On human rights not taught any more at all (a toll) as a speciality in universities.
Human Rights (h.r)
I d like you to know that alongside scrapping art diploma, the U.K has this year entirely binned the speciality of human rights programs associated with social sciences (not the legal aspect, but philo, history, socio, politics of it).
Please could you take a few minutes considering this information as it is horrific to understand that human rights bachelor of art single honor degree cannot be found anylonger in the whole U.K, country of the mean international language.
HUMAN RIGHTS, the only tool that are supposed to defend democracy, and that is invoqued by politicians, market, and civil society, alike in order to gain some legitimacy.
In the uk, and elsewhere of course, there won’t be any more specialists it is finished.
Thank you for you attention and carefulness.
If you want more detail:
In a world that d like to be regarded as democratically growing and comprehensively globalizing…
It is one of the very ‘arms’ that these people want us to give up for the profit of more laissez-faire, or better laissez aller. Meaning next time is on you the security guard, even if the only of your instruments are loose ‘polite’ letter.
very few human right university diplomas might still be found in the US, but god knows how expensive – and thus elitist and prefabricated, and per se anti human rights they intrinsically are.
Like the dubious fees demanded by some human rights lawyers, linking money – and whence economic discrimination, not being discrimate from economy but the fact that economy itself is innately a weapon of discrimination - to the propagation of information necessary to the benefit of human societies and peace and security as a whole; these fees are in fact a contemptuous publicity = contempt toward the very idea of human rights and obligations. The blatant mise-en-place of a domineering and insulting masquerade of impunity.
Loosing one’s field, like losing the autonomy from the market tactics, a what want to be put with as generalization, compulsory assignment for everyone to accept discrimination as being inescapable- if you don’t subscribe- no entry to we let-you-live-in-the-laissez-faire- area.
To adhere to these rules to be trained as a professional will ensure the pros to be and do that kinka of labour, sleazing and get rid of any ethics, as easy as one will have to lie to conserve position and salaries.
The so-called human rights alongside all sciences, theories and practices are dependent on this (sleaze, nepotism of and between people ok for ths same conning, will win) and it is why human rights are actually bearing a bad name. but at these pace, let’s hope they would still have one. (name, actual, present, not a vintage-wean out of whines)
To conclude I d like to draw your concern on the fact that police beats up peaceful protestors. It is the clear sign of the end of the genuine rights of freedom of assembly and manifestation. The greatest of new is that this opportunity to voice one’s opinion is the last bastion of freedom of speech. Believe a older worker, freedom of speech cost you your job or even your voluntary seat within the counter power of civil society, very, very, easily. Freedom of expression had just seen put down its last bastion. Let’s recall that in the uk general strikes (students, plus workers) are prohibited. It is done we are completely dispersed and ready for the kick.
On a last note, about the fees I thought the demo too much concentrated on the pounds (the cuts, the cuts but what about we will do with or without that), because if we paid the profs and all, still why not, but after uni what? Unemployment? Or having to accept to work in any kind of conditions or unethical programs.
A little more sadness, let’s to say ‘utterly terrifying’, this system will leave each individual dependent on the bank assent to grant money to start for study. It means that one can be tested psychologically, intellectually and ideologically. That means that the banks would have the monopoly on who they would like to send for qualification.
Enjoy your day.
Human rights Roehampton students are attempting to protest against the closure of the human rights single honour bachelor of Art. We are desperately trying to do so because the U.K, nonetheless transnational centre of international students and professional encounters, are closing its art and human rights programs.
Human rights, even though they attract students all over the world, obliged to come and study here, for the sake of the language of Shakespeare, human rights will be counting only 3 universities in the whole Great-Britain, where one will be able to study and specialized in them from the first year.
3 universities each one allowing a mockish and pitiable little number of students (maybe the equivalent of a big promotional classroom and profs to pursue this speciality, maybe in each university around 50 students enrolled in this speciality.
My meaning is not to bother you with human rights, but since they are the preoccupations (as the only barriers to gross abuses) of everybody in any kind of transactions, actions, conditions, states and this at each and every of any step, the conscience of our sciences, our S.O.S.
Is it not a bit surrealist, incredible, that Bachelor of Art on human rights (i am not talking about the combined honour, we would be taught by specialists from other fields, meaning the condemnation to servility of our discipline, reasons, rational and pride-lead by other specialists human rights could only be the shadow of itself, the pretence for democracy, the apology for abuses)
Our classroom has been fcalled a centre of excellence, the second scum on earth ranked as being human rights saviours, it is no more than 100 books and a deserted asoociations of woyerus (nothing there is to be seen but a completely emptied multi-millions-pounds building. Studies are becoming cooler and cooler. Do not sing it, but if you want to kno w a little bit more on the subject of the so called humanrights, new religions and cultureal debat that are not that is to say but sects and signed sucklers for money, blood and dignity of the corrupt.
If one argues that there is still the M.A running at Roehampton, it is denying the fact that a MA is only one year of study, barely enough to train future potential specialists! Enough tough to be placarded with the title of it.
In a world that d like to be regarded as democratically growing and comprehensively globalizing…
The very few ba:
Kingston, Lancashire, Essex, and LSE (but this one is not at the reach of the mainstream population).
After this USA and just forget all about it without green card or money.
In a political world that champions itself as a model of civil and political rights protection and advocacy – and thus engendering a ready-made excuse for postponing or belittling the ‘second and third generations’…of rights, equality and sustainability.
In a world that d like to be regarded as democratically growing and comprehensively globalizing… as it only chance with simply surviving, the already pure loss, that make everyone wander how much wonder, no man, wounded currently would resist more the incited, flogged, don.key. petrified should one be by the results and ready consequences of us disregarding social and environmental harmony issues, there are som many irrepairable, and instead of stopping gasping in horror, we have to smile and speed up for the piles. Repair, peer. RIP
Academic freedom is about research, training, awareness, theories on practices, safe-guard, conservation of formers fights and wisdom, forums, data bases, debates, all (or a good a priori) of that is needed for hatching thoughtful measurements and policies.
Where are the social sciences and human laws being brought onto this stage?
Era, sphere of nowhere.
It is not a big, it is a gross toss suck satiety.
Here are the US university ones, but god knows how expensive – and thus elitist, and per se anti human rights they intrinsically are. Don’t ask me to say they are no good from being elitist thinking about money and deontology scrapping, in this world it is what elitists say.
Like the dubious fees demanded by some human rights lawyers, linking money – and whence economic discrimination - to the propagation of information necessary to the benefit of human societies and peace and security as a whole; these fees are in fact a contemptuous publicity toward the very idea of human rights and obligations. The blatant mise-en-place of a domineering and insulting masquerade of impunity.
A what want to be put with as generalization, compulsory assignment for everyone to accept discrimination as being inescapable- if you don’t subscribe- no entry to we let-you-live-in-the-laissez-faire- area.
These fees and prerequisites – allegiance to the capitalistic- in the sense of relations and human actions based on exploitation and abuses, that same rational enhanced through institutions such as the IMF, world bank… real and sole legislation maker (at the exclusion of the Genuine Nini 8- phonetic ally hate-for this occasion) at the UN supranational level.
These fees and prerequisites – and goals- o f making business-( accumulation of capital and opportunity, all opportunities coming out of it, and be swilled back , even glamorization for the possession of undue power- in the sense of ruining Others)- and not practices out of it, generating money not attitudes or elaboration of a constitutional (and not circumstantial, 1 odd retribution for the total extensional absence of solidarity)- framework to prevent abusive situations to occur (boosting the economy through check and balance and qualitative control, free of pollution, child pornography and animal testing for example??) - are the what of whys the very concept of human rights, the modern title to social consensus around shared well-being, advancement , positive progress and mutual respect, are bearing a bad name.
Someone talked about his disillusion about hr. ‘Believe in them after what they did to mine’ (it is right, and so his your phrase)
Give up for nothing, they are in the making, and thus will be staying.
Only a handful-size classes of human rights teachings at universities left in the completely western world.
This file in the blog to let you know that human rights bachelor degree of arts are, have been made completely disappear from the U.K and almost from the whole international resort and by extension from English speaker of this speciality.
On our dear dean, taken on thanks to her running the university as if it was a 4 stars hostels, were you see furniture all in nickel while outdoors it is the misery that they spray.
And at the beginning of the year the dean was all too joyful to announce business (every one in uk is in business and admin, did you see?) taking over the beyond mired human rights medusaed raft.
cherie blair a human rights advocate? a businesswoman with false value.
I mean the type that asks millions to pretend defend something lest than less let elite and money.
The very person why human rights are laughed and loathed by everyone included the ones that wish they were more than abject obeying fate of over the top market defect deject object.
Students adamantly for they are only students for the demo against the cuts, more and more intello frankly!
well, if you don't want no one but student at the demo, it s you who talk fasho, on nepotism a gogo.
On practicing a campaign whose sole aim was to hold the decision making while doing absolutely nothing but meeting, and look like the defeated if nethertheless glorious elaborating team that had done everything, but so things goes. Their campaing was lying about their own center assuring it was the state of the art and a world model when it is anything but true + they never mention that roehampton university this one that took the grant in honour of human rights continuation and celebrity was scrapping the last bastion in the uk.
hoping that the retheoric is exiting though
oh exciting sorry
don't insist on the fact that it is national penury, it could work, but cherie as an former advocate would have to blush a little more.
thanks for your support without any hypocrisie, thank you for the solidarity.
It is when you have to thank that you are a hanged man already.
Through, thank you for the reminding, the no independence nor neutrality of the instant, unsubstantiated institution - of knowledge and production -
the essence on humane. And a fuel over human. The way expected to grow and be died.
“As far as I know the university is committed to honouring its contractual arrangements with current students, full and part-time. I am sure if there is any change to this policy, you will be notified.” Anon.
In case the university would come back to before medieval. We will have to wait a little bit more for them to get rid of all their legal responsibilities.
Only a handful classes of human rights teachings at universities left in the whole western world.
Human rights and law? Nothing is supervised anyhow + it is lawful to harm someone as long as you say it ‘is work’ + or lawful to harm other generations + as nothing is supervised, the game is to avoid being caught by the very few and scattered rules that exist + and to make sure that the existing rules served the without mercy and whoresworseship politics and as we please we fire ya ik if you were a bundle of unearthly dices, immodest profit, immense cowardice, (hard on cow) immolate refuses and unspeakable fleece + even if you go with a proof it is then that the judges will say that it is not under its competence or jurisdiction.
For who say that there are law degrees associated with human rights, law is only a specific area that doesn’t rule over anything more than legal judicial system (not to be confound with justice). Even when legal appropriate interventions do occur- what about human rights theories in every other domains, shapes, stages and opportunities (allowing debates not as a way of restricting justice justification but an all-encompassing way of collecting problems and solution) dialogues, structures, policies, enhancing and supervising democracy process, education of human rights- human rights should be applied at any stages in order to make sure they are implemented, not only when one can try to settle ritualised human rights breaches, and therefore to find us a blatant proof, because as for the other breach they are undetected as they are not supervised, as are under having to follow respect of others’s nothing but very restraints area and way of impeach human rights abuses, and when they are in place it is the ones that make economy work- ex pay the advocate fees while you ve already been conned to present to a judge proof that cannot be retrieved without investigation – that such investigation will never happens and that even if you have proof of professional misconduct or disfunction, or whatever else, how much want you to bet that it is the very area where judgments are completely out of jurisdiction- it is the moment they say, if at all, that they are sorry for you, they are not legal capabilities to they are not competent.
Someone talked about his disillusion about hr. ‘Believe in them after what they did to mine’ (it is right, and so his your phrase)
Give up for nothing, they are in the making, and thus will be staying.
For the campaign, one of the next questions is how to stir the public opinion, at Roehampton; and when there eventually else where?
Laura, could you please post your remark on the taxpayer money back?
On the update about the remaining sites where academia (= training professional persons and bodies) human rights are presented:
in the expanding field of human rights: or so we are told.
There are approximately 8 (the sign of the eternity) minus 2 since they both have been scraped this year. classrooms dedicated to human rights and social sciences bachelor degree taught via the more globally representative of the international lingua franca ( english) remaining in the whole western world. Should suffice?
Students come to London from all other the world in London to get to study this program, as it is unique. Well, they were before annihilation.
Here are the only bachelor degrees dedicated to human rights studies in the whole ‘western world’. (pity yes a powerful feeling of shame, it has to be said)
Other programs are only courses or like Bircham University are not recognized by official organs like UCAS or state and public university in other countries.
The other degrees are often combined with peace resolution, or humanitarian issues (US charity concept of development perhaps?) , democracrYYY or are law only (LLM) degree approach.
Ok, University of East London has just opened to be scrapped this very year, 2 year after. Before this degree at the UEL existed but linked specially with law and environmental rights. About the content it seems that this degree is about politics and laws and is less international than Roehampton’ program is.
In other place sociology, history, philosophy are considerably less targeted and the subject is also treated at the national, local level meaning that the international political institutions are less object of studies than they indeed are at Roehampton.
I wanted to take this example to say how much Roehampton program is unique and won’t be replaced nor will the students , professors, and data it trained and get ready.
If one argues that there is still the M.A running at Roehampton, it is denying the fact that a MA is only one year of study, barely enough to train future potential specialists. Enough tough to be placarded with the title of it.
Human rights and law? Nothing is supervised anyhow + it is lawful to harm someone as long as you say it ‘is work’ + or lawful to harm other generations + as nothing is supervised, the game is to avoid being caught by the very few and scattered rules that exist + and to make sure that the existing rules served the without mercy and whoresworseship politics and as we please we fire ya ik if you were a bundle of unearthly dices, immodest profit, immense cowardice, (hard on cow) immolate refuses and unspeakable fleece + even if you go with a proof it is then that the judges will say that it is not under its competence or jurisdiction.Socio realized that they have to take into account human rights matters in the shaping of their ethics means and purposes (approximate to what Darren o’byrne said).
This is on the remand, as human rights, permitting human resources to be managed devilish like, have been put into jail. Gel. Gelded helded holdings.
For who say that there are law degrees associated with human rights, law is only a specific area that doesn’t rule over anything more than legal judicial system (not to be confound with justice). Even when legal appropriate interventions do occur- what about human rights theories in every other domains, shapes, stages and opportunities (allowing debates not as a way of restricting justice justification but an all-encompassing way of collecting problems and solution) dialogues, structures, policies, enhancing and supervising democracy process, education of human rights- human rights should be applied at any stages in order to make sure they are implemented, not only when one can try to settle ritualised human rights breaches, and therefore to find us a blatant proof, because as for the other breach they are undetected as they are not supervised, as are under having to follow respect of others’s nothing but very restraints area and way of impeach human rights abuses, and when they are in place it is the ones that make economy work- ex pay the advocate fees while you ve already been conned to present to a judge proof that cannot be retrieved without investigation – that such investigation will never happens and that even if you have proof of professional misconduct or disfunction, or whatever else, how much want you to bet that it is the very area where judgments are completely out of jurisdiction- it is the moment they say, if at all, that they are sorry for you, they are not legal capabilities to they are not competent.
Someone talked about his disillusion about hr. ‘Believe in them after what they did to mine’ (it is right, and so his your phrase)
Give up for nothing, they are in the making, and thus will be staying.
For the campaign, one of the next questions is how to stir the public opinion, at Roehampton; and when there eventually else where?
Could you please post your remark on the taxpayer money back?
On the update about the remaining academia (= training professional persons and edifying bodies) human rights are presented:
in the expanding field of human rights: or so we are told.
There are approximately 8 (the sign of the eternity) minus 2 since they both have been scraped this year. classrooms dedicated to human rights and social sciences bachelor degree taught via the more globally representative of the international lingua franca ( english) remaining in the whole western world. Should suffice?
Students come to London from all other the world in London to get to study this program, as it is unique. Well, they were before annihilation.
If one argues that there is still the M.A running at Roehampton, it is denying the fact that a MA is only one year of study, barely enough to train future potential specialists. Enough tough to be placarded with the title of it.
‘take a look at my girl friend, she is the only one I got.’
In a political world that champions itself as a model of civil and political rights protection and advocacy – and thus engendering a ready-made excuse for postponing or belittling the ‘second and third generations’
In a world that d like to be regarded as democratically growing and comprehensively globalizing…
Academic freedom is about research, training, awareness, theories on practices, safe-guard, conservation of formers fights and wisdom, forums, data bases, debates, all (or a good a priory) of that is needed for hatching thoughtful measurements and policies.
Where are the social sciences and human laws being brought onto this stage?
Era, sphere of nowhere.
Here are the US university ones, but god knows how expensive – and thus elitist, and per se anti human rights they intrinsically are.
Like the dubious fees demanded by some human rights lawyers, linking money – and whence economic discrimination - to the propagation of information necessary to the benefit of human societies and peace and security as a whole; these fees are in fact a contemptuous publicity toward the very idea of human rights and obligations. The blatant mise-en-place of a domineering and insulting masquerade of impunity.
A what want to be put with as generalization, compulsory assignment for everyone to accept discrimination as being inescapable- if you don’t subscribe- no entry to we let-you-live-in-the-laissez-faire- area.
These fees and prerequisites – allegiance to the capitalistic- in the sense of relations and human actions based on exploitation and abuses, that same rational enhanced through institutions such as the IMF, world bank… real and sole legislation maker (at the exclusion of the Genuine Nini [g.n standing for grande national] 8- phonetic ally hate-for this occasion) at the UN supranational level.
These fees and prerequisites – and goals- o f making business-( accumulation of capital and opportunity out of it , even glamorization for the possession of undue power- in the sense of ruining Others)- and not practices out of it, generating money not attitudes or elaboration of a constitutional (and not circumstantial, 1 odd retribution for the total extensional absence of solidarity)- framework to prevent abusive situations to occur (boosting the economy through check and balance and qualitative control, free of pollution, child pornography and animal testing for example??) - are the what of whys the very concept of human rights, the modern title to social consensus around shared well-being, advancement , positive progress and mutual respect, are bearing a bad name.
Already in blog.
This is a note, not amazing but truly amazed because of people could think that university truly needs money. And all of a sudden this year as we want to increase the fees, literally, but I know you will believe me as it is widespread costums- they have kept on changing walls, and lampposts, and sanitary, paint, wall to wall, everything of this did not have more than 6 month of existence. Stuffs in perfect condition just scrapped to pollute more and...
Mind, you d say, if they bin human rights, art and philo, one cannot wonder how they are domed not to understand the value of people, nature and objects. Like any false values, “the materialists” are in fact pissing over tools, work products, goods and histories.
hi laura, i think you might forget the new toilets (still without opening windows- mind if you breathe deeply in London street, your flesh will be chemically hurt and stop enjoying pursuit of happiness rapidly-maybe are we preserved from the fresh air coming from the outside by this way rest room are without escapatory, we could attempt to ask) in the library building all in marble replacing nothing that perfectly functioning one.
Viva the old building industry!
One of the eldest institution of the oldest job- bribery related prostitution.
i d b curious enough to check which MPs or civil servants, inter alia, by the same process have their own houses in renovation, actually.
Text about the administrators (the head of the human rights department!!!!!!!) who accepted funding from money reserved to human rights education telling us that it is a normal that they are scrapping the subject because the share holders don’t deem it lucrative any longer.
(No wonder some persons don’t see their interest in training human rights workers. It is the big plan, every one cashier for sole identity papers)
This money (namely buildings, training, and the way the money should have been given to an institution who would have fought to the last to preserve, protect and prolong human right survival: (very simple in this case, advertisement, and above all doing consciousness-raising campaigns in secondary schools prioprietarily to the subject of this all encompassing need for being the general preoccupation
I d like here (to) ask a question, to all of you.
It is about the aim of these courses, there are about human rights, mmh?
Human rights are also about democracy, it is not about the dictactorship of the majority the subject ici.
There are human rights and they are their defenders. Who are you?
I mean we risk the department closure, and there is even not a meeting.
I am not talking to the students but their professors.
What is going happen during ‘the judgment’, the kangaroo more, between the admin and you? Behind the curtain? Is it clear, cette foie-ci?
Time of the faith.
Note on how people, students this time have founded a site, taking the name of being democratic.
“save human rights at roehampton-public site”.
On the update about the remaining sites where human rights are presented:
in the expanding field of human rights
There are approximately 8 (the sign of the eternity) classrooms dedicated to human rights and social sciences bachelor degree taught via the more globally representative of the international lingua franca (i.e english) remaining in the all western world. Should suffice?
Students come to Roehampton from all other the world in London to get to study this program, as it is unique.
Uel program is shutting (shooted) also.
Ok, University of East London has just opened a Human Rights Bachelor of Art. Before this degree at the UEL existed but linked specially with law and environmental rights. About the content it seems that this degree is about politics and laws and is less international than Roehampton’ program is.
In other place sociology, history, philosophy are considerably less targeted and the subject is also treated at the national, local level meaning that the international political institutions are less object of studies than they indeed are at Roehampton.
I wanted to take this example to say how much Roehampton program was in the world, unique and won’t be replaced nor will the students, professors, and data it trained and get ready.
If one argues that there is still the M.A running at Roehampton, it is denying the fact that a MA is only one year of study, barely enough to train future potential specialists. Enough tough to be placarded with the title of it.
Letters to the students, that went rpaising the lords in research of fillip c.v :
Hey, sweet hearts, about campaigning, it is again (no, it is still) a Roehampton speciality.
It is one of the very ‘arms’ that these people want us to give up for the profit of more laissez-faire, or better laissez aller. (meaning next time is on you the security guard, even if the only of your instruments are loose ‘polite’ letter).
You said, let’s wait what the ‘the board binning it’’s reactions will be.
I agreed with you, I thought that the existence of human rights curriculum- the right word thank you to the person who used it curriculum- were somewhat linked with the national decision-making- whence the possibility of waging a campaign and say something like ‘protection, promoting, peace and social stability’ ‘national vocational qualification??’ i don’t know something.
Becareful at becoming expert, and having to leave in perpetual hypocrisie, as peace are treated up to the papers that are published with improvement approvals that are not human rights.
cherie blair a human rights advocate? a businesswoman with false value
Could you join the save human rights thing, and give us indication on how we could nick the bastards, excuse my violence, but i am trained and am pround of that. vous etes ma douceur cependant. droits de l homme vous etes tout ce que j'ai au coeur evidemment.
Students adamantly for they are only students for the demo against the cuts, more and more intello frankly!
well, if you don't want no one but student at the demo, it s you who talk fasho, on nepotism a gogo.
On practicing a campaign whose sole aim was to hold the decision making while doing absolutely nothing but meeting, and look like the defeated if nethertheless glorious elaborating team that had done everything, but so things goes. Their campaing was lying about their own center assuring it was the state of the art and a world model when it is anything but true + they never mention that roehampton university this one that took the grant in honour of human rights continuation and celebrity was scrapping the last bastion in the uk.
hoping that the retheoric is exiting though
oh exciting sorry
we ought to take his car (on vandalism) or something like that, without damaging it, only to lock me in the bastille as your president.
don't insist on the fact that there is not anylonger ba single honor in humanrights, that it is just for the roehampton ba as a token of a whimsimical luxury, like gagged, ganged king o byrne has said. don't insist on the fact that it is national penury, it could work, but cherie as an former advocate would have to blush a little more.
thanks for your support without any hypocrisie, thank you for the solidarity.
It is when you have to thank that you are a hanged man already.
love or loot.
From there you don’t have to mind, it is just comment on the pseudo camapaign still one for having used all that weapons that make you hate the word politics or associate it with insane. Insane profane = to be stopped and cut, sick.
I would not be so sure of the impression I made, alh, you still suck milk you know (on being under the patronage, on being under the patronage of 20 years old, in fact let’s guess that they have been taught by their parents how to pretend to be their sod) . Mind careful to your body, you will live old at the rate you both think to your salary raise and how to manage to do noghing with elegance label of approval given universally if not I am getting natty navel nasty.
I am also very worry about shit chitchat at this moment, are you trying to put up a petition to fire the old lad that enable to go on this dead flagged with some prose?
As your commands are nothing but the petition and the office od directors (for mature students the plageria of work you did babes was the nightmares of your imminent colleagues, but what about the deals you ll seal and the right you ll establish and what about hoes you ll defend, or the ones you will de(c)ide to ruin, sorry but there is above imbeciles, there are dangerous imbeciles) we constitute trying to hold on some celebrities addresses.
Decide suicide.
You see greener there is still a surviving area, it is that you can use disapproval stances when it is too obvious that people, above all when they are as dangerous as proclaiming defending others for their own profit.
In this epoch when we will be runned by adolescent. But one might think youth has to do their own mistakes. But you guys are not the youth, you are the ones that listen the old techniques of their parents that send their children playing the bossing around at uni, through money that I have been stolen through dirty trade and insider trading treading. And the most appalling, ooooooooooooooooh sorry appealing, is that your trainer might still have a distance from their own dishonesty, you?
I was so, so angry at your attitude of privileged going as far as preserving the way they would run the all campaign. Came pain.
Can you imagine what is to set up a group with the pretension of saving the last department dedicated to human rights specialists, while making sure that this site is not even known by our nearest students???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I told you guy, it is a national concern, but as our level we have to start stirring opinion and simply warning people local.
Who even started doing it? They constitute a bureau and were angering, answering no questions while displaying nothing that they were supposed to do and welcome as having established themselves as the bureau of h.r students. Like if the issues belonged to them. No trespass we have the monopoly now. I mean if you make sure you say we are a group with such stance, with such limitations...at least no every one will come and signed, and still there is accountability as for a clear setting up of actions. But here no they acted as if they were a representing the other students, all the other students!!!!!! Just the five of them blocking any other entry.
You manage to collect 600 persons through internet, and the persons in roehampton that could have done something to do what?
They manage??? No the subject manage to regroup 600 persons and what actions none, not even a campaing of awareness or controversies inside their little uni.
Campaign? Came the pain of c.v fulling contrivance, why do I insist? it is not for these sad babies, it is because in civil society it is done this way.
A site. In which there is no, no, no, no, no, no, no, none action following suit.
But the ball games you gave for the watching in between the guys of your office, talking about national media and be so complacent that they would answer no one. As they were saying they were in touch with big heads they just stopped answering the studs, students.
A sit that you called open to everybody but that you filtered at leisure.
Filtering the way people talk, the way they could have done something.
People were saying no answer, that’s broke.
You are the typical fashist and bourgeois way to manipulate the internet.
I am pertly pestily please with that. Pestle.
After a while since no one answer simple question on actions, repeated concern, and realizing that the show were a performance already vain, I start awaking every one is just saying that doing nothing was better than...i like, I love animals, so in good grace I call them. S.o.s. they call it profanities. Not the animals though. I just wanted to specify that it was the moment to stop pretend hearing nothing, on this face book group I have been blocked without even them telling me, warning me of anything. I ask to be reinserted in order to start an action on my own and with the follower that wanted, I did not insist as this kinda work is something you need to do with willing aims, but I ask and it has been refused. The campaign never produce anything, they close themselves after a month of another disentry.
On your little pamphlet on profanities, are you just denoting your being some kind of saints or some other thin fining?
In disguise, the cover of a book called save and left abandoned then emptied, the equivalent of our curriculum and vitae.
One a more optimist note the one that answer someone is still desiring operture. The day there is no more answer...
But let’s refocuse, don’t frown at the thought of being pardoned or relieved of whatsoever because an old sod like myself speak a little lit.
We had to speak and foreward ourselves, you, mine, theirs, glorified embody.
And everyone getting emotional, etc. So emotional that
All litls had been lost finally. It was human rights scrapped off the British university the title buddy, not I am looking for friends or parties...you see it was not a trick of your mummy.
Mummy momified because to explain how come I go on an on so vilainly. You guys last score of students specializing human rights in this European English speaking world, what did you when
As the sole leverage.
When homo were prohibited it is when sex was too. Noghing more than for reproduction. To avoid jealousy, desire, love.
As for the one who still think love as a sin, one fell felt feel lake opening. Not talking about mid humid minding.
To know that were could be so many and pray the life long for you to stay as a marital martial motto repel repal repact repeal all dodgy.
This blog is not designed to be chronological, but thematic. Since there is no way to replace date by title, only way to adapt is peruse it all.
To take out the venom of your clito or penis.
I feel like sucking your forehead the way you discurss. Hard and arty, and heartily.
And I hip you had some excitement future cuckold.
The profs could not be joining, who would have? listen to the experimented. who would have Listened to the experimented.
Loose one jobs.even if half of one on would havce wanted.
Can you observe how people never answer to each other but to say thank you great at when the next meeting
Here are the only bachelor degrees I found dedicated to human rights studies in the whole ‘western world’. (pity yes a powerful feeling of shame, it has to be said)
Other programs are only courses or like Bircham university are not recognized by UCAS.
The other degrees are often combined with peace resolution, or humanitarian issues (US charity concept of development perhaps?) , democracrYYY or are only law (LLM) degree approach.
The very few ba:
Kingston (is not pure human rights but politics combined), Lancashire, Essex (is not pure human rights but politics combined), and LSE (but being a very select university this one is not at the reach of the mainstream population).
After this USA and just forget all about it without green card or money – mind now fees is at the same level in the uk; logic would be that uk lose its international students intakes.
Here are the only bachelor degrees dedicated to human rights studies in the whole ‘western world’. (pity yes a powerful feeling of shame, it has to be said)
Other programs are only courses or like Bircham University are not recognized by official organs like UCAS or state and public university in other countries.
The other degrees are often combined with peace resolution, or humanitarian issues (US charity concept of development perhaps?) , democracrYYY or are law only (LLM) degree approach.
Ok, University of East London has just opened a Human.Rights Bachelor of Art.to be scrapped this very year, 2 year after. Before this degree at the UEL existed but linked specially with law and environmental rights. About the content it seems that this degree is about politics and laws and is less international than Roehampton’ program is.
In other place sociology, history, philosophy are considerably less targeted and the subject is also treated at the national, local level meaning that the international political institutions are less object of studies than they indeed are at Roehampton.
I wanted to take this example to say how much Roehampton program is unique and won’t be replaced nor will the students , professors, and data it trained and get ready.
The very few ba:
Kingston, Lancashire, Essex, and LSE (but this one is not at the reach of the mainstream population).
After this USA and just forget all about it without green card or money.
Human Rights (BA(Hons)) (programme specification) - UEL it opened a couple of years ago; it s already been closed- maybe did it open with human rights subvention…!!!
Not a true specialisy, no single honours.
1. Human Rights BA(Hons) - Entry 2011 course - London Undergraduate ...
Read more about Kingston University London's Human Rights BA(Hons) degree. This course covers a range of approaches to the subject, including history, ...
www.kingston.ac.uk/undergraduate-course/human-rights-2011/ - Cached
Bachelor in Human Rights Trinity College Connecticut
• Bachelor Degrees
• Hartford, CT
Trinity College’s Human Rights Program , the first human rights program at a liberal arts college in the United States, is committed to excellence in the study and practice of human rights. The Program seeks to foster critical debate about human... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Connecticut) ... undergraduate degree in human rights
Bachelor in Human Rights Agnes Scott College
• Bachelor Degrees
• Decatur, GA
Would you like to discover the sometimes surprising relationships among religion, politics, arts and international organizations, and understand their effects on individual rights? Read fiction and poetry inspired by human rights issues... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Georgia) ... bachelor in human rights
Bachelor in Human Rights Bard College
• Bachelor Degrees
• Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
Overview The Human Rights (HR) Program is a transdisciplinary program across the arts, social sciences, and literature. It offers courses that explore fundamental theoretical questions, historical and empirical issues within the disciplines... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in New York) ... bachelor degree in human rights
Bachelor in Human Rights University of Washington
• Bachelor Degrees
• Seattle, WA
The issue of human rights has attracted increased attention around the world. The tri-campus Human Rights minor at the University of Washington provides students the opportunity to learn about the political, philosophical, economic, cultural... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Washington) ... undergraduate degree with a major in human rights
Bachelor Degree in Human rights and Humanitarianism Macalester College
• Bachelor Degrees
• Saint Paul, MN
This concentration provides students an opportunity to engage in the interdisciplinary study of human rights and humanitarianism. The objectives of the concentration are to cultivate in students: (a) a familiarity with major developments... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Minnesota) ... college degrees in human rights
Development and Human Rights Arcadia University
• Bachelor Degrees
• Glenside, PA
Studies majors choose among three concentrations (Globalization, Development and Human Rights; Global Public Health; Modern Mediterranean World) and take a total of 12 courses (typically 46-48 credits) consisting of a mix of required major courses... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Pennsylvania)
Firstly edited a letter to the head of SS social sickhences. Sciences. As our own chief of department judged h.r a minor affairs.
It has to be done as that academic as the head of the human rights department (and prof of democracy) and as the department was under ablation took the stance of saying that Human Rights (h.r) was a subsubject to sociology; whereas H.R is even not only a social sicence, silenced, but is a field that is as independent as it ought to be in interdependence with every other matters concerning humans, humanity and their consequential doings and activities.
He also said that humans rights surviving arts was only to be found in the first generation of rights (namely liberal rights = civil and political rights), also relegating all other rights (one example amongst thousands: the right of a sustainable economy, consumption and production) to non rights.
Human Rights (h.r)
I d like you to know that alongside scrapping art diploma, the U.K has this year entirely binned the speciality of human rights programs associated with social sciences (not the legal aspect, but philo, history, socio, politics of it).
Please could you take a few minutes considering this information as it is horrific to understand that human rights bachelor of art single honor degree cannot be found anylonger in the whole U.K, country of the mean international language.
HUMAN RIGHTS, the only tool that are supposed to defend democracy, and that is invoqued by politicians, market, and civil society, alike in order to gain some legitimacy.
In the uk, and elsewhere of course, there won’t be any more specialists it is finished.
Thank you for you attention and carefulness.
If you want more detail:
In a world that d like to be regarded as democratically growing and comprehensively globalizing…
It is one of the very ‘arms’ that these people want us to give up for the profit of more laissez-faire, or better laissez aller. Meaning next time is on you the security guard, even if the only of your instruments are loose ‘polite’ letter.
very few human right university diplomas might still be found in the US, but god knows how expensive – and thus elitist and prefabricated, and per se anti human rights they intrinsically are.
Like the dubious fees demanded by some human rights lawyers, linking money – and whence economic discrimination, not being discrimate from economy but the fact that economy itself is innately a weapon of discrimination - to the propagation of information necessary to the benefit of human societies and peace and security as a whole; these fees are in fact a contemptuous publicity = contempt toward the very idea of human rights and obligations. The blatant mise-en-place of a domineering and insulting masquerade of impunity.
Loosing one’s field, like losing the autonomy from the market tactics, a what want to be put with as generalization, compulsory assignment for everyone to accept discrimination as being inescapable- if you don’t subscribe- no entry to we let-you-live-in-the-laissez-faire- area.
To adhere to these rules to be trained as a professional will ensure the pros to be and do that kinka of labour, sleazing and get rid of any ethics, as easy as one will have to lie to conserve position and salaries.
The so-called human rights alongside all sciences, theories and practices are dependent on this (sleaze, nepotism of and between people ok for ths same conning, will win) and it is why human rights are actually bearing a bad name. but at these pace, let’s hope they would still have one. (name, actual, present, not a vintage-wean out of whines)
To conclude I d like to draw your concern on the fact that police beats up peaceful protestors. It is the clear sign of the end of the genuine rights of freedom of assembly and manifestation. The greatest of new is that this opportunity to voice one’s opinion is the last bastion of freedom of speech. Believe a older worker, freedom of speech cost you your job or even your voluntary seat within the counter power of civil society, very, very, easily. Freedom of expression had just seen put down its last bastion. Let’s recall that in the uk general strikes (students, plus workers) are prohibited. It is done we are completely dispersed and ready for the kick.
On a last note, about the fees I thought the demo too much concentrated on the pounds (the cuts, the cuts but what about we will do with or without that), because if we paid the profs and all, still why not, but after uni what? Unemployment? Or having to accept to work in any kind of conditions or unethical programs.
A little more sadness, let’s to say ‘utterly terrifying’, this system will leave each individual dependent on the bank assent to grant money to start for study. It means that one can be tested psychologically, intellectually and ideologically. That means that the banks would have the monopoly on who they would like to send for qualification.
Enjoy your day.
Human rights Roehampton students are attempting to protest against the closure of the human rights single honour bachelor of Art. We are desperately trying to do so because the U.K, nonetheless transnational centre of international students and professional encounters, are closing its art and human rights programs.
Human rights, even though they attract students all over the world, obliged to come and study here, for the sake of the language of Shakespeare, human rights will be counting only 3 universities in the whole Great-Britain, where one will be able to study and specialized in them from the first year.
3 universities each one allowing a mockish and pitiable little number of students (maybe the equivalent of a big promotional classroom and profs to pursue this speciality, maybe in each university around 50 students enrolled in this speciality.
My meaning is not to bother you with human rights, but since they are the preoccupations (as the only barriers to gross abuses) of everybody in any kind of transactions, actions, conditions, states and this at each and every of any step, the conscience of our sciences, our S.O.S.
Is it not a bit surrealist, incredible, that Bachelor of Art on human rights (i am not talking about the combined honour, we would be taught by specialists from other fields, meaning the condemnation to servility of our discipline, reasons, rational and pride-lead by other specialists human rights could only be the shadow of itself, the pretence for democracy, the apology for abuses)
Our classroom has been fcalled a centre of excellence, the second scum on earth ranked as being human rights saviours, it is no more than 100 books and a deserted asoociations of woyerus (nothing there is to be seen but a completely emptied multi-millions-pounds building. Studies are becoming cooler and cooler. Do not sing it, but if you want to kno w a little bit more on the subject of the so called humanrights, new religions and cultureal debat that are not that is to say but sects and signed sucklers for money, blood and dignity of the corrupt.
If one argues that there is still the M.A running at Roehampton, it is denying the fact that a MA is only one year of study, barely enough to train future potential specialists! Enough tough to be placarded with the title of it.
In a world that d like to be regarded as democratically growing and comprehensively globalizing…
The very few ba:
Kingston, Lancashire, Essex, and LSE (but this one is not at the reach of the mainstream population).
After this USA and just forget all about it without green card or money.
In a political world that champions itself as a model of civil and political rights protection and advocacy – and thus engendering a ready-made excuse for postponing or belittling the ‘second and third generations’…of rights, equality and sustainability.
In a world that d like to be regarded as democratically growing and comprehensively globalizing… as it only chance with simply surviving, the already pure loss, that make everyone wander how much wonder, no man, wounded currently would resist more the incited, flogged, don.key. petrified should one be by the results and ready consequences of us disregarding social and environmental harmony issues, there are som many irrepairable, and instead of stopping gasping in horror, we have to smile and speed up for the piles. Repair, peer. RIP
Academic freedom is about research, training, awareness, theories on practices, safe-guard, conservation of formers fights and wisdom, forums, data bases, debates, all (or a good a priori) of that is needed for hatching thoughtful measurements and policies.
Where are the social sciences and human laws being brought onto this stage?
Era, sphere of nowhere.
It is not a big, it is a gross toss suck satiety.
Here are the US university ones, but god knows how expensive – and thus elitist, and per se anti human rights they intrinsically are. Don’t ask me to say they are no good from being elitist thinking about money and deontology scrapping, in this world it is what elitists say.
Like the dubious fees demanded by some human rights lawyers, linking money – and whence economic discrimination - to the propagation of information necessary to the benefit of human societies and peace and security as a whole; these fees are in fact a contemptuous publicity toward the very idea of human rights and obligations. The blatant mise-en-place of a domineering and insulting masquerade of impunity.
A what want to be put with as generalization, compulsory assignment for everyone to accept discrimination as being inescapable- if you don’t subscribe- no entry to we let-you-live-in-the-laissez-faire- area.
These fees and prerequisites – allegiance to the capitalistic- in the sense of relations and human actions based on exploitation and abuses, that same rational enhanced through institutions such as the IMF, world bank… real and sole legislation maker (at the exclusion of the Genuine Nini 8- phonetic ally hate-for this occasion) at the UN supranational level.
These fees and prerequisites – and goals- o f making business-( accumulation of capital and opportunity, all opportunities coming out of it, and be swilled back , even glamorization for the possession of undue power- in the sense of ruining Others)- and not practices out of it, generating money not attitudes or elaboration of a constitutional (and not circumstantial, 1 odd retribution for the total extensional absence of solidarity)- framework to prevent abusive situations to occur (boosting the economy through check and balance and qualitative control, free of pollution, child pornography and animal testing for example??) - are the what of whys the very concept of human rights, the modern title to social consensus around shared well-being, advancement , positive progress and mutual respect, are bearing a bad name.
Someone talked about his disillusion about hr. ‘Believe in them after what they did to mine’ (it is right, and so his your phrase)
Give up for nothing, they are in the making, and thus will be staying.
Only a handful-size classes of human rights teachings at universities left in the completely western world.
This file in the blog to let you know that human rights bachelor degree of arts are, have been made completely disappear from the U.K and almost from the whole international resort and by extension from English speaker of this speciality.
On our dear dean, taken on thanks to her running the university as if it was a 4 stars hostels, were you see furniture all in nickel while outdoors it is the misery that they spray.
And at the beginning of the year the dean was all too joyful to announce business (every one in uk is in business and admin, did you see?) taking over the beyond mired human rights medusaed raft.
cherie blair a human rights advocate? a businesswoman with false value.
I mean the type that asks millions to pretend defend something lest than less let elite and money.
The very person why human rights are laughed and loathed by everyone included the ones that wish they were more than abject obeying fate of over the top market defect deject object.
Students adamantly for they are only students for the demo against the cuts, more and more intello frankly!
well, if you don't want no one but student at the demo, it s you who talk fasho, on nepotism a gogo.
On practicing a campaign whose sole aim was to hold the decision making while doing absolutely nothing but meeting, and look like the defeated if nethertheless glorious elaborating team that had done everything, but so things goes. Their campaing was lying about their own center assuring it was the state of the art and a world model when it is anything but true + they never mention that roehampton university this one that took the grant in honour of human rights continuation and celebrity was scrapping the last bastion in the uk.
hoping that the retheoric is exiting though
oh exciting sorry
don't insist on the fact that it is national penury, it could work, but cherie as an former advocate would have to blush a little more.
thanks for your support without any hypocrisie, thank you for the solidarity.
It is when you have to thank that you are a hanged man already.
Through, thank you for the reminding, the no independence nor neutrality of the instant, unsubstantiated institution - of knowledge and production -
the essence on humane. And a fuel over human. The way expected to grow and be died.
“As far as I know the university is committed to honouring its contractual arrangements with current students, full and part-time. I am sure if there is any change to this policy, you will be notified.” Anon.
In case the university would come back to before medieval. We will have to wait a little bit more for them to get rid of all their legal responsibilities.
Only a handful classes of human rights teachings at universities left in the whole western world.
Human rights and law? Nothing is supervised anyhow + it is lawful to harm someone as long as you say it ‘is work’ + or lawful to harm other generations + as nothing is supervised, the game is to avoid being caught by the very few and scattered rules that exist + and to make sure that the existing rules served the without mercy and whoresworseship politics and as we please we fire ya ik if you were a bundle of unearthly dices, immodest profit, immense cowardice, (hard on cow) immolate refuses and unspeakable fleece + even if you go with a proof it is then that the judges will say that it is not under its competence or jurisdiction.
For who say that there are law degrees associated with human rights, law is only a specific area that doesn’t rule over anything more than legal judicial system (not to be confound with justice). Even when legal appropriate interventions do occur- what about human rights theories in every other domains, shapes, stages and opportunities (allowing debates not as a way of restricting justice justification but an all-encompassing way of collecting problems and solution) dialogues, structures, policies, enhancing and supervising democracy process, education of human rights- human rights should be applied at any stages in order to make sure they are implemented, not only when one can try to settle ritualised human rights breaches, and therefore to find us a blatant proof, because as for the other breach they are undetected as they are not supervised, as are under having to follow respect of others’s nothing but very restraints area and way of impeach human rights abuses, and when they are in place it is the ones that make economy work- ex pay the advocate fees while you ve already been conned to present to a judge proof that cannot be retrieved without investigation – that such investigation will never happens and that even if you have proof of professional misconduct or disfunction, or whatever else, how much want you to bet that it is the very area where judgments are completely out of jurisdiction- it is the moment they say, if at all, that they are sorry for you, they are not legal capabilities to they are not competent.
Someone talked about his disillusion about hr. ‘Believe in them after what they did to mine’ (it is right, and so his your phrase)
Give up for nothing, they are in the making, and thus will be staying.
For the campaign, one of the next questions is how to stir the public opinion, at Roehampton; and when there eventually else where?
Laura, could you please post your remark on the taxpayer money back?
On the update about the remaining sites where academia (= training professional persons and bodies) human rights are presented:
in the expanding field of human rights: or so we are told.
There are approximately 8 (the sign of the eternity) minus 2 since they both have been scraped this year. classrooms dedicated to human rights and social sciences bachelor degree taught via the more globally representative of the international lingua franca ( english) remaining in the whole western world. Should suffice?
Students come to London from all other the world in London to get to study this program, as it is unique. Well, they were before annihilation.
Here are the only bachelor degrees dedicated to human rights studies in the whole ‘western world’. (pity yes a powerful feeling of shame, it has to be said)
Other programs are only courses or like Bircham University are not recognized by official organs like UCAS or state and public university in other countries.
The other degrees are often combined with peace resolution, or humanitarian issues (US charity concept of development perhaps?) , democracrYYY or are law only (LLM) degree approach.
Ok, University of East London has just opened to be scrapped this very year, 2 year after. Before this degree at the UEL existed but linked specially with law and environmental rights. About the content it seems that this degree is about politics and laws and is less international than Roehampton’ program is.
In other place sociology, history, philosophy are considerably less targeted and the subject is also treated at the national, local level meaning that the international political institutions are less object of studies than they indeed are at Roehampton.
I wanted to take this example to say how much Roehampton program is unique and won’t be replaced nor will the students , professors, and data it trained and get ready.
If one argues that there is still the M.A running at Roehampton, it is denying the fact that a MA is only one year of study, barely enough to train future potential specialists. Enough tough to be placarded with the title of it.
Human rights and law? Nothing is supervised anyhow + it is lawful to harm someone as long as you say it ‘is work’ + or lawful to harm other generations + as nothing is supervised, the game is to avoid being caught by the very few and scattered rules that exist + and to make sure that the existing rules served the without mercy and whoresworseship politics and as we please we fire ya ik if you were a bundle of unearthly dices, immodest profit, immense cowardice, (hard on cow) immolate refuses and unspeakable fleece + even if you go with a proof it is then that the judges will say that it is not under its competence or jurisdiction.Socio realized that they have to take into account human rights matters in the shaping of their ethics means and purposes (approximate to what Darren o’byrne said).
This is on the remand, as human rights, permitting human resources to be managed devilish like, have been put into jail. Gel. Gelded helded holdings.
For who say that there are law degrees associated with human rights, law is only a specific area that doesn’t rule over anything more than legal judicial system (not to be confound with justice). Even when legal appropriate interventions do occur- what about human rights theories in every other domains, shapes, stages and opportunities (allowing debates not as a way of restricting justice justification but an all-encompassing way of collecting problems and solution) dialogues, structures, policies, enhancing and supervising democracy process, education of human rights- human rights should be applied at any stages in order to make sure they are implemented, not only when one can try to settle ritualised human rights breaches, and therefore to find us a blatant proof, because as for the other breach they are undetected as they are not supervised, as are under having to follow respect of others’s nothing but very restraints area and way of impeach human rights abuses, and when they are in place it is the ones that make economy work- ex pay the advocate fees while you ve already been conned to present to a judge proof that cannot be retrieved without investigation – that such investigation will never happens and that even if you have proof of professional misconduct or disfunction, or whatever else, how much want you to bet that it is the very area where judgments are completely out of jurisdiction- it is the moment they say, if at all, that they are sorry for you, they are not legal capabilities to they are not competent.
Someone talked about his disillusion about hr. ‘Believe in them after what they did to mine’ (it is right, and so his your phrase)
Give up for nothing, they are in the making, and thus will be staying.
For the campaign, one of the next questions is how to stir the public opinion, at Roehampton; and when there eventually else where?
Could you please post your remark on the taxpayer money back?
On the update about the remaining academia (= training professional persons and edifying bodies) human rights are presented:
in the expanding field of human rights: or so we are told.
There are approximately 8 (the sign of the eternity) minus 2 since they both have been scraped this year. classrooms dedicated to human rights and social sciences bachelor degree taught via the more globally representative of the international lingua franca ( english) remaining in the whole western world. Should suffice?
Students come to London from all other the world in London to get to study this program, as it is unique. Well, they were before annihilation.
If one argues that there is still the M.A running at Roehampton, it is denying the fact that a MA is only one year of study, barely enough to train future potential specialists. Enough tough to be placarded with the title of it.
‘take a look at my girl friend, she is the only one I got.’
In a political world that champions itself as a model of civil and political rights protection and advocacy – and thus engendering a ready-made excuse for postponing or belittling the ‘second and third generations’
In a world that d like to be regarded as democratically growing and comprehensively globalizing…
Academic freedom is about research, training, awareness, theories on practices, safe-guard, conservation of formers fights and wisdom, forums, data bases, debates, all (or a good a priory) of that is needed for hatching thoughtful measurements and policies.
Where are the social sciences and human laws being brought onto this stage?
Era, sphere of nowhere.
Here are the US university ones, but god knows how expensive – and thus elitist, and per se anti human rights they intrinsically are.
Like the dubious fees demanded by some human rights lawyers, linking money – and whence economic discrimination - to the propagation of information necessary to the benefit of human societies and peace and security as a whole; these fees are in fact a contemptuous publicity toward the very idea of human rights and obligations. The blatant mise-en-place of a domineering and insulting masquerade of impunity.
A what want to be put with as generalization, compulsory assignment for everyone to accept discrimination as being inescapable- if you don’t subscribe- no entry to we let-you-live-in-the-laissez-faire- area.
These fees and prerequisites – allegiance to the capitalistic- in the sense of relations and human actions based on exploitation and abuses, that same rational enhanced through institutions such as the IMF, world bank… real and sole legislation maker (at the exclusion of the Genuine Nini [g.n standing for grande national] 8- phonetic ally hate-for this occasion) at the UN supranational level.
These fees and prerequisites – and goals- o f making business-( accumulation of capital and opportunity out of it , even glamorization for the possession of undue power- in the sense of ruining Others)- and not practices out of it, generating money not attitudes or elaboration of a constitutional (and not circumstantial, 1 odd retribution for the total extensional absence of solidarity)- framework to prevent abusive situations to occur (boosting the economy through check and balance and qualitative control, free of pollution, child pornography and animal testing for example??) - are the what of whys the very concept of human rights, the modern title to social consensus around shared well-being, advancement , positive progress and mutual respect, are bearing a bad name.
Already in blog.
This is a note, not amazing but truly amazed because of people could think that university truly needs money. And all of a sudden this year as we want to increase the fees, literally, but I know you will believe me as it is widespread costums- they have kept on changing walls, and lampposts, and sanitary, paint, wall to wall, everything of this did not have more than 6 month of existence. Stuffs in perfect condition just scrapped to pollute more and...
Mind, you d say, if they bin human rights, art and philo, one cannot wonder how they are domed not to understand the value of people, nature and objects. Like any false values, “the materialists” are in fact pissing over tools, work products, goods and histories.
hi laura, i think you might forget the new toilets (still without opening windows- mind if you breathe deeply in London street, your flesh will be chemically hurt and stop enjoying pursuit of happiness rapidly-maybe are we preserved from the fresh air coming from the outside by this way rest room are without escapatory, we could attempt to ask) in the library building all in marble replacing nothing that perfectly functioning one.
Viva the old building industry!
One of the eldest institution of the oldest job- bribery related prostitution.
i d b curious enough to check which MPs or civil servants, inter alia, by the same process have their own houses in renovation, actually.
Text about the administrators (the head of the human rights department!!!!!!!) who accepted funding from money reserved to human rights education telling us that it is a normal that they are scrapping the subject because the share holders don’t deem it lucrative any longer.
(No wonder some persons don’t see their interest in training human rights workers. It is the big plan, every one cashier for sole identity papers)
This money (namely buildings, training, and the way the money should have been given to an institution who would have fought to the last to preserve, protect and prolong human right survival: (very simple in this case, advertisement, and above all doing consciousness-raising campaigns in secondary schools prioprietarily to the subject of this all encompassing need for being the general preoccupation
I d like here (to) ask a question, to all of you.
It is about the aim of these courses, there are about human rights, mmh?
Human rights are also about democracy, it is not about the dictactorship of the majority the subject ici.
There are human rights and they are their defenders. Who are you?
I mean we risk the department closure, and there is even not a meeting.
I am not talking to the students but their professors.
What is going happen during ‘the judgment’, the kangaroo more, between the admin and you? Behind the curtain? Is it clear, cette foie-ci?
Time of the faith.
Note on how people, students this time have founded a site, taking the name of being democratic.
“save human rights at roehampton-public site”.
On the update about the remaining sites where human rights are presented:
in the expanding field of human rights
There are approximately 8 (the sign of the eternity) classrooms dedicated to human rights and social sciences bachelor degree taught via the more globally representative of the international lingua franca (i.e english) remaining in the all western world. Should suffice?
Students come to Roehampton from all other the world in London to get to study this program, as it is unique.
Uel program is shutting (shooted) also.
Ok, University of East London has just opened a Human Rights Bachelor of Art. Before this degree at the UEL existed but linked specially with law and environmental rights. About the content it seems that this degree is about politics and laws and is less international than Roehampton’ program is.
In other place sociology, history, philosophy are considerably less targeted and the subject is also treated at the national, local level meaning that the international political institutions are less object of studies than they indeed are at Roehampton.
I wanted to take this example to say how much Roehampton program was in the world, unique and won’t be replaced nor will the students, professors, and data it trained and get ready.
If one argues that there is still the M.A running at Roehampton, it is denying the fact that a MA is only one year of study, barely enough to train future potential specialists. Enough tough to be placarded with the title of it.
Letters to the students, that went rpaising the lords in research of fillip c.v :
Hey, sweet hearts, about campaigning, it is again (no, it is still) a Roehampton speciality.
It is one of the very ‘arms’ that these people want us to give up for the profit of more laissez-faire, or better laissez aller. (meaning next time is on you the security guard, even if the only of your instruments are loose ‘polite’ letter).
You said, let’s wait what the ‘the board binning it’’s reactions will be.
I agreed with you, I thought that the existence of human rights curriculum- the right word thank you to the person who used it curriculum- were somewhat linked with the national decision-making- whence the possibility of waging a campaign and say something like ‘protection, promoting, peace and social stability’ ‘national vocational qualification??’ i don’t know something.
Becareful at becoming expert, and having to leave in perpetual hypocrisie, as peace are treated up to the papers that are published with improvement approvals that are not human rights.
cherie blair a human rights advocate? a businesswoman with false value
Could you join the save human rights thing, and give us indication on how we could nick the bastards, excuse my violence, but i am trained and am pround of that. vous etes ma douceur cependant. droits de l homme vous etes tout ce que j'ai au coeur evidemment.
Students adamantly for they are only students for the demo against the cuts, more and more intello frankly!
well, if you don't want no one but student at the demo, it s you who talk fasho, on nepotism a gogo.
On practicing a campaign whose sole aim was to hold the decision making while doing absolutely nothing but meeting, and look like the defeated if nethertheless glorious elaborating team that had done everything, but so things goes. Their campaing was lying about their own center assuring it was the state of the art and a world model when it is anything but true + they never mention that roehampton university this one that took the grant in honour of human rights continuation and celebrity was scrapping the last bastion in the uk.
hoping that the retheoric is exiting though
oh exciting sorry
we ought to take his car (on vandalism) or something like that, without damaging it, only to lock me in the bastille as your president.
don't insist on the fact that there is not anylonger ba single honor in humanrights, that it is just for the roehampton ba as a token of a whimsimical luxury, like gagged, ganged king o byrne has said. don't insist on the fact that it is national penury, it could work, but cherie as an former advocate would have to blush a little more.
thanks for your support without any hypocrisie, thank you for the solidarity.
It is when you have to thank that you are a hanged man already.
love or loot.
From there you don’t have to mind, it is just comment on the pseudo camapaign still one for having used all that weapons that make you hate the word politics or associate it with insane. Insane profane = to be stopped and cut, sick.
I would not be so sure of the impression I made, alh, you still suck milk you know (on being under the patronage, on being under the patronage of 20 years old, in fact let’s guess that they have been taught by their parents how to pretend to be their sod) . Mind careful to your body, you will live old at the rate you both think to your salary raise and how to manage to do noghing with elegance label of approval given universally if not I am getting natty navel nasty.
I am also very worry about shit chitchat at this moment, are you trying to put up a petition to fire the old lad that enable to go on this dead flagged with some prose?
As your commands are nothing but the petition and the office od directors (for mature students the plageria of work you did babes was the nightmares of your imminent colleagues, but what about the deals you ll seal and the right you ll establish and what about hoes you ll defend, or the ones you will de(c)ide to ruin, sorry but there is above imbeciles, there are dangerous imbeciles) we constitute trying to hold on some celebrities addresses.
Decide suicide.
You see greener there is still a surviving area, it is that you can use disapproval stances when it is too obvious that people, above all when they are as dangerous as proclaiming defending others for their own profit.
In this epoch when we will be runned by adolescent. But one might think youth has to do their own mistakes. But you guys are not the youth, you are the ones that listen the old techniques of their parents that send their children playing the bossing around at uni, through money that I have been stolen through dirty trade and insider trading treading. And the most appalling, ooooooooooooooooh sorry appealing, is that your trainer might still have a distance from their own dishonesty, you?
I was so, so angry at your attitude of privileged going as far as preserving the way they would run the all campaign. Came pain.
Can you imagine what is to set up a group with the pretension of saving the last department dedicated to human rights specialists, while making sure that this site is not even known by our nearest students???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I told you guy, it is a national concern, but as our level we have to start stirring opinion and simply warning people local.
Who even started doing it? They constitute a bureau and were angering, answering no questions while displaying nothing that they were supposed to do and welcome as having established themselves as the bureau of h.r students. Like if the issues belonged to them. No trespass we have the monopoly now. I mean if you make sure you say we are a group with such stance, with such limitations...at least no every one will come and signed, and still there is accountability as for a clear setting up of actions. But here no they acted as if they were a representing the other students, all the other students!!!!!! Just the five of them blocking any other entry.
You manage to collect 600 persons through internet, and the persons in roehampton that could have done something to do what?
They manage??? No the subject manage to regroup 600 persons and what actions none, not even a campaing of awareness or controversies inside their little uni.
Campaign? Came the pain of c.v fulling contrivance, why do I insist? it is not for these sad babies, it is because in civil society it is done this way.
A site. In which there is no, no, no, no, no, no, no, none action following suit.
But the ball games you gave for the watching in between the guys of your office, talking about national media and be so complacent that they would answer no one. As they were saying they were in touch with big heads they just stopped answering the studs, students.
A sit that you called open to everybody but that you filtered at leisure.
Filtering the way people talk, the way they could have done something.
People were saying no answer, that’s broke.
You are the typical fashist and bourgeois way to manipulate the internet.
I am pertly pestily please with that. Pestle.
After a while since no one answer simple question on actions, repeated concern, and realizing that the show were a performance already vain, I start awaking every one is just saying that doing nothing was better than...i like, I love animals, so in good grace I call them. S.o.s. they call it profanities. Not the animals though. I just wanted to specify that it was the moment to stop pretend hearing nothing, on this face book group I have been blocked without even them telling me, warning me of anything. I ask to be reinserted in order to start an action on my own and with the follower that wanted, I did not insist as this kinda work is something you need to do with willing aims, but I ask and it has been refused. The campaign never produce anything, they close themselves after a month of another disentry.
On your little pamphlet on profanities, are you just denoting your being some kind of saints or some other thin fining?
In disguise, the cover of a book called save and left abandoned then emptied, the equivalent of our curriculum and vitae.
One a more optimist note the one that answer someone is still desiring operture. The day there is no more answer...
But let’s refocuse, don’t frown at the thought of being pardoned or relieved of whatsoever because an old sod like myself speak a little lit.
We had to speak and foreward ourselves, you, mine, theirs, glorified embody.
And everyone getting emotional, etc. So emotional that
All litls had been lost finally. It was human rights scrapped off the British university the title buddy, not I am looking for friends or parties...you see it was not a trick of your mummy.
Mummy momified because to explain how come I go on an on so vilainly. You guys last score of students specializing human rights in this European English speaking world, what did you when
As the sole leverage.
When homo were prohibited it is when sex was too. Noghing more than for reproduction. To avoid jealousy, desire, love.
As for the one who still think love as a sin, one fell felt feel lake opening. Not talking about mid humid minding.
To know that were could be so many and pray the life long for you to stay as a marital martial motto repel repal repact repeal all dodgy.
This blog is not designed to be chronological, but thematic. Since there is no way to replace date by title, only way to adapt is peruse it all.
To take out the venom of your clito or penis.
I feel like sucking your forehead the way you discurss. Hard and arty, and heartily.
And I hip you had some excitement future cuckold.
The profs could not be joining, who would have? listen to the experimented. who would have Listened to the experimented.
Loose one jobs.even if half of one on would havce wanted.
Can you observe how people never answer to each other but to say thank you great at when the next meeting
Here are the only bachelor degrees I found dedicated to human rights studies in the whole ‘western world’. (pity yes a powerful feeling of shame, it has to be said)
Other programs are only courses or like Bircham university are not recognized by UCAS.
The other degrees are often combined with peace resolution, or humanitarian issues (US charity concept of development perhaps?) , democracrYYY or are only law (LLM) degree approach.
The very few ba:
Kingston (is not pure human rights but politics combined), Lancashire, Essex (is not pure human rights but politics combined), and LSE (but being a very select university this one is not at the reach of the mainstream population).
After this USA and just forget all about it without green card or money – mind now fees is at the same level in the uk; logic would be that uk lose its international students intakes.
Here are the only bachelor degrees dedicated to human rights studies in the whole ‘western world’. (pity yes a powerful feeling of shame, it has to be said)
Other programs are only courses or like Bircham University are not recognized by official organs like UCAS or state and public university in other countries.
The other degrees are often combined with peace resolution, or humanitarian issues (US charity concept of development perhaps?) , democracrYYY or are law only (LLM) degree approach.
Ok, University of East London has just opened a Human.Rights Bachelor of Art.to be scrapped this very year, 2 year after. Before this degree at the UEL existed but linked specially with law and environmental rights. About the content it seems that this degree is about politics and laws and is less international than Roehampton’ program is.
In other place sociology, history, philosophy are considerably less targeted and the subject is also treated at the national, local level meaning that the international political institutions are less object of studies than they indeed are at Roehampton.
I wanted to take this example to say how much Roehampton program is unique and won’t be replaced nor will the students , professors, and data it trained and get ready.
The very few ba:
Kingston, Lancashire, Essex, and LSE (but this one is not at the reach of the mainstream population).
After this USA and just forget all about it without green card or money.
Human Rights (BA(Hons)) (programme specification) - UEL it opened a couple of years ago; it s already been closed- maybe did it open with human rights subvention…!!!
Not a true specialisy, no single honours.
1. Human Rights BA(Hons) - Entry 2011 course - London Undergraduate ...
Read more about Kingston University London's Human Rights BA(Hons) degree. This course covers a range of approaches to the subject, including history, ...
www.kingston.ac.uk/undergraduate-course/human-rights-2011/ - Cached
Bachelor in Human Rights Trinity College Connecticut
• Bachelor Degrees
• Hartford, CT
Trinity College’s Human Rights Program , the first human rights program at a liberal arts college in the United States, is committed to excellence in the study and practice of human rights. The Program seeks to foster critical debate about human... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Connecticut) ... undergraduate degree in human rights
Bachelor in Human Rights Agnes Scott College
• Bachelor Degrees
• Decatur, GA
Would you like to discover the sometimes surprising relationships among religion, politics, arts and international organizations, and understand their effects on individual rights? Read fiction and poetry inspired by human rights issues... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Georgia) ... bachelor in human rights
Bachelor in Human Rights Bard College
• Bachelor Degrees
• Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
Overview The Human Rights (HR) Program is a transdisciplinary program across the arts, social sciences, and literature. It offers courses that explore fundamental theoretical questions, historical and empirical issues within the disciplines... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in New York) ... bachelor degree in human rights
Bachelor in Human Rights University of Washington
• Bachelor Degrees
• Seattle, WA
The issue of human rights has attracted increased attention around the world. The tri-campus Human Rights minor at the University of Washington provides students the opportunity to learn about the political, philosophical, economic, cultural... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Washington) ... undergraduate degree with a major in human rights
Bachelor Degree in Human rights and Humanitarianism Macalester College
• Bachelor Degrees
• Saint Paul, MN
This concentration provides students an opportunity to engage in the interdisciplinary study of human rights and humanitarianism. The objectives of the concentration are to cultivate in students: (a) a familiarity with major developments... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Minnesota) ... college degrees in human rights
Development and Human Rights Arcadia University
• Bachelor Degrees
• Glenside, PA
Studies majors choose among three concentrations (Globalization, Development and Human Rights; Global Public Health; Modern Mediterranean World) and take a total of 12 courses (typically 46-48 credits) consisting of a mix of required major courses... (Human Rights Bachelor Degrees in Pennsylvania)
Firstly edited a letter to the head of SS social sickhences. Sciences. As our own chief of department judged h.r a minor affairs.
It has to be done as that academic as the head of the human rights department (and prof of democracy) and as the department was under ablation took the stance of saying that Human Rights (h.r) was a subsubject to sociology; whereas H.R is even not only a social sicence, silenced, but is a field that is as independent as it ought to be in interdependence with every other matters concerning humans, humanity and their consequential doings and activities.
He also said that humans rights surviving arts was only to be found in the first generation of rights (namely liberal rights = civil and political rights), also relegating all other rights (one example amongst thousands: the right of a sustainable economy, consumption and production) to non rights.