
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

JADE J’AIDS: Chapter V Wintery, (s)no(w) respite

JADE J’AIDS: Chapter V
Wintery, (s)no(w) respite

A very long time that China has relation and connections with Africa.

Waited days for them to resend the same template message not answering at any point my questions about baggage, and online check in impossible. Not answering accurately about baggage! I wish I did not have to fly for green reasons sake. Took 500 £ away without customers services, nice one.

There is possession,
And when there is possession,
There is repossession.

Act of conscience work only to redress wrong, and dressing obstacles to homosexual marriages cannot be. Simply because man or woman have the same rights: namely to marry a man or a woman.

Otherwise is to try people live slave to one’s own strategy.

Typical of a forum like linked, no I cannot even talk privately to a commentator saying something about the conversations, since my comments are being blocked by the administrators first place. Anyhow I would hesitate to write for them, because your posts could appear and then been deleted at leisure after, linked is not in a right state.
I think it is usual linked situation you are talking to someone who shapes the conversation and this one wants you in an inferior position. At least he did not delete your posts, yours is super writing, maybe go elsewhere, people the side of justice do not read those kind of posts where you have to hear false and flax bigotry all other again, it is so tangent that people this way just try to disaggregate what is left of common sense allied with honesty. Those conversations the fruit of their administrators should be not reported but treated as spam really. Do not bother reading them. Sap map. Shape by a fake.

The cultural relativism, famously a nonsensical philosophical stance, has been maintain because of what is cultural is taken on and up by the political. That is it has been reinforced, and adorned, almost adored since making blinding judgment, condemning all lives outside the political arena holding abusive rights or powers:
Because richer wants imperialism and let the richer from other strates holding their slaves.
Dormant. Politics on the dole.


                       Vers,                the poetic of form.
                       Vers in French = towards, and verse.

C.ET:       traditionally coming also from puritanism

:      economic does not have to mean production, it is about security, about the massage session one is able to pay without increasing their stress thinking of a pension that won’t be paid, about arts, and how to protect our environment time, leisure to participate in wellbeing of beyond that the communities.

Do you look after kids that cannot attend school no longer?
One proposition:
1.     To adequately describe why this children cannot attend the school, for people to have a picture, societal and personal of the reasons why they cannot attend.
2.     To describe what is done with the money and what differences it makes to a child life: a life of differences.
3.     To describe what happens if the kids do not attend school, work, domestic labour? or if it is not what happens each time, what the risks are- illiteracy, no diploma, no jobs, literacy the sine qua non to train oneself, to choose a profession, a good gardener needs literacy to improve their services, et to obtain certificates- above all in this time and age, or not to be exploited by whoever owns a computer and can advertise their labour in case of people creating making and selling goods or services, etc…

I think you should allow sponsorship. A journal is good. It is scholarly.       That the donors might be able to connect and have a look at what the kid is doing. His daily life and school life, his interest with his own words etc. 

It is not privatisation that, it is to have a glimpse of what we can do while patching up what has been eroded, torn, robbed, worn, and throw.
By states, individuals and civil society cofounded.

A journal is good. It is scholarly.

Anything true, a picture, and a pupil that tells n write about what he does during her day, from morning to evening, weekend and also the account of her scolarity, does not have to be long. Leave it to your former or present pupil. Or the little guys you try to keep at school. 
It is for them, also it makes the kids recognise we helped, that we needed to help, even though we failed, for them to be ready to help at their turn. 

The long arms we have got to remind on much we have crawled.

The hoc, holocaust, the end of the world?
Easy it is human-like, human made from what they do and preach.
When prayer is about eating the paradise given by angels only crying for what has happened and done to them.

Naive. Nave, Navity.

Bule, bull. Boule.

Earth, blue, boule = ball.

Hi, on the internet, Canada seems to be a country with many human rights projects, that’s good.

I thought that there would be a ‘gay’, LGBT subject within the gender studies modules.
I thought it was due to since sex, and gender are different issues. Different from sexual orientation let’s say as well, but certainly from human rights as people would like to forbid other people from sex, love, family and marriage. As slavery is not abolished; one won’t be too upset by that.
Never mind.

But be careful when the slaves rebel, under hetero shape, don’t think killing those who are out will heal a life, lives of hyenic hypocrisy and infamy.

I tried to run a campaign, but it does not seem to manage to quite ring the bell:
?? check yourself on the internet — islamic schools etc…may preach pedophilia in teaching people that mohamed the polygamous prophet of islam were married at a 9 year old child, (and) To worship worst form of sexual slavery.
And how this is (let to be) taught to children in UK and other liberals’ countries.

The blog:

When watching, looking at a picture of a wild landscape or rather wild landscape and wondering about its history, the events it has seen, like a stone, like a tree.

Astound, amazed, astoned,         hound.
A stand,
Outstand, understand.

Babe, the colleague who helped me with the dog, asked me to have a meal in town, I will go and skype you as soon as I get back, it won’t be late, she has husband, son and mother-in-law to attend.

The love you give to your angel.
Maybe the romantic love or part of the romantic love you gave.
A way,

As far as I am aware for Leicester it is only this reading list. Last time I stopped asking for it because it happened I went to Honk Kong for my visa. HK is not restricted. In main land China many sites, all Google, all Facebook, YouTube, any western blogs (not WordPress entirely this term, ok to read but but not possible to log in) and 99% videos (i think videos because you cannot check their content)- all videos, the most academic comprised- Yale, .NGO's, newspapers’ ones,...         but I-tunes is ok. Now I finally agreed to give my bank details, it works properly, I stopped all BBC, by the way the BBC archives had been a trove, i am gutted they reduce their services, you know I think it might hit you internationally. People have been relying on BBC for decades to learn English, I had. As for I-tunes, it just wanted my bankcard number without charging me, now it works perfectly, fortunately for my staying. i really suffered for nothing, clicking in the empty air like literally an idiot for one year, a reasonable outcome as far as clinginess goes.  i thank Hermes god, and hate the past year i spend hours and hours downloading stuffs in no avail and saving onto my computer due to buffering or no internet access reveal itself to be nigh-impossible. Spend hours, and hours, days in fact at times clicking not knowing if my computer was down (6 months to find out about it switching off its Wi-Fi), if it was the internet down, my VPN not very happy, but in fact videos are banned. To find educational material I would say that i can work with only 1/3 of the interactive or written audio material which of course is the one needed in a language classroom). 

I listened to the BBC last year a lot, no problem with it, although issues in the past, i think for its short-wave radio, if i am not mistaken, and nowadays for some hours when demonstrations in H-K. 
but yesterday I went for a shock. 
Radio France International is banned. You know French is still powerful relatively to its language, an incredibly huge amount of documents and production in French, Not comparable to English but in some areas almost. 
The French world radio is banned other there, you can tune-in through the english site of it, but all French writings and websites access are prohibited. 
Last year, while I saw twenty of my colleagues of different nationalities going through the department visas without any problems, me with exactly the same papers, exactly double or almost triple the same documents, I have been blocked 3 weeks in HK instead of 2 days. They only manage with the help of an agent after this. 3 weeks because they were not in the rush to get me out of there either, me paying for it all without knowing i had to, double the price that was possible even for a stranger right in the red quarter, i think they send their staff there for people do not start to wander, stay..., , left without my computer, i thought it was a 1 day trip, nothing more than a pair of socks... good idea of me to have stopped Leicester last year in September, I could have not make it. 
All of this because my agency is not organised, made mistakes, have been ignorant and dismissive, and answered near-none of my emails, but above all because China and France are diplomatically frozen. 

You know as a gay person, my people lived as you should die, die spiritually, die physically, die financially, die in prison, die hanged, die in horror, die in error, die alone facing hell of a world devoid of anything close to conjugal love, die to relationship, die untouched, die raped, die in nostalgia, that we lead you to the cold, death compared to a live without passion is just coldy, not ice, underground asphyxia.
And that’s too obvious, we go on.
Die reaped,

You know     gays get hanged in some countries without mentioning how one could rather be lifeless than live without one's mutually chosen companion’s love and attention. But I guess this could shock some of people’s pretension or personification. So, as far as I am concerned so forth so much for the inflammatory. I guess you are bending (posh, liberal, or retarded way: they say: reacting) to some complaints. 
It is not inflammation or inflation but put someone on fire kind of debatory. 

So much for the inflammatory.

Why people don’t debate it, or rather don’t protect it? Example human rights at the international level?
Maybe because every country are some to sell. 

Maybe because every country has got some to sell. 

You know  gays get hanged in some countries without mentioning how one could rather be lifeless than live without one's mutually chosen companion’s love and attention. But I know this could shock some of people’s pretension: sound a too good bargain to some morecomedie humaine’. Lie is the subject. like the red quarters they d like to create and promise to their slaves. 

Thank you for the links. 

Still I have a second answer for you. When I checked last year the subject for this module, the essay number 8 or whatever it was, there was one, was a subject on LGBT issues. Maybe it is right here, on this module that the most vulnerable populations has been evicted, not easy for the country that castrated a WWll war hero for being homosexual, talking about the UK. just as an anecdote in the face of the grandor of the abuses but still a good one. You see I wanted to sign out because it would have been the first essay I could do on LGBT after 4 years of human rights study, gender I did this already, kinda. 

The toad on dote.


espère, père,
Esperanto, Esperance. Temperance.
Separate, expire.
Peer, pier.

Yes, that won't be a problem at all. 
I don't know why the page for the reading list in particular. like last year I wondered whether Leicester itself, like all other universities being very brief regarding their programs are not in fact hiding that kind of information (i mean the page is stored somewhere special??). i don't want to sound conspirational but I noticed this very marked trend, so i guess it could be this. Difficult to access: consumers paid already viewers only. information limited- even for summaries of curriculum. Extreme. Ouille.  
-So are unis docs hush-hush? The same mess as usual, and same adoration, and self-appraisal to hid from the world.

-Yes, it is on-line. but why this page in particular is beyond my reach I don't know why. But you are right that should not be related to sensitive documentations. Let’s not think about this technicalities. :). On censorship and what will never been read or edited. But sometimes edited just not published by …            forum’s owners, not public place just commerce in the new Rome.

Reading, real, ding,

But what can I say, we are the international emblem for global slavery.

Marie, mon dieu.

A people very rich, benefiting from older, former colonies, that if they were more institutionalise could become the new Polpot.



I tried to run a campaign, but it does not seem to manage to quite ring the bell:
If you could sign it or at least read about this dire reality, at your doorsteps.
The UK is notorious to be one of the worst countries in Europe regarding the rate of the children they leave under the poverty line (meaning poor nutrition, education, prospects, care          despite millions spent on case-by-case individuals) really? Really. I don’t know I never manage to resolve this charade psychologically, or it is the state and the private sphere altogether puncturing all that they can get, to produce misery? That’s politically.
Havre for FGM, women trafficking, grooming, and grooming of kids given to the social services just doing nothing but expecting their pupils to round up their allowances by street means (you think they get educated. The one send to college in some residential homes are the success story, ready to got rid and offer the housing to some other kiddos they won’t have to talked to, except for make-up and nintendoes) regional borders could rapidly become like the even more notorious women trafficking near Russia borders. A good thing they don’t have to look at some of the Europeans standards these people.
Complain on religious grounds, pround eh heirs of catholic support for all priests, anathema for the one who would wonder, and the country that allowed PIE up to the mid-80’s.
The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984.[1] They were described by the BBC in 2007 as "an international organisation of people who trade obscene material."[2]
Please feel free to go beyond the WIKI description.

But if feminist can decide global sex trade is good, then they should give it a go themselves. As long as someone as a paying job, benevolent for the rest of the individuals in their own rights then I would think prostitution would become obsolete, as long as you leave people choosing their relation and marriage type, not in banning homos to live normally that is to say.
Don’t worry for people like me, I would rather the death penalty than living without trying for a life, a wife, a girl-friend if no life-long affinities.
And for those who said that gays could live like heteros, and that you nod, one you nod in knowing? Yes I think you know how society might be cru, curbing. Personally I mean, on these issues?
But as well, we nod at it envisaging a life without books, without passion, without a voice, in a constant state of fear, and relativism, constant breach of personal freedom, silence, a war-like psycho poshy scene. With only the eternal.
And then? Just some like soldiers, just like some Jihadists, we would go with in head, in thought, the wife, we fight for.
Fight for? But of course not when one assert themselves to be the moral stamp of this modernity.
Cf above.
Debating with thousands in the pocket, and with these results (your poverty line and housing market, your NHS going bankrupt, or not rupture but bank route, your sharia law replacing the common one that dismissed even its public places) for underestimate.
You know people will need laws, they will need communities, it is the grooming like that. Some people would give everything to be part of a group of people, and some people at term, at length and at will, will have only this. To give the body for what they have been produced, and kept. To be raped from their own life. From and out of existence itself. Be their souls have their redeem, a revenge that it is like god, no one will be able to describe in full of its tiniest fractions.     Like in India, and like everywhere prostitution has been controlled by religious organisations or else, to finish like designated by birth or by divination: a caste, as in castration, a breed.
New breed, the one of the feminist then?

And bread.
And breadth, no dread, brief breath.

What is beautiful in nature, is that one will find oneself unbearably fat, just, the day before losing weight- or the like.
Inspect, introspect.

Trap, gate, fat, laps, sap, vap…

For people that have profiteered so much of a system that hurt and blame, that is destroying itself on the purpose that it manages to put aside in some another way than making it healthy to operate. Their chief, and hives, classes that pretend through over consumption to be one: by people that could look at anyone with great pity.

L’art de l’expression.

To feel like playing video games, just to sense oneself riding a horse, be in nature, rising in term.

I never learnt to stop writing n finish reading things first.

A gent,
A genetic modification due to the affinities build cross-species.

Modi, mode, thick and fine.

Cam, came.

Religions are impossible conceptually to get rid of, at least in my opinion as i don’t believe in atheism, or nihilism, or maybe in atheism but i don’t believe someone being without god. Or would they say it is only superior forces a bit beyond reach, etc, but then it should have a universe of them with units, systems, attracting to benevolence, as far as religion purposes goes. So don’t take me wrong one can get rid of religions as name but not of the religious quest.

Of what is higher, purer, everywhere lightened or at least lightening on its own lumiere, to what is opposite to horror, or trying to avert it for the sum and all its parts, but of course we are not perfection.


Elucubrations of the United Nations
Rape and red tape.

Ethnic disparities. Give me ten generations and I do one who looks pour purer, even if i am a stranger, the chameleon, or carmeleity.  Carnel.
Are in fact a way of controlling family very near in time and but extinction or restriction coupling procedure, pros aidor, essor, essor = rise in french not ancestry per se.

Or would it be, could it be a way of limiting flows or raise in population?

Andrew,                     hand drew.

Maybe racism when not a default was a necessary feature avoiding one’s origin, one’s region from being annihilated. In the sense that if in some cases people allowed total cooperation then they could not manage to stop a kind of douceureux = softenny imperialism that would go down and down or up until saying: “you should not reproduce”. Times and times again illustrated in the kind of conversation held by homophobic people.
Also it is telling that homophobic fear maybe that homosexuality be impose like heterosexuality is. Or in case of raciality that people do not melt and therefore marry with people from other regions and cultures.

One can’t blame life so too often, just because how many time they have betrayed oneself. How many times have stopped lived what they believed, felt or knew theirs, them at their best, or even more simply their duty.
Jus ad bellum, or in Bello. Nothing stands.

 In Le Morte D’Arthur this king receives Excalibur three times. Once from the stone, once from the unidentified Lady of the Lake and once in a battle from Nyneve.

Excalibur received 3 times by Arthur would reveal not a magical sword, but 3 times the magic revealing itself onto the sword. These moments were forces and strength are unearthed from what we thought we were, or we thought we hold or heard.

Of course, figues, fugues and figures. They have meaning and orders that we acknowledge or that we can’t tell since with thinness of spirit and thickness of grandiloquence ill-spared we are pale.

And to know that one, two of them, just enough to trace destiny and fate, the why we are not so much as insane.

And to see death, but not being able to react otherwise than joking, because we know or remember enough of what was useless in life, comprising hours and hours of labour and creativity just wiped out when we lost the document or when the home never used will be taken down.

Celle, belle.
In life there is none but beauty, that reflects in our eyes and ivory.
The marvel, marvelling that drains the desire to go on, just to see.
In those moments of weakness when we know that the butterfly in the sun, near the flower, by the shade, is the best buttress, and will remain, will be.
Mar, mer,              sea.

My writing my be at times good all the same, when at is best.

One day these sciences, including philo and psycho that ascert to know 10 % of the brain while exulting their hate onto anima animals other than themselves and their own species that pays them not the right but the opportunities to betray,  will not acknowledge that the body is in fact more than one, more than a unit but several betes. Beasts, heads to heads.
But they will do so, whilst signify they at last accomplish a marvel, while animality was crying so, and the people with, damned by the same seminal employed that say that they have mental health condition and pay their retirement to home enclosed and forbidden of employment word, worked at feeling, though this society that won’t let them be insane, drove to date to death without relief.

Anima, anonymity. Anonym.

Anema, anathem.

The colors,

To be perplexed when people marvel at how humans are so similar genetically, because one may well be suspicious at how that happens.
That in fact what humans see about them being similar was what spur or spun, ‘push’ them or ‘legitimate’ them into killing, genociding other peoples or people.
Ill like they don’t even question themselves doing to other species.
Animals. Malevo malvolio.
Evil will.

In a life, to be delivered, to be free, from living, as I know as clear as sky, as clean as water from the montains that will never be seen, that the day I die, my body agrees, accords just like all books that took for me the scene, that my soul, and my mind, my love, and my will, then goes to you, just like the swan to the cid, to the cygn.

Green, grill.

The siren Melusina”
Melusine is one of the pre-Christian water-faeries[citation needed] who were sometimes responsible for changelings. The "Lady of the Lake", who spirited away the infant Lancelot and raised the child, was such a water nymph
The three girls — Melusine, Melior, and Palatyne — grew up in Avalon. 
Their harmony was uninterrupted until the prying husband broke the conditions of their union, by concealing himself to behold his wife make use of her enchanted bath. Hardly had Melusina discovered the indiscreet intruder, than, transforming herself into a dragon, she departed with a loud yell of lamentation, and was never again visible to mortal eyes.

Morgen (mythological creature)

 the ruler of Avalon is referred to as "Morgen".[2]
Morgens, morgans or mari-morgans are Welsh and Breton water spirits that drown men. They may lure men to their death by their own sylphic beauty, or with glimpses of underwater gardens with buildings of gold or crystal. 

:           morte, gene.
Gene = to be hampered by shame, self-awareness, or restrictions of any kinds.
Mort, gain.
Mort, gagne = win in French.

Les plus belles femmes de Rome.
Les plus belles femmes d’Europe.


Rise, arc, ask, towing, aka, da, kabal.
Bal, club, black. Bull.

Don’t send the french ones. i fact this story made me realise i should have asked for my french certificate, i am contacting paris university. 
Thank you, they say they don't want make me an expert without the original. i always been without my french one, because i moved to london the month after receiving my results, changed of addresses never received it, and were clinging on old stories about people from big n still existing universities willing only to issue one certificate and on only. 

Reappraising, paring.
T reappearing.                                Trespassing.
Reap,               prising.
Pair .
Apt, ape.

Suffering is imposed onto the body, to remind him freshly not to cross some borders and barriers. Suffering expressing not only the ones we breach but as an impression to avoid the ones we will have to avoid and thus averting maybe sins.
The go-beyond the suffering, even same, even scene.

C :      apollon divinites assemblying art and medicine.                  Arts and health.

C :        un titan,    Prométhéus, a primordial deity.
Create the humans n give them the element fire.

A jinn, or their father?

 "The whole of society ought to strive towards the amelioration of the moral and physical existence of the poorest class; society ought to organize itself in the way best adapted for attaining this end." 

Can one count, note not Com, not Comte, on one class to classify the other?

I’d like to say that I am a rather extensive writer and quite the same as a reader. Working with Microsoft, from times to times my all screen become blue in the middle of an operation, the only procedure I found to find my normal screen back is to click onto the button ‘undo’. I done that again and again for months on end, and since I write a lot, my way of doing so is to concentrate on the moment of writing without reading it again. I had to introduce my work this way, if not to explain them all, to tell you why in certain place it will be missing words…as I thought settling the problem with the undo button coming back to the screen, but while it was coming back to it, it erased, eliminate my last operation too, when the poison did not remove my whole text to cry in front of you.


Every one should be allowed to be a accompanied of their pet at all times.
But problem is the world is a bunch of perverted sissi. Company.
Taking the heterosexist trend, finding that revolting, well them.

The bad memories I had of my boys and girls friends, forgetting rather quick that they had been my friends. Whatever they or I did (forget,       for get, to get, respected?      Lawless companionnage where cathedral also alas all and other temples did not ordain but condemn.
Apostolate, epistolary, pistolet = barrel no, but a gun, quarrel, stole, pis = pire = worse, pyrrh.
Heresy and resignation.

Females and males in the army.
When I think of the role of women in peacekeeping, another issue that keep on coming to my mind is the structure of the UN itself. How effective, and how cohesive nations have been at sending different nationals troops out there. It is not at all my area of expertise but to interfere in any other armies will put into question also maybe up to intelligence problem. Having saying that to collaborate on matters such as sex equality constitutes a very good common factor, in that it is universal. now it could be also seen as perturbation, a distraction, because gender what we know they are, is a sense of role, and in that if we start discussing role then it won't be a discussion on what genders can do, but in fact one on what armies are supposed to do. What is the nature of the job?
To finish, with so lamentable results and problems such as women trafficking within UN forces, talking about genders could in fact a bit legitimising present actions and functioning. Everything is ok, just needs a bit of mixing. 
However, the fact that there is no sex mixing shows i think how degrading military intentions might stand and be. 
That is no much of an army. 
One forgets very easily how females working in the military used to be the victims of rapes by fellows soldiers. 
And also one forgets how much represented females are in army, like the reds, the Mossad, the Kurds army, the Colombian if I remember it well, or many of the south American ones, etc...

Competing universal, being striving for liberty and absolu or dying or wish they could be. Even absolu in being tranquille, but not one phoney.

Pin in a bud.
Nip in a bed.

Pan, Rape.



 [ipik] adj  equestrian, horse modif.

Upon, Top, epic, ice, accept, hippie, hypo, hippique

Universal topic.


You have to be careful security like with your niece. Also don't let pimpspimp like ur father approach them less than 1 metre 30 2 m at least, the very least. On the street. Under not pretext, one has to move faster than the predators, that should be celling.

We, ewe.
Ew – eve

Sofia. Filial. Philo.
Be 9.

People writing things on how development should go to eradicate climate change shock while everything about development is at the source of it.

Interna         lisation.
Sila, seal.

Sienne = his or one’s, family bounty, bud, bound, boundary.

Eye,           in french.
The eye of RA

Gendered differences. Sex differences.
 The way they are said to be, the template enabling to demand specific tasks out of them. Like if they wwwwere facilities, the same like that one treats a cattle, not because they are other species but because it is another kind of farming, obeying rule of market, prioritising we want to eat meat over the lives of creatures one will be paid to feed in order to kill them. No more organised possible killings. Legalised killing, as mercy killing.
Mecr, miscreant merci.

People that want to rule upon others not to make sure everybody’s lie liberties and so on, but that edit rules for themselves to be served. Themselves and their slavers.

Want, nat. natwest.

Preserving atrocity. Persevering onto power perverted, and pervasive.

Reve, pre-

Post, rope, prost-it, prostitution.

Eye,           in french.
The eye of RA

Gendered differences. Sex differences.
 The way they are said to be, the template enabling to demand specific tasks out of them. Like if they wwwwere facilities, the same like that one treats a cattle, not because they are other species but because it is another kind of farming, obeying rule of market, prioritising we want to eat meat over the lives of creatures one will be paid to feed in order to kill them. No more organised possible killings. Legalised killing, as mercy killing.
Mecr, miscreant merci.

People that want to rule upon others not to make sure everybody’s lie liberties and so on, but that edit rules for themselves to be served. Themselves and their slavers.

Want, nat. natwest.

Preserving atrocity. Persevering onto power perverted, and pervasive.

Reve, pre-

Post, rope, prost-it, prostitution.


Bed side or chevalet = French for paintings holder.



Plato, Phaedo 

Faithful, fidelity.

Plato, Phaedo 

Soul immortality.

Ef, health die.              Defy hence.

Of those authors that have to go on imitation or the discussion about an antique order, as the present one or the representative of the present one would crush them.

Emit, enmity.


Urbs = orbs.

4         like the forms contain in a veil, on a boat, that sails.
Sling, glide, glee, slip, slide.

Sleep. Leap. Sake, seek.

Spurred by capitalism existentialism, the erosion of the role of states has diminished law-making, state intervention, public resources and providence, and direct providers of help towards healthy society and socialisation by the state.

I think there is also a most active, proactive and in fact more professional way of thinking it. Of course international affair must be in phase with local one. But I do not on earth understand how the myth of 'uneducated women or working class women' would be a problem in terms of participation. These women have a life, in fact these women work and are all the better most 3 times more assured about the nature of their work that would have any intellectuals in the United Nations. This kind of despising the other women because they do not hold degree, because of their class, because of their pay, and also because it permits to put much disdain in the nature of their work , in the importance of their work and how it is perfected, the awareness, the skills and function it has, whatever positive or negative on the society. That makes us forever impotent. Potency potential. the educated or not women know it, the ones that have tried or the ones who at all understands it. 

Yes, I understand how people want class to stay as it is, a bringing upon them all responsibility and money that they will never honor. Bankers will not live.

O that means prostitute in English.
Is a masculine in French.
Romane language, like carlos, stephano, pedro…. Mark the masculine.
As well as a                      is a mark of designation.
A la mer.
Et au, masculine,
Au restaurant.

The matter of the form,
The bewilderment of the norm.

Apples have meaning, too. They symbolize peace. The word for apple in Chinese is ping, the homonym of ping is peace.

pinging.    = the Chinese phonetic written under the shape European alphabet.

Shape, escape.
Pat, tip, tap.

Broth goth.

               *C.ET:           could not it be a fall of intellectuals preconizing growth, just like the empty, contradictory, snealing sneaking meaning that have been produced as speech into the same get ridable economic products.
The                    never looked inner, the improvement but look at the duplication, just like fordian assembly line tradition.
To employ people perfecting a role without thinking of their nature, conditions. Just like with genderisation. A mock of individuals’ shapes, forms and ultimately their raison d’ etre.

Orle roles

Fur, furl, lure. Roll.

Other functions but what it is what is left of a society where everyone did not have any choice as their profession where concerned, and on top of it, it is what is left of that imperialistic documents, layer of period where thousands, millions of documents and billions times the number of existence has been destroyed or forgotten.
Familial law, in term of reproductive system, but oppression possible only in times of general oppression, and wars. If not wars then a society amputated from the natural strength of its members would succumb to another.

                                     Creating wars to keep on exploiting since total coercion without the recourse to violence is not possible for capitalism .

Westernised in the way western society put itself as a landmark of human rights, and therefore the judges of what applies on other societies. The truth is western society are not.                The horrors of industrial revolutions, the colonisation process, the imperialistic attitudes. Records that might be only better because of the riches they plunder elsewhere. Appearance of improved civilisation satisfaction that in fact declare that horrors ore in other society are cultural and whereby unattackable.
Arable land.


To assume that women would do good for women and not looking at their won own interest, and to assume that women would do good for women without exploiting another sex. Or to assume that women would do good for some women without undermining other status or other women (discrimination by sexual orientation or ethnicity for example),.
Assume that women would do good for women,   what interest, individualistic??
Financial, legal, political, …

as emerging disciplines, (Waylen, 1998)

#C.ET:              treated just like emergent countries, you don’t have the level, you don’t have the money, the infrastructure,   just enough to pile debts.

Need, head, heed.
Seed, kid.
Lead, weed, vid,


Pourquoi la France est-elle spécialement une cible ? en raison de sa laïcité. 

There is another way to protect victims of prostitution, just the one you said at the hand of the johns or the pimps, it is to penalise the customers and the managers without criminilising the victims. You see, and before calling that employment, because here your discourse is just that it is about decriminalising the trade not at all about women protection, take that job then.
There is another way to protect victims of prostitution, just the one you said at the hand of the johns or the pimps, it is to penalise the customers and the managers without criminalising the victims. You see, and before calling that employment, because here your discourse is just that it is about decriminalising the trade not at all about women protection, take that job then. we should see an amelioration on  quota there. More of the educated I meant.

When now rash ravish on the brink.
Rush will no bring.

Moon, soon, doom.

Mont, soul.

Sea, mere, maman.
Plan, stop stip, mais comment ?



A weak body, symbolising intellectuals, or replaced by middle class in office, totally in disconnection with the grounds and reality. .
C.ET:  a shrivelled body , mash masculinity is here evoke, invoke, invote in order to at the Greek classical mode, recall us the higher aim of sport. It is not traditional that women aren’t not muscular but propaganda of civilisation that want imperialist, with the servants doing a denigrated more physical job. Doing it instead of everyone.
evoke, invoke, invote.

Impair  ere  list.

A space where taking care after earth is not countabilised as jobs. Where people go to the gym, while nature gets lost, eaten away by humans that won’t lay but a no-delay. But no human that she will be able to help find a path as hole is the new whole.

Rapacious.       Precis precautious. Pre-occupation.

she exhorts,
she ex
exterior,                    horts, heart, horticulture.
Hard, heard, ear, dear, head.


Mother, enter, cover, inter, monster, her.

To create a strom and then,
A maelstrom,
The sand will go down, and in fact maybe cover all of it with another veil.
Dame, insane, damn,
Come down, vain.

The net, new,
The quest as the nest.
The grail, the femme.

Firm, farm,
Fate, fan,


We study animals who we killed. Taking inspirations of a nature that gave it all for no rewards. We are not fallen gods, we are fallen shits.
Study, study, until the day, not too far of what is next to come?
But not innocent in that planet who ate the flew files flesh it intentionally.



Not mistress,
But mattress.

To draw and discover the multiple structures of what shapes what is seen but also what forms.
No norms.

Ma man.
 Ma am.
Man               nam                        (e).

Miscarriage. Of justice. Off justice.
Scared, discarded.

Primitive accumulation, in which children does not have to be inculcated respected as on rely on retirement.

In the same register perhaps will it be inter-generational like a child is sold, the planet goes under for barrels of her hoe own blood.

War or post war situations:                      one are they perceived, or artificial, could the deal in terms of gender be the pretence of being in conflict with other groups, while the tension will in fact be diverted or just reported, onto any other persons. The single deal, not a struggle on ideas, or on politics, but simply war stenched because people will benefit from having someone at their service. Not even to satisfy any political aims, but just to multiply their financial or economical outcoumes.            WHY ECONOMY IS AT THE HEART OF THE THEME.
Not cultural, biologic, just an opportunity designate a group bearing extra-duties, and for this help or religions or uncompetitive economic and political system where people are maintained within communities more and more impoverish, such as for example the Victorian. With diminishing cultural riches, a mono cultural stances, the censorship in arts, campaign groups lying and paying scientists to do the same, a mono-syllabic language where simplify English will soon all found, legislate, and never verify.

:       period where sacrifices are demanded, and in particular giving up on human rights to the benefit of immediate security, while instating then the laws of people that would have like to violated other people’s rights but not now in a situation of crisis, but in the stabilised version of the outcomes. After conflicts, the status-quo remains detrimental to the observation and the respect of others’ rights and life in general.

Two Heterodoxies'

Said deduction.

Weakness of physicality in men, may lose all their blood by section of their sex, as the core present in the women, their machinery is absent there, and would let the whole blood stream emptied.


democratic elites,
No, democratically elected elites.

Female. Theme.

weakness will be found in how the brain operates, a flow that cannot be staunched, cannot be stopped, as they lack of direct descendency.

Fewer people for big demands. Higher upbeat competition in uncreative kind of work.

Local, national and transnational level.
People forget not a values or worth rank, local as important as transnational and vice/versa. Idem for grassroots works and other types. Should be more diversified, not all the more qualified at the national level but technician of any kinds and domains, of every models and concerns across space and time. Process.
With civil society type of NGO, this disappear, technician and more informal jobs disappear leaving all wages and diminishing legitimised responsibilities for people who pretend to do everything but end up doing nothing but propagandisation. Gain.

Propagandisation. Gain.
Rope, road, roar, rogue, rove, rare.



A man can be cut into an half while the female possesses another core.
Hard core.



n. pl. doe or does
1. A female deer.
2. The female of various other mammals, such as antelopes, kangaroos, mice, or rabbits.



Corrida, to ride, torrid, torpid.

Technology impact.
UN and Unesco principles.
A better future,          thanks to technologies, and also people able to differentiate success with production and human strength alone, but has it be ever only that. If you need, really need human strength power then you do not start discriminating the ones who may not have the same.
Perhaps only logical since physical achievement have never been the sole component of security, intelligence, stability and evolution.

Or would discrimination be just in order to eradicate or minimise quality that are said to be more feminine from process and procedures?
The example of how agricultural activities could serve the sedition or distinction. An affair of destruction, annihilation, expansion of territory instead of a territory that is nurtured, and that will take most of the time of the person in order that one does not rely on the massive and undistinctive production, entailing the use of poison but an elaborate culture where plants positioning and rotation as well as anything other parameters (lunar moves, seasons…) are taken into account instead of being disregarded. Not that a disdain for nature versus a love for it, or an aptitude to delicate, thoughtful, insight work is more the prerogatives of a gender more than the other, but it has often said to be.
In a forced heterosexual or heterosexualised system, heterosexist maybe more than it was misogynistic, those repartition of the task might well have been how groups were tacitly working against each other. Since the different quality that are necessary to accomplish a work that is balanced and complete have been told apart and prevent from functioning together. Since perfectionism belong to the feminine area of the inner world and strength, destruction and coercion the one of masculinity, we can on these premises imagine a world tear between the obligation of having a world secluded, wash-out and trying to reproduce some kind of utopia, of quality that cannot be exerced but giving the imaginary, the dream of a happy, perfect self, inside. While the exterior world is dealt with not a gram of sensibility, whose aim is to dominate in order to bring back no work to be done on its own, since the very model one impose is anyhow too much the recipe for catastrophe and anaemia, that it is better it finishes or applyes to the very few winners, while the vanquish will agree to go one for a little while this cinema.

It is not being kind, pets i miss them as a company, dearly. 

Gendered a way to pay inside attention withing group but not across groups. A discourse that could neutralise discussions both on the excess of the most privileged individuals, be it females or males, and on the race for power, be it financial or politics, between different groups, classes, nations.

Economies: coping, combat and criminal.

Other economic or political arena. Democracy and the people where all decisions should be make regarding everyone and anyone relative benefit, relative in the way one cannot want to benefit from injustice.

Maybe resisting equality and diversification, by allowing not a debate on gender that is in fact a term describing gender identity, such as sexual orientation, one that should be up to the feeling of each individual not up to its sex, by allowing sex, gender as in biological sex to have no prefabricated conditions, and job description. But that is possible in a society that do not envisage resources racing because of its lack of care given to the land and its management or to give all the burden to human care to women, as no one impoverish as such, could, while will have the strength to defend the dying.

Deism derision,
Delf,   deft,

Deserve, desertification, fortification,
vide, void.


As the stories as ever changing,
What were they, what are we,
What a question for a few scenes.
So few a scene.

People that hastily print them, the relation intergender, and in fact perhaps most importantly the role that are allowed within a specific gender, sex.
Globalisation shapes by neo-liberalist extortions, and exactations. Extraction.
Exalt, bo, cobalt

Including sexual servitude that should be attacked by the system and won over in a regime where principles of dignity and equality have survived such as mail-order brides and sex workers


see eve
see, reve,
seve, = sap in French.
Seven, severe.
ve,           veut,          want, will.

In that context what has been qualified as the dynamics of competition will obtain assimiliation to capitalism since everyone needs to work, even though this work organisation is one forcing people to meagre wages unable to properly sustain subsistence.
Oats stain. hot Strain.
Economy run this way will facilitate the reproduction of itself and with the added effect or in order to ‘produce’ staff that will reconduct inequality. The fear of everyone to be driven to lower wages or less rewarding jobs also may bribe staff into bearing or complicit with the mistakes of the direction, performing thus the complete rejection of social responsibility that could broadly being associated to what women had in charge when and if looking after families and them being sociable or in any case to the ethical questions facing household or family, or any working unit duly preoccupied by the rights of all.
but not feminist.                       On behalf of all women, theories supported by some women but not in order to be in equal footage just to flattered discussions with some kind of special treatment.

Fordism at the epitome of capitalism (               )  factioned, fractioned work. Provoking isolation and alienation necessary for people not being able to work on their overall quality as well as to fight against

Traditional                    trade,           run in the family.
Even by catho priests pedophiles looking for lesbian after having burnt anything from Sappho or sappheice.
Just to explore the eminen didactic dynamic a little bit.             

Behaviour. Hive.role: Artificial, not traditional but aiming at certain economic, political, and of course military outcomes.  Fulfilling the shape societies think deem to take, deemed or easy. Reflect in fact any constraint, of thought, actions, way of life, to a gender, to a family, to a profession, to a class. To themselves.


Alarmingly, a possible if not a probable regression, a backlash on women’s equal rights to men might be looming (Tickner, 2004), regardless of the motives or of the unbalances stirring it. Be it originating in the greed, and ogre like ambition of a economic system that will have to eat itself to satisfy its hunger. And under itself, what will be left to orgy with, here when the system will eat oneself it is in fact its people that will be the last of its victims, when resources are depleted. Or so may it planned to be.

women maybe on a more finished work but since quality of production as well as the one of process and product and quality of consumption as well as it pereniality, to keep the goods is impaired then not women but feminine, traditional function is impaired.

The greediness characterising competition between economies and their disregard for generational rights is on well-known of modernity outcome, as for

Finally, financially.

women are the first to be victimised.               Maybe care devaluated, viewed and categorised as unproductive person,                care, education or community not assessed nor improved on how they could  towards constituting and when it ceased to be then males would start taking on jobs.

But what interaction?                                        be put in charge of care against their adhesion with consumption society,  

We talk about a dissolution of social networks, that may render motherhood extremely difficult for people not benefiting from middle classes type of lives (Acker,    ). Once could draw on the parallel that people may be treated just like emergent countries, you are not the level, you don’t have the money, the infrastructure, Not for themselves or in themselves.

They upset me alright. 
Did i day upset though? You know they get me running. China is for my job, that gets me running. 

Dis I say?
Isis, acid.

When individualisation
Want to mean
Not singularisation, but segregation, and undue priviledges. (Acker,    )

Or simply to have a right for one only when it should apply to everybody. (Acker,    )

Thus, the structural and ideological division between production and reproduction (Acker,    )
Division between production and reproduction maybe in order to avoid the new generation to get it too quickly or this generation to become bribery??
Or is it working?

:                                              institutions needed, problem them being segregate or ideological in the sense of long term destructive, not
The production of more devices crub curbing.
In the bud, on the crib.

:        Unsupported education will go bust. Or creation of cast, as every thing will become the subject of profit, and market. The dichotomy between concept of family central to the functioning of societies, but a society that cannot work since it has been dismantled. Anyone in position of vulnerability, stop production and reverting to an all project of securisation. But also of coercion with only a layer of the population working, in case of physical coercion in a dystopian world, women would do the jobs. However firmly hold would the system be it would be imbalanced, impaired and collapsed into (intra-inter) violences.



A cra creation of asymetry in order to get another picture of the one we wanted representing or wanted to represent. While this cah change in forms creates space and reciprocity the en end of animism animia animal, animoi, anime,   animosity in thr the reproductuion on f a form neighbour.

Fame, flame.
Fire, femme.

Feu = fire.

Clef = key.

Let. Left.

Lec, elec, eclect,
ol                   en                           hol,           hen.

Society redistribution of power, and means, and purposes.

Conic, iconic, Coning redistribution, lawyers,             enabling a false stability or ascendence.

Thus, the structural and ideological division between production and reproduction (Acker,    )
C.ET: Division between production and reproduction maybe in order to avoid the new generation to get it too quickly or this generation to become bribery??
Or is it working?
Acker, J. (2004) ‘Gender, capitalism and globalization’, Critical Sociology, 30 (1), 17-41.

:                                              Institutions needed, problem them being segregate or ideological in the sense of long term destructive, not
The production of more devices crub curbing.
In the bud, on the crib.

A social network and social health put on the shoulders of women attributed functions, -sometimes helped by firstly emergent concept of human rights advocating privatisation of care as well as an ethics and policies emanating from civil society instead of through a process of a democratic, one voice, one vote governmental representation- to DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, LEAVING EACH OTHER INTEREST And RIGHTS SOVEREIGN,- this support is missed, and remain irreplaceable, making alternative attempts too few and to disparate and anyhow intrinsically unable to cover equitably for the society as large to be accounted for. Like feminists often say, a campaign and intellectual work that is the object of disdain reflects how feminine work and more concrete type of production overtaken, given to or supporting women might be in fact subject to marginalisation.
At its global scale, to complete its circle, capitalism needed to monopolise itself to avoid its most severe enemy, competition, and internationalised itself through the rules that it is trying to internalise- a continuous and irremediable situation by which differential will allow its revenue distortion- here helped by the inequality of resources but also of treatment that will perennialise exploitation, accumulation and the unregulated greed for racing growth within the essential unit of family (as well as by the intrication of all thinkable groups- either of both or of one sex only.

:        Unsupported education will go bust. Or creation of cast, as every thing will become the subject of profit, and market. The dichotomy between concept of family central to the functioning of societies, but a society that cannot work since it has been dismantled. Anyone in position of vulnerability, stop production and reverting to an all project of securisation. But also of coercion with only a layer of the population working, in case of physical coercion in a dystopian world, women would do the jobs. However firmly hold would the system be it would be imbalanced, impaired and collapsed into (intra-inter) violences.
Share of responsibility could break up the capitalistic system in the way it would cease engendering inequality. Globalisation a possibility of equilibrium or a race that would end into a further ferment of the barriers to balanced production and consummation between people, treated as individuals freed from fear of exploitation, insecurity, and fearing for the next generation.




Work and family

The crux of exploitation.

C.ET:               capitalism, with capital to the men. To what had been called the head of family, in an heterosexual orientated someone bringing money for a family needing time to be constituted and its head and educator that is the mother. but the only way heterosexuality maintained was by forced or arranged marriage, excluding homosexual as well as heterosexual couples choosing themselves or with the right to divorce. As this kind of choice would first needs independence and autonomy, namely a society able to provide a full education to children, more independently of parental skills as well as equality in the manner jobs are available and sufficiently paid.

Share of responsibility could break up the capitalistic system in the way it would cease engendering inequality. Globalisation a possibility of equilibrium or a race that would end into a further ferment of the barriers to balanced production and consummation between people, treated as individuals freed from fear of exploitation, insecurity, and fearing for the next generation.


‘Traditionally’ in capitalist societies women are the ones more in charge of family and care. However economic retributions counts only material capital, not human capital in the form of care, sociabilisation and education. If parenthood should be a choice assumed by the parents, society should also organised a way of living and working compatible with its needs for its population at large to reproduce without impairing social stability and cohesion or what it takes for a society to be fair, having offspring left with the impression one has to fight one’s neighbour to make it, or their own ability at earning a living.



First, th first first first firstirst,

Global,            monopolistic, monopoly, monolithic, system, therefore dualistic system.

In China, the immortal, Chiushou, often took the form of a lion (shih).
5) In Egypt the lion was a symbol of the sun and the sun-god and also the deities Sef and Tuau. 

·        Vespology - Social wasps

Druidic sing, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzip.
The rose hip, that will give its spirit if withered on her stand, and stem.
Stem, met, stand, nat-, born and bred.
Bread, not pretzel. Brother, brothel, bezel, embezzle.


And sign.                  

Marxist about attributed role, in communist society according to marx one has the freedom of ‘the division of labor’ divided and distribute the work and production without imposition (Ian shapiro). Be in the field in the morning, in the factory, in the afternoon and teaching the day forthcoming.

An order possibly more and more insecure, though internationalisation might be abel to bring cohesion rather chaos, caress.
Rather than?    Nath, Math.

Theme of the second chapter, is separation and differentiations’, creating a differential leading to inequality between sexes. Its first effect is how the process of generating human capital could turn to be a too big responsibility that ought to be shared and retributed, this maybe without falling into natalistic and sexist policies in which women would have to wait state aids instead of working for a fair salary.
For this effect, the one of dividing people intrinsically, genderisation is, if not all done, at least partially used in order to satisfy capitalism canons. To control citizens and workers, a categorisation of the sex will be, through hard laws, or more softly enforced, and will assign people with granted quality and performances from which they will not be able to free themselves. The way it victimised women is on how people within this system get richer or get poorer just because they are already rich or poor. If one has fewer means, their revenue with be less, or the task of earning money more difficult.

Altogether, with it we will see examples on how capitalism might attack people financially. The way it victimised women is on how people within this system get richer or get poorer just because they are already rich or poor. This downward spiral, just like the gap effect between classes or countries, is the premise of an ever-ending exploited economic position. It is women that are seen as being poorer and therefore as being able to yield less capital.

Situation by which differential will allow its revenue distortion- here helped by the inequality of resources but also of treatment that will perennialise exploitation, accumulation. Intro conclusion.

, compared to what neoliberalism would not allowed of more socialist or communist point of view.

Feeding fitting the ideology    domination, the erosion of the role of states has diminished law-making, state intervention and providence, public resources, and direct providing of help in place where the presence of a state was up to address problem of social predation and disorganisation with safety nets towards healthy society and socialisation. control citizens and workers, a categorisation of the sex will be, through hard laws, or more softly enforced, and will assign people with granted quality and performances from which they will not be able to free themselves. The way it victimised women is on how people within this system get richer or get poorer just because they are already rich or poor. If one has fewer means, their revenue with be less, or the task of earning money more difficult.

Altogether, with it we will see examples on how capitalism might attack people financially. The way it victimised women is on how people within this system get richer or get poorer just because they are already rich or poor. This downward spiral, just like the gap effect between classes or countries, is the premise of an ever-ending exploited economic position. It is women that are seen as being poorer and therefore as being able to yield less capitaladdition, presumptions about the quality and functions of women will be proffered, the relation inter-gender, and as importantly the role that are allowed within a specific gender or biological sex.

The section on family comments on how women are attached to a reproductive role rather than a productive one allowing thus a controle over fertility and family structuration.

Through this affirmation can we know how much women’s activities are in fact not compelled to serve this economic and social type of life through the unavailability of other sources of revenues. In contrast, how the perspectives of a less effective redistribution and protection system could further injured women’s capabilities and the ones of their progeny, their family, community or group of appurtenance in general.

Helping who that takes care of others within the family or within the society; the potential problem here is that little or the opposite of the end of capitalism has been performed even if some intellectuals might start to flex their muscles on deregulation affecting traditionally women more as they have been regarded as the kingpin of socialisation process

If capitalism is associated with ‘a world of Darwinian struggle, rhetorically constructed around metaphors of war’ (Tickner, 2004), it also brought economic and military wars into live. Post-colonialism and neoliberalism (Banwell, 2015) accounts for how the west through liberalism (Banwell, 2015) (dictionary reference, 2015) enablse the globalisation of masculinities (Banwell, 2015)

Apart from having brought democratisation in some part of the world, intervention coming from capitalist countries rarely came alone.
Because of its reliance on army led mostly by men, the 2003 Iraq war is an example of how wars might be fought using masculinities of empire, post-colonialism and neoliberalism (Banwell, 2015). Banwell argues that women had more rights before the war than after, and that increasing instability and insecurity with phenomenon such as forced prostitution made rampant, are in fact some of processes enabling the globalisation masculinities(Banwell, 2015)
Though this analysis would overlooked how family and women could in fact pressurize men to expansionism, as well as how just war could be run simply in order to free people from tyranny and not perpetuate their own, Banwell here may well touch on the how the west through liberalism (Banwell, 2015) (dictionary reference, 2015) is trading its entry, by a trade-offs made with the invaded, allowing the most tyrannical to put the burden and even the terrors and horrors of exploitation over minorities, and one of the most obvious minorities one might form is the one of gender through sexualisation due to reproductive biological differences.


Industries                         sure,             turies.                   Tueries.
Indus,             tries
Tueries,  = killing in French                      tries  =  Sort out in French                     

Industry coming from France a lot.


Be it originating in the greed, and ogre like ambition of an economic system that will have to eat itself to satisfy its hunger. And under itself, what will be left to orgy with, here when the system will eat oneself it is in fact its people that will be the last of its victims, when resources are depleted. Or so may it planned to be.


Another deficiencysurest way to do that would be to demand equal rights with men but not in asking for fair rights but by asking to be able to access the same profit. To take the example of the financial sphere consistently violating proportionate distribution of salary and responsibilities, women’s rights could just further legitimising these practises by claiming them as rights not as rejecting them as criminals.

At times the essay flips the question and asks not how global processes affect “women,” or even “men,” but how gendered understandings, assumptions and subjectivities help structured global production.

Dealing with post-war situation and SAP, the liberal approach of cultural relativism could well be seen here as welcoming gender ill-treatment as a part of the trade-off they make in order to promote capitalism.

I cannot believe my eyes; I search things common belonging to my native language that do not appear anywhere on the web. It is swallowed by adverts, mostly, of other languages even with the right preferences selected on search engines.
I made some corrections, and replace some words by others, because the word in French is used this way, but its main definition is not

Two people did died of a colonoscopy! worrying.
In my very close neighbourhood.



You are very ok. maybe you need an endurance sport.

Don't distort, distrust things.

Generation that se steals, n make appears that children would be at the center of everything. The possible culprit, responsible, guilty for all of this. What has been done, not has to be done.
Instead of us working in the garden, but there the most violent passions would tear apart our consent, and dissention.
Become how to look after a garden would ram back all our passions.
But then we are apart, remote, n finally aloof from everything in this system, this world that will never share a theme.


I know something very important, not unplugging the computer when putting it on sleep.

ART, is to try to find, to find out life or its secrets, its many shapes never constant but never going any way.
If one cannot life for arts or for love, both at the same time, without contrition, without regret or without making concessions or say, assumption then they will die.
Says ash assumption

But still stopped at the form, the norms.

Form, horn, ornament.



Innaceessibilty? Is it the feeling, others or us?
Concrete or abstract, profound in what honor.

Living art, dying art.

Not pour. Not purer but more of this purity.
That can bring lifeway when your souls enclose or blow and blossom into life, since this time the mistress is at home and replete, replay.
Not to yield opt to da death or insanity as she will address n redress the tort already wiped but not discarded, not gone just evaporated.
This pact whole, how, who, wow, whose, of which we don’t know we had done with or by had bone, had bow, had gone, bygone, for good or at last for truth to be revealed, the one of a hand that won’t say goodbyes without hailing, having making sure it is safe to. Without remorse or syntax or thoughts in their disaggregated, aged, ageing, disadvantaged dis-seed, constituted invention as for why they had to see, sit, stay. And sit without pardon. But attention do not stay as they are the other line of the suffering of a mind nan a soul that did not display as such as they a wanted and that also need to invent a spared, spured precious special time in which they are gar granted the potion, the product, the elixir of former lives of which, whose they do not know anything about but about they claim they had been reincarnated. Here the bouddhist gate or gay game of nothing will be joy again but destroying any new encounter, or even any possibility.
Full stop. Is still a divinity.




I think support are internal to a country. promote their own institutions.

Nain, nani.
Nain, farfadet, dwarf, draft.


To e be more or less in one world.
Young n older souls.
Everything in by, blatant, bright, balance.
Be, ebb.

Not believing or not being able to believe, not in position or situation of knowledge to believe institutions and society, to have tried helping or to have managed to ruin it all. Left to life, or think and die in din dignity. Is that possible? Ruins runs.


I think you'll find the more you read and the more you compare and contrast arguments, the originality will come out of synthesising your own argument from the analysis of others. I think you'll find the more you read and the more you compare and contrast arguments, the originality will come out of synthesising your own argument from the analysis of others.

I wouldn't worry too much about being totally original at this level, although of course it can help you get a good grade, as long as you can synthesise your own argument by analysing existing ones then you should find that originality comes as you research and analyse

I am also facing a corresponding problem in developing the right question for my dissertation

C: coherence. all your evidence should go back to support your argument or thesis. and link them through logic, deduction. it has to form a whole, a unit, converging to the same point. width and depth.

a bit plain here but to protect something you have to think. so you need a group of people. replace by who? what?
or by what could you replace it, how or what?

En faveur de,


                       Vers,                the poetic of form.
                       Vers in French = towards, and verse.

‘Berries are borne by females trees ??’
If those ones do not turn out to be transgender, or hermaphrodite.

The hunting dogs, imitating each other not under instincts and wisdom, but knowing what to do to make think make a believe a person.
Subject to the king, that did nothing but decaying, ber, betraying the kingdom.

Mating main initial militia.

I am very sorry about this delay. In fact, stupidly enough I did not notice that I spend an entire day on the translation, in fact possibly two on the user I set up as guest. But since Microsoft 10 wanted my Microsoft user to become my main user without me aware, whereas I put my usual user as the administrator, I did not even notice I was logged on what I considered the non-effective one…sorry I am sure that what I am writing above is not understandable. Well in fact I retrieved my information when I realised that the computer made my guest user and non-administrator user as my home page. After that, I had incompatibility hardware between my computer and the screen at school. I rebooted and restore everything so many times I spend more than a week on it… and the problems did not come from there… On this and on transferring old data from my defective old computer. Not so old… now everything is working for my students, I like working with internet. Them too.
I found that Emily is very interesting to review because she is loyal to the author. There are mistakes made by non-native speakers but her expression is elegant, researched, and she writes with a very solid and clear structure (which i personally don’t manage).

We were invited near the bridge between shanghai and Ningbo this Christmas. In China there are these absolutely beyond amazing, stunning and wonderful mountains, et then there is the Yangzi. It must have been great (and cleansing, I don’t know it is so imposing and travelling) to have written a book on that subject.

Grill,             girl.



It is thru the other, the one we love, we one, the one we praise.
The coming, that changes time and space.
That we will have to think and be aware of what we ae are ourselves. Another.
Another for someone else.

Else, self. Stress.

Darwin, on evolution.
C.ET: for how long this had been contained?


Telephone by Bell.

Icicles circus, cr, crick, circle.

Nature, elements were for all to see. The paupers just like the king, but what will become the spirits the day nature has been killed, imprisoned, poisoned and sealed. ???/.

C : I was not there, when it happens. It is why I can retell it. Not all aspect if any, did I manage to pick. Lie down in a 1, 2 dim dimension, not the 3, 4, 5 that ain’t available to the lay, down man. like all the book. Books.

Rien ne développe l'intelligence comme les voyages.
 C :      travel develop intelligence just like we become inferior to animals. Not noticing the nature abandon.


Strong, soul.
Black hole.
The doors to universe, as stars do or were.
Ouvert, overt.

To find the help of a psycho-analyst, to bear the common ground weight of playing humanity as a species special scourge enabling us to orgy. Self and less.

To suck your              like if it was your breast
And your breast, to be looked after, after its chest.

All hire.

De l’infiniment grand a l’infiniment petit. Forgetting about the atoms, the insects, the infinity.

That is it is not company using the laws to evade tax, it is company using the politicians. Or anyone for easy cash and quick implementation and implantation

I recently heard that inn Uganda, censorship has been branded from government when it comes to label people anti-government or anti-development.

It is the case of any developed one we have nothing to do with it either. the best one can do or the worst is to pretend to have some kind of leverage within the apparatus... or at least in many circumstances, but I admit too when I am part of something that is working in spite, despite or with me, there are so many, even though already probed, problems after that, that I do not manage any more to see, or to feel, and sometimes it reveals that I am the one to profit this shape often pyramidal. falsely.