
Wednesday, January 28, 2015



What exploited by its one people?
Don’t give me that. There is no peoples’
Countries are simply borders and screen for financial illegitimacy.

You want someone’s dead body?
You would have a corpse.

You are telling me that it is the end of the family,
The truth is that you want harm my children?
It is why as a homosexual you ll become deadly.
As in live you ve got to fight for life, but more simply people threatened you directly.
What when they damned you to and the one you would help, house, who would be the measure for the whole of your sympathy and concern.

When people ‘save your life’, it is supposed to inspire ‘unlimited love’.
In arms.

Religious people.
But only on chit chat.
The culture based on wishful thinking and wall paper for cover.
Not at all, as long as religious are not religious, they are due to extinction.


An adult,
An audience,
An emergency,
An ordeal.

Being older and more confident.
Of having more experience.
Renders you calmer.
The taste of oblivion.

Racism. Is color blinding oneself to the beauty of nuances.

Feeling in love
And for it, thanks to
As energy cannot be waste
When weighting it
With what I owe you.
The achievement upon what one
A bounty.
As when whatever is felt but trigger by another sower
Being able to redirect
On the level of the wanted deeds.
Wishing then wise, necessary.

Like duties to it all.
The dimension passing by
The essence of taking care came of our world.
Speak about concentration plainly.

In transcription that me that since I love you and has to improve for not being to red at your approach, when I come to consciousness of my being in emotional contact with somebody, taken like a pretence to cease my on-going, I think of you, and only like that can find the amicable fashion to go back to my resume.

Writing today, and fearing tomorrow, as I will have to revise the casual, and to note what I spew, will retry me, without touching you.


Thinking of you, when I am weak.
Remind me that I should be tougher, and go back to my dreams.
I don’t know if you will ever agree,
But what, the chaos, disruption, eruption, explosion, metamorphosis, brought
Tell me at each moment that I am not a wheeler enough for you to be pround, willing, and satisfied, as long as I am so low and complacent.

All what I like bear your name.
All what I see bear my liking as you haven’t left.


Mental demands.



Cetvies                             © 2005 – 2014
Inthenameofhumanrights © 2005 – 2014
Cettevies                          © 2005 – 2014

Performances are not systematic. All of us have to repair and conduct major issues in our own ways of functioning and adapting fairings: fare.
Live is intellectual, physical but what about the density. There is no performance that are relative, all are jauged by the reasoning of the minds, did I follow the crack? Did. (head-heed) That breakthrough could have been.

She is.
This for her lover, meaning the world, the possibly (like possible) visible essence of life.
The one by whom every truth in your heart, courage in the wit, blossom of the mind, deepness of the spirit, through the love, as intensity; she proved you can be, will perpetuate (tuat tur tour true-trout troup) out of your acts, towards anyone, any issues, any of enhancing qualities that one can remember having, every.
Ever, reve. Reve = in French fresh fern for dream.

I don’t fear death, I don’t scorn it, nor belittle it. I want a widow. Window.
To still love you you departed.

To wag.

 E er nity
Se re nity.
S [

Find a way of finishing you without even having to force.
Finding your crack, by any canals the move, that replays, those replete, lay one’s unfairness, discrepancy, gap, dislocation. If someone find out and infiltrate it, guided by the sole energy necessary at protection, self or for any other, disinterested, as interest in the bastardey intentions and results are crooky.
It is how you can be killed by a shout or a glance only, when the core apply and life always find the path at her whole maintenance, the whole solemnity.
Art martials.

I cannot proceed in my proving that you are at my center. How could I express that the whole of I like doing is what could be good to be dedicated.
My breath, for sole console.

I stayed loyal for years to someone who did not want this because the convergence of our eyes had triggered thunders. What is gonna happen if ours ignite storms?
Torn, horn, thorn, thora, throa.

I kept on thinking, there is only my lover I love, love above everything, because it will the rest permit.
And from this to this, it is finally a lot of people aside, waiting for our completeness, that I love in thinking of it along the way. Those should abstain to betray. Tray. Trail, trial.

Theories are the jewel of practises in preventing and alternativings.
Theories when proactivity or summary.
Summon. Mount, noon moon. Sum.

Not wanting any trials, because when one thinks of love, they think so entirely.
Now my whole feelings and expectancy based on the story leading to the one from, by, about whom every relief comes and displays; what would occur to me if I was proven that I was just a fling, one day?
Rather set the contents millimetres by millimetres, analysing all of it could ease the process of having to take my shell away.
What about if it goes? I would have spend my life taming the universal through your eyes and because of having ask you, what would you like from my destiny, finding myself with the answer of a damned dummey.

I have been writing for decades almost, for one.
This one is g-one, and another I don’t know if in reality but in my flesh replacing the what made me function.
 Look, you are the one, or you are the person I ll just be in company for a few times, but I live and everything has to be conduct with an up going intensity.

While training muscularly, enjoying the weight going further from your joint, to stretch before pulling.
To calculate these extensions, flexions, in order to stretch and rebalance the tonicity, stretch and pay yourself with a due rest, and rewarding explosivity. Explosivity in the retain, maintain, detain, as your body is content with the double-sided aims.

On democracy: a efficient, stable, fair system is so complex to begin elaborating that it is the reason why everybody, the majority disagree on the how, as we all know that without one of these three elements, work and life turn out to disaster.
The malignant stay is that the state of doubt might be maintain to beneficiate the gaps even bigger.

Residential home London:
No supervision, staff let doing whatever without tasks check or repartition. As the big management are on the papers, looking after the figures and not after the quality of care.
Effect of privatization. One chief in positon of monarchy, one and alone without being control, supervise, with the staff being left without the possibilities of surveys or enquieries.
One aims at the top, profit.
Example you d rather pay one staff 6 pounds who does not do the job but is here that you do follow criteria of inspection, that a staff 8 pounds that do the job but whatever since no one is gonna assess that: result loss of skills, efficiency, expertise, democracy,  corporative enlightment.
This state of faschism permitting on top to hunt people. For example to pressurize them about standards that if not met might be the cause of condemnation. Problems this standards are easy to manipulate, or to change what is helpful into a burden what hamper real work. Example having to write every time the same things, spending all the shift in repeted and unnecessary action without the management had to find a solution for their staff spare time on that in order to reinvest time in creative or reinforcing area.
No supervision, no surveys, no team work but only hierarchy permit people to falsifiy, fake, set up, plot, and finally rule not for the enhancement of everyone but the exploitation of the system and its money.

Other possible problems: in wanting to keep appareances, building renew when they could go older without health issues, look like 4 stars, but you loose your support worker, and have only cleaner or social worker at certain tasks without individual freedom of free speech, challenging relationship, as every thing has to be left calm, no one interacts any longer, no discussion, no issues = no consensus, no exchanges.

Something every one forgot. The rights and duties to work. People having welfare to the minimum of being hidden, as denying them the rights to participate in society building.

For me it is her, her and her.
Apart from that, that’s all.

A taste of it, which recipe.
What’s in?

The taboo about telepathy, though universal phenomenon in any individual is maintained taboo because beliefs and experiments actually shape, adapt, deepen, authentify our understanding.
Also because saying it would bring spiritual questions to the fore, and these are so essential in the way societies are building, that combat about their subjects could become catastrophe.
Finally a natural disaster could be that these questions are so central to the origins and directions of existence, that tacking them in a emergency and primordial manner could lead human beings themselves to metamorphosis through reconsideration of their patterns.


Speaking about foreign countries.
-If you are bored with the weather go and work for them.
-Work for who, they are all the same companies.
-and if you think that anyone would mind your slavery is wishful thinking honey.

I cannot at work wear my old clothes, if so I ll go sacked.
The faschism of a regime that condemn the fact that one can remember than cotton is one of the more constraining token for staff and nature exploitation and depletion.

How come we don’t share a moment? Not to talk about my rubbishes, be reassured, what is to say of any intelligence about what keep higher or astray?

Were we only spirit, that the main activity would be to create matter.
On the stopping to regret having to maintain health, and other capability.

That philosophy has to hide itself behind religion- when religion justify cruelty by ‘purity-seekened’ (Nathan widder on Nietzsche, 1998), it is the causes and consequences of religion being said to be everything and the power granted to it to suppress any details not in line with the servilely man-made unfair, unjust, self-interested hierarchy.
In a bid of community.

Bucher, d and Kelly.p. (1998) Political thinkers: from Socrates to the present.
Oxford: university press.

Why to endure daily concessions and thinking for another?
Because I ll owe you, to be happy.

You are not a beauty for me.
You are my beauty.

To be an half, one life it asks.
One life given or one life built.

To be jealous of other potential, as one does not honor theirs.
Example to be jealous of others’ occupation as one does not enjoy the power owns when he could love being and bludgeoning for one’s family.

Why to have the experience of one’s another half?
To search about the most inner secret craking.
Though the other part of one’’s life might be a person as much as a object. What and what for one can at giving and enhancing life be happy.

As for the English canonic sentences, let’s everyone remember that the philosopher or the moral describer a more and more complex frame needs.
They were mostly economists or lawyer, the tradist quak.
Skiver, skivvy way of dictact the repartition. Lin-ear.

But do no one think I am phobic, I d be misinterpretation.
‘Life is a stage’, where officially, nobody can act or do altogether profoundly.
Only snappy, only soliloquely.
In the hope that this will lead to redemption as far as one’ s revolution is not rendered disgrace by one’s own insanity or hell by others’ interests in a reality made atrocity.

Who would pay for human rights advocate?
Perhaps the one who don’t want to have to pay for a hit man.

Between having to die first as one cannot stpend one day without the other.
And the need for outdoing oneself as one has to care for the other for the better.
For the other and all that encompass, as life, the whole of it will be taken for the other half and this honour. And that this trip will have to succeed, embraces everything.

I had spend years clinging to a life that I d be doing for whom I thought to be willing to develop as the one for whom nothing is impossible nor too big.
The day one encounters the hint of a yes, they admit that they will have to perform for it to thrive and stay.
There is no more dismay, when thinking it could be this person to whom go my thoughts in totality, to ensure, safen, and purify anything that is in one’s power for certainty.

No references provided regularly to staff, that means that people can blast you after year of good services.
Also references needed for the employee whereas employer are over all assessment on how they treat their staff and enhance of execute their duties seriously.

After the entering in teen age of your nephews, there are so many children with parents working the whole day at manual tasks and that cannot help the younger with intellectual exercices.
With some of them, it is even possible to built a relationship that would bring determinant  features on their future. In case you would miss it.
Don’t trust what you see, I read and reread the stats, uk is for the poor children a factory.
Not that intellectual exercises render more intelligent or free.

Between, did it and did it well, there is an infinity.

Everything would be for her, but which is, that is, how getting to one’s soul?

The sun is splendid today.
What is meant is that it is visible.

Without you , I was sad.
With you, I am afraid.
Through you and your absence or going away, the weight of happiness I could say.
My taming, the willing of being non aggressive, and able to peace, as I can pity for sure the one without and the one with only to preserve what we know of love, lead to incessantly pray.

Nb: it sounds like worship, the teachings of God, and it in its supreme understanding, inhabit me with our encounter that build and stay.

Between, did it and did it well, there is an infinity.

Everything would be for her, but which is, that is, how getting to one’s soul?

When every day is for tomorrow.


But it is not of these things you may ever regret as when I touch him. Or watch him sleepy, or at chase, spurring or miamowing., I ll stop the idle calculus to know if giving one’s protection is a strategic succeeding success and him as being the daily sign and mind that what brough if, life. That life gift for improvement of the own trip. Whatever happen or not happen due to him being with me is only the fact that I did have an existence, something for what I d rather life than be gone, the difference. You might do good turn in life but what if your days cannot be at any time recomfort, it is like loosing one’s own matter. Maybe is there something else else where but it is love that I wish I could find it there, so here is the perfect lay.

I don’t think they have realist expectation about how long people are prepared to be conned. And you know this old techniques of insulting somebody to make themselves believe they are better. In French we call it, pull down to the base.

Anyway, had I have a girlfriend, I wished her to lodge near work, less going around, in case she d like it short, it is not always nice to have to go away from the thoroughfare.
For me no problems. I could be killed by anyone attacking her.
My only feeling like would be to exterminate afterwards, maybe could I survive without sensing anylonger after that, perhaps letting my heart speak to innocence before dying in the hope of avenge, just the hell without her given in damnation would take them to zero.
I think it would kill any desire, maybe not desire, but any intentions of humanity. For the children expected knowing how much abuse they will have to confront and deal away.
Not maybe in the meanness of it, but refuse to do anything more than rescuing at the best of it, praying for that I will be sunk in order to drown the culprit, I think I would go evil, in the sense of praying to make them paid.
To beseech, implore, to be their ripper, only to understand that I am too weak to endure the insanity, and die, die how, disloyal to the one I cannot see. See.

The concept of personality might be seen as western, because since the other countries hosted a population that were mainly at the farthest end of being exploited, what about the freedom of manoeuvre that might enable people to find out about acceptance, tolerance, endurance, when you do not have any choice than doing it or die from being the purpose of systematized elimination- like in the west but perhaps in more economically developed country one to some extent, at opposition, can find a way- not because they are economically more developed but it is somewhere else that their most bloody grip hold.

Manouche.                      = guy gypsy,              or gitan                    louche.
Malandrin                        = maline

Gypsy,                - =                 clepsydra                          psy. Jeep. Pig, pij, pij (year, n holding, grasping without conduction condescending pigeon.      Plastra.
Time and water elapsing, and fault of prune pronunciation.
Run, prone, rhone, thrown, throne.

He was here bored and confused about what could be rendered.
I just hope that I looked more humorous than comical.

So jealous I was, as he looked like if he was seeing someone. His smile for later, his throb, the effort he could make in order to shake off, his rush, I don’t know he would not tell me that.
In order.

Even if she told me of course i would think she knows better. But what if she remains uncared, my brain would have been the mirror of her mind moments after one another.

There are so many children with parents working the whole day at manual tasks and that cannot help the younger with intellectual exercices.
With some of them, it is even possible to built a relationship that would bring determinant  features on their future and rejuvenation on our present. In case you would miss it.
Don’t trust what you see, I read and reread the stats, uk is for the poor children a factory.
Not that intellectual exercises render more intelligent or free.

Are you really fed up with me?
Maybe we could have some fun or project-community.
Should I help or should I hope now?

I like every type of person.
The only thing is that they don’t produce the same effect on my chemistry.

Reviewing my past, I don’t like it, or only when some very important info come to be regarded, but please don’t get me a listings to answer, as everyone experimented about life, if I knew I would not have been doing that.
The only thing is my present, and my paradise, for being the same. To my wife and companions, you. It is why life is merciful, you have to come across and get along with you angel. To my son and daughter, the future that might be handed over. The respect for the older if lost, to hell will lead you, without any of us might possibly have mercy on you.
Clemence of having given you.

Not pretending that one could love for the other’s prowess.
Because the one who does, knows that it will take them their entire life to accomplish.
Also other cannot like them for what they do as they are what they do and have to be thankful of being still respected, as they are the ones their mistakes and limitations knowing. When your skills are for well.

To be in love with one person, might make you heinous of the tiers person when you loose objectivity, will to know or power to retain.

-Somewhat i will have to try and talk to you one day.
-in two hundred year time.
-we start by the year one or zero?

Well I would like to find a paint, a book, someone who would repair my old furniture, a jewel….a whatever from an amateur. To boost the way people work their skills, to have something of an possible beauty and man-hand made in my room.
But where might I get it, to exchange that I or have to be a full time businessperson or to do it underground. So? Culture?
Je, well.
Je = I    in french

How to make with people or without and the communal and personal space could be for you to the happier be? Sentence order to emphasize, be. And become. Welcoming states.

I fuck ya, because you are my fuck.
When swearing at might be well intentioned, at least at the origin.

People talk about civilization and the fact of not having to be in a state of survival. Today the whole planet is being systematically put down.
The leisure society here not accommodating skills and capabilities at personal fulfillment and common achievement, but put in place to have people forget that I could be the hideous reenacting of the last banquet.


We will have to remain civil in the noble sense of politeness when you say sorry whenever you have reason to be.
As a aloof concept in ‘developed societies’ is coming nearest practically: civil wars.

It was a yes, we will try and build our practical and spiritual union till the end of ours lives, and therefore be ready for any other beginning.
A life time swear.

I used to take pictures, listening radio, reading. I cannot any longer I have been stolen from everything. I cannot in the future, it would be to permit the thieves to laugth at me.
We are in a day where there s poverty. The extreme emergency of performing one’s duties is to avoid harm and envy. It is not to be desherinted but that I have got to have one tool, the tool of my way of obtening mercy, the tool that permit to redeem the butchery to have to look after. Every thing aside is a perjury. If I were to take a picture or do anything else far from what I should be doing to perform that I know will help directly, it on the scheme a miss would be.
And as for the view I cannot snapshot, instead of electronically taking my brain has to and have time for processing. And around not anylonger the opportunities for showing but more to ask to enter me, the surroundings.

Buying cheap in order not to have to worry about my stuff security.
It is respect towards them, as I look after them but only very little item has the rank of a treasure for anyone personal.
It does not mean despise the cheap, but look after while at the same time having to be extremely cautious with its necessary tool only.
 Cut down the race on security, theft and accident, and on wastage, time devoted to useless- inoperative, unattended, overexploited, endangered goods or resources.


People have had again vote for the party of the milk-snatcher.
Because the means under the other party were going to private institution not supposed to aims at common and individual well being and development but private making profit.
The money not going to the schools or organization after schools to promote better nutrition, education, diversity of activities and skills but going to tv cable fees, alcohol boredom and anarchy desperation related, violent crimes, wastage since one get subventions for keeping quiet, at home, and not being incentived at not going else where one is cut from the community. As the community is short of any structuration- big organization grouped around themes and activities, but any founds directing at isolatorized consumerism.

The neighbour used to hear screams domestic violence related. An upsurge. Careful you, if you go on like this the police is gonna be called. For months, could have been for years, before they understood that the current silent just after the outcry, was not the results of that it has stopped but was going on in a more discreet manner.
When some people are not working against noise pollution to buy thicker walls.

Neighbour, nag, neg.

The taxpayer money redistributed to private organization looking for profit and therefore intellectual, honesty, democracy exploitation and avoidance.

The smaller mammals are bigger than we think and therefore their power.
Take a cat very small but in fact the trunk is quasi as long as one of a human, the legs finer and though capable of them to climb as artistically than the most feline.
Appendix. When laying with one, the one you think was 10 times smaller almost from the neck to the crotch will extend the length of a human (trunk).

A fly going in-between key of the keyboard and retrieving a particle of bread, I did not even know that could have been slide there and how. It, eating, so sovereign that she did not leave when I had to resume my typing.
The day one will be aiming at symbioses.
Intelligence more than billion universes but the completeness of a worth living, could approach and by it, intelligence and breath could get a chance of by the beauty of life, being contemplated. To exist through a double understanding.

They say we will reinstore serious, discipline at schools, every one hopeful for the result be that the teachers being able to teach instead of having to nurse.
The real plan was to sell. No longer then call the schools, schools, as in this current chaos improve by worse and worse standards gaps, the schools for the poorer will be just nursery, the one for the richer, breedhouse at ideology.
Vote, vote, thinking that through desacountability, discharge, they will give liberty.
Vote, vote, all the better in schools or elsewhere no one will be able to speak nor elude at history.

The world cup and is vainglory. As sport is an achievement for the one who play or a reward for winning society, when it is time off might mean peace and joy.
In practise the one who buy the ticket are 99,99 % likely to have to comply to any of the whims and discrimination of who play or the one that are nearer under their pay.

Cetvies                             © 2005 – 2014
Inthenameofhumanrights © 2005 – 2014
Cettevies                          © 2005 – 2014


Subjective, openly coming from the holder’s opinion.
Objective, a justification appealing to people reaction at treating their subject as object = deprived of specific, personal, inherent and independent truth.


Pose exposure.
Post           ur e

Mon ame.
Ame our.

Ame = soul.
Amener = lead, bring.

London 2010: Olympic games?
In the underground lane, an ad read, organ traffic, is the folk for or against?
How come this question asked by a leading paper ‘The Economist’ hasn’t been banned?
Is this tumour the tremour of an annunciation for an apocalypse day? Or if the laws were balanced one would be allowed to kill the one who let my children, my parents, any human being under threat of the torture, the threat of loosing one’s life, just because another one has more money.
To note: free from torture, slavery, and right to live, are the ones that the developed countries were so proud to have legally securised, and in international laws the sole laws you cannot recant. And then one morning you have to read that nothing seemed to be exempted from being consumed and endangered.
When people think they are superior gods, or lesser evils and legiti-mate Cannibalism.
I wish I could kill the one who on others’ organ prey.

The day of reckoning.
Con again?

Go and fine the cars that do not leave 1 meter between them and bikes.
Money for community, security, more cyclists, greener, taxes on the back of who are a danger, police presence repaid by reckless polluters.
How come that there is no more fine system instead of spending bureaucracy time in paying cigars to ministers?

The position of the skull comes different when having teeth or not, could it has an impact on thinking?
My grandparents would not say a word or next to that regarding towards what they ‘re pondering.

The whole population of being self-enhanced proud meat eaters.
As on top of that the very lacking proteine of the former generations could have been beaten by vegetable proteins, attachement to animals might have been dangerous.
In search of something to eat who could afford to get attached to an animal as the latter would have permanently been in risks of being eaten by another animal or a human.
Attachment to animals would have been emotionally damaging as the risk of loosing a friend was too high.
And therefore this boisterously grim assertion of the human being of no shame at all, and in fact bringing its well bred felling of superiority to justify their cruelty.
Of the result of ‘having to avoid to get attached’.

in live, as research, experimentations, spiritual inspection and moral pursuance go; life, adventure of knowledge, you don’t have ideas, you run after.


Is the work of plato read so intensely firstly because of his theories or due to the life he led in order to feed his responses to what ‘his’ society tried or try not to impose and run, or bestow upon him?
Tales of sur vival.
Sur = latin of beyond.
Vival, tribal.

Q: Would you think that if unemployment were solved and more proportionate salaries laws would be implemented, people from different way of life would behave with more unity, solidarity, understanding?

Were it be proportionality between salaries, people would practise their calling (in their possibility of obtaining a job and enhance a deontology), not anylonger hold by corruption and bribery induced by inappropriate salary.

To perfect things. And getting through, opening area, and ending in harmony.

This worker, this achiever. You can see around him, the fruit of his labor.  His chances was to have been assisted, to have choose, quite a lot the path of his thoughts and to have been able to store his goods. His work? Colossal.
Imagine now the same person whose life keeps him silent, without any means of recording his findings.
I imagine this, and meet everyone as being this unknown soldier. Perishing by what they know without a right upon that.

An horror upon people of the same sex loving each other is that the worst of all threats is erected upon them: a threat to their children.

Writing will change only from the date it is gonna be checked.
These words and viewpoints that would ever have been there if thinking again would have been at another occasion.
Opportunities and the wheel of transformations maybe partly why we are so enigmatic, awaiting for a tune.

You will have to teach them something.
Or else, they will likely being taught by the predators.

Being like the grand-grand bearer. She would always says yes, the most careful, the nicest person in the world.
She ended up stoned or almost. It is like this that the story goes.
Seeing the bullies. And if being forced into retaliation, when abuses are in. not just avenging but having to use the strength that are in oneself now the bearer has gone. Invest with the fervor, determination and patience of protection.

When realizing the time spend in idle agony or moment or lull, unnecessary; the feelings become blank with a sense of being at the origin of what now lacks, redounding.
At this moment to have the time, but almost for it to echo the smallness that pride will bring.
In life there is what one know and there is what one do, enough for relentless sorrow.
But the day it had you.

She was so bitter, so bullying, her children. In her mouth one word respectability. She treated them like commodities. Just because it was that to be done to them for them to do it in turn and get the money.
Since they don’t have to bear this sense of shame of not have fit the pattern of success, becoming a rich celebrity, they are free of life a live where danger is the fight for some dignity.

To loose everything but to be free from every soul as the system that provides is null and a contradiction of that liberty.

Bbc, national news. Only give some gruesome details about murders, and the funerals of each soldier.
No news? Good news?
God news. Press owner that is to say.

On TV, the guy that anchors the news, anchors the music programmes, anchors the art programs, anchors the children program, do some advertisement, sing sporadically, go and crack a joke when invited regularly.
At the universities, the guys who writes, is supposed to be the guy who looks after the students, the lectures, the administrative tasks, the head of the programs, the gate-keeper of his field, the novelties, the logistics, his colleagues, the research behind it.
But don’t ask if he can do humanly one of those, it is time, live is about time management, honey.
Sick of seeing the same face, mind they are nicey. Look satisfied anyway.

Could not stand to be in the same room than another person most of the time.
Our rooms? Separated. Even though with her, I dream to be with her, or everything related, the whole day. More than a dream, the atmosphere that makes my day, that will become intrinsic odour and envy.
The emanation I chose for becoming, pervading, me.
It is not a dream it is fascination, sublimation in direct and standing vicinity.

I would have to recognized when I write knothing new. Only to recognize a concept previously read, like that coming into my understanding of my own scene.
They were so rough with him, so disgraceful. And though he knew that they gave the love pertaining to perpetuating him.
She loved him, but always has to say that he has to go, in all kindo ways, all cries for a kiddo. She had the fate of a mother that brought up mercenaries, soldiers, nuns, doctors, whoever has to wage a war, first of all knowing he has no family, it will grow him less of a destructor.

Oh i would have refused in any case, firmly-honour holding successful, at list this little bit, any of your asset, so don’t say it is because I am and will be ‘poor’.
But this is so simple, you live intelligently.
You noticed, I believe I can do it.
It is not opportunism, it is just, go on, none matter, just tell me.
Me just one thing count for me when my privacy is at stake, an intelligent mate.
And if you thought of it, you d find a way.
Without crushing what is left of me, as it is not certainly that long but I gave what I had, of what I found out how they could be strong and stay.
String stray.

My son, I told you that your mother was my destiny. I knew that day that something was missing but I wanted to express this, what in my life. I knew this day because she was not there, that she would not be there, whatever explanations I could find.
Today, the right sentence is your mother led me to my destiny. Because you know, it does not change what she did your mother, for me, the reason of being born and still carry.
You now like a mother, when each time you doubt your welfare, she is here and saying yes, go on, my heart is happy when love inhabits your body.
The rights sentence is this now because I wish, I have to make that my former life renders to this other time that I need to honour by surrender.
Another lady.

Suffering as I wonder if you love me.
Because if you do, if my instincts are not so deaf.
What this all revelation could have on the truth, on the reality?
What am I made for, for hearing the voice of whom, whose thought of.

My thrill of writing coming from my thinking for her. Any moment, was dedicate.
The dangerous matter is that since the writing is a milestone of not directly the love- it would be divine, a taste of ideal- but milestone of just what was intellectually managed.
The intensity of collecting this indirect result, phenomenon, of being with the knowledge of your existence, to live with this on the only private and fragile side of my mind, on the only story that was not obligations, circumstances, logics, moral, social, duties, but on the only story that could have covered my whole having been humane. Humanity.
You know it is only for example if you d need to be a super hero to success and you train and you train but whatever you train you die in the process and you training your performance are your body. You body that will decay, your body to whom is asked other tasks that the one to super ego. The body or bodies, embodied, that still carry




The woes of the religions wanting their followers to become proud of their lack of citizenship skills.
As people need to suit and follow.
In awe of pure universal logics –interdependence and causality- did not mean the terror of being demonized, or simpler taken under ranked.
The threat of hell and death, as immorality is prompted by the promise of putting anyone through ordeal who would fight for equal divinity.

Search, sous sol, level, rated,

Knowledge. Now.
Under? Before?

You will have to teach them something.
Or else, they will likely being taught out of predatory raison. Raise on.

What anus, poopoo?
Let’s say, but you are expected to be house trained by now, so what’s up?
Body recognition.

The big companies could have this of reassuring, that if you are insulted by a staff, you can allow yourself to go on there thinking that it is not the company policy.
Because in strained circumstances, aggressiveness is so high and everywhere that if you start to insulate yourself from bullying, you end up not being able to have your food nowhere.


Power is in the bearing and strengthening of taking on weaknesses. That are so only from being disregarded.

The time would be revised in society, if for example instead of using so many products, bin a lot instead of recycling or repairing, and do that with the intent of improving progress towards every other matter respect.
Legs and the sake of posterity.


Laws needs to be challenged to be suitable and noble.
Law suit an armor.
Equipment of justice. Arm-our.
The truth to be swore.

Walk, stretch and massage.

Societies having resorted to separate the two sexes in order to prevent rape and sexual, gender abuses or depravation, did the trick only by exulting artificially heterosexuality and by directing normative, stereo-typical (although secretly or rather hidden or by taboo or by complacency, tease to say immorality, divergent role within the family (that will be divided in order not to reset other models).

Clothes, food. Thrown.
For the etiquette of ‘cleanliness’.
And launder the pollution, economic boosting towards the whippers, and the slavery of the makers.

The difference between ‘should’ and ‘being in the obligation of’.
As a philosophical and ethical question, but having to be mixed with the options of the circumstances and moments.
Prioritisation and possibility.
Abstraction here to imagine more, ethics to do more than ratedly.
Rat (guainea).


To hide behind believes.
Pretending that an organisation is religious and your endeavour and resources sacred, in order to conceal immorality.
On mafia, governments, religions pretences and betray.

The problems with believes is that they might be at the very core of people’s drive, till they fall understanding that they have been used by what they were dearing as, theirs and, brand of genuineness.
And the state when you need to be certain of where you put your energy, for this energy to be live as making you complete, for you release it as being pure (and completing). This sentiment of certitude that enables body and soul to uncover or pierce mechanisms. The state where you don’t know any longer what to perform for the better of you, others, and times.

Physical countenance, the way people corporally behave in the sense of bodily communication…Body language.
Is of course something revealing somethingelse, but is so much used because when you don’t have any power of voicing, justicing, balance enacting, issues voting, pollution and human rights breaching reduction. Well the whole way of feeling yourself a self in the way your body may escape the trap, and use in society the accumulated violence.
Appear. The over importance of the body language when odds and democratic participation, and privileges –in the sense of exploitation- cannot be challenges, remain still an appearance.

People are lured by the progress, thinking that humanity has improved, only to realize that the shared bits are calculated in order to cull riots.
As any shared bits are the results of other people sufferings. Ex, the children who pay for the ‘west worker’ fine clothes.
And if you work for justice, and if you protect the truth that money and exploitation are vices to human rights, you ll lost your earning.
Living and divine rules.

I did not know that ‘health and safety’ could mean that it was just fine to take people for idiot.

People are completely traumatised, including mental disability in each of us, by the natural act of fighting. As fighting without honestly reaps destruction, suffering and hatred.
When fighting is the way to reinforcing.

A serving state.


History of France:
Flooding in there, said to be developed, infrastructured country _ flooded houses where officials made liquidity??

Over places they should not have allowed as the river was due to take its stream line again-. People stayed several months in tents, no reimbursed by insurance, (what are insurance for, no wonder they are pillars to financial grounding machinery) without any experts coming in emergency and assess the losses.
Marx, very feared by most of the population wanted the extinction of state, that in my opinion, is not possible as people being not aware of every single thing need the sum of our concerns to find the best arbitrator possible.
But in the official state of international and national political anarchy, the state that is supposed to be a referee in political sciences is a conglomeration, congregation of individual and group interest only.

The legends about ‘males need more urging than those of females’ is a distortion of natural balances in order to weight on society the threat of rapes. That is to say if you do not provide what is said to be naturally needed you will be extorted.
The threat is borne upon males in the sense that if they don’t show that they are following this constructed menace, they could be themselves put in danger by any member of the society (males or females), taking now the pretences of them being not manly (here funny enough, manly used as the opposite of mature, poised, and autonomously balanced = adults)
It could be additionally pressure put upon females living their sexuality like the males do dress it officially (with envy), for example a female could be accused of living like a man and then claiming her right to work at the same role and function… threat for the whole community as they bath on secrecy and immunity permitting and perpetrating the whole lot of indecency.

The snake in christianity representing rebellion is not only sneaking as the real animal is in fact discreet and secret. As when sometimes one has to hide from the ‘majority’ intending to kill others through the reality –and its complexity- of life. Just confess what you live and as our rules are unfair, we will kill you and with that any attempt at honesty.
Difficulty makes human face their imperfection and the ones of their systems despite.
The snake guardian of the apple tree without with you don’t know what might be.
And without you cannot live in peace as you have to understand everything and respect any to cherish and live in the Dom, unlimitedly.

The bigger the company, the less people to assess, report, advice, unveil, disclosed, help, support, their less or more legitimate practises.
Every one is relief that the smaller commerce disappear as they cannot compete their prices are higher. But why??
Because of the artificial creation of unemployement who prevent us to pay what is due to someone else’s work.
Also because function as checking and justice _proportion_ rendering are not represented.
Bigger even, they are banned. Act like someone who does not want loose or intelligence or integrity and it is the black list that are casted upon people –on democracy.
No other means for talking about laws there are only true right left: the obligation of making and throwing money- to the sharks and poisonous.

Recommendation: leave the light on, it boosts the nuclear.

And how come there is no civilian car with traffic police fining car from threatening the life of the cyclists?? The state need money but the states are owned by the (oil) one of those industries.
By the way they’d rather the one who poison people life, the big work, like a in-build warning, enjoy before it to be destroyed.
Enjoy used instead of … let’s ask why there is censorship, how, what that ought to be qualified.
State, con-tent.

Qualified. Equality.

Collectivism reducing individualism.
As groups compete less within them and as to boost groups identity to compete more in-between.
But if different groups did not have to fear the others, then individualism could find a firm place within the aim of brotherhood, sharing and solidarity.
Individualism could be the state-of-the-art of the grouping subject, where life’s interest gather.

Great, good and god.
And got travel.

Expecting of one’s job to comprehend all what one does, teaches and shares.


I’ll die one day or another.
It shall not be anybody’s fault.
Amnesty. And it cannot be obtained without equality.
Equality with whatever stirs or is stirred.

The babbling on religious laws and sacred religious community, speaking about their reasons for being discriminatory-meaning blinded oneself in anger and blood thrirst in occulting the fact that one’s rights is the one’s duties of respecting the same rights of any others- are based on the one book theory.
On the interest of keeping imposing illiteracy.

The desert that won’t be yellow for its most part, but more purple of the colour of the bloodyish chemically poison.
The war on water, but being children of nature human can’t be fitter. Let’s pray god they won’t as no one can being the natural leader if any of their acts encompasses destroying, exploiting, taking as slaves or servant any other species, any other humans, without spreading at the same time the idea that the leader will build disasters – before being exterminated as will and wish are not on hell.

People pretending being religious and stopping peace by moral embetterment.
They call themselves whatever and called the name of Divinity, horrible usurpations.
Discrimination, discrimination of any sort within religious systems, believes or hierarchies is ante-religion, the why people don’t get involve or involve only in the perspective of using people in the name of an entity that has for them one and unique force, shameful interest.

Why a place where people pray, and invoke morality, peace, harmony, happiness, respect, solidarity, benevolence, each other surveillance and protection, honesty, respectability, care and the full power of each individual towards it and shared, would stay the same as the public toilets are, the last quarters of sexual physical discrimination.

The amazing ‘promotional’ offer, say it is half prize the first months, being an antagonism to customers’ fidelity.
Short-term and blatancy of disrespect and dishonesty.
Cash-in purpose of possessing a client and its abasement theory.

To show oneself understanding included a lot of consideration before and on the spot included. That means that you are not yet at the stage of respect, as thinking of the good or bad concerning others – in this case is homosexuality as good as heterosexuality_ whereas they are strictly comparable, only the persons-the sexes changing_ is in fact a oneself granted power.
A hovering innuendo of still coercion.

Under-umployement. Word that should be on dictionary uniquely.
How can we dream that, given that the span of mystery and the disastrous account of our dying reality, how come there is no jobs? What people do believe exactly, to auto-destruction, to that nothing is worth anything, and it is better to end it now?
The softer approach is to claim that happiness, harmony and equality, the difference in holiness- the power of discovery without the horror of slaughter-justification, is utopia.

The bright (ex: in personality), or the sharp, will tend to neglect the fundamental in other’s basement.
A good thing we ain’t under the same comprehension, consensual.
To become as tiny as more and more push away from horizon.

‘Art is copying life’, like the rhythm of the stanza as a cue
Of the step that for me told that dance is played.

Pray separated ethnies, sex or sexual orientation.
Pray, work, rest or marry. When apartheid is in a system, the fright is not of the religion but of sectarisation.
Like in this place, called Jerusalem, Vatican or mosque where people come and seek the riches, and the buisiness that make towns no more than market, religions the traitor of human hope and healthy potentiality. Utopia was a hope and made a fool by the one dressed to spit at human dignity.

Love the what one lives for.

Human knowledge on world logics as a constituent of morals and morality.
Relativism of power upon absolutism of life’s worth.

As circumstantial as made inequalities.

They have problem in their couples, one more subjected –not weaker but not choising-. He will have to get rid of the children, to feed the logics of being in a peace of mind, relative.


-The voice of a saint person or the voice of a prostitute?
- Of a prostitute.
- Of someone being raped, more.

I wanted to collect the writing for you, but what I think of you, I know that my soul, and its is why it is a soul, will directly, a wave of the brain synthesizing all my being, sent it to you.
Since all what I write, is on your name.

It is like speaking to God as you are the one through which I hope and aim.

The prayers install in a daily routine, permitting one’s people to have break for managing their mind and own path to serenity and questioning.


you have to struggle to know their rate. On leaflet, often not display- on wall, their other customers need their space to be respected.
Never trust their advice (by phone, they will tell, you ‘I am not to give you any advice on the best interest I could find for your situation’
They are trained to lead you to the poorest options. Loose customers, they d rather try and loose them all with manners of good and false competence and responsibility.

To respect one’s enemy as they might do what they do through quest of faith and necessity.
Might be.

To gravitate around humility as if one was the elder soul on earth, that is for sure that it be a stone, not a person.

Their hatred against other people’s love. Don’t worry you being used as antidote works. But not as much as it has damaged the power of your will and choice over your destiny.
Hetero, forced marriage and oppressed union as well as liberty.

When nature stings you with the bite of its guardian.
One destroying natural habitat only because one is afraid of suffering from other animals.
As long as humans solve its problem by harming or handicapping others’ potentiality, it is to their own doom they throw the o.k.

I d like to woo you. But if I am a brave, if it is a true job I do, then you would be threatened, as the word to me don’t mean no more and would be less; as less as having to end. Gore.

Without you, I am death.
With you damaged by them, I d become a living horror.
Eat all.

There so many a thing that we did not know, that took so many times and times again before our understanding, that why being angry in particular at someone, the understanding is much, much more deep and subtle.

I write but I know that you won’t see. As my writings shall preserve the purity.
Of my unbounded love, that make me live, not fulfil that the time permits only.
You won’t see as what I d like to depict and spread would be tarnish, by my lack of power and strength.
What may I convey of the what and who I ll be. As you are the one from I cannot tell.
A part.

What is amusing with place of worship goers, is that every time you talk about God, they come forward and invest themselves as being the ones concerned, and sole.

When father meant priests.
It is just that some idiots still rule the women out.
Idiot in the name of sanctity.
Sanctify and the rules of ruled out and discrimination that just attest of the non-power of baptism, as I name myself so and so, without the divine possibility of transmitting that to somebody, anybody.
Am not holy or made for  spreading the words particularly, priest cast avows.

After looking for ages a fundamental information that are supposed to be found straight away. When those is at the remotest and even not systematically displayed or activated.
 Ok it took me a long time to acknowledge where to find the email answer too. There is still place for luck and random with technology.


People mock the power of words, but it happens that voicing something and trying to assert its due law and application (even if on paper as recommendations) is enough to be fired, just by trying to promote democracy and though universally recognized principles.

Compulsorily you have to pass an National Vocational Qualification, giving common basic principles and fundamental practises as well as common vocabulary.
If these principles are not follow, that you try to tell you boss, that for that you are make redundant for zeal. That without any choices left you ask a judge to protect your professional integrity, these principles, though deliver by governmental supervision and national ‘implemented’, are not recognized by the law you thought defending.

To be blocked in my present substance and approach, as lost in how to use present ‘on-going’ construction in the future.
As hung as the parliament suspended by conflict of interest.
The frivolity, the vertigo, the sea-seek or feel like going down and sink and stuck into the swamp of the powerless, or the voiceless, or its vagueness. On this super-being that preaches its incommensurability. On humanity.

They say rebel, rebel, repulsed.
But I just say…
Retreat, ravaged, repel.
On the fucking ‘freedom of expression’ that ‘democratic countries boast on having had their justifications for being imperialistically authoritative.

Problem on volunteering.
You have a diploma, and you apply, even for the slightest duties in offices, no answer.
And after you see people asking for donations.
But wait a minutes I d tried to give my time, my knowledge, how come that they don’t need hand to help, grow, pursue?
Transparency. My donation for a 6 figures head of stuff and its assistant to doggedty anti-democratic bureaucracy.
No problem with paper work- only when they do nothing but retain the desk and following not the job description but the master: salary.
Wage a war on wages? The name of why people kill any hint of responsibility.
People don’t have to justify of nothing but being still in charge of a seat that run improbity.

Sorry, need to report someone having stolen me.
No address, just their identity.
The police does not even take that into a report, in case the guys after 110’s daylight robbery could be confounded.
Note. They could be set up, could not they?
      Some are set up all the same.

The set-up question is how it is if we start controlling more, but anyway without control, one is set up by default, that is even before doing anything, they will be severe from the opportunity of doing some.
Sum of the area when grey- off the law, of the hermetism in corporation, organisation and communities.
The state is absent as a totalitarism bill.
A defense, an improvement. No way.

Beyond everything, love is universal.
The expression of nature for what life springs and stays.

Is universal that for
Everyone like everything

Great, good and god.
And got to travel.

Not enough words to describe the realities and dimensions.
One certainty, nature is being killed.

If human look after nature and culture.
Employment for every body.
And if it is done with dignity, no need anylonger to betray one’s principles just in order to be paid ‘a-token-of-inclusivity-in-society-salaries.
As protection of lives is anyway the uncontainable duty.
And for another adventures, getting ready.

I find other thoughts as my computer was proposing other words when I misspelled the one I originally aimed. This happens a lot.

This cake reminds me two rules.
Never eat abundantly when you are at a few hours from sleeping, because if you have too much calories, your bodies can’t come down and heavy in restauration mode.
Two, when you can smell, oil, butter, sugar, fry, fruit, bread and nuts in the same piece better have a bite at most. As I am suppose to eat them in 10 different meals not in one ravaging swallowed binge.
Just let’s think of the 9 other than I d be supposed to skip, having that one.

On capital.
Fascism and totalitarianism are not refined, they are at the opposite of refinement, as to be fine would let delicacy go out of the web of human and societies.
Fascism and totalitarianism works on repressing the healthy occurences while doing nothing- by default (if not doing it actively) inviting- on the vicious ones.
Fascism and totalitarianism are the profit on authority coming from jealousy and laziness.
At work.

Space conquest, not new.
As minds only can do.
But rest for them to be centered.

Right to own property of equal values
 Necessity of some difference in achievement and protection.

Protection of facilities for more trained and devising for the best strategies to use them.
Training available as long as people want, and grade. Price to pay training, other activities proportionally reattributed.  One hour cleaning = 0, 5 of dirty cleaning = 1 hour of some office work = 0.5 of more difficult or intense office work.
If a task for office work required 5 hours training before, then training provided as a paid work.

Use = regarding society purpose.

If society gets tired, time for redefine itself.
But with laws barring for it to self harm (through individual discrimination or ‘elevation’)


If society gets tired, time for redefine itself.

Freedom of expression as long as they don’t criticize the regime.
The end of discussion is thus lost, and democracy something one would be afraid.

Death camps, nuclear plants and extermination.
One step missing.
Charitably offered to malnourished people, and contaminated water area’ T.V programs of people bathing or using chemicals products or polluting habits –the way as in the west people confounds binning everything with being organised and clean – here there is no management, only a race to boosting buying and skills dwarfing, waste, and binge consumption.

How come that by fear of being robbed via my credit card that don’t have even pin code when it comes to buy on the net; how come that if one ask for a ceiling, that is I don’t want more than this amount of money to be taken, how come my bank that knows about every transaction cannot say, this amount per day, per week, per month is too much, let’s warn the user. They can put a ceiling when they may be the looser, how come they don’t protect the card that just can be raid by any viewers??
The more they could do was a ceiling of 300 £ a day.
How long an average worker could endure being vandalized without ending sleeping rough?
How come they make things so porous and easy?

How come when having been financially ripped off, if you go to a tribunal, you cannot ask simply for the judge to see the transaction done into the bank account of the defenders??
How come they make things so locked up and beyond accountability, einh?

For all the love.

She left me.
I used to think it was betrayal.
But was it not a necessity not to engage ourselves into that would have animated us beyond borders but without though equalling eternity?
Her strength was to spare us of this, and the knowing of her to be strong, my vibrating _but not all giving- liking.
And the love I have still for her leads me into not coming to passion involving people with two different aims. As she gave a transcendence to waving.
As my true love, would kill me- but not important, decisive that- but would kill all around me, if I gave life to what won’t be completed of having received it.

On emotional implication and spirituality minded.
The infant cries and interrupt then heave the elder’s snoring.

See the world and knowing that we are going to die, in.
      To die as one lives.

When need to be calm, thinking of horses, dogs, cats, hens, squirrels, ducks… and all these meat cuts.

Others’ mistakes operating a distanciation leading to a conscience of rectified potential.
Exercise generation.

Competitive spirit when no possibility for being cooperative.

You have nervous tics.
But only tics.
Why stuff lead to other’s demand, intolerance, anger or hysteria?

Small person representing children standing for what societies are looking after and expecting.
The birth of mysticism. Protected Altruism and faith in the future.

True love would lead you to any quest, peace, progress and eradication of infamy.
For that every of your surrounding might be as welcome as deadly- despair.
Through true love to loose everything make you ready, as the one is the first for you have to depart and the last to be found, after depletion of your try, when you know that it is why you moved, to rest in its arms. To rest without, would be a sham.

Can someone tell me why when I try to transfer word Microsoft files, even if I want to transfer one million of them, the fact that one is not working just stop the all process, without even leaving the clear path to readjusting?

Has Microsoft something to do with alienation, plus value and gratuitous punition?

Fascism: it is easy for everyone to say bullshit.
And fascism is that acclamation.

What about the bitterness and difficulties facing people, events or life ?
Acrimony is not odourless.
The symptom of inequalities and impoliteness.

The stat should be the embodiment of the most (highest, reliable) advanced knowledge.

If I d be resolved enough for endorsing human duties, I d be at the other place of you.
The reason on and of my own having humane aims and sanity.
The ones that make you as strong as fair, the one without living for, cease feeling, sensing, reminding and ordering, I’d prefer.
The one that brings you to respect death, as you have to face and protect what is endangered. The one without who and the concept that permits it to appraise you, life would be a trail of chains.
The one without I could not see I m imprisoned.
But the one that is absent, as life wants growth from what it shows of ultimate.

Packaging should not been used, or otherwise than a reusable way of transportation.
We d go shopping with plastic box, basically.


In the cemetery, the rain, through the leaves, the drops’ sound like steps nearby, descending.

Because of inequalities and unfair competition, people are not apt anylonger at accepting positive criticism, it will be taken as a try at piracy scuttling.

Also because so bad things are left to be the rules and good things asked to be shushed or the bearer of the news that one should act as a citizens and not as an servile employee, means that this former would be eradicate from the acknowledging and pricing itself, society.
Praising pricing.

People are despised to give their life to contemplation because other people spoils the world through their actions.


Human rights are more than human – but humane – in the sense that it includes too the right to care for the environment, the history, the space, the foreparents’ production, the animals, the water, the idea, every creature minds…

free speech? It costs you your living or the time you d try to make it heard voluntarily a lost of it.
Ex: when a natural catastrophe happens (ex: companies responsibles for human and environmental loss) people have a right to sue, but the trials take so long and finish without issues, that it is a demonstration of the justice being in the side of the criminals acts made officialisation.

You find people mocking the organsisation of other species, saying that people are more than bees, or ants via their appreciation on a so-judged higher system.
But on first hand, who tells us that insects don’t communicate and think on a higher level – else than our convenient ignorance and blinding feeling or superiority.
 On the other hand, what make us think that a society as such as human society is more than an aggregation that makes thing work only for a very, very, biased viewpoint?
Point, period and restricted.


life is about getting the most of

Racist view.
Wait for the proof that melting can mean new civilization that could do better, wiser for the general condition.
Racist views mirror the esteem people hold for the current state of society.

The devotion of your friend, or your allies.
A model and hope. A reminder of doing well, because enabling to do so, and transmit.
Each other turn.

No need to kill mosquitoes. Just to show that you can strike them fiercely in striking the air they think will provide them with one’s blood, is enough to install real fear. And away fly.

Wasps that of the ground provides its poison and antidotes.

Being separated, say that you could take and face any devils.
Capable of anything to bring oneself together with one’s other.
With the help of holy spirits, the better when and wherever possible.
Being carried through by what is left of the misere one has been put and locked inside.
When alliance is spiritual.
Capable of anything- - -
Your farness is my border.
And these horrids, throught their destruction and self-destruction push ever further.
The battle, this recognition.
The one who separate, are dead, this as annunciation.

Human rights are based on natural law- the ones that make honour and justice to creatures.
Natural laws? Look at what we are doing to her.

To discriminate in taking into justification others’ potential discrimination is a sign of ignorance, being used and fooled and sign of opportunism.
Opportunism what discrimination-na-tory regime are.

Cannot count on the Labour, what their politics fight for is caviar.

The work in residential home (mental health or children care) in London.
You have to shush even if they just use the facilities like in a holidays camps with support worker doing their cleaning duties on top of it. Totally able-bodied people (but deprived of skill since not at all trained, even not at doing the necessary for themselves), with on top the power of complaining about you if you insist them to fight for their own looking after and retribution for the accommodation put at their disposition.
No rewards, punishment in place.
One can do whatever, absconding, insulting, no training provided.
Just enough money to buy sweets, booze, and cigarettes.
At least they would do something to have this money, if they have to pay with their activities.
Fear violence, well pay security officers in addition of support workers, they would earn it in special camps.
Results: they are still abused because the main reactions to these policies is leave them undisturbed in their rooms, in front of their telly. Do everything for them it takes a lot less time than teaching and leading how to get out of assistance.
It is not help it is how to exploit the next block in an inabilities at finding work after, or in the abilities at being a future undemocratic worker.
B log.

Cetvies                             © 2009 – 2013
Inthenameofhumanrights © 2009 – 2013
Cettevies                          © 2009– 2013