I would think that here what is
called decriminalisation of prostitution the aim is here is not to instate
‘retributed sex’ as an institution but combat depersonalisation. When you are
criminalised then whatever happens to you is hidden. The violence, coercion,
poverty, abuses, however atrocious and organised they are, are de facto
completely ignored. It is the same problem when you are stateless or paperless
you cease to be a citizens, the laws does not apply to you any longer, no
longer protects you. So basically you will be the prey of Mafiosi’s organisations.
In all organisations that are not in fact, a
cover to mafias that want their activities to be recognised as formal, and
legitimated. That is to say, to sell something that is in people freedom. When
are we going to pay to breathe, or to pay to walk, or to pay not to starve,
sexual activities like pairing, intimate relationship are amongst what is most
necessary not to have necessarily but not to be deprived with. As well as who
would demand their rights to have a servant doing what they can do it for themselves,
cooking, cleaning. The vertical organisations provided what one cannot do for
themselves because of its being specialised, not to create positions that are
in fact servile. No more a partnership.
Prostitution is to say that sex is on command
that women are here to provide it. It is yet again a product of
heteronormativity. The violence it implies then goes on back onto the relation
males-females, or any other, intragender, be them domestic, public or just any
It sees women as resources having to comply with
demands, instead of seeing it as non-gendered.
Not to see that is highly dangerous for the
victims, and for the society as a whole, for the future, and people that will
be covered to conduct work propelling that degree of horrors.
Fuck you.
That degree of horrors.
Also it has to be remembered that any
organisations yet again not a cover for mafias and human trafficking Also it has to be remembered that any organisations
yet again not a cover for mafias and human trafficking, help women in
prostitution with always as aim an exit strategy always, or supposed to be as
efficient and absolute as it can be. I mean intervening without to make sure
there is an exit strategy is no more than ‘procuring’, and should be sanctioned
by imprisonment.
, u
a species
is one of the wyh why.
win the wild,
mile. Even with (sue, sow) something traveling fat faster than (thin, in ant)
the light, (unisex, unit,) universe will get ire and rid of a destroying one.
To deny history to former people is
a way of treating the invaders or the heirs just like if they were gods. Like
to lend them the all results of what has been done. At the image of how humans
treat itself, just like he has created the universe, killing at will, treating
it as a cake, though the cake is living.
So what will become sweets?
To deny that what is here to see is
the products of struggle but also, alas (or rather fortunately, fortitude,
fate, if not happily) of destruction, and it can only talk to the one who
ignores it, or disrespect it, that is to say does not work towards not destroying
again, with the same spirit.
We won’t last a song if we don’t see
far and between.
The universe or earth is not even
‘long ago’, the writers not the space that covers a sound.
Or, =
gold in French,
Hors = out, exept.
or, other, alter,
Auth, oath.
Other, ether.
Etern, alter, altern.
Plato, Phaedo Phédon Partie II :
L'âme est-elle immortelle
Faithful, fidelity.
Plato, Phaedo
Soul immortality.
Ef, health die. Defy hence.
Of those authors that have to go on imitation or
the discussion about an antique order, as the present one or the representative
of the present one would crush them.
Emit, enmity.
O that means prostitute
in English.
Is a masculine in
Romane language, like
carlos, stephano, pedro…. Mark the masculine.
As well as a is a mark of designation.
A la mer.
Et au, masculine,
Au restaurant.
The matter of the form,
The bewilderment of the norm.
When now rash ravish on the brink.
Rush will no bring.
Moon, soon, doom.
Mont, soul.
Sea, mere, maman.
Plan, stop stip, mais comment ?
A weak body, symbolising intellectuals, or replaced by
middle class in office, totally in disconnection with the grounds and reality.
C.ET: a shrivelled body , mash masculinity is here
evoke, invoke, invote in order to at the Greek classical mode, recall us the
higher aim of sport. It is not traditional that women aren’t not muscular but
propaganda of civilisation that want imperialist, with the servants doing a
denigrated more physical job. Doing it instead of everyone.
evoke, invoke, invote.
Impair ere
A space where taking care after earth is not
countabilised as jobs. Where people go to the gym, while nature gets lost,
eaten away by humans that won’t lay but a no-delay. But no human that she will
be able to help find a path as hole is the new whole.
We study animals who we killed.
Taking inspirations of a nature that gave it all for no rewards. We are not
fallen gods, we are fallen shits.
Study, study, until the day,
not too far of what is next to come?
But not innocent in that planet
who ate the flew files flesh it intentionally.
Ma man.
Ma am.
Man nam (e).
The proof man is only a name.
Like homo sapiens. Homo, homme, and homo = same.
Fire, femme.
Feu =
Society redistribution of power, and means, and purposes.
Conic, iconic, Coning redistribution, lawyers, enabling a false stability or
Miscarriage. Of justice. Off
Scared, discarded.
In the same register perhaps will it be inter-generational
like a child is sold, the planet goes under for barrels of her hoe own blood.
Not cultural,
biologic, just an opportunity designate a group bearing extra-duties, and for
this help or religions or uncompetitive economic and political system where
people are maintained within communities more and more impoverish, such as for
example the Victorian. With diminishing cultural riches, a mono cultural
stances, the censorship in arts, campaign groups lying and paying scientists to
do the same, a mono-syllabic language where simplify English will soon all
found, legislate, and never verify.
Weakness of physicality in men,
may lose all their blood by section of their sex, as the core present in the
women, their machinery is absent there, and would let the whole blood stream
This weakness will be found in
how the brain operates, a flow that cannot be staunched, cannot be stopped, as
they lack of direct descendency.
national and transnational level.
People forget not a values or
worth rank, local as important as transnational and vice/versa. Idem for
grassroots works and other types. Should be more diversified, not all the more
qualified at the national level but technician of any kinds and domains, of
every models and concerns across space and time. Process.
With civil society type of NGO,
this disappear, technician and more informal jobs disappear leaving all wages
and diminishing legitimised responsibilities for people who pretend to do
everything but end up doing nothing but propagandisation. Gain.
A man can be cut into an half while the female
possesses another core.
Hard core.
Maybe resisting equality and diversification, by allowing
not a debate on gender that is in fact a term describing gender identity, such as sexual orientation,
one that should be up to the feeling of each individual not up to its sex, by
allowing sex, gender as in biological sex to have no prefabricated conditions, and
job description. But that is possible in a society that do not envisage
resources racing because of its lack of care given to the land and its
management or to give all the
burden to human care to women, as no one impoverish as such, could, while will
have the strength to defend the dying.
They upset me alright.
Did i day upset though? You know they get me
running. China is for my job, that gets me running.
Dis I say?
Isis, acid.
When individualisation
Want to mean
Not singularisation, but segregation, and undue priviledges.
Or simply to have a right for one only when it should apply
to everybody.
Economic, socio.
Thus, the structural and ideological division between production and reproduction (Acker, )
Division between production and reproduction maybe in order
to avoid the new generation to get it too quickly or this generation to become
Or is it working?
‘Traditionally’ in capitalist societies
women are the ones more in charge of family and care.
However economic retributions counts only material capital, not human capital in the form of care,
sociabilisation and education. If parenthood should be a choice assumed by the
parents, society should also organised a way of living and working compatible
with its needs for its population at large to reproduce without impairing
social stability and cohesion or what it takes for a society to be fair, having
offspring left with the impression one has to fight one’s neighbour to make it,
or their own ability at earning a living.
Generation that se steals, n make appears that children
would be at the center of everything. The possible culprit, responsible, guilty
for all of this. What has been done, not has to be done.
Instead of us working in the garden, but there the most
violent passions would tear apart our consent, and dissention.
Become how to look after a garden would ram back all our
But then we are apart, remote, n finally aloof from
everything in this system, this world that will never share a theme.
ART, is to try to find, to find out life or its secrets, its
many shapes never constant but never going any way.
If one cannot life for arts or for love, both at the same
time, without contrition, without regret or without making concessions or say,
assumption then they will die.
Says ash assumption
But still stopped at the form, the norms.
Form, horn, ornament.
To e be more or less in one world.
Young n older souls.
Everything in by, blatant, bright, balance.
Be, ebb.
Fab as,
As fable.
‘Berries are borne by females trees ??’
If those ones do not turn out to be transgender, or
Darwin, on evolution.
Telephone by Bell.
C : I was not there, when it happens. It is why I can retell
it. Not all aspect if any, did I manage to pick. Lie down in a 1, 2 dim
dimension, not the 3, 4, 5 that ain’t available to the lay, down man. like all
the book. Books.
Or were they ready (priests
as elite, has elite) for social darwinism ?
Rien ne développe
l'intelligence comme les voyages.
C :
travel develop intelligence just like we become inferior to animals. Not
noticing the nature abandon.
To find the help of a psycho-analyst, to bear the common
ground weight of playing humanity as a species special scourge enabling us to
orgy. Self and less.
Rational, coming from latin ration = portion.
Facebook is not really social
networking, when you want to campaign then you will need to resort to advert or
to upgrade your profile. Advertising is really expensive, also will tend to
serve lucrative causes. All causes at all cost.
Humans do not try to engage with societies and communication
and in fact animals’ languages, so how would they on earth starting recognising
the ones of the machines. Or more exactly the one.
Let’s wait and see. And like the popular wisdom says, if we
did not before and if withstanding, I, hide, distancing, distending, this
effort or this humility we orchestrated ourselves destroying them, not
according others our same status and security- they will find us then. And
In vein, no vain.
I am completely pissed. I spent 3 hours trying to reconnect
internet, since I manage like this the other day. without any results. now the
water is off, but internet is reworking I don't know how... please baby don't take offense if it does
not work I try to do something on my dissert I don't want to do that stuff
anylonger during the week end. I previously thought for years it is wasting,
taking my time away, in fact it is also taking my life away. and after what. at
sea, at loss.
I spent 3 hours trying to reconnect internet.
On, and off. not internet on and off. me. machines will kick
us anyhow; we are so materialistic. why? because we don' t have to respect
them. they are property only. enslavement.
-do not discriminate anyone according to colour,
religion or sexual orientation. everybody is welcome so long as he/she does not
expose any of the above.
- you can not hide your
color-maybe veils can, and hetero are married, have boyfriend, children.
you mean promote against?
same type of colors (tertiary), made from different primary or secondary
She is doing her things, thinking to the moment, in echo, in
mirroring without clearly being able to perceive that I, imagine.
In France, a filial, is a sister company.
: coming with families to protest
against gay rights, it is so sickie and idiotic. coming with
family to impeach ours. it is sickening. in fact I always make me think on how
sexual determination is in fact under familial control and sometimes in an
autocratic or totalitarian way. it is enforced, triggered, sexuality, it
is incestuous.s.s.
I think I am with you on this Peter. I have done
and said stupid things in my life, I thank God for not having been martyrized
–too much that I could not go on- financially for this. I have been scandalised
by the ransom following this story (they have to pay an incredible fine, don’t
they? - I wanted to react to this in fact), you don’t kill people financially
for a cake inscription.
You do a great thing to water this issue down.
They are not civil servants.
As long as they don’t cook cake against equality
we should do ok with this.
Jesus was a virgin and is depicted like being a
Saint amongst the saint, like Marie was.
To adequate, no equate, their stories with
heterosexuality is ludicrous.
It is more of the Adam and Eve story, a
reproduction story. I am still for that, not against in-vitro, or cloning
Have a good day.
You are right, let’s not yield to lynching and hysteria. Life is so tough.
In fact I would be telling people that gay
rights are the law conducted with lack of serious, without respecting
proportion- dangerously basically.
I even think the issue deserve your active
support. it is a rainbow matter. these people they have to be agonising.
As long as we have go to the aisle, not only the
Nave is not never, it is even it is for ever. and according
to the follower of Jesus it has always been this way. Jesus represents love,
without differentiation and inequality, at least it is why it reaps universal
BUT STILL PEOPLE should remind the holocaust and its every
little way.
And that ‘beg the question’, and what if they do?
Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, have paid
a fine of more than $135,000 for refusing to bake a cake for a l...
On a 500 pound fine, here my reaction. It would not be so
much of an issue if any success, normal success gay people have, (as in they
are the other people= the ones to race since there is no love for god like say
the bigot, there is no respect for earth, so human compete against each other
for its rape), was not the subject of so much jealousy. Without having to have
faced that to claim equality, gays were part of the holocaust. Both side?
Certainly, we are all gays but that is not the topic of the story.
Also I think that these guys the backers, it is not the
refusal to do politics because they made sure they made politics out of their
appearance before court. It is homophobia it is what it is. Now what to do
about it?- am not too sure.
So I’d say let judges do their jobs, but it is never enough
to handle things this way. ….
Yes, it is very thorny indeed. because of course it could
start like that, and downhill and viral.
That gays, and gay couples are refused the cake would not be too
far from the tree. Also there maybe something about it, is that it is after all
politics in the sense that even though equality or gay rights equality, which
is not the same that 'promoting gay rights' is benign and a simple demand for
justice at first sight, but not necessarily in all minds and mouths. what I
want to say it is that people could say they promote gay rights and in fact try
to be heterophobic or not doing that for the gay community and just for funds,
I don't know for example, the time we take for each new baby, the allowances we
would like to get. I feel it is not intelligently said what I said. Or changing
other dimensions that would not be a matter of equity but ‘political’
choice in term of those who have and those who don’t’. Religion has also this
crusaders side of it, war until winning, not for god, but for a side, at any
cost, and any lies. Just like companies maybe would do to grab the markets but
here helping themselves with transforming and transgressing morals, faith, and
goodness. To recapitulate what is done in the name of religions is horrendous.
Not all of course, they have had very useful, ‘we cannot do without that’
foundations, but it belongs to universal
goodness not to any particular religion. And what is good about them does not
suit for murders and hate legitimacy.
Without marriage and jobs like everyone, the right and duty to
work for the better, and to live out of it, we are right back to enduring
slavery. In fact while I am writing that I feel less and less 'compassionate'
to the Ashers backers. But lets' say they choose backery not being at the
background of activism. Not what would have they said if the inscription had
been 'Sheila and Elizabeth marriage'?.It is true that at this rate, we would
have to order cakes from Soho, or what is left of it, and they would not come
very fresh because the problem with gay lodgings in London is that I would have
had a triple salary to hope affording any of what I saw advertised. We have got
the differential between males and females wages and opportunities coming into
play. Lesbian activities are so few and every time expensive, even in London, I
mean only the transportation cost, for Christ sake. As a carer, not identifying
myself with a servant, but a worker facilitating autonomy, I lost hope in
What I thought was revolting without having to think about it, is
the fines they are supposed to pay for it, but in fact I just read it again and
I thought it was very high prices in my memory but it is just something like
500 pounds. I am sorry I am in the middle of my thesis I did not check the
information. That transforms altogether the issue for me. ok so would they
print 'promote heterosexual rights', and him saying it that what he did was out
of love for god, I find it very pernicious.
Well for 500 pounds, it could remind him that it was not Before God he
was doing it. Like he liked repeating ‘Before God, it was something we could
not do’
and them holding hands, playing the perfect married couple,
it is a bit like torture.
Problem, yes it is clearly homophobe, so what kind of
barriers to fight homophobia?
Will they be ask again to do a cake to promote gay rights?
where i join you or what other promotions? problem is nobody is against jew
marriage, inter-race marriage, or were they? me when i talk about marriage i
tremble with all my soul, i know i would have to rename myself meat without
being able to pretend to a woman. i d rather be elsewhere kind of thing, and
not in a peaceful way.
I am lost on this one. i ll think of it.
I just see myself could not obtain a cake from anywhere,
before i am told i have no job either.
I want to say, is that i think that homophobia, is in fact
hidden heterosexual enforcement, it is rape every day. it is why them playing
all clean n cocky, took the mickey.
I don't know what to think now.
The question would they have done it for others, and I think
it is yes.
My problem, what should be our anti-discriminatory
reactions? If any? No one won was the verdict. The verity ‘I am too afraid of
ghetto. And even more of ghettoization’.
Gueux = in french more or less not conscient to be serfs,
maybe use to slaughter cattle, as do not require a soul.
Outing the ghoul.
However, LET’S NOT force people to do things that do not
attack us directly, may seem to be fair politic too.
It reminds me on how many times, shoppers asked me more than
I took, or landlords taking my money through deposit, rising the rent, no so
many times but enough to hit me. and you don’t want to be hit, when it is hard
already. And on the other hand the ones that do push sales, I had never been
told that kind of practises by my mummy.
Begin, benign, being.
It could be interpreted to be something like 'not
in my garden kind of things' the problem here is that these people attack a
right reserved to them or what they claim they are. it is not like i don't want
people kissing in my bakery, it is like i don't want gay people kissing.
I am at sixes and sevens.
At the same time even not gay people
could start challenging these backers to just pocket the fines?? Or to find another
way to do it.
Or maybe as long as they do not turn this into a
political matter?? to refuse a service. Though they did refuse it. or as long
they don't lace it with arsenic.
ruling suggests that all business owners will have to be willing to promote any
cause or campaign, no matter how much they disagree with it."
That religion
has been "effectively banished from the commercial sphere".
C.ET: question is it a question of religion or how people
have used privileges of what have been called religious belief. We have to ask
for this inscriptions because they still suffer from more than discrimination,
but attempt to eradication.
For the profit made sacred. Or because profit has always
have this side of subduing other in order to exploit them, to the core.
As gay people would we have to bake ‘a marriage is with a
man and a woman’ or other very intelligent and intellectually phrasing. Even
though I hope I am a bit of her man?
For the profit made
sacred. Or because profit has always have this side of subduing other in order
to exploit them, to the core.
As gay people would
we have to bake ‘a marriage is with a man and a woman’ or other very
intelligent and intellectually despiteful phrasing. Even though I hope I am a
bit of her man?
and that above all i have the same rights as them.
not the equivalent, or the inverse or the opposite, the same. would that end
up for them that they must marry a man as well. no, i would end up that
they may, well in fact can.
decide, size,
the mediocrity of democracy affects us all. So be a little
If all backers were like them. I don’t only to have the men
or women they can pay to themselves after they exploit everyone with another
scheme and power relation at stake. Mistresses and lovers would avowedly abound
not the official side. Polygamy.
Polite play.
Without restraint.
Everywhere has been depoliticised, but the bombs size, and
soon the plates plain.
Some people are pleased to say that they thought it is an
opening minds era, while sectarianism keep being a living and life threat.
What will never work is when a group are against another one
not because of what they do because in a different style they do the same thing
but because they want more and more prerogatives.
Ashers Baking Company store in Newtownabbey. Photograph:
Also when you look at the size of the bakery it is a huge
business, not only making cake but they are a coffee shop, it means people
socialise there.
A yet again, a gun, taunting, tempting story.
I mean it is not like this guy make love every
night with what he thinks is the bible.
It is a super big shop, not entertain to
charity. And the world poverty you see.
I mean it is not like this guy make love every
night with what he thinks is the bible.
It is a super big shop, not entertain to
charity. And the world poverty you see.
I mean you can see it is not the backer that is up at 4 am
every morning till evening. And having only some backwards thoughts as
education and distraction. This is a super modern building. Church goers my
It is just for dough.
Bricks by bricks.
With rids
With risks.
Se, sometimes we sa start, we stare at stars and feel we are
in communication with the environment, animals, flore and fauna, oj, objects
that are around, cosmic, get in touch with the events.
Vent = wind in French.
But also, so they may. Feeling in touch
with a human being though observing and repus, saoul et lase, et blasé of its
convc convc conviction of suep superiority.
DNA co-lapses.
Abcess, access. Excess.
XL of fashionable new hell.
The conclusive comment is how little is done, and contrarily how serious
the propagation or at least the consolidation of the problems is,
through technical means and more and more complex networks and associations, of
a finally one cannot be more egregious crimes. A consensus on ‘that should
never happen again’ has been issued on crimes such as genocides. Remembrances
days and regular campaigns have endeavoured bringing to awareness these horrors
of the past in order to actualise and warn against still present ones. However,
how has been make possible that daily rapes and molestations, the sexual
exploitations of children- without forgetting the adults- be regarded and
sanctioned just as type of genocide- or as its legal equivalent, punished and
dealt with just like any gross crimes against humanity should be treated?
Like genocide, that is
called the G word, people, researchers cannot comprehend the suffering it has
occasioned and still goes on, as to be betrayed by people but by the society as
a whole cannot really heal. Not in a psychological, mental, even rational sense
as victims are beyond aware of a society having left them to offenders as
sexual preys.
Reason why, society
itself allow it to perdure.
i.e. remission not possible
There is no doubt about this, harming a part is harming the
whole, but while harm to children is averred (and not averted) if someone too
much insist upon ‘their health for our health’, they may also ensure a
continuity towards a self-servicing, self-aware, self-centred viewpoint and
justification of others’ lives. These people alive in order to facilitate mine,
or more precisely like the one registered and approved by a system. Could be if
taken as the main equilibrium point, a barter against used by one towards used
by all.
Seclusion and networks
as well as possibility therefore politics allowing such violations to such a
scale to happen. Of course if one individual was victims of pedophilia it would
not be a lesser violations, but numbers legitimised and render less and less
impossible hope for interventions, changes, preventions, even educations???
C.ET: like genocide, that is
called the G word, people, researchers
cannot comprehend the suffering it has occasioned and still goes on, as to be
betrayed by people but by the society asa whole cannot really heal. Not in a
psychological, mental, even rational sense as victims are beyond aware of a
society having left them to offenders as sexual preys.
Th, ht. the height.
Ht, in French haut, high.
A O at
Against, absent, assent.
Dis, creance ? in French creditor. CRB
Sis, cease.
Or the gap between parents and infants, or
inter-generational gaps, and vice-versa. To the old towards the youth, or from
the youth to the old.
Parents. Filial.
Firm, farm.
Could the disreparencies between what is done and
talked about be explained by the very gravity and the overwhelming numbers of people living out
of sexual exploitation and paedophiles themselves? Could the disparities
between the horrors of this situation and the pauperism of actions come from a
tacit societal agreement or
laissez faire. Could, what a Marxist writer called the prostitution of
work, work for what the body can produce blindly on order (and not what we can
produce out of physical, intellectual, moral efforts will attain), have brought
the fight against the most terrible scourge in a state of inertness? Or in a
state of terrors for those, not the ones who read or don’t about it, but for
those who are hopeless victims for being left without help while their abusers
are thriving with money.
Should be almost considered not the substantial intervention
matter but a one off alongside ‘a never again spirit’ that would see no a
better rescue device only but the need to rescue be lessen not by inaction or
fatalism but because of the criminals given up what is considered in most of
the literature as lucrative, easy to purvey trafficking, ‘sold’ to people less
and less mentally competent, or too insane to see and act on their own action,
and therefore increasingly unable to stop the circle of sheer horrors, but
rather determined to bring it to completion (i.e., organised, rationalised
sexual abuses on children. Within a postmodern area where black poverty,
increasing riches gaps, ‘epidemic prostitution’ in general, unfair, here on
purpose unemployment, and bad economic and political practises add to any
pornographisation legitimation.). Actions focused and develop in the stopping
before any violations happens = more severe sentences, and systematic tracking.
China wants developers to
stop making 'bizarre' and 'odd-shaped' buildings
Buildings such as the
National Theatre in Beijing and the iconic Guangzhou Circle are under the
spotlight with authorities keen to get back to basics when it comes to the
country’s architecture.
C.ET: it is not going to be for the people to flee away to
space, said the officials.
Watch: Anaheim KKK Rally Battle in Full
A brawl erupted in Anaheim, California, on
Saturday during a rally for white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan
C.ET: we know now why Schwarzenegger, nigger, not
Sarkozy, is homophobe.
On the coming back of
Otherwise than sending you to their something counsellor
fantasising high graded psychiatrist under a Stalinist regime, but it is not
all delusions as he has been taken by the uni one of those purpose is to
prevent people actively talking about the UK ace and world and worldly
appealing center for FGM, Sharia law, ex-PIE, human trafficking, mercy killing
Rob, lem, lame.
illegality. Egal = equal in French.
They has pledged,
advocated, argued.
Co: SO HOW COME.??????????? Perversion, raise in
phenomenon, ignorance in the past, social changes, more awareness, less youth
marriage, arranged marriage, more police participation…? And from today. Perversion? Knowing, morally condemning but
leave it as it is, coming back to almost putting it on the victims’
particularity to have been a victim rather than on the system, since system
untouched, violators unprosecuted, and victims diagnosed.
If research
has risen, it is only normal, and goes with a general research duty taking
effects in the social sciences in general. The poor quality of the research
though is shown through reiterated telling examples of aggregated data, amongst
many others, is that instead the data being about children they are about
Very serious question
about definition or wording are present through core
texts. Lexical severe malapropism such as disserting about the prostitution of
children rather than sexual atrocities, or about the industry of sex rather
than designating it as gross crimes, crimes that with not doubt belong to
crimes against humanity.
However, one will have to interrogate themselves on whether
this is a language problem.
The jobs of academics and anyhow of professionals in many papers and lectures or
interviews, and in fact purely academic ones, that have for
responsibilities to establish communication, public relations, and a common
vocabulary cannot misuse words by mistake on a regular basis because the work of scholar is to
understand and use words in an appropriate manner as they convey directly or
indirectly the frame of meaning in which the more official side of society will
be able to communicate.
The whole gap identified when needs and necessities are
compared to actions undertaken, and in the case of SAAC the one cannot be more
dolorous preponderant failure on their termination can be explained by this
implicit but certainly convincing unconvicting formulas.
Through abuse of trust.
People’s and
above all academic’ inadequate
language could be but a statement about still sligthly hiden political position about their
approval or not entire disapproval on prostitution violated children entire
life. If children are said to be easy to manipulate, then how should we qualify or
interpret these words, the keys of understandings, premises, their influence
and the reflection they have on people?
Between people pushing for their predations to be accepted
and the reprobation of victims, one could draw a parallel with what happens
with prostitution, and how it could be used for SAAC. The criminalisation of
prostitution urged the movement for the legalisation of prostitution, provoked
by how officials do not help people victims of prostitution but in fact further
harmed them.
One can easily imagine now the little rescues games
organised by business and administration between flooding and dryness, deserts,
and seas be breaks.
Bee Bear.
De fraud, deploring, deform, .
Animate, morosely.
People saying homo is mortal
I thought you
could be interested in reading that one. Could have been amusingly renamed the
Though raising awareness offers
great hope as it would transform the latent inaction and silent by default
postures taken by the authorities, the vast pool of ideas and prototypes
projects inducing awareness raising might also hide the fact that campaigning
the public could have become NGOs’ prerogatives. And that on the other hand
scrutiny by or into the states, only true powerful enough to beat very
organised criminals apparel or entire communities will not be possible.
Was Mike Newell's first
choice for the role of Madame Maxime on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
but declined because Studio Canal (the studio she was contracted to) refused to
give permission for her to negotiate for the role. The role went toFrances de la Tour.
C : I think the proof they are not their own owners. I
don’t think you say no to a harry potter film, your agent, maybe, but not you.
Mind it would have been certainly less funny, than with
frances. Mind frances de la tour, is quite elegant too.
Though bouquet brought French class to its optimum of the
firmament somewhat, or let’s say beauty, but beauty is art, well before Gerard
Depardieu, gerer = manage a lot, it has to be said in Russia tax evaded return
to mafia, but class is so bored border line.
Off ice.
Early rally.
GOLDEN TERRE 2016 03 final
Too much of skyping one time, I went smiling before my
screen saw me and thought for a split second that it was the other one.
I also
developed solid listening and analytics skills helping in my understanding of
people’s needs as well as those of texts’- and meaning.
Trek not trEEk.
The trick of the spirit.
With a z, just like the lightning bold.
Or hazard.
The symbol of the cross could finally be one of the tree,
previously tortured, and decapitated.
If a certain set of genetics has been found to be common to
mental health problems; could then the mental health problems be trigger by
certain type of situations? Also it is the certain ways that society go wrong
that will reach certain types of people. Society would cope differently or were
having different types of problems then other types of people would suffer
primary, visible, documented, categorized, recognized, regarded as deviant
symptoms or reactions to how society would manage well or badly?
And then could suborn ways of reactions, even when reactions
are in fact bad or mad but not made to be thought to be this way, could persist
two-fold because of the fear that change would cause the other groups of
genetically susceptible to react negatively, strongly n create unbalances or
severe maladaptation to the same people that are ruling through commanding mad
rules but considered as ‘natural consequences’ or occasioning bad things but
things with which these people live comfortably. Numb.
Pink Floyd.
Aristotle on natural slavery
Christianity is based on Aristotelian models.
Pre = before,
Before sent, sciences, smell, con-scient.
Before the event? Things to do with is present now or is
present just before what? Or how can we do to sense what next, or fell what’s
Death of animality.
Resident, residue.
Succeed, precede
succeed Decess, access, excess, decease.
Instead of
speaking of public opinion one could be very much convincing, accurate, wise
and correct in saying public knowledge, in honesty.
Shine, Richard ; Amiel, Joshua ; Munn, Adam J ; Stewart, Mathew ;
Vyssotski, Alexei L ; Lesku, John A 2015
Biology Open,
Full text available
19-Year-Old Will Spend the Next 25 Years as a Registered Sex Offender
Zach was arrested last winter
after having sex with a girl he met on the dating app “Hot or Not,” who claimed
she was 17. But she admitted to police that was a lie. She was really 14.
C.ET: America is so unfair;
it makes everyone trembling.
Just like the sting
operations that solicite people directly, THOSE COULD BE A GAME MAKING A FEW
actively seeking, and also mounting operations turning horrors and perversion
into economy. But perv is linked to peers and the rational on why it is not
[C18: from French, from ox(ygène) + (ac)ide; see oxygen, acid]
Owe, ode, own
ox hide.
Beef production damages the environment
24th July
A new study says beef production damages the environment about ten times more than pork, lamb, or chicken production.
24th July
A new study says beef production damages the environment about ten times more than pork, lamb, or chicken production.
C.ET: may the murder of
innocents attacks their criminals directly, and before there is victims without
blood on not in their bodies.
Theirs, very.
Parallel Verses
New International Version
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.
New Living Translation
"A woman must not put on men's clothing, and a man must not wear women's clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the LORD your God.
English Standard Version
“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.
New American Standard Bible
"A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.
King James Bible
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
A woman is not to wear male clothing, and a man is not to put on a woman's garment, for everyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD your God."
International Standard Version
"A woman must not wear what is appropriate to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, because anyone who does this is detestable to the LORD your God.
NET Bible
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor should a man dress up in women's clothing, for anyone who does this is offensive to the LORD your God.
GOD'S WORD® Translation
A woman must never wear anything men would wear, and a man must never wear women's clothes. Whoever does this is disgusting to the LORD your God.
JPS Tanakh 1917
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.
New American Standard 1977
“A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.
Jubilee Bible 2000
The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
King James 2000 Bible
The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are an abomination unto the LORD your God.
American King James Version
The woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination to the LORD your God.
American Standard Version
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto Jehovah thy God.
Douay-Rheims Bible
A woman shall not be clothed with man's apparel, neither shall a man use woman's apparel : for he that doeth these things is abominable before God.
Darby Bible Translation
There shall not be a man's apparel on a woman, neither shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever doeth so is an abomination to Jehovah thy God.
English Revised Version
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Webster's Bible Translation
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination to the LORD thy God.
World English Bible
A woman shall not wear men's clothing, neither shall a man put on women's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to Yahweh your God.
Young's Literal Translation
The habiliments of a man are not on a woman, nor doth a man put on the garment of a woman, for the abomination of Jehovah thy God is any one doing these.
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.
New Living Translation
"A woman must not put on men's clothing, and a man must not wear women's clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the LORD your God.
English Standard Version
“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.
New American Standard Bible
"A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.
King James Bible
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Holman Christian Standard Bible
A woman is not to wear male clothing, and a man is not to put on a woman's garment, for everyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD your God."
International Standard Version
"A woman must not wear what is appropriate to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, because anyone who does this is detestable to the LORD your God.
NET Bible
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor should a man dress up in women's clothing, for anyone who does this is offensive to the LORD your God.
GOD'S WORD® Translation
A woman must never wear anything men would wear, and a man must never wear women's clothes. Whoever does this is disgusting to the LORD your God.
JPS Tanakh 1917
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.
New American Standard 1977
“A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.
Jubilee Bible 2000
The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
King James 2000 Bible
The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are an abomination unto the LORD your God.
American King James Version
The woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination to the LORD your God.
American Standard Version
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto Jehovah thy God.
Douay-Rheims Bible
A woman shall not be clothed with man's apparel, neither shall a man use woman's apparel : for he that doeth these things is abominable before God.
Darby Bible Translation
There shall not be a man's apparel on a woman, neither shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever doeth so is an abomination to Jehovah thy God.
English Revised Version
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Webster's Bible Translation
A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination to the LORD thy God.
World English Bible
A woman shall not wear men's clothing, neither shall a man put on women's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to Yahweh your God.
Young's Literal Translation
The habiliments of a man are not on a woman, nor doth a man put on the garment of a woman, for the abomination of Jehovah thy God is any one doing these.
woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing;
for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.
Professor, i am one of e-followers. i am bilingual and really appreciate your
work. here attached my MA thesis. i send it to you in case you d be interested
in the vocabulary used to designated what has been repeatedly called by mafia,
and social services professionals 'child prostitution'. a horror added to this
crime against humanity.
i also need to
include in my thesis about how American TV creates sting operation in
soliciting adult males to meet what is pretended teens. while i admit these
guys should be given a warming. anyone doing dating on the internet will tend
to say how much people on there are hiding their true identity. etc.
they are in fact
stinging people instead of catching the real criminals, networked, doing that
again and again .....
Hindrances to data collection
and the quality of data, as well as data aggregation (Lalor, 2003) (Whitaker et
al., 2008) (Willis, 2002) (Fong and Berger, 2010) (Broughton, 2009) constitute
the first part of the literature review. Then questioning arises on the way
professionals themselves use terms chronically misused, fuelling
misunderstanding and amalgams or helping the hiding of crimes by defining them
via wordings such as ‘sex industry’, ‘prostitution’ or the ‘commercialisation’
of sexual abuses on children.
The dissertation puts forward
the way paedophilia, one cannot do more taboos and ‘naturally’ ‘at home
matters’, are maintained in the realm of the untold, of the unnoticed, of the
unreported, or un-investigated even though when known of everyone. Could
statistic results be part of the explanations for such unwilling or absence
altogether of serious steps against it? Would it be because of its pervasiveness (UNICEF Pacific, 2006) (Lalor,
2003) that paedophilia is in fact ‘under protection’ or at least protected by
people’ passiveness not daring even for it to be addressed? One cannot say
‘unseen’, as in broad daylight, child marriage included in the US, sex tourism
regions on every continent or whole quarters in India (Whitaker et al., 2008),
of children and under-age individuals exploited in such atrocious ways, remains
juridically untouched, standing as the epitomes of sexual abuses on children
international realm. Even though muffled, reporting appear on popular,
high-circulated papers, without anyone managing to take serious actions against
it. If the spotlight stays discreet, legal
decisions result in letting paedophiles predators
advocating, pressurizing for paedophilic crimes as activists and directors of
organisations in the Netherlands.
of the language by professionals
All the way, reports mention
such things as ‘labour and smuggling’’ instead of ‘trafficking’, ‘child
prostitution’, ‘sex industry’ and so forth. To talk about prostitution instead
of horrific crimes and the punishment that are linked to them, will with
certainty impact on how these issues are considered, tackled or ignored.
Prostitution should have been reworded to phrases conveying how children have
been traded and sexually raped, neutralised, harmed and tortured against money.
The same applies with children called prostitutes but not trafficked, enslaved
children by the sex trades. Alongside it people tend to use vocabulary from a
milieu that endorses sexual abuse against children. It is not even about the
percentage of professionals using these terms instead of words reflecting the
crimes they attempt to designate. It is no longer the question, this paper uses
these erroneous terms similarly since a lack of reformulation rules over the
impossibility of naming those abuses otherwise. Professionals use the ‘new
wave’ name depicting what have been defended as being ‘sex work’ for adults,
and from there, one will define victims as being within (or rather belonging
to) the ‘sex industry’ (Broughton, 2009, p.2). The ‘sex industry’, as it is
erroneously called, using children as victims, is expending. Left indefinitely
like this and the by default classifications, academic quotes and phrases would
then legitimate it as being a business rather than a crime industry of the most
horrendous (if not so vilified) and punishable type of abuses.
The number of children
involved in national and international sex industry (Broughton, 2009, p.2)
as it is inappropriately
and shamelessly called
Rehabilitation, resocialization[i]?
Article 9.3 of the Optional Protocol requires States Parties to “take all
feasible measures” to ensure all appropriate assistance to children who are
victims of offences mentioned in the Protocol, “including their full social
reintegration and their full physical and psychological recovery” (Broughton,
2009, p.12).
It is true that aiming at full
inclusion, and full protection is essential and has by any means to be reminded
and observed. Though this kind of formulation also infers that these same
professionals do not know what they specialise in. They are the signs of a too
easy, permissive, self-uncritical, satisfied jargon typifying once again that
the burden is put on the child (Purvis and Ward, 2006) to fully recovered from
what may be nearly impossible to. In that case pathologies could be treated as
not normal and be punished as particularities, and symptoms or signs (type of
resilience or healing processes that will be discounted, ignored or unexamined)
could then be perceived as backwards or as inner deficiencies. It is also forgetting
or erasing the ongoing realities of people having been or being harassed, and
victimised. It pronounces the abuses as mendable, just a blip in the course of
one’s life- it is trivialising it. Even though people jargon about sexual
exploitation on children, they routinely used economic terms just like
‘rehabilitating’ them into general trading, and where even there, growth is
‘attained’. ‘Full reintegration’ resounds as the pride of a social system that
simultaneously ‘allows’ that to remains well-known and left aside
perpetrations, promulgating or providing at last, the perspective of being
integrated to the system: as a reward, a final and late join-in.
It ok I’ ll send that to him
later. there is nothing wrong with a break. I thought I was gonna die in London
anyway. no friend, no girlfriend, no flat worth of this name, no quiet time,
only pay. and socio-economic conflicts and predations when you are still on
your way.
Conflicts that aren’t ethnic or
cultural but economic predations.
When you rarely realized that your computer has a camera,
has, as an eye, and internet to decipher.
What is your favourite film?
Give a summary of the plot (the story), and reasons why you
like it.
1: people talk about the film they have chosen.
2: people in the audience can ask questions.
People forgetting the importance of powers, wanting to kill
vipers. Or all snakes for this matter.
Any grow a nature would have the same reasoning with us,
they kill or might kill so let get rid of them thus.
To be bitten by mistake, and be granted with their noses and
sense of torpor. The tornado that don’t prevent nor impeach the wind unchained
and warm cover.
Cut, cult. Defy.
An image of colonisation, is
the white American on horseback making sure no one else enjoy the country side.
When you think of the natives. It makes you feel more than sad, and dubious is
back as is cabal.
The ones who argue there are no
god are the masters of insolence.
He whom those who claim they
write a book about they.
Golden. Den.
Ado gaol,
Gail. Gale. Equal.
Guard, eden.
pray to pray
join you in eternity.
if you were next to me.
could I have done to deserve this
opened way, to a life of love, hope
no sanity as anything between this and me, render my thoughts fire and ice.
they could to destroy or stop feeling you went.
Lethal injection for death
penalty utilise on animals for what. Of what are they guilty??
In the snake, females bigger.
We will reach a point in
knowledge when you will be able to check on your illness on the net without
being able to cure them, or even go to see the specialist about it.
All money, skills and energy
going into campaigning and elections. Campaigning to let people know about
society drastic needs. Without any corrections brought on how welfare money
coming from the state are spent, to no avail or onto bribes, because the big
bosses or all ‘their’ employees are so good to be willing to work for 5 figures
in this god forsaken affair.
I give you a round, answering some questions I had.
I gave you a series
of documents, you just need to say anything you want about them. I said the
opposite, I said you do a role play with me (my answers will be very brief- as
a staff you have to give me the options- ideally all options), not in groups, students
will go one by one-, if you want to recite the documents it is 100 % ok. you
also can tell me about the texts with your own words.
if you don't find
anything to say, then I will ask you questions straight away, but I strongly
advise you to come to the exam with dialogues or lists of sentences ready and
say them to me.
I won’t ask questions directly on the only English texts,
but it is recommended you talk about them if you want a better mark.
Third part are the exercises but it is the smallest part of
the test.
PS: if you talk to me about optional things, they will be
bonus points.
We will see a world where teaching positions, all teaching
positions, will be taken by the financial people that put us in a pouring
economic crisis, and the business people in charge of the ethics. Over the
philosophers and other academics that will have to lie to go on reading,
writing, and looking after scholarships.
Be guided by ideas that are greater than us, meaning greater
than little heteros, religious parties, etc., etc.
The fact that people will leave longer, without leaving
behind, being, any will, or financial or concrete legacy, will bring parents
and children relationship, old and young to another threshold, and themes.
The ones of euthanasia energical, generically or sickly
sited, cited.
Hello, I need to know how much cash I am allowed to take out
of China as a foreigner, I cannot find any data coming from official websites?
Moreover since, I cannot take out all the money I earn here
and also because my bank status is so low that my card, in this time and age,
does not permit me to buy or any other kinds of transaction via internet.
When ideas such as the world and its units are
systematically described (or describing.) within a tubular approach of our own
‘scientized’ (FORMALISED) understanding.
It is why art arts parallel to any other academics is purely
People say changes are detrimental for families and social
stabilities and security… a great example is the industrial revolution where
people died in the mines and patriarchy was at its finest.
How long will take for the revolution of clean technology to
take place, in a world, if still the case, to be all (cull cell) called and
classed, cased, under that name. in a place where hypocrisy cannot hide inter
and inner bad feelings and awful taste.
Racism, tolerance for spiteful religion in spite of the
means that brought to an end, other species livings.
XX century said to be the most murderous in what people
still called wars. But what about before security problems and discreet
murderers or all life poisoning and even better.
What will be called our future famines or pollutions related
epidemic and chronic murderous deeds, kills, and vies.
Going on after that, despise of that, or just wanting that
as the easiest meal. Fittest? Let’s ee see what an all protector would say and
remove from this?
All that French.
The country most
world historians see as responsible for the defeat of Germany in WWII was
JapanGreat BritainFrancethe Soviet Union
The Soviet Union
paid the greatest price and is generally considered to be the most responsible
for the defeat of Nazi Germany.
WHEN one realises all the nationalism, socialism that were
taking at the time involving purges, corruption and famines, one then realises
the role of capitalism or liberalism at bay from state fuelled systematisation
of horror and surrender.
Is the story of the boundaries drawn (drown) in Africa
colonialist being the fruit of inadvertence true or genuine?
Or wold I suggest the inevitability of civil wars and the
discreet purge that would (fatality foci, forge forcibly foolishly, folk fall)
follow or be in- get rid by murder and after by majority, or constant terrors?
When I gauge my life against the love I had…
An emptiness, but this time, it is mine.
Even the mightier of the storms, for the strength of the
nature it is very little. Its natural.
I means that nature is gentle or haven’t come down to a
cycle where here her agents understood she hosted her killers.
We are not capable of this, but next stage and in fact right
(rig) now, would be waiting in awe.
Wetting our weight, a feather.
Disposed of her body
The murder going on onto breaking news, recurrent,
incessant. Unascend, scent, confirmed by LAPD and neighbouring states or
counties. Or countries. Look like advertisement of a substitute for the game of
throne, and shone.
It is somewhat
intriguing that the metric system, sole we intimately understand as working
through units, are going by 10. Just like the numbers of toes or fingers.
As big as our
mathematical sense, it presupposes.
And the way we are so
sure that other animals cannot think or philosophize.
C.ET: art will end near
imperialise, perene, enoble enable humans to represent, lasting 5 mn, what is at
the apex or apocalypse or apology of all life (a sample of their extremes or
exterior/internal, inferring, king sheer uttering, uterine, infernal or
extremities) but this one, this tension lasting never ending. Overtly. The
opium that we are looking for, the live fully, that we reach 3 seconds a day
instead of all the time, praying almighty.
The reciprocity. Live in
sin. Because of not reaching, not in. not even close, the revolution coming
with feeling, the knowing through the light that enters the palace or have
Animal tortures, utilisation or consumption. Not (took take)
talking about animals worn. Work.
To stop these tortures is intrinsic to evolution, though
evolution may h 2 different roads, the horror or the sublime. A progression
where (or in chick in which) naturally we would come to decision between food
and death, or we would revert fighting for survival or for avoiding to
slaughter as a primary or sole activities. The end of short live existence, the
sire, arising sure one of short lived survival.
Worn. Work.
Though yes same as humans, will they have to prosternate, or
prost something else. Procast, procrastinate.
Took, cot.
For grant.
My wife, my religion.
In front of my tomb, in front of your womb, praying for
Knowing that you are not with me, reassure me now, since how
to deserve you, how to protect you. How to thank the world. Or. Orl-ando.
Nothing wl will do and ee even less my poetry.
There are no ghosts for you, nor for me. I, you don’t have
to die. Everyom moment we spend for me this three, continuously.
I can’t thank god, I
could not thank the creator that would allow me.
I can’t thank god, I could not thank the creator that would
allow me.
In front ot of the autel, asking why I could not do better,
and take care of some of the souls around, the love you inspire to me.
The wife, who I should before knee, the children any living
change, chose.
You know you can take me, death, my body for you. The next
journey for her, to find the way. How many kio kilometres, years, millenary,
how cold or hot, sole, lonely, desperate, but praying, crying for ther there,
her, for you to put your feet, fee, on my spine for your security. For your
life? Not without me, not for another, be take eternity. Or you the door to
divinity. This life did not want me with you.
When i prefer not to be with you, as my person could not
Philosophy is a many mani, maniac. Query. Just (jus) like
customary religion searching a justification to their rhymes and crimes.
Creamed. The cost of sacrifice that never killed but booster
aggressivity? No stupidity.
One day will surely die 10 times worse than the way we eat and
make suffer others, and other species.
Because the contrary would not satisfy any logic.
The Christians faith does not allow (sick suit) suicide, but
what about one that cannot live with their sins, deeds or conditions.
Fight, flight. Succeed. Predecessor, secession, decease,
procession. Predate, predation.
Reminder: in martial art, the belly is everything, so are
the women.
What people forget in being completely outer despising to
other people saying that the way is business and we don’t want your art, we
don’t want your aca specialists, etc., etc., is that we don’t want their shits
either, and take the way of consumerism, or consumerism. That we want something
as concreate as abstract, as spiritual as practical, the dignity and digging, dignitary
of living, means only one thing to deserve it and to deserve it one has to
honor it.
Science, sequence.
Cultures and cultural quests.
The grail, god, blood, life, eternity, or just idea that
makes travel, tremble or wanked.
But do not think that nature will take us like that, the day
we decide to go up to the mountains, because we cannot decide for that, and if
we try nature won’t take it this way, this easy, we will suffer our death, day,
or life, without breathing thin nor this, or fils, thief.
You know that inevitably one day or another that (each) day
will have its time; the role of a thinking and acting being to minimize or
maximise what happens.
At least I would have written for the love I felt rather
than the one I shared. But in fact the day I die or rather every time, I could
rest on a stone and us become one, just because my land is hers, and that o
cold marry flesh blood thought sentiment.
The sorcellery, relation to the dark- unknown, untamed- and
inner essence of the nature.
Why taste a poison? bCause we don't know what its medication
Why going in the dark, because of the dark. The dark feels
lonely. If you are terrorized by it, it is simply the fear of that needs to be
met and under-gone. The dark is dark only through absence. And the dark is
light as universal needs call for going through to the restful.
And censorship by politics or definite pretension.
By the way society wants them to be rigid in an ultimate
sentimentality of denunciation.
If human beg beings killed a species that took billions of
years to appears, like all of us, how many years of damnation for this, who
wants to do it/?
And if the light, that constitutes spirits and ghosts, was
not light but ways that were shown. Just a field on which or in which could
slide our concentration.
Free ways to the reborn.
Or the light just before the absence of matter, suck out or
leaving space for encounters with what desperately try to reach the mind or its
sister, soul, question, nervousness, virtuosity, verbosity, impulsion, intuit,
intuition, ignition, Inuit, ion. Input, progress, protest, procession,
Profession, pogrom, mort, gap, the death we spell and sow,
will never let us know that.
A cat, unaccounted form.
Track. Crat. The foe, the fur, the fort.
Omnipotent, present, by the thread of a theme, read fill.
Filial, and the partaking.
Line, linear, agent, cm, complex contingency.
Seal, siblings. Lease, bliss, nil.
On property.
you can't say all empty
property, it would mean to become the trumpeter for people to violate
individual space, the one we work for, we live for and thanks to, and live by,
to experience oneself, to keep some kind of relative, subjective, absolute
liberty, the one we found ourselves, we need to work out, and grow not onto
property but propriety. etc. pela please spell your boundaries, the limits of
between reappropriation and thieves sheer execution, exclusion, if not
exclusive executive.
What are the empty spaces for? To get exploited? Invaded?
Subjected? So militaristic, endowed with unlimited false justifications against
any good will.
Using mathematics was designed to solve problems; not to
create them.
The myth of the werewolf to
stop people enter in communion with the natural world,
humanity pretence superiority
whereas in fact they don’t even belong.
We can imagine a vampire myth
(mirth), around the fact that cemetery are near the refuge aspect of a church,
the comforting ideas that for a living one could need only a grave and people
around serving as food, more deliciously (delict, relic) people that could or
would have before made sure that life would have been a living hell for the
victims;; now eating.
Monsters and the hungriness
revealed for curiosity.
Or having to have one’s own
life lay.
The state domain was totally
nepotism as long as the salary was alright. By nepotism it was meant the
behaviour of whatever got the mild milk easy nowadays. The private sector
existed at the relief of everyone because we could not fight to get a job when
the state employment were included, it was too near the rog, or the clog of the
machine, too explosive, too near the jugular
, -= the the the throttle.
The other ones, less good
salary, where staff quit, and the others excel in the no wrong right doing.
Doing nothing. Where no one
word can(not not) be said nor seen.
This, vie, very zealous manner
by and with which professionals admonish against not comprehensive and well
know or informed writing, while so few of them are paid to compile.
between circus, pets and domesticity: between lock-in flat
and slaughter destiny.
C.ET: the question of human captivity is also at stake, what
we would not do or live like that if we were free, or not dependent on rules
that do not enhance nature, force, knowledge but servility.
I was listening my instinct and
I also always was rewarded by some increasingly worrying catastrophes. That
made me think that instinct was intrinsically wrong. Till the day I understood
that it was rewarded or punished or tortured by human beings actions on what it
Punish, finish.
Pun, pen.
Instinct, instance.
Transient, intransigence.
Laws, slave.
The oceans, seas and rivers,
once uncross able, uncrushable, crux and flair, lair and grail a gall, scene of
our despair, now, will be prayed and venerate for their giving, space and air.
I was a bit
puzzled that a European degree in translation wanted from me to be an
English native speaker.
It is not emigration the
problem. you cannot accuse migrants to change the rules of one's country for
worst. It only shows that people inside were waiting for things to become more
and more appalling. just to fall into decadency and live out of the dying. for
conning be more fast and secure, etcc...It is why people will split nations,
geographic area and the world, to preserve inequalities. and some without
having even to admit it. as for tweeter it is why people end up all day
insulting it is so few character and world limit allow that it is ridiculous
communicating, let alone discussing.
Maybe you should have them legally. you know one cannot put
on sharia it spreading. the uk, france, Germany (practising) will be as
responsible as any.
It is in the human nature, if
you have nothing to do (studies, libraries, communities achievements,
entertainment, give them or watch them), people will find something to do, and
each time it will be around resources as you will need to compete for them or
just decide to destroy the word that cannot regulate in fairness and harmony.
Auto-destruction marching order
could be as simple as that.
Just to reassure the americans,
when devillepin, foregin minister of france, come to tell the americans that
they should follow france because it is a old country having known barbery,
without remembering its collaboration per se, then it is only worth the still
hysterically funny good mockery we can see us, on French tv at 8 pm,
caricaturing the politicans and other celebrities, the problem ream remains I
am not too sure it is allowed to depict one’s nation given to this level of
dirtiness, vileness and in fact inhumanity. Or any other low and coward, or
treacherous, or lying, propagandist, stealing behaviour nor measures. We still
have to mock other people, other a nation. Becore before slipping into further
blasphemy. Ballast blast.
Males are said to be
competitive to permit the entire family to steal inside and outside their reach
-just far more beyond that could sustain insanity.
They steal their mothers,
sisters, fathers, as a service for the patry.
We divide cultural and
politics, denying how culture is politics and the absence of culture in
politics just pillage and raillery.
Logics is the devil coming take
its toll, look at what we ve done
Toll. Loot, stool.
Laugh, Loki.
Creator in Egyptian mythology =
Latin Odin .
A tome.
One destroys what people had of history by destroying the
incentives the others have to study it. Their arts and technology, biology, or
at least their arts, their stories.
Or the civilisations destroy themselves killing it.
Arts, justice and salvage, discovery. Leave nature teaching
what is unseeed, unseen, esa, escaping poor humanity blinded, usurpating
Domination is used to ‘naturalise’ societies that submit
people into poverty, poor individuals building poor society will have to fight
poorly. And here goes the species.
Just like these universities peering pretending debates. But
not about more knowledge or in-tell-line, e intel, ingenious inter-exchanges,
but to profess how none is relevant just how to gt get (a jet set) job,
speaking rubbish and abuses hidden in fees and fizz. A freeze of corrupted
training and conscripts.
Effect, ephes.
Sue, science. Scur, rescue.
Unconscienced has been coined by Freud. A last century
So what.
What is then all that is around matter, illusion and what we
sense of it.
Our ways of saying, seeing that animals are inferior. While
we manage to know nothing about the strength that are around. Maybe excg exca
extract, exchange some ideas and account, numerisation and coloration, but
after what. The neant.
Human, a fraud.
Let’s conceptualise a world
where mythologies are in fact the ones who are right. Logically, as they were
the people listening to mature, mother nature. Or even when not listening as
not virtuous and virtuoso, hearing.
Minus the aim of destruction,
slavery, utility. Mythology reserves, reveals agnotism and the need for a
circulating and doming, dominant energy.
The horror, and the gross
vulgarity of talking about phallus, while not noticing that it is vaginal, or a
tunnel that only the individual can own and slay.
Satan, the fallen agneau,
angel, said I cannot bow in front of human beings because I have been created
first and I am older, and therefore superior. So would devil be defined this
A chronologic, logical
justification identified, personified as wrong.
In some catholic interpretation, Satan is the devil as it is
an angel that do not want to serve humanity.
As their main reference? As the man at the image of a god.
As pretentious as the real thing.
How Christianity is the peluptieme (empty mode) of epitome
of chr, liberalism and capitalism.
The forced adulation.
Christianism like many other religions seek faith not in
god, but in that they are the image of it.
The di, devil is said to be able to change its forms, and
therefore the sa snake is just one that has influenced, biased the human
Maybe th goat has been taken so often, as people with the
lambs, were to move in the mountains. Were free and alone.
Just like horrid plagues could have come to make humans
realise they are not on their earth, to stop the plundering.
To think one has yield, even oneself could be yielding to a
devil’s pact, when there is none coming.
The desire or the necessity to bring back animal strength,
intelligence, capacity, to fight against the cold or any human or other
A captivity.
Acculer, in French
Anti-christ is always represented as being male, what
misogyny grotesque.
And could that be then, through the writing of a leader,
that what is called the anti-christ could remain.
Post-moderne, post-mot-
They go on taking, talking of a bes, beast, bea, typical.
The end of world is not coming but here as for the si
disparition of species, human beings will have to pay.
Golden 10 06 to 04 2018
Mix with docs titled ‘Golden 10 06’
There is as many definitions as there are people. So
definitions are what we commonly agreed. But common is not shared and what we
generalised, industrialised, our growth, our loss and despair.
Communally, what will, has to, must? Grow is the
industrialisation of fencing. Greed.
I admit that the vatican 'has to be' the target of terrorism, just a bomb
like for 9/11. bringing wars. le vatican en feu. une guerre qui ne pourrait
etre evitee plus longtemps si le coeur de l europe et ses vestiges historiques
cessent d etre proteges, car si on ne sait intervenir pour les canons alors que
deviendront nos chairs.
Maybe what differentiate Jesus from other human beings after
resurrection, is the fact that he has been judged. i.e that he had seen this
error and errs.
I think that the church has too much sinned, regarded to
women, poverty, spirituality…to go on with power any longer.
As for the other it has been never anything such as a
religion despite its campaign successes.
A religion is what bring every creation to an equal foot,
not food to the creator. Not the opposite, or not unlike it.
Though I don’t think Freud can be interpreted as every child
depends mostly upon their parents for future sexuality, freud installed a
switched against invasion, mould, manipulation that can work at least in some
measures, perhaps for the main.
It is an Eros, Thanatos situation where the body if it loves
(and in the child circumstances in all vulnerability, in all dependence) can
also destroy, utterly separate, stop and annihilate. Annulated.
You think vegetarianism would
be bad. so for the moment what is it overstocked with. overstock is your belief
that nature is your kitchen. in hell. what if life's aim would be to balance,
that is to stop the need for killing or invading, without pretending they are
going so weak that they will have to die, to their believe we are in a
predators prey situation, that suit their weakness enabling them to prey on
people searching peace, creativity, etc, by stealing with no morals or stronger
attitude concerning existence. i know that there are carnivores and
scientists should study the way they could live without having to kill. or eat
flesh, eat one's own flesh. fell like flea. humans are not carnivores they are
or starving or for what is here just stupid.
And you can check there are
no striving imbeciles that are lasting anylonger in evolution theories or
Theory, hero, terror.
Scientist, horrific.
Often religions and sciences are opposed. If what if
religions instead of hiding only sciences or sciences hiding spiritual have
both hidden reality?
As for the referendum splitting Europe with the UK, I am
sure that after 2 lamentable term run by a pm such as D. Cameroon it is the
sole trick this twat, in charge with how a manager knowing nothing from oxford
district could do quite well considerately.
You know why the referendum after so two pitiful term, just
at the end of his mandate, when I caught myself begging for him to stop taling
talking about Scotland, fearing the Scots will have to leave, treating
everybody like its boys, like if everyone’s life had been so simpleton but
Because it will be remembered. A referendum is what makes
and unmake history, it is what the General De Gaulle did after violent mass
demonstrations against him. It is something that will stay in history,
something that will come up so often in quizzes.
Cameroon him trow that question about years and years of his
week and week after weak, deomo demonstration on how pathetic the English
people had to be to let his political head interfere in state matters like if
it was another company, ready to go, to downsell, to outsource, and above all
transpiring with dishonesty, with so flimsy worries and themes that if we were
to broadcast of this PM talked to his people it would be in fact dangerous for
the UK. Without any serious, with so little important matter and deeper
discussion in hand that the best he (not could have done) but deign doing was a
discourse on the emergency on some floods happening in the country. We don’t
need a head to that, there are hundreds of should well-serving MP.
Pathetic, pathologic, and servile, because when one accepts.
And if secrete agencies, sects, religions, or political,
leadership organisations had that of terrorizing not so much what they hide,
but what they managed to spy in. and the result of a conglomerate of accumulate
information others kept unexchanged, at least as long as it is for taking
control with air of superiority. E.Ts.
Could religions holy sites be within desert or walking
distance of it, as they then through climatic conditions, allowed the
preservation of the scriptures.
Could chaos be a force that is younger or past the time of
reason, the reason of time, end its beacon.
In terms of psychopathy, there is a maniple plural, an
announced manipulative control that may mean that we could unaware dissimulate
our psychopathic traits. Because one stopped caring in groups. To certify
oneself as not being one, and killed animals just out of the ‘eternal vomiting
pleasure’ to eat them.
Con control.
Controlee, counter lea. Lies, pies, spies and pis.
I would agree that common therapies cannot work on certain
people, but also because common therapies are, have nothing to do with care,
security, empathy and integrity, and that not only towards their patients, the
source of income, but ward,s, towards the whole society
Psychology market, receipt, recited.
Psychology now, as a reverse of its most classical annoyed
habit, stopped put the responsibility on the mother, family, but in fact by
more modern extension themselves, the therapies, the society, to put it on
innate characteristics.
Of course changing anything is a danger as it is the
combination of the two that has to have effectiveness, exclusivity.
To assert a behaviour recognised by all as destructive is
biological is one more steps, not stops, at manipulation of genes, DNA…
Manipulation assent.
When you are 20 you don't
know the difference. presumably the boys may have flirted with her, and ask her
here and there out. i dated a older woman when i was 17, 20 years later i am
still consumed with love. 14 is too young, it is punishable and it is good this
way. but every story does not depict intended crime.
The trick in psychology is the treatment from normal to what
is observed or qualified as being deviant. So it is the analyse of someone who
say ok the horrors of today are a fact of life versus what they categorised as
being pathologic. Super schema.
So, shotgun, short of hun, or none the better for that.
People not talking about what is going on in (maybe towards
even) their mind, there, the energy, thoughts and believes reigning of and on
the matter they see, are inclined to and towards and prosperate.
Or people do not say
anything, because what is considered mental illness is at the intersection of
taboos paranormal, supernatural being so because people do not want recognise
either the power and the restrictions of the mind. that it is something else,
that something we don't have any clue about, on or over.
5 Most Disturbing
& Unethical Human Experiments
Je viens de voir un documentaire : si tu dis a des enfants qu’ils sont
des personnes ayant tendance a bégayer (alors qu'ils ne begayent pas a
l'origine, avant l'experience, ils le deviennent ! bégayeurs.
Of course, the problem is that if you tell them they are the best, then
they will have to adjust all their lives, and since best does not exist, that
woould persist is to destroy the land.
Ooooouuuuuuu, sniff, sniff.
Humanity keeps on demarking, comparing itself with the
animal reign in order to compare themselves to god then. Main, man, mean,
meaning that they thing they are more divine. Which give them a system in which
they do not have to prevent animals’ death, the in fact only thing that could
make them a distinct species, to be able to summon justice and sciences in
order to stop killings. Any.
In Nostradamus prophecies, the name of hister announcing
hitler as a second anti-christ is even more surprising when reading Nostradamus
writing in old French, XVI French, whose “S” read like a German umlaut.
Hysteria. iso, esotery hysteria.
Mutation is not only due to the necessity of eating (or
moving, hunting, thinking) differently but also the conscience, the awareness
of having to operate this: the metamorphosis.
From there two others:
Animals fighting cold and
thirst all hours and days long thus encounter otherwise and more profound in
many times and ways that the philosophy of the mind whose body is heated or
surroundings do not have to face weathers and intemperate temporality.
To evolve humans will have to
access veganism, the only way to reduce the amount of pain and injustice, false
sacrifice = done out of being sinful and unwilling to thanks the gods for every
life, life = hope for liberty, happiness, creation, discovery…
Some people say the difference btw people and (other)
animals is that humans know they will be dying. Humans know nothing about
death, like they know nothing about creation as they know nothing about animals
and therefore nothing about beliefs, thoughts, matrices and Agamemnon.
The racism like everywhere it is and has been consists also
in saying to people that they don’t look like the guys that are in their
country. I am almost sure that an Indian, that all aborigines suffer from
racism this way. You don’t look American while they have been decimated for
being it.
This comes from possession: they want to own a country, they
want to own a land, the laws, and what is in it, and through this position also
own other nations.
Demise and the only premise.
We keep on talking about magic thoughts and magic call and
search as not an illumination but as a pardon and paradise lost.
We kill nature and therefore the rest of what we have still
to see, touch, contact won’t or very little show what it has or demonstrate
their own and sheer company.
Cee, celebrities are respected generally due to the fact
that they are the products of society, that is and their outcomes, what they
did, and their glory belonging to everybody. The same for all creation, that is
the orchestral music belonging and having been made by the whole of its
assembly. Namely the lords and the slaves. There is no such thing as a culture
of such and such, no more that there is one society.
Gong, belong.
The thing, the gauge of life creation, that even if not
animated, is nonetheless living.
Common reading also is
illusory because render possible in that kind of flash news, recurrently
coming, alone in mass media communication, to even make sure that their
followers get dizzy on one eternal aspect of the message they send: there will
be never anything in depth, anything that will solve the story. Cons
everywhere, abuses without end, problem describes years after years without
being stopped, just like in laboratories inflict on animals and just observed. ob
served, obvious perversity. common reading in context that is.
Atomic as grotesque is
pervading everywhere as long as however knowledgeable, however commited and
however acting in fairness, our actions will not take place and be rewarded by
societal activities, not a job not even a volunteer one. as power of action is
si regulated, by the only let-motive that is eventually permitted, interested,
the most vested. vest = robe, the habit = in French the cloak,
the garment of a profession. the justice as via all other pressure groups
biased as the human rights organisations selectively sponsored and retributed =
PR, consultancy, recruitment and ceo, but nowhere teaching by extension
(courses are so expensive that not intelligence will trinkle up or down the
ladder of hermeticity) the rest are serfs and royalty = loyalty to growth and
consumption eating up nature, culture, evolution.
As for Hermes, voyageur and messenger, the nature gods have
nothing more to say but warring the ones that seek egoistic eternity = death to
everybody + have to be cover(ed of) and with falsity. Messange, ange, massaging
not the truth but last intrepidity. Be planet earth our last judgment before we
destroy more of it.
The other sex, that is not essentially heterocentric but the
other, as partner, as desire, as object (matter, imaginary, reality).
Toward completion maybe or division, recession, or the birth
of another organism, but that cannot survive without a parent, or in a situation
of pluralism a society, tolerant of communality and particularity. The same,
the other, the oddity.
The stranger, the outer, the inner and descent. The
uniqueness asked by the work of nature able to feed a tree with water, roots,
the sun and the dust of what constitutes this unicity, unity.
‘Hister’ in Nostradamus, could mean not Danube but Easter.
What about MABUS.
At least we know that MA could be the diminutive of Madam,
just like Notre Dame.
Just like a woman on the cross.
Desertification in china.
C: I have lived in China almost 2 years and what I saw of
the desertification process is the systematic bombing of the hills. When people
want to make space, they just bomb the hills for the soil to become flat. The
jungle is gone and instead a red ground is all what is left.
Master of abus, of M standing for Mr, Mrs, or Ms.
Let’s see in Mrs or a sign, a relics of possession Mr’s or
of polygamy, one of those@ both aberrati0ns.
Les langues, les sons, les bruits de la nature, ne meurent jamais.
Tels sont les vibrations échangées, et le langage entre les espèces et les
Dialects, sounds, echoes of
nature never cease, forever live.
The mutual vibrations,
inter-species exchanges btw space, time and the flesh who incarnated it. But
what of what has been made suffering, extinct, derelict. What words they will,
must say.
Have to. Have ebb but not be.
Like ethnic e cleansing.
could become from lave = lava but equally laver = cleaning.
On murderers, theft, vandalism and injustice. To the ingenu
of the radical and extremist or populist, leading (lie din, bin leaden leading)
Spirit of expension, territorisation, possession (possession
includes when community want what be taken for and utilised by one, or when
people want to steal other people instead of producing or creating) and
appropriation will do that.
Water and air. Both life indispensable, and threatening our
existence in a matter of seconds or days. Both transparent.
I am a vegan, I still think that we are to find ways not to
eat vegetable.
Spire, rites
Just like rituals come from abound, bonding, abundance(s),
or shortage and when irreligious or irreverent, wasting.
Tall talking on growth rooting rot in political speeches
instead of creation, creativity, art, sciences, renovation, conservation, care,
thriving, nurturing conditions. A planet whose human, animal, and all element
mission is the one of protection, love and recognition.
Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds - Ancient Sounds that
Advanced your Consciousness
Jill Mattson
C.ET: interesting
lecture, on how sounds, instruments, music, performance, disposition,
architecture, of course, and healing process as well as body and scientific
research were to do with mathematics, or formulas,
She explains, very interesting I think, that for
example each music has a positive and negative poles, like a magnet, and that
the listeners have to be attracted by the kind of energy they need at the
Which renders listening skilss active interaction with
a piece of art, that is an instrument.
[i] These amalgamations through data is one of the many
seeded by words. It makes us oblivious of the gravity of what sexual abuses
are. The ‘killing’ of an individual, whose traumas goes beyond repair, because
of the abuses impact themselves but also as society not through disempowerment
this time but complicit actions often reacts with further stigmatisation. Why these abuses could stay unhealable? Not
because of their victims’ fragility but because society knowing remained
passive, not actively enough stopping and preventing.
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Inthenameofhumanrights © 2014 - 2018
Cettevies © 2014 - 2018