for it, life secret. Secretion.

Cmpettition delogya. Deloyal, owner, dsestroy and bridbe .

Bride, bride in French reins.

Species life’ = ‘social essence’

Would polygamy and other ordure be installed in order to enforce a ch oir ch ch cohesion of chalantan militia called themselves men. Nem.

any time it is just for me to go around yours!
just maybe more end of afternoon than late in the evening...train purpose. in fact if you let me the choice, why not after 11? like you said, early in the day would mean that i could go straight away without to have to come back at my place to wait or wait somewhere else. have your say.  :-)

and the working class fucking thinking that they could count long of others dying for their ideas, and for finding some, while any can stay safe doing staff stuff with playing up like if of one’s brain, one did not get none.

To sort out.

Right serves differentiation and scale about class whose accumulation of wealth is the balance, the leverage option Mclellan, d.  (1990).
hi sherry, sorry to even ask for that. i will go to hounslow with afternoon but since my computer is 5 year old i start douting finding an adaptator handy in the computer shop.

Quote. temporary

up to (k)now uncountournable hurdle

Fek, feline, feign.
K = case = broken line. I k


Ot love women and thanks god for their natural grace everyday.
Which makes sense as the state or commune as to redistribute labor into workers laboring towards education, policing…all what we need to do in common or what ensure links constituting a population, an nation, a specis fe free of moves and working for the sake of everybody safety. (at the best of one capacity, availability and also leave options of one’s liking…) as long as don’t counter sincere efforts, and needed by the way, of third party
But what wen this labor comes into the hand of which don’t work at this effect, or in fact work counter productively.

He  argues that with a ba we will never have to direct a festival film. So let’s say that we cannot but work for big company and not try other more humble in size initiative, why offering the project of the festival at all.
Profs establishing projects in saying anyhow that the skills they don’t teach is ok like that because with us ba it is basically the role of executive secretary without a tiny need for the skills that are on the program that is needed.
I insist because yet again it is the kind of discourses, literal, that is to be heard in the modules run by him.
I suspect also it is why we ended in some kind of bogus ‘we take all the decisions restrained team’ and the other treated as simple executives.
I am not here to ape that.

thank you for your support it really soothes me.
i have to take the situation as ti is now, and realized that i am threatened. i don't feel there is any other options that stop speaking as i have been put in a box with everyone knowing and some pushing with arguments that should not lead me to nearby the sink.
i am being put aside in an organisational manner with the administration approving and almost lid leading me to prison. i will encourage you from now to step aside as i won't let them have me this face fashion.
though don't worry i will shush from now, i won't loose it for this reason.

Also I shushed because I could not possibly let people play up with my diploma; or even approach it.

i was ready to start bringing it on, but in fact i really rally think that your demand is far more sensitive as well as more sensible.

 i was about to say but lets start the proceedings, but no, you are totallly right.
 take care. and ta.

 what i have now to ask is how it comes that it is permitted to a prof to behave in such a way? and end up with complain of students after the cine?
i have no time for the moment but i will provide somebody with an account of the allegations fo dave, his behavior afterwards and its pedagogic methods and comments all along.
 yes, what i have to precise is that it is often that younger profs in fact incite their students for further questions, it is the case of many nina in pole position, karen, anna from the crimes team, johan for the socio...
it is obvious that they in fact use to accept my personal questions with patience, response and consistence. what i am talking about is the recurrence in abroging the question time for debate or more didactically discussion to take place.

what happens is that if these are not disciplinary meeting, and are for the building or uunderstanding in the real (rela-te resale) sense of it' how come that the first meeting is a disciplinary one- or rehearsal then.
i will lodge a formal complaint but i will have to complete my last round of essays first, after having wondered what kinda judment i will have to come under during my chrismas brake.

for the cooker they may advise not to sit on the upper part in case people have close down the hood?

Functionalist that world shaped by others’ interaction My main criticism of marx is that what he knew of the limitation of the state capable of serving human development was from the experience he had from its own party. That the theorisation, surveying secret world, or secretly  came from his experience against the state for the macro repercuting of the party in micro

Finely, finally.

Purpose, propose.

hw eill


All of this grey area proved him wrong as his theory of emancipation did not make possible for the human to break from the to reign of of bondage’ (Lichtheim, 1971)
Proved wrong as if theory is ‘the emancipation of making from the reigh of bondage’ (Lichtheim, 1971)

Thank you for the one courageous enough to defend their other half free: homosexuality.

S had, e, ahead.

Short, exhort.

Where, ea wear, ware, a war.

Communication, adjucation, vacation,
Sounds like religion. Releague.

A dream where you cannot stop the body of your dearest, you brother, to be enslaved and dragged far away by you don’t know what forces, or how to fight or how to get or where it has slipped and slept. As if you were holding inot onto his body, torn apart they could be.

Even though individual workers may not reproduce, many of their same genes are carried and passed on by others in the colony. In this eusocial scheme, naked mole-rats that sacrifice the opportunity to reproduce pass down their genes indirectly by caring for their colony mates. The truth about naked mole rats
magnificao. K.o. chaos. Shoal.

British, brutish, bratish,
Rit brit, birth.

Ascent, a scent.

Material, maternal, marriage. Carriage.

Friendly, fry endlessly.


Said, first Arabic name.

Inscribe, in bribe, hence…

Isl-ma. I solate.

You yapp.

Organization, organ, isa, sia, sai.
Session, hesitation,

Every one insisting on the importance of education in matters of tolerance. But educate doing fucking what and how. Banda pand(or)a.

The reveolution producing not leaders serving the good of all, but distinguished as god favoring impune leaders(hip).

D economic.

The pictures of the buildings and places only a century old, that reminds that that cannot be but hanted.

Enlightment perverted as rationalisation of human affairs safaries affrays became disproportion of technology upon nature donation now brought to exhaustion.

Being a single or live in a state of e celibacy.
Chosen as soon as one terms its partnership adequacy, even thought they wlong for someone, this someone in theory. The partner imaginary needed to bring oneself to a degree of companionship acceptability.

what about coming along? i d pay for your ticket i know what it is to be just arrived. and teh coffee would be this time for me.
to tell the truth i am there not at all to make friend, there is only one person that counts in term of being together for me, and she is a girl friend, so i acknowlegde that it s far more reasonable if i don't ask you further to meet me. a propos your english is very good, and i reckon that you are as creative as prolefic aslo if you are ready to die for your art, do it, fuck the ones that would like to slow you down, and stay nice, good, kind and free. but only if you are ready. fancy ya. The deep way could have be, what about coming along? i d pay for your ticket i know what it is to be just arrived. and teh coffee would be this time for me.
to tell the truth i am there not at all to make friend, there is only one person that counts in term of being together for me, and she is a girl friend, so i acknowlegde that it s far more reasonable if i don't ask you further to meet me. a propos your english is very good, and i reckon that you are as creative as prolefic aslo if you are ready to die for your art, do it, fuck the ones that would like to slow you down, and stay nice, good, kind and free. but only if you are ready. fancy ya.en bi.

Counc-il. Count hill.
Conc- lusion.

What had been done in a very discreet manner at this evening, 10years or so earlier, than now appeared in memory to be dones o clearly. Mercy.

Host. Austile.

Reflexion, lexic.
E fel.
Efle, Efell.
R, feel.x


Chain, chain, chene, chene.

Case, casket.

Task, tax,

benefit from not questioning anything, anting.
H, like human. Not that I despise ants at all, but the ludicrous way they are soret sorted. But h.beings.

E we.
We are not macho because we start smilling when thinking we are hard and stiff, as for you, and without sleeping with you, one can go to the war, who are.

Fees, pheasant.
Social class and
class room

as ide. Hide.

thank you for accepting the particularity of my writing and its volume. i ll stop...just trying to be not too much unclear or uncomprehensive. you giving me my hope back and the dignity (and grandiloquence) that wont' surrendered nor usurped. :-) still with a noise but smiley.

I fyou want to fuck me with your ‘believes; it is high time to get a new religion started.

“Civil society as the clash of the social forces, Transcended by the universality of the state according to hegel.”
“But for marx individual and state cannot be discussed individually, euh no, separatedly.”
Marx asserts that the individual cannot be conceptually isolated from his social context: by definition any meaningful sentence about an individual must simultaneously refer to his environment, and an atomistic model of an individual is philosophically unsound.
Avinery, S. (1968) the social and political thought of Karl Marx. Cambrideg university press.
Alienation in context??????????due to the social, and the political.
Also marx stipulates that the atomisation, in this context, isolation, alienation was socially as well as politically monitored.

Helper. Leper.

Not knowing how one is supposed to lik lok look at oneself, as in the mirror the light is direct, is the iris fund perceivable, would on e need to prefigure a third conscience, oneself, the other, the intention.
And if the repository is oneself then to look at how erect, not one’s own strength but the route taken and embody, flesh in our reality, by the intention, the tension.
On mesmerism.

A right even if perfectly conceptualized, by who will be emphasized? And what if one right is defended while the right of another is dropped, (for example due to a lack of money to pay the advocate or the judge)

Fate imam. Am aml huhu hymn am.

Malle, mal, Pandora

Lame, male and duck.
Fuck. Muck. Dedall.

thank you, it won't score high nor well any how. wheel, wells perhaps.

cut library jobs.
Education and class.
Or you will be treated as a fucking idiots, or the latdder will be upload without any consideration for knowledge nor anything.

brilliant summary. i also question the university for not enforcing a real question time after lecture. and i question the fact that since dave behave this way and that on top i was the one being punished from assisting lecture. how come there is no restriction on what a prof will have the power of exclusion and behave so discriminatively in front of the students without being put into question.

I don’t think that my last disciplinary was only to do with my having send piece of writing to another writer. Not that I compared professional writing by n.power with my being a sole amateur. But my persistence was only to do avoiding from being excluded from political meeting attended by nina. It is why also my writing went on and on as I tried to solve the intellectual and emotional problem (my fault) before doing so. I wanted to make sure my civil rights of coming to public meeting was safe as I stopped perpetrating the mistake of communicating with nina at the personal level, as she required so.

 i know for nina it is arguable but i beneficiate from fair play in the independence of professional and the free civil society activity.
afterwards and since a long time, since i am grudge, ..., blah,blah,blah, people take upon themselves not communicating with a non conformist you see. but it is a witch hunt that is working and this i won't let it. the head talk about mutual understanding which i though very correct and appropriate, but not when i am still at gun point of some, in fact, here anybody. i am not gonna be happy with being treated like the leper. they managed to suspend me from attending my lectures normally and now they arranged a little party, with a number of student that will make official that was altogehter the rumours and playwright of everybody= my pending disciplinary. if it is that that is called mutual understatement, my personal understanding is that i will have to open up (and not my mind) to people with the potential will and the straight weapons to even not punish me from questioning and behaving this way, but demolishing me.
now of course is it my personal feeling, what the facts are, i don't know none of those as my disciplinary meeting was as kafkaian as in sharia law or other done don kangarou style- what are the alleguation other than ackward and argue regressive. you sincerely call that a meeting? it is not clear that what people did during the board the term they scrap the sub-department of h.r I did it a tiny bit during a sympodium (the one greg kent reproaches me in particular, to have interrupted guys that took planes from the middle east to read a paper of 15 minutes, while all what the host were doing, instead of thinking what new project adopting, adapting, was to time them, for the 15 min, be not 16.
Last semester after three years of everybody taking ainy pretext to avoid spreading their time , I started being proactive and interrupting lectures, yes, because each time a prof say at the end of the lecture, never this time will in reality be accommodate.

Now let them proceed. Because I don’t wnat to hear that I refuse what is supposed to defuse...just like if they did not put me down already.  Radeau.
I did no think that the ‘helper’ after my letter to nina were necessary because ... I might need a psychologist I suppose but it would not be a roehmpaton based that I would use, if I have any faith in confidentiality or the conviction that or serenade or submission be so pathologic anyway. In classic philosophy, it is or logos or ethos or pathos it s what I read recently, well yesterday but ti is contrarily to dialectics, I am not sure I have to come back to it.

Also I thought I had to precise because I am not thinking of any justice to be redress, I am too experimented to know that I am expected to appear before a court with a judge just tacking the nail and the lawyer or counsellor taking the fees  even though I sinned or have seen out of zeal or seriousness. Errare humanism  humanum est.

I don’t want to go to deeply as they are saying this and this why not starting to lie, like they did already. My words against theirs. I am less organised, they are arranged in trusts corporation already. The favourite of david dave tinham you have to trust [so don’t check it, is what I would have added] .
I ll tell it to you as for improving my chance of holding on to it:
though don't worry i will shush from now, i won't loose it for this reason.

Also I shushed because I could not possibly let people play up with my diploma; or even approach it.

The head Said that I was ‘to remain a student’, I ll argue that tomorrow I, and a few others, could be a teacher if you recruit and keep guy like this. But that at the end of the day our aims would be to fare better than the ex and less than the next, to use old cliché (snapshot of the situation like it literally said)
Let’s agree to a new meeting the album want update sum.

Last time you said that it was the end of it but I have been disciplined with the charges of disrupting classes :

I think that you are inciting students into being confronted.
And into thinking that the materials taught or just the subject or other students presentation is not the object of further debates.
They call that a suspense, I call that a lynching my tongue is taken, then what is left tome is to hope for Kingston to take my case even with a disciplinary.
Your agents.  

On 24/7 hours suite, computers. By chance in this university has been kept the wisdom of letting numerous classroom opened so that one may found free and entirely quiet place.
I am not saying to heat the all building as ti would not be used, it is just the contray (contree) that I would defend, but to leave some little room where students might turn on the heating, I work with room 10 celcius for the past week and like this every single night of the winter when you need to stay, in fact you don’t at night it is 5, is too much even with 10 layers.
No conducive atmosphere to study, by chance still find class room empty where the study area are noisy, no laptops may be borrowed will break between term, though the offices are opened, 24 hours rooms no heating, who can study when room at 10 celcius. That would imply by the patriarchal that no students would need to work on his out office hours and during its holidays????????????????????bizarre.
Unless they want us to such wages and suck policies like ki lilipop

I think that no. I am not annoyed at them doing it directly I am annoyed at being put itno a position of disciplinary action due to their complains. If they gonna know that a meeting have to occur then no by any means I want to know what exactly I am reproached with, and this from their own numerous mouths- to ffeed, hopefully thought for themselves not always bein for the giving, without talking about forgiving.
On the other side I have been accused of stuffs, I tried to explain from where was coming from my behaviour in a quite fair play and straight forward way as none of the complains (or lack of appraisal) were whatsoever even not precise but even less factual.

thing, i will attend nothing if you ware not in the room.

Okay, is echo.

Chaos, case soc.
Chaos, soak.

Middle English encoragen, from Anglo-French encorager, from en- + curage courage

anchor, encore, couroux?
Choeur,  choir.
Core. En-core.

‘Marx saying that he did not have a formula’.
Marx latter betrayed by the same people that took his name not like a shil eld but a dustbin.
The fate of a prophet.

Would the proletariat be for the bourgeois values? Or simply lead to fight for so as being employed is not an option and employment conditions obey to bourgeois commands and opportunisation.
‘to be radical is to grasp the problem by the roots. But for man, is man itself’...not god.
Nor are they divinity as well as having to fight for it, life secret. Secretion.

Cmpettition delogya. Deloyal, owner, dsestroy and bridbe .

Bride, bride in French reins.

Species life’ = ‘social essence’

Would polygamy and other ordure be installed in order to enforce a ch oir ch ch cohesion of chalantan militia called themselves men. Nem.

any time it is just for me to go around yours!
just maybe more end of afternoon than late in the evening...train purpose. in fact if you let me the choice, why not after 11? like you said, early in the day would mean that i could go straight away without to have to come back at my place to wait or wait somewhere else. have your say.  :-)

and the working class fucking thinking that they could count long of others dying for their ideas, and for finding some, while any can stay safe doing staff stuff with playing up like if of one’s brain, one did not get none.

To sort out.

Right serves differentiation and scale about class whose accumulation of wealth is the balance, the leverage option Mclellan, d.  (1990).

Quote. temporary

up to (k)now uncountournable hurdle

Fek, feline, feign.
K = case = broken line. I k


Ot love women and thanks god for their natural grace everyday.
Which makes sense as the state or commune as to redistribute labor into workers laboring towards education, policing…all what we need to do in common or what ensure links constituting a population, an nation, a specis fe free of moves and working for the sake of everybody safety. (at the best of one capacity, availability and also leave options of one’s liking…) as long as don’t counter sincere efforts, and needed by the way, of third party
But what wen this labor comes into the hand of which don’t work at this effect, or in fact work counter productively.

Functionalist that world shaped by others’ interaction My main criticism of marx is that what he knew of the limitation of the state capable of serving human development was from the experience he had from its own party. That the theorisation, surveying secret world, or secretly  came from his experience against the state for the macro repercuting of the party in micro

Finely, finally.

Purpose, propose.

hw eill


All of this grey area proved him wrong as his theory of emancipation did not make possible for the human to break from the to reign of of bondage’ (Lichtheim, 1971)
Proved wrong as if theory is ‘the emancipation of making from the reigh of bondage’ (Lichtheim, 1971)

Arthur schopehauer.
On religious
“Fraud, however pious, is still a fraud.”

thank you for the space dedicated to comments.

hi you,
 link, gay rights and others.
link to did you know that the main myth about mohamed the islamic prophet is that the fourth female to whom he has been 'married' was a 9 year-old girl? And other western-and all other the place, else structural act of pedophily.

i could do with a date too :-)
version with subtitles will go: I want to have the sem opportunities than anybody (and groups classified, rankified, )else to marry –and woo beforehands rubbing or shaking) my
“sista”{well you know what I mean].
Even they could keep the veil, so to order to signify that they, no, she belongs to me, that I would not riot against it. Till I realize that I am a supreme asshole, that if she is mine well mine will be as the ari air free and freer from having be spousing, exposeing me.
Now, I want to release you , gayttitude and lesbianism, trans you would not need if people with their own identity were in peace (or maybe it is argonautism but we could precede towards other arrangement) . if you def cide to take me as a martyrs go on as I am not derpived of cruelty and logically it is by the cakliph that you gonna be done. Praise homosexuality before to the high definition hetero prostitution to the mummies and mummies and the poppies and the puppies, to finally and ne endlessly belonged.

Betray. Bet ray.
Erease and raille

Education as being to remind how things and we gonna be eaten.
As educated don’t bulge from unsanities, or won’t say what tej situation is in the most willingful veracity. Not tackled nore investigate, heed?

Pretensious boyes and girls, satisfied with the fact of not obeying emergency, intuition, construction..lthat will have to obey and taken on bail, after this, by decayisation.

Foc in use, us?

Ghettos, gay. Etau.

Germans, germ men.

it is ok, i am becoming a bit weeping these days i admit, i ll go they will tell me.
i was just to let you knnow about some times the reason of my reapeted attempts. emails is not a communication very functionable with which you can be sure that you ve got the necessary attention (answers)nor comprehension...(hence where, enhance were)

enhance, chance.

country, contribe. Contribution,

Religion as social cohesion or sexual abuse and mental coercion.


danny boy, the white cliffs of dover, hymns like - all things bright and beautiful.

These clowns of men waiting that the animals, others, laught back at them the same way that the human tone and simagree.
Like crying that is siupposed to be for sadness and emotion the ultimate way.
Credible crocodile.

Vegan, man.

Film making via “tv          ” described by       as a left radical party politic Chanel.
In ‘his’ other module he said that (answering one of my question, I still did not know that they would be a part of the festival) in the name of the DIY culture

in fact when you talk about two groups of students, does it mean students from the film module and the two students with which i had work for one term on a presentation and that decided to complain about the fact that i questioned the extreme violence and coercion that might be used in certain republic or communities identifying themselves as being islamist? or ask what they thought about the official scriptures viewed as holy, whose versets i am not responsible to have written at the end of the day?

i am sorry to knock at your door all the time with long missive, etc.
but of my having been accuse by            of my many emails, (while i could have found lectures of information confusing or disputable), in fact it is on techincal matter that i email greg so many and repeated times-the reason why i never manage to get any answer) a little bit of an answer

yet again i am very sorry as my politics is not complain about every body, work is though, i personally make plenty errors, i know the danger of that. but what can i do as i am put under intellectual scrunitny up to be accused not to be witty enough to clog on to the subject or implied theory...

i email you because it is the 8th of january that by the way i myself just realise that we are on on monday.
i emailed at least 5 times, the last 3 was about to insist on the fact that i did not know about my schedule at all.

at work my boss 's become berserk on me(!!)

ok considere this message as confidential too, i am not the enemy. but just to put you into contextualisation

 i ll see today about the confirmation of registration, the hour, and places. don't mention that to your team i ll mail greg again and pay a visit to the department if no answering.
i am fed up chosing options with one line description on it....
it is ok, i am becoming a bit weeping these days i admit, i ll go they will tell me.
i was just to let you knnow about some times the reason of my reapeted attempts. emails is not a communication very functionable with which you can be sure that you ve got the necessary attention nor comprehension...

 no possible to commute, housing afoordable in the suburbs, jobs external to the surburbs, mainly in the centers where transportation is indecently costy. What is left for the poorer. No work nor wages, be sure of it. Concentration area where long term unemployment cannot be beat. It .

no wonder people have to refugiate into their groupuscules of communities, be religious politic- nick whatsoever including my sister, but at leas I can fuck.
Lea list.
A el [prune prone rap rope romp on, pronunciation

 Nun, annunciate.
Anon anno.

To play with ones culture, not about what nobody knows but to share…the common gossip soap on what “the hell on earth” ‘have been produced…’ 

T for Theo. What for S, silvy?

I ll have to revise my title. I title it aisha, but aisha, despite the heaviness of her symbol and token, no or about no withy knows.

Or like Pentecôte, Pentecost, Pentecost-suntide

A lot of bastards- many, conceited with their cultures pretend that they are better at taming people into ‘submission’. They are pround of making people miserable and things even worse in order for their ego and ass to be served without being contested.
But whatever brain wash you have been, and not perhaps but surely if people are the victims of unblalanced and vicious knowing (as if you don’t know wisdom (not easedom, or perhaps pre haps not hiss or siw sieve dom) soon but always one time will arrive) well never too soon, inf act too late the instinct will kick in. and it won’t be through theorization as one we had been maintenaid under belt. But a rush, a voci, a voice, a certitude, tued, t-rued, and it is not incitation at doing it, as if you are aware of the all lot they you stop and start theorizing hopefully so the villains vile lay the rules stopping.
But not knowing as your culture is all aobout get the life out of ya, the instincts won’t teach you, at least it is not hid domain or priority, his domain of propriety, perhaps may be, but any reason that would invoke the mind to asap make its body free. The se circumstances, in which is not always that the reasons, the abusers, or the main abusers is targeted, where people get up on their but butts on day and decide to kill someone without psossibly (ostivensly) to be reasoned into doing stuffs less wilde. Les wild.
The subalterns. EternITy.


when it stopped being crafty because of it s being the work of so much meticulousity thatn the output is  a piece of someby. Go body.
It is art for its description and what it brings to the ceremony, that is its due.

Like for the breeds, human try to reproduce within the same line of what they perceived to be their farmers’ brands. Even forget sort of thing, thing are perchance in some places freer than us.
Animal , ain s mall but lam. Animate.a nin I in ante, mate.

Sm all.
 Violence from plolice targeting pople politically or socially not wanted (a)back into their quarters .

E deter-gent.

 Hom how many gorgous woman, not women, I am thinking of somebody, haven’t be touched proprerly.
This due to unhappiness in marriage that have but should not have been. We gathered sick with sexual, identity crisis resulting inot sexual crisis and identity usurpation. Ditch your husby.

The people detesting  homo or different gender, cross gender thing, of course it is in everybody but since they are boers boars.
The deteeested it because through the set sterrotityation tepee the deal was to break them down into the half of their possibility. The deal was to kink of develop half of conceived, no , preconceived abilities, lame of not being back, aback,
D you fear to be cop competed with, as you are mor corrupted that salty water walter.
Sod are hetero and they go more as for the other
Hetero here meaning htero pretender.

Using ‘moralist’ or so argument to protect an immoral thesis.
People will try and close the subject using ‘moralist’ argument , they ain’t worth they deserved it they want it, I n subject like getting rid of prostitution while their premisises are ar m amoral, imooral in fact as prostitution is an act of torture and degradation, maybe prostitute thought could though argue that other jobs are not cleaner, but prosti should be condemened as disloyal competition anyhow in other work as it is not towards a good society skill but animal less than beast fee. Feed.

Roughness accepted  as some intelligent shock are necessary, that is not harmful but deblocking what previously clogged. Like me for my wife begging alongside her giving a big smack on the blade conducted to my shoulder.
Proble m is self interest that o would not slap you for you in thinking of you…but then starting horror.
Un awares.

De exodus, closing children with pedophile

I am not the enemy but put into relentless scrutiny I have to do the same in case of an attack.

 no i don't knwo if this one was at all clear, i don't have my timetable yet! i am supposed to stop emailing or something, or is everyone waiting for me to be excluded completely?

How do you want compare to (and fight) that.

U I am a mid thirty dicka, but when a mid fifty gorgous female for muy taste could approach me, it is not o,k
It is hourra.
For the lads of the same age, well good luck budy. But sincerely. Not safe sacristy.
I mean you know I don’t mock my capatcity , potentiality opportunity to have a female in not mine by your bed. Good luck ot you. Love is the party.

Work with polyhandicap, with people our society is so intrasincelly fashist to the last degree that youo woul d never that such people exists, are in life somewhere in the middle of forest in a center where weird were. No in circus in disply the money would come for it the TV would compete.
People living, thinking, that are deemed not to, or not too deeply, officialy. Tll the day they created a computer voicing their perfect English, as their parents had faith enough into fighting the otherelse mocking belittling authority.
These people whose body might be deform-deiform to others’ standards and misery. Whose bodies are magy-magic.

The feet of a monkey, when we try to innerly bend it, similar to the birds’claws for perching it.
Perch, perf. Ect.
s-ect. D e,rect.
Perm pelt.

People might hope for a messahia out of being conceted.
Or confound beg between bet an helper and a servant, not to them but to god.

Mythology: fruit of mentalities, experiments, live conditions and how in these mess of subdivision on cam make love or war.

Realists about what is officially happening like if there of informal had not been. The study of the lords and
 the politics of the vicioius and biaised. Zero sum.  “Zero sum” politics

on pufta, and their sista (as long as we are tracked, after that? One loves the ones that lives for what one(s)  , the other(s)  lives. Some like peace and liberty. ALLLOVE.


Dike & Adicia | Athenian red-figure amphora C6th B.C. | Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Dike beating Adikia with a mallet,
Athenian red-figure amphora C6th B.C.,
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
DIKE (or Dicé) was the goddess of justice, fair judgements and the rights established by custom and law. She was also one of the Horai, goddesses of the seasons, and keepers of the gates of heaven. Her sisters were Eunomia (Good Order, Good Pastures) and Eirene (Peace, Spring). Like her siblings she probably also represented some aspect of the springtime growth.
Dike was identified with Dikaiosyne (RIghteousness) and Astraia (the Contellation Virgo). Her opposite number was Adikia (Injustice).

Themis was the Titan goddess of divine law and order--the traditional rules of conduct first established by the gods. She was also a prophetic goddess who presided over the most ancient oracles, including Delphoi. In this role, she was the divine voice (themistes) who first instructed mankind in the primal laws of justice and morality, such as the precepts of piety, the rules of hospitality, good governance, conduct of assembly, and pious offerings to the gods. In Greek, the word themis referred to divine law, those rules of conduct long established by custom. Unlike the word nomos, the term was not usually used to describe laws of human decree.

Loving her sexually make s me to chasisty as the woman I loved and could have loved deeply in the snese of clearly, was married or could not say ‘oui, oui’ but to my tenderness anything but fantasy, everything and fantasy. But you see.

ok thank you for your being fair play.
i work can't come, you need more than the paper to advertise the society josh,
too big photo, hun...

dike,dick,dika, dicka, dikou, dickou, diki, dicky, dickey, dikey.faune, faony. and all other pussy,  pussies.
beware, if I might be as well conceited.

S had, e, ahead.

Short, exhort.

Where, ea wear, ware, a war.

Communication, adjucation, vacation,
Sounds like religion. Releague.

A dream where you cannot stop the body of your dearest, you brother, to be enslaved and dragged far away by you don’t know what forces, or how to fight or how to get or where it has slipped and slept. As if you were holding inot onto his body, torn apart they could be.

Even though individual workers may not reproduce, many of their same genes are carried and passed on by others in the colony. In this eusocial scheme, naked mole-rats that sacrifice the opportunity to reproduce pass down their genes indirectly by caring for their colony mates. The truth about naked mole rats

magnificao. K.o. chaos. Shoal.

British, brutish, bratish,
Rit brit, birth.

Ascent, a scent.

Material, maternal, marriage. Carriage.

Friendly, fry endlessly.


Said, first Arabic name.

Inscribe, in bribe, hence…

Isl-ma. I solate.

You yapp.

Organization, organ, isa, sia, sai.
Session, hesitation,

Every one insisting on the importance of education in matters of tolerance. But educate doing fucking what and how. Banda pand(or)a.

The reveolution producing not leaders serving the good of all, but distinguished as god favoring impune leaders(hip).

D economic.

The pictures of the buildings and places only a century old, that reminds that that cannot be but hanted.

Enlightment perverted as rationalisation of human affairs safaries affrays became disproportion of technology upon nature donation now brought to exhaustion.

Being a single or live in a state of e celibacy.
Chosen as soon as one terms its partnership adequacy, even thought they wlong for someone, this someone in theory. The partner imaginary needed to bring oneself to a degree of companionship acceptability.

what about coming along? i d pay for your ticket i know what it is to be just arrived. and teh coffee would be this time for me.
to tell the truth i am there not at all to make friend, there is only one person that counts in term of being together for me, and she is a girl friend, so i acknowlegde that it s far more reasonable if i don't ask you further to meet me. a propos your english is very good, and i reckon that you are as creative as prolefic aslo if you are ready to die for your art, do it, fuck the ones that would like to slow you down, and stay nice, good, kind and free. but only if you are ready. fancy ya. The deep way could have be, what about coming along? i d pay for your ticket i know what it is to be just arrived. and teh coffee would be this time for me.
to tell the truth i am there not at all to make friend, there is only one person that counts in term of being together for me, and she is a girl friend, so i acknowlegde that it s far more reasonable if i don't ask you further to meet me. a propos your english is very good, and i reckon that you are as creative as prolefic aslo if you are ready to die for your art, do it, fuck the ones that would like to slow you down, and stay nice, good, kind and free. but only if you are ready. fancy ya.en bi.

Counc-il. Count hill.
Conc- lusion.

What had been done in a very discreet manner at this evening, 10years or so earlier, than now appeared in memory to be dones o clearly. Mercy.

Host. Austile.

Reflexion, lexic.
E fel.
Efle, Efell.
R, feel.x


Chain, chain, chene, chene.

Case, casket.

Task, tax,

benefit from not questioning anything, anting.
H, like human. Not that I despise ants at all, but the ludicrous way they are soret sorted. But h.beings.

E we.
We are not macho because we start smilling when thinking we are hard and stiff, as for you, and without sleeping with you, one can go to the war, who are.

‘Behavioural leaderahsihp’

Fees, pheasant.
Social class and
class room

Maybe being obliged into hiding one’s feeling = smiling all the time and appear paisible ofr ex, permit somebody to have to not react cliché

as ide. Hide.

thank you for accepting the particularity of my writing and its volume. i ll stop...just trying to be not too much unclear or uncomprehensive. you giving me my hope back and the dignity (and grandiloquence) that wont' surrendered nor usurped. :-) still with a noise but smiley.

I fyou want to fuck me with your ‘believes; it is high time to get a new religion started.

“Civil society as the clash of the social forces, Transcended by the universality of the state according to hegel.”
“But for marx individual and state cannot be discussed individually, euh no, separatedly.”
Marx asserts that the individual cannot be conceptually isolated from his social context: by definition any meaningful sentence about an individual must simultaneously refer to his environment, and an atomistic model of an individual is philosophically unsound.
Avinery, S. (1968) the social and political thought of Karl Marx. Cambrideg university press.
Alienation in context??????????due to the social, and the political.
Also marx stipulates that the atomisation, in this context, isolation, alienation was socially as well as politically monitored.

Helper. Leper.

Not knowing how one is supposed to lik lok look at oneself, as in the mirror the light is direct, is the iris fund perceivable, would on e need to prefigure a third conscience, oneself, the other, the intention.
And if the repository is oneself then to look at how erect, not one’s own strength but the route taken and embody, flesh in our reality, by the intention, the tension.
On mesmerism.

A right even if perfectly conceptualized, by who will be emphasized? And what if one right is defended while the right of another is dropped, (for example due to a lack of money to pay the advocate or the judge)

Fate imam. Am aml huhu hymn am.

Malle, mal, Pandora

Lame, male and duck.
Fuck. Muck. Dedall.

thank you, it won't score high nor well any how. wheel, wells perhaps.

cut library jobs.
Education and class.
Or you will be treated as a fucking idiots, or the latdder will be upload without any consideration for knowledge nor anything.

brilliant summary. i also question the university for not enforcing a real question time after lecture. and i question the fact that since dave behave this way and that on top i was the one being punished from assisting lecture. how come there is no restriction on what a prof will have the power of exclusion and behave so discriminatively in front of the students without being put into question.

Last time you said that it was the end of it but I have been disciplined with the charges of disrupting classes :

I think that you are inciting students into being confronted.
And into thinking that the materials taught or just the subject or other students presentation is not the object of further debates.

Your agents.  

No conducive atmosphere to study, by chance still find class room empty where the study area are noisy, no laptops may be borrowed will break between term, though the offices are opened, 24 hours rooms no heating, who can study when room at 10 celcius. That would imply by the patriarchal that no students would need to work on his out office hours and during its holidays????????????????????bizarre.
Unless they want us to such wages and suck policies like ki lilipop

Middle English encoragen, from Anglo-French encorager, from en- + curage courage

anchor, encore, couroux?
Choeur,  choir.
Core. En-core.

‘Marx saying that he did not have a formula’.
Marx latter betrayed by the same people that took his name not like a shil eld but a dustbin.
The fate of a prophet.

Would the proletariat be for the bourgeois values? Or simply lead to fight for so as being employed is not an option and employment conditions obey to bourgeois commands and opportunisation.
‘to be radical is to grasp the problem by the roots. But for man, is man itself’...not god.
Nor are they divinity as well as having to fight for it, life secret. Secretion.

Cmpettition delogya. Deloyal, owner, dsestroy and bridbe .

Bride, bride in French reins.

Species life’ = ‘social essence’

Would polygamy and other ordure be installed in order to enforce a ch oir ch ch cohesion of chalantan militia called themselves men. Nem.

any time it is just for me to go around yours!
just maybe more end of afternoon than late in the evening...train purpose. in fact if you let me the choice, why not after 11? like you said, early in the day would mean that i could go straight away without to have to come back at my place to wait or wait somewhere else. have your say.  :-)

and the working class fucking thinking that they could count long of others dying for their ideas, and for finding some, while any can stay safe doing staff stuff with playing up like if of one’s brain, one did not get none.

To sort out.

Right serves differentiation and scale about class whose accumulation of wealth is the balance, the leverage option Mclellan, d.  (1990).

Quote. temporary

up to (k)now uncountournable hurdle

Fek, feline, feign.
K = case = broken line. I k


Ot love women and thanks god for their natural grace everyday.
Which makes sense as the state or commune as to redistribute labor into workers laboring towards education, policing…all what we need to do in common or what ensure links constituting a population, an nation, a specis fe free of moves and working for the sake of everybody safety. (at the best of one capacity, availability and also leave options of one’s liking…) as long as don’t counter sincere efforts, and needed by the way, of third party
But what wen this labor comes into the hand of which don’t work at this effect, or in fact work counter productively.

intuitions leads (lead and symbiotic of the alchemist philosopher of all meth-ernal), but what and when do they start to dominate and overcloggd the raison?
Witchcraft and wisdom fashion, facone, shape.

Seen in a gay site.

enticer. entire.

She is my property.
Mine proper.

let me guess, you aren not from paris, sound too practical and nature for that...and vive the vinegar!

i am green a lam ort a la vie. green wishes!


Aren’t you immune.
Bara ring homosexuality to become increasingly metaphorical, explicit, pro pornographic in every occasion. Taking as a pretenses heterosexuality teaching and recondutction.

Adduction addiction

to adore you as I know how much my sole existence could cost you. My very weakness and inner impossibility or what create of fmy passivity or activity taking over for nothing but for you to become a target of what I cannot stem from harming, unarmed. An amry, an army.

C: Internet, free get rid home.
Room for Sodom the way you don’t want it: uncalled for or unmarried (like hetero advertise (an) us gay..
Us but not ours nay.

Real, relative.

Being submitted to peer pressure, the problem residing that in life you are not to meet only the society’s failure but will participate in aggravating them. And one day, the ruins of yourself or one’s fate.

Wikipedia free.
I just wish I could pay these guys though.
But if it made me tight...
Or in fact they should be payed by the government, encyclopedia that makes knowledge a common good. What I mean is ‘eat’ but that should not be a problem in a society that would make knowledge it s priority in a world that is free from being put in pain. Worn word warn ow work kowr, horde, order hoard sane.

New post on News
Have you been paying attention to all the hubbub online about the proposed U.S. legislation (SOPA/PIPA) that threatens internet freedom? I wrote about it last week over on, but the gist is this: there's a bill in the U.S. Senate that if passed would put publishing freedom severely at risk, and could shut down entire sites at the whim of media companies. Fight for the Future created this nifty video to sum it up better than I can.
C: internet (fry) ridom. (Rhizome) rid all rival tidal, tied doll. psible?
redo random.
Rembrant. Ram brand.

also,    look at how the U.N put stuffed in active perspective.
"Change the world, invest in a girl"   says
Kathy Calvin
CEO, UN Foundation

Invest in people and personhood or in development of greed in deed. 
 People are desperate for living but at what condition work and respect are t(-hey) dealt with.

Easy reading is damn hard writing. — Nathaniel Hawthorne

Allo, altogether with the nature depletion, the human, here the in.di an, in die (natures the native and autochthones)- and indeed will go.
Own the hone or horns, tons and tone.

Free internet new democracy, and now...

Free internet new democracy, and now...
 pay for be rendered?
not that would still be the logic of things, working at it.
but under our laws you have to pay for democracy to be undone.
in fact maybe democracy is a bit shaking hachneyed and jolty with bad laughting as it would that we are still alive implying. 

Sybli sybilline books horse?
Horse and shores.

There is no probleme with working towards one’ own development, you workd to have more I don’t know, nail posilishing, furnitures, get away in country side... but that mean that your work don’t come whatesoever contrary to other development = pay te h work of the nail polisher for nothing, polluting and think that nature is one’s or the communties’....

Everything is influence, and denying life to live, or denying what is living and perceived and communicating in the sens  e of every move directed to anything we cannot know, but directing,
The human will never know the slightest pre percentage of what consist constitute his being.

dike,dick,dika, dicka, dikou, dickou, diki, dicky, dickey, dikey.faune, faony, dickum, dickae,dicum, decay, dico. and all other pussy,pussies.
beware, if I might be as well conceited.

none but my nini. nine out ten (workig)on nihilism.
deal odd dodo.

sissi. in the mountains and ice melting. in the desrt soon evaporating. birds, it comes from there, dockey. paw on pow(her). beware, if Iit might be as well conceited.

Under the name, ame , em, an, a iam.aim. A I’m.
Ame = soul. Toujours in French.
Em = prun: em = aime = to love.

Heroic, relic, rock, air, era.

Shark or shackes.

Like I n a seed, the circle incomplete for the new born to arise from it. Form at. Fruit.

I wanted to make amend because last sessioon i said that they were not true positive law the cedaw...
while it is in fact A legally binding instrument
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the first legally binding international instrument to incorporate the full range of human rights—civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. In 1989, world leaders decided that children needed a special convention just for them because people under 18 years old often need special care and protection that adults do not. The leaders also wanted to make sure that the world recognized that children have human rights too.

declaration are not binding, treaties are.

but still the u.n is weak on monitoring....the effects , the practical application  pose but i am not proficient enough to know more than even international h.r law is disputed as being real law or not? do you knwo more about it?

International law and h.r law clashing?/

Getting, gating.

And two mothers if they are ‘feminine’ both it is perhaps more likely that the children might not getting any more viriler for that. So it s till depends on their ‘gender’.
Mind we have exactly the sem issue with hetero couple for that.
Note that I write for every and any culture, well advanced for the mock of it, less advanced for them to have to gossip no advance for their comprehension a bit.
As for further advanced,
I am on it, not in.
So for the advanced it is a mock of and for them also.
Note: to say ‘I’ too often, as a person or as a community the saem con person. Lethargic   legal or moral.

The communists insists on them providing for the communities when the face of their policies or the face of their communities no one knows from their not doing practical work nor theory.

Terre, taire
Land, soil + silenced.

To lose the plot and at the same time to know what happens.
On the human ability at becoming positively mental.

Policies should be refined by the por ofessionals working on the fileld in permanent possible connexion with policy makers.
The workers are completely, totally severed from it.

Religion and Rights (seems to be on there already in fact! i am but not enough sufficiently: literary device to put emphasize, i am french, a latine and refinement and complexity, perplexity, flexibility of syntaxe, of, the language: get use to.)

the moumou, are gay too.,’

the moumou, are gay too.’
Mos, mos. Lin.


Being fed up beyond imagination and under the breath, killed by research of comp comfort and pollution.
Atterer by pussies=women or what feminity is precluding.

By goddesses not fulfilled even through veneration.
I ll become as myso as one can be.
Yours, hopel fully.

I propose we make peace, if Fatima or aisha weherever youcall it can exerce her free libertied choice of espousing not exposing me.
My wif and privacy. Pry vacancy.

Th e work of the profs generated by their lessons, for their lectures, through their students…. in public and free fees university that could be made public as by the general public paid
These porks, have it bothe way, paid to be teaching, adminitaring, on the gournd and publishing.
And half of the time more than botching.
And lavish with inetellectual property when theyir work are mostly the population pressuring. For their bourgeois privatised bureaucracy.

having worked on these subjects and any way, i ll warn the administration that i want to do 'defending human rights; on the defend the right to protest, related with at least partially with Doctor nina power political and social, philosophical, charitable, mental, moral. activity.

Rest to see the ethical

having worked on these subjects and any way, i ll warn the administration that i want to do 'defending human rights; on the defend the right to protest, related with at least partially with Doctor nina power political and social activity.

Yet another module. Many modules for the same course by the same crap, unfair, bent lecturer. A modules’owner.

just a not a propos the case you witness as an expert
if the sister got the bullet in her arm, the reason why she was holding down her murdered sister and her intention to particiapate in an actual assasination and not as a show down, being certainly a sort of captive as well...
i mean the intention of her while hugging, or grasping the victim in the circumstances are highly blurred, aren't they?

Camel. Amel.
Amek amelie,
Essor =

Nina n
Nino, oni,

provision, protection and participation

people are hiding behind grand concept and universal symbol as well as complex system giving them a single name for so amy many different and utnestesd theories and quasi reality = as none of them really know, no one knows the true complexity of what is going on.
These more than size me

The western opened ot to the ‘dirty stuffs’ of other cultures, and that make it intellectually.
Why whites are considered dirty.
International trades between priviledges and inequality construction oblige.
People would create rubbish for someone to pick them up.
Racism? The politicians whant some on their knees physically and the rest psychologically, teh skin don’t count . here  is the stone

Me I am not gay, u
I just want a wife.
That is not a rovot, in fact why not?
Male fic.

Aren’t word numbers?
Digit, cut and clustered.

Aren’t I the their queen? To what I desteen, destitute,

Justice is rendered as a communal service also in order to avoid escalation , aman onst righteous mind  and thing.

The justice in life is that one might deceive one’s own spirit a long time but never till the end, or never completely. 
But what if justice could become the rough and incontractible source of errors or misjudment or judgment whose laws rots to the core of thing = spirit of law.
Ls aw and life.

Communism is as good as saying let’s do like before or now, in the slave conditions. Don’t own nothing and for be leed our neighbour.
Additionally the don’t own nothing policy evade one of th e fundamental of all philosophy of live. Is what responsibilities would everyone have to ogive objects and actions.
As we don’t own but the fact that we keep or we use. What are the matters? Have of our and other’s soul. Oul.

I + think.

Sophisticated sex and the royaume of temptation. Rewarding.

I too. Ito itou.

Do I need or I want?
Or has ti become a awant?
What about a will? And what would come from it that would have to be endured or ensured?

To groom former hurting, injureies , scars. To heal them, to oint them for them to close and dry. Like in a fabric where never will the place of the stich reopening as the attention we took at making us working have indebily sensitive and them seal.

Cette, est-ce?

Her cat refusing to admit he was gay, has been brought out doors, and of dreaming to be warm up by a really fridendly body.

To betray children or other adults that would risk or deny the risk of being killed for having a 5 min beforehands cuddle.

“The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most ratified human rights treaty in human history,” said UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman.  “It has transformed the way children are viewed and treated throughout the world.”

The Convention has 193 ratifications,

:C To note it is the kind of info display by the u.n. you will have to wait for the ngos to precise that only the USA besides Somalia (which still has no functioning government) did not sign and why…to monitor a process that are beyond ethical contention
You fear for the gay to pay if laws are enforced. Law are in the natural, you forbid me to marry my equal?????????


anti-femi-ni-st answer: minimalising sense of propriety or decency (that some call also modesty), humanizing rapists.
The putas feminist for porno more than graphic or cartoon or good drawing of recommendation or some recommendation literal or lecturing.
For this fake play women  popularizing prostitution as a scene or area of interest of ‘beaux salons’.
On pervert feminist favoring prostitution. The kinda kinkaki "quo"academic that we don’t know how they like and appraise body sell sold discount and then vain and navi naive named money.
In response of anti femists portraying femselves faint as being pro and their ad-vocation adoration of the act porno that should become the apex of consent and pleasant, happening in plaisance, champ, and laughting for idiot.
The women that emancipate themselves through the neat unacknowledgment of that is underneath the cinema of feigned felling feeling.

Feasts vestal on prostitution and  goodies goolies gook good blow-out for this saint valentine.

And even better when these bitchas (leave it I do like do-g) are communists pleaing money as a vector and conductor of alienation and lost essence.

Or how to feel like vandalism s(l)itters.
Slots spites.

that sexual access to children and young people is used as a power resource between
men; to promote economic, political and social interests which either they already share
in common, or which may be a direct outcome of the provision of children/young
people to abuse. Some forms of sexual exploitation of children, therefore, involve the
sexual use of children as a medium of exchange between adults. The children and
young people involved mayor may not be aware of the multiple uses to which they are
being put. If prostitution is defined purely in terms of economic gain then many of these
contexts in which sexual access to children and young people is used as a medium of
exchange between adults will be excluded.
in relation to 'paedophiles'- such as life licences, and denial of any contact with children - which would seldom be proposed in the case of fathers.

Fucking cultures, infantilising, make innocent women or other target of suexual activity while making sexual rape and ‘performance’ an evaluation of being worth, as a shit, but since they are  but “fucking shits”.
Or likewise considered as pimp are not less a prostitute only his air of superiority render them more and more less intelligent.

To underling a problem for it to (be) collecte(d) and its details and embouchures or furtherance articulate(d).
When problem expose danger. Its creep. Dominance.


Antisocial behaviour
Antisocial behaviour is any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person's quality of life.
is not ‘certain ‘aquaility of life’ respondible for the above? Rhetorical question.
These theories saying that the knowledge should be free’ don’t acknowledge of an extremely serious problem. The then materialisation or agriculatirisation of the society.
It would imply that people could not longer be paid to produce knowledge and work on it most of their times when specialists are concerned: it is also an anti – intellectualism theory.
Or it would imply that free would be simply the state sponsor knowledge but then could not we face dictatorship quickly?
The problem in the present society is that people are paying and working towards exploitation when our work and pay should be going to the opposite.
Th e immense and exponential work – as the knowledge seek – of treating matter and thought and energy correctly. Aiming at not exploitation and no constraint but in the sense of live enseigne.
As well as for the community as specific intimate and pres personal inspirations –devoid of breaking somebody or resources and the work permitting for this ‘zero harm equation’ be permitted without endangering the whold system with collapsing.

As much homophobe as the risks that they had become sexually active with the same sex, as the result of their parents or peear canalizing in fact controlling and condemning their general sexuality.
Or pretending enticing heterosexuality as a form of domination, torture, non consent. Flip.

The people testing your sanity or self control in treating you like shits and attacking you if you defend.
Can and will make any one insane with angriness or simply angry aside with being killed with sophystriness.
Nina, a childish society, cruel to animals like thy aer together.

Attaractioon prepulsion.
When you try to catch it.
Possibly when you alone is dign ofr or of worth your own interest in the secene . reflexion and elasticity.
Mirroring miroir. Ory oir. Auditoir.


Oire – hear.

Burn with love.
Cry with,? no,  but at leasure.

Am I a pedo, say her, cursory. Cursery.
If I was...coming from your imagination, who would be? How hodl old would you have been, the same of my year matching the reality.
Hunt and withchery with-cherry.

Wit ish.

Treated like the gypsy, the jew, teh black or in france the Arabic,  you start being spiritual really telurigh lurgic, telluric.

Ulrich. R ish.         St are they?

Trianglular of abuse.
The father conceit, debasment and a sexual abuse, the mother not linking and beating, the grandmother prasing both the father in particular and the brother unscathed and pereferred.
Daughter memoirs.
The borother the most dumbass that has become. The resssst and moi.
The killer woman thanks to my grand pas control freak.
Contre rol.

To venerate mary as it should be as she is the depiction of a saint. Or has she been depicted?
Is the church teh veritable translation of the bible, mary forbids ok?

We are dying literally.
Why did we do with humanity?
That’s include sin clouded. Me and you and who else ? the devil of this is claear. Cesear.
Clare. Clariere. Carrier.
Carry, career. What do oyou mean by tree cutting or digging, ?  our graves sev save rg reign.

The soldiers make love in saving their army, I engaging in rescuing and covering.
There is no army capable of winning long term while at equal strength against another if they are not gay.
But by being gay they will empathise with the enemy, as well as the protection they gave to their side or party. The on no gay would have mean a neglectful way of being together, high casualty, more gratuitously risky operation as one has lost their sense of love and pardon.
So the gays could make try to do true peace, but what if the objective is demolishion. Or what if personal love make them accept more softy option when comes to prevent policies based not on self but left l self swelling from others’ liberty  and equality debasement. Just like hetoro army does so well once they are with the civilians as long as they did not find a genuine lady to shoot their pretension over hegemony. Of one social lasdder over other being at economical war applying policy and policy implementation as silly and childish like destruction.

hetero so conceited by their sexual way of having been orientated that they would threat the homo with their right of living = marrying, just like screeming bleeding morecel of suinting porork. Not thtat I don’t like the pigs but when I mean this I mean the animal.

Could the dislike of the pige pigs (peace upon them) be in fact an image in the areabic literature?
A kind of consequence of censorshop of human feeling towards
Other humans called .
Any how the species of the pigs being so inquisitive and in the havit o f eating everything could have been cumbersome in m nomadic agricultural organisation.

You want a law interdicting the right for gay people to havfe a family?
Gathered and I promise you that in state fo war, there is what you bill and admonish: no pity.
Us soldiers would be worth twice as your contented corrupted spirit devoiding of logics as they want manipulate things to life live as poor sub that thought having being the vest best coward yielding to any cruelty of the majority, growing as fear make us live like damned condemned biailed and boasting themselves feigning incontinence. And other disability.

Enseigne,  Saigne,
Libel, bill, signposting.

Language explain what links people preably established.

Live, evil.



I d like to thank people for having bought my cd and for reading my blogs.
I d like and have in reality to thank particularly the ones that bought my book as it enables me to keep going on writing and researching- on an average of 1, 1-30 dollar a day, even if it is not easy in this part of the planet where global warning did flood with poisoning but without excess of water nor shortage, we can’t be muddy anyway. I ll never ever spend the first ‘two pound’ that someone, a ravishing (avis = opinion or counsel- in French- consule, avis or have not con’sole) lady gave me yesterday. And yes something never ever will or have changed more than not embellish not embezzlement, but some home homely  gone (h)on into art. Heartily. Why pun? Why so many?
Consul, consume.

Ps: you are for gay??
Ok, ok.
No w other subjects...
‘we are the champions my friends, till the end?...’

Ps. Do have a look on category such as ‘council abuses, case study on Hammersmith an d Fulham’.
And university making knowledge a hard case for papery: pimpery as long as it does not get too fishily fascistic  official, at Roehampton.

To ve be for quality and when you really like and respect your thing and tool, that stuff you a long way, you don’t need to accumulate.


Look apparently i think to messy, and endlessly

ah yes sorry i did not think that i had to confirm, is so all too compelling.
Ok or ko.

yes, yes, i ask a email confirmation to the financial guy. i think my prof hinted at this possibility but i am one that don't believe a good news before it actually arrives, at least sometimes. i also threw myself into a fulltime stuff without real reason. but it s ok i proved that i could do it or around. i am happy though from now i am fine and secure with money.
i dropped my additional credit!

i am not endebted, i gathered the cash before the inscriptions, i am free.
i thought you were cool. after i thought you were political. at least a bit concerned of cicil society...
ok, bye-bye. i am not going on or for sparing my time or because you could have even more surprises.

There is an essay about policy but the link you gave, one of the very few concerning home office is not working could you answer with very related email to your lecture please??
The collection of irrelevance gathered chronically by the expert, it is minus two decimal, though they are the collectors of first, my heroes.
cannot blame the doc, the most official pages, from national or international or supranational organs are so often missing. And worse more, they absolutely never have exit (eye) existed.

Teens, Mistakes, & Freedom
Prepare your adolescent by developing discernment in them
as well, the scripture (like escrime = fencing in French; cf also s-word) is only my w-riting basically
In the sense of it is never exhaustive and the moment when put on paper a transfer transf errance. Had lost of its essence, only refundable and find by the reader assortance.
Also I would like to pay my most serious apology if and wheter, not only if, I caused real offense or genuine damage domage. To repair it I d be ready to do whatever is moral: all right and these of and for everybody (quoting the Universal.Decalration > of Human.Rights anyhow)

I am happy to go around and talk about my book and the work of others, I am very happy.
But without furtherance my research and work, the end of the game would evaporate not guided but pinned and stuck by the means. As id on’t want imprisone it but keep it as not owner but for true companionship.
Attire tyre.
French prunonciation . at –tear. At-ear. Ate-are.

Say the playing serious classic budy speac, neat, spa spec, one would have said an performance opera of this kind high arty artillery.
-You can’t take me on. You d rather them in stiletto.
Me, I would take you on, right into hell
Why work is it select?
Give an glance at what for example your mps give you as how the y spend taxes and allowances.
Or how business does the same. On decency

The right and duties of dying with dignity.
Rights and duties. The one fighiting for eht others.

E wer are desperately praying as our lives were too cowards (coo ward) (co-ward) to communicate with nature and nature of eve-eery thing.

Teh council devolutiong power to another type of government the local, who obey to no one , who are supervised by no one and that are even less ovbvious tha t mafia directed by the state and vice versa, verser malversation.
The ‘plus belle des creations’ since Eve.

It is ture true that was is in this e website is not top secret, but at the same time it is not everyone that serve the highest.
And anyhow should we enquiry we would loose the market.        Mark. Ark.
Arse, M-arx.

E’ve (pronunciation . he’ve, he have. .

Introucude int, it into body, and you can find death or wisldom depending on your intention and baggages.

Die, die=hard.
Die, qui.

To us, toys.

In french
Lame = blade

The worked effort on redeeming waht we have been under the light of understanding past errors. Errands, ment ding.

Little Cameroon like spliced splinted peas, announce London as the financial centre in the world.

Sinha is a Sanskrit term originates from South Asia, used as a common term mainly in India and Sri Lanka. It comes from the Sanskrit word "Siha" ('ng' sound), which means lion.

C.ET: the nature that can h eat us.
Cat ca’.
K9 = 9 lives, K = soul in ancient Egypt

Females got longer ma name. them and the baby.

Sinha is a Sanskrit term originates from South Asia, used as a common term mainly in India and Sri Lanka. It comes from the Sanskrit word "Siha" ('ng' sound), which means lion.

C.ET: the nature that can h eat us.
Cat ca’.
K9 = 9 lives, K = soul in ancient Egypt

Society pronunciation,        sauce    soon    sock soak.

s-oak. ?

w-h-y???         ;;;;;;;y-h-w        pronunciation       Yahweh.   Yawe.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Yahweh (disambiguation).
"God of Israel" redirects here. For contemporary theological discussion, see God in Judaism.
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See also: Tetragrammaton and Jehovah
Yahweh (play /ˈjɑːweɪ/ or /ˈjɑːhweɪ/; Hebrew: יהוה) is the name of God in the Bible.[1]
The word Yahweh is a modern scholarly convention for the Hebrew יהוה, transcribed into Roman letters as YHWH and known as the Tetragrammaton, for which the original pronunciation is unknown. The most likely meaning of the name may be “He Brings Into Existence Whatever Exists", but there are many theories and none is regarded as conclusive. The traditional rendering of the name, as found in English Bibles, is "I am who I am" or "I am that I am".[2][3]

‘he thinks so he is’
He is or not, what such a question. ONE, the question.
Je pense donc je suis.
Cogito ergo sum (French: " Je pense donc je suis"; English: "I think, therefore I am") is a philosophical Latin statement proposed by René Descartes. - Cached

as also where do the thoughts come?????

Such as the classic music sung by the birds like they not whistle like it but like the music is whistling their sounds and responses imitation and imitation of them liking the nature and us recording.
And all other musics, and all other sources: see rivers, monitoring, computering.
God objects are the forgotten body.
Forgotten, before the looting.

when you say i am honey and you honest i am not sure with that.
take care.
It’s is. Of course solidarity terminology. But in which terms.
Also I ll never know why you did not like me…
Good luck abbreviation Gook.

Never. Ne + ver = ne, non, no                ver, vers = wards.

Comfy, fo confine, fo coffin.
Fort, strenhgt.

Yes, ok, I admit, it’s like you, I am not only gay.

One can fin d being fasciste helping while one has to put up with a booss, a partner, a colleague that is fasciste to them.
Us        su-e     emulate.

People might go like cattle, like one would do in dangerous situation or when nomadic go. Loosing their sense of independence thinking they are bigger one might think closer ot zero. Why not?

'fitness to study' it s a lovely name.
for something that  'is designed to enable, wherever possible, students to continue with their study at the University'. human rights does not come at a distance and is still a bit expensive for some coincidentally unemployed people.

'fitness to study' it s a lovely name.
for something that  'is designed to enable, wherever possible, students to continue with their study at the University'. human rights does not come at a distance and is still a bit expensive for some coincidentally unemployed people.

Tod ya.

well we got really to talk about it. there is to take into accoutn the age of the partner.
i had sex, i begged for it with a female of 24 when i was 16. i comtemplated suicide when i understood that my saying it to  a very few other people could have brought her to jail –she used to teach me as a professional.
i had never been so in love and never have been since.
nor saw her evcen sicne mind.

All egg.
All leg.

Xeno, xena.



People lied about the existence of race as human is a race. But have become breed in their fear of the foreign, not by love of themselves that have would have translated by free mariage, instaead of arrange.

support worker night sleep in allowance, ridiculous pay and working conditions.

pedophilia and homosexuality being put I n relation. As the pedo says you will prefer me attacking the child rather than attempting at your own skin. Personally. Like the homos, for who kit is naturally logically to be alright to marry.

at that a range.
Bank on gene. Gener (= hamper, ill-at-ease) in french

Demystifying islam.

would you think i am intrusive if i ask you how come you got so many sisters? mind it can be a more than a nice thing.

n i o it s just mean htat it is fucking gr r freezing. but not to global warning.

i agree with you peter totally just one major point though.
i have my marriage, my right, only slave or regime of appartheid challenged marriage legally.
i hate my marriage being voted. even though the people agree. it is voted in a pseudo democratic manner, democracy is not the majority of people only, it is ruled by principles, overruling tyranny. live life.
what i am supposed to do if people decide that i cannot , unlike them, choose my partener freely?
advocate forced marriage or non marriage for them or unhappy form of union??
or see the destruction of what is a torture and its apparel??

To suffer and think of death, feel its extreme. Not that one feels its heart or core has they would have died, but the corner or the view on one of its doors.
Door, dehors = out, exterior, external.

And start to pray ‘me the ‘row-raw’ first of all your(s) sinners.

To suffer from poverty from conditions that triggers revenge, despair, ...whatever one might think, as one will live to see oneself be taken and left for the death to dinner. To have withing oneself the power of curse the rest of this inhumanity.
Inhumanity = all what is not conducive to human activities. What kills human or what leaves human kill. inhumanity

I always have been confident when talik talking in front of people.
Though I shake like a leaf.
When I speak in my non lative, native language but a text I don’t know that well.

I shake and blubber and loose my trail when talking into my lative language, a text I don’t know, to people I don’t know, if it implies marking...

To refer relentlessly to the ‘rational’
As peoplw willing to study and learn without books or structuresd activities will play on their instinct, inner voices, shuffling the steps by steps recognitions, or assessment of the entirely releavance of an action. Ie. Will act by fancy. Which is very funny and reveal a lot that we could not have thought since establishing other patern from the ca classic lassive one.
But rational permit to the spirtit to stop essaying, testing to make work what has been preestablish as more stable, intelligent, cold-blooded. And to preserve the energy of going into the ‘nature’ for it to focuse on a more ultimate ‘aim’. And reiterate, appraised structure. Known to know what the gaol is even more well. Better.
Instead of applying a random, possibly dangerous or destructive, mind-blowing but irrident irritating.
Maybe thinking the gfantasy is mostly enough just to the brain, the spirit entertain, while the body is focusing on its more precise and constructed development, fare from being impaired or manipulated or parred by other circumstances, hazards, chances, even providential lucks. That comes in strokes but what is the final game?

Maim- mamy. Mama.

The bum dum poor would extinguish the intellectuals as their policies are ‘you are protected if you gain money and can lokk ck everything up. Which is not condcucive to think about ‘society’ which I undermein e independence.
Like if you want to have in your plate go to business like these bankers and other stuffs that make ludicrous amount in robbing.
Why we need good bankers. My bet they like working with numbers if they donm’t let’s start and seek for their replacement, there have to be space done for employment for the cleaning of rivers... or other combating hazards.
Note: not confounding cleaning and cleansing.

‘democracy’ means how the ‘whites’ live.
The stereoptysation towards he has to converge if he wants to be secured.
= richs. Rich and polluting, and degradation, and conceiting and thereatening people with other aspiration.


“Censorship is on the way we express ourselves and not on this cunts producing sexual exploitation and robbing the money.
Wjjat a world!? Funny. “
Agent of security

I am deaf and misunderstand what is a said. For instant creation, hip epee (epee = sword in French). Hippie.