
Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Most rape victims in conflict zones are children - report

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 09:04 GMT

Source: reuters // Reuters

Children carry their family's belongings as they go to Yida refugee camp in South Sudan outside Tess village in the rebel-held territory of the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan, Sudan, May 2, 2012. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic

By Li-mei Hoang

VULNERABLE PEOPLE IN CONFLICT: Most victims of sexual violence in conflict zones are children who are suffering rape and abuse at an appalling rate, say campaigners who describe the attacks as the "hidden horrors of war".

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Government want to remove climate change from the geography curriculum


Keep climate change in the curriculum

The Government want to remove climate change from the geography curriculum for under 14s. We think this will threaten the wellbeing of future generations and the environment. Find out more and sign the petition.

Best Wishes, Rita @ Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth engages in bold, justice-minded environmentalism.

Are the Tory wanting to assassinate the whole planet this way, minus the one being able to buy space shuttle ticket?

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hosting in Reading university Cleric’s incitement to murder ignored in cancellation decision

Peter Tatchell Foundation
Reading University cancels "kill gays" Islamist preacher

Feeble excuse: fictitious threat of violent protests?

Cleric’s incitement to murder ignored in cancellation decision

Muslim Society not rebuked for hosting a murder-approving speaker

London - 28 February 2013

Reading University has cancelled today’s scheduled speech by "kill the gays" Islamist preacher Abu Usamah at-Thahabi, which was to be hosted by the university’s Muslim Society.

“Thahabi endorses the murder of gay people and of Muslims who give up their faith. He says women are deficient and encourages the beating of little girls who refuse to wear the hijab,” said Peter Tatchell, Director of the human rights lobby, the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

“While this cancellation is welcome, the university’s reasons for the cancellation appear to be bogus, feeble and unprincipled.

“The university authorities claim the Thahabi meeting was cancelled because of serious threats of violent protest by extremist groups. I challenge the university to name these groups and reveal the threats.

“The idea that Islamist extremists would threaten a fellow Islamist extremist is absurd. The planned student protest against Thahabi was always going to be peaceful and never made any threats, as far as I know.

“Unless the university has evidence they have not disclosed, its professed reason for cancellation looks like a vile, disgraceful smear against legitimate, non-violent protesters.

“To its shame, the university appears to have used a phoney excuse to cancel a speaker who never should have been invited to speak in the first place. Inviting Thahabi clearly violated the equal opportunities and non-discrimination policies of the university and the student’s union.

“Women, Muslim and LGBT students have a right to go to university without being menaced and threatened by hate preachers.

“Disgracefully, the Vice Chancellor has failed to condemn the Muslim Society for inviting

“Thahabi’s hateful, violent views are not shared by most Muslims in Britain,” said Mr Tatchell.

See below the briefing about Abu Usamah at-Thahabi’s history of murderous incitements, sexism and threats against fellow Muslims.

See this online local Reading press report of the meeting’s cancellation, posted at 19.30 last night:

A letter had been sent by the Peter Tatchell Foundation to the Vice Chancellor of Reading University, David Bell, protesting at the university's decision to host Abu Usamah at-Thahabi, on the grounds that Thahabi had been filmed by Channel Four’s Dispatches programme justifying the murder of gay people. Incitement to murder is a serious criminal offence.

Below is a copy of this letter.

Other protests were made against Thahabi by the anti-extremist organisation, Students Rights, and by Reading University students.

Vice-Chancellor, Reading University

Dear David Bell,

I understand that Mr. Abu Usamah at-Thahabi is giving a talk at the University of Reading on Thursday, 28th February 2013.

This individual has incited hatred and murder of homosexuals. He has abused his right to free speech and infringed the right of LGBT people to go about their lives without threats or fear.

Please click on this link for more evidence of Mr at-Thahabi's history of preaching hate and violence against LGBT people:

It is not good enough to monitor his presence on Thursday. His conduct before attending the University of Reading needs to weigh heavily upon any decision to permit him onto university property.

Allowing him to speak at your university would be a de facto reward for incitement to homophobic violence.

I would urge you to deny him a platform or hospitality, as it would be an insult to past/present/future LGBT individuals attending your university.

If Mr Abu Usamah at-Thahabi's previous remarks had called for the murder of Jewish or black people I am sure he would not be permitted to speak at your university.

I urge you to not collude with a man who incites murder, and to not adopt double standards on incitements to racist and homophobic violence.

Equality for all. Hatred against none.

Yours with best wishes,

Peter Tatchell
Peter Tatchell Foundation

Background Briefing on Abu Usamah at-Thahabi

Abu Usamah at-Thahabi has previously urged that gay people should be punished with death.

“Do you practice homosexuality with men? Take that homosexual man and throw him off the mountain,” Thahabi was recorded as saying by Channel Four’s Dispatches programme.

“If I were to call homosexuals perverted, dirty, filthy dogs who should be murdered, that’s my freedom of speech, isn’t it?”

On Muslims who leave the faith he said: “Kill him in the Islamic state...If the Imam wants to crucify him, he should crucify him. The person is put up on the wood and he’s left there to bleed to death for three days.”

He was filmed by Channel Four deriding women as “deficient”, inferior to men and religiously and intellectually “incomplete.”

He advocates violence against little girls who refuse to wear the hijab: “She should start hijab from the age of seven, by the age of ten it becomes an obligation on us to force her to wear hijab and if she doesn’t wear hijab, we hit her.”

Thahabi was caught on camera making these incitements while addressing worshippers at the Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham.

When he was later interviewed by Channel 4 News, he refused to withdraw or apologise for his comments.

Further information:

Peter Tatchell
Director, Peter Tatchell Foundation
0207 403 1790



Bottom of Form


Crimestoppers and UKHTC enlist public to help fight labour trafficking

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Various from other websites fev 2013

Various from other websites fev 2013

Doctors Health Press e-Bulletin
The Latest Health Breakthroughs From The Doctors You Can Trust

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why This Potato Is Better for You Than That Potato
by Victor Marchione, MD
Here's some health news out of Washington, DC: organic potatoes may contain more nutrients than conventional potatoes. There's been a debate going on for years now about whether organic vegetables and fruits are any healthier for you than conventional produce. Results from clinical trials have generally shown that organic, natural foods do seem to offer more in the way of nutrition.

The Healing Food That's a Tasty Snack
by Richard Foxx, MD
Not much is written about health benefits of pistachios -- although many people eat these delicious nuts. More attention seems to be paid to other nuts such as almonds or peanuts. Pistachios, however, are quite nutritious, it turns out. A recent study has found this healing food to be a nutrient-dense nut with a heart-healthy fatty-acid profile, as well as protein, dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin K, tocopherols, and a number of phytochemicals. That's quite a list!



C: it is because pistachio is more expensive.






BREAKING NEWS Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:30 PM EST


For the last four months, Chinese hackers have persistently attacked The New York Times, infiltrating its computer systems and getting passwords for its reporters and other employees.
After surreptitiously tracking the intruders to study their movements and help erect better defenses to block them, The Times and computer security experts have expelled the attackers and kept them from breaking back in.
The timing of the attacks coincided with the reporting for a Times investigation, published online on Oct. 25, that found that the relatives of Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, had accumulated a fortune worth several billion dollars through business dealings.



Tax justice now
Tax dodging is a global scandal. Tax raises money to fund public services, to fight poverty and to redistribute wealth in society. Yet for many multinational companies like Amazon, Google and Starbucks, paying tax is now often simply a matter of choice.
Despite hitting the headlines by talking tough on tax, this government is planning new changes to the UK’s tax laws to be introduced in the Budget in March which would give a green light to big business to avoid billions in tax.
Take action now and demand George Osborne scrap his plans to give a green light to big business to avoid billions in tax
Every year the UK government loses £25 billion in revenue to tax avoidance by big business and rich individuals. In response to growing public anger, George Osborne has called tax avoidance “morally repugnant” and claimed the government is now leading a tough clampdown on corporate tax avoiders.
Yet our research has exposed a very different story. Rather than tackling tax avoidance, the centrepiece of the government’s plans would have had little or no impact on some of the biggest recent tax scandals, from Amazon, Google, Starbucks all the way through to Jimmy Carr. Instead it defines tax avoidance so narrowly that it would send a clear signal to big business to keep on avoiding billions in tax.
Instead, the government could introduce tough rules, aimed at eliminating tax avoidance in the UK. According to our estimates this alone could recover as much as £5.5 billion every year.
Take action now and demand tough new rules to stop tax avoidance
This year we will be campaigning for changes in the UK, to change our tax rules and abolish our tax havens, so that the UK no longer fuels tax dodging around the world.
If the money hidden from tax authorities by rich individuals in tax havens was taxed instead it could generate £180 billion a year in tax revenue. This sum is more than twice the amount all rich countries give in aid every year. The UK is at the heart of the offshore system that allows multinational companies to act as corporate parasites, sucking profits out of countries around the world.
Join our campaign for tax justice now
Thank you.
Murray Worthy
Tax justice campaigner






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The Global Theft of Land: Human Rights, Dispossession and Destruction

Megan MacInnes
Wednesday 6 February 2013, 6.30-8pm

Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building,
Lincoln's Inn Fields, LSE
Speakers: Megan MacInnes, Fred  Pearce, Subir Sinha

The forcible expropriation of land from people by states and corporations – ‘land grabbing’ – is occurring on a phenomenal scale and affects every continent and most countries of the ‘South’. Land grabs and the forced displacement of populations, including through state and corporate violence, have been justified through economic development, human development, the extraction of natural resources, the use of land for economic growth, among many other factors. Yet deforestation and land grabs in Indonesia, slum clearances and land grabs throughout India, environmental destruction and population displacements in the Amazon and in various countries of southern America, and massive land grabs, including through natural resource mining across the African continent, have created misery and havoc on a large scale for many populations. In some places, land grabs have gone hand in hand with environmental destruction, conflict and war, forced labour, child labour, illegal expropriation of natural resources, widespread poverty and serious violations and abuses of human rights.

This event explores land grabbing as a global phenomenon that some writers have described as a new form of ‘primitive accumulation’ and ‘accumulation by dispossession’. The origins of land grabbing and its consequences for human rights, including indirect causes related to environmental destruction and climate change, are discussed.



Home, Garden & Food

40 handy lemon tips

4 March 2011

Cleaning solutions and beauty tips for natural (and cheap) recipes you can try at home.

These tips have been contributed by volunteers from 

Friends of the Earth can't claim to have tried all of the tips ourselves, but they're based on commonly accepted wisdom. You might want to exercise caution with tips involving ingesting lemon juice or applying it to the skin, especially if you have persistent medical conditions.

Health & Beauty

1. Hair - For extra shine, dilute 1 tsp lemon juice in a cup of water, and use to rinse your hair after shampooing.

2. Hands - Remove smells and stains with a rub of lemon juice.

3. Nails - Whiten fingernails with a rub from a wedge of lemon. 

4. Rough elbows - Hold your elbow in half a lemon for a few mins, then rinse.

5. Spots - Wet a paper towel with lemon juice and apply to help treat spots and blackheads.

6. Hand washMake your own liquid handwash

7. Exfoliating body scrub - Mix chopped lemon peel, half a cup of sugar and olive oil into a paste. Use to exfoliate rough areas of skin such as feet.

8. Minor wounds - Dab with lemon juice to disinfect scratches and scrapes. It might sting a bit!

9. Travel sickness - Suck on a slice of lemon to help you stop feeling nauseous.

10. Laxative - Mix 2 tbsp of lemon juice and warm water, then drink.

11. Sore throat & coughs - Mix 2 tsp of lemon juice with half a tsp of honey and drink. Or mix juice and honey with hot tea.

12. Wasp stings - apply lemon juice for relief.

13. Dandruff - Mix 2 tbsp lemon juice in 2 cups of water and rinse after shampooing


14. Stained plastic - Rub plastic containers or tupperware with lemon juice to help shift food stains.

15. Stains - Remove stains from wooden chopping boards and cloths. Mix lemon juice with water, apply and rinse.

16. Mirrors - Mix 2 tbsp lemon juice with half a gallon of water for an effective mirror cleaner.

17. Grease - Straight lemon juice acts as a general degreaser.

18. Stains - Clean copper and brass with salt and lemon juice (three parts salt to one juice).

19. Microwave - Add lemon slice to small bowl of water, then microwave for 5 minutes and wipe clean.

20. Grater - Remove dried food from your grater by rubbing with the pulp side of a cut lemon.

21. Polish - Make furniture polish from 1 part lemon juice and 2 parts cooking oil.

22. All-purpose cleaner - mix equal parts lemon juice and water in a spray bottle.

23. Taps - Cut lemon into slices and leave on limescale stains around taps for 10 mins (or as long as overnight). Scrub with old toothbrush and rinse.

24. Toilet - Use lemon juice to help clean dirty toilets.

25. Windows - Make your own eco friendly window cleaner.

26. Dishes - Instead of washing up liquid, try soaking a cloth / sponge in lemon juice, give them a scrub, then rinse in warm water.


27. Mildew - Rub stained clothes with a lemon and leave in the sun for 12 hours or more.

28. Rust - Remove stains from clothes by applying lemon juice and dry under a hot sun.

29. Whiter whites - Mix lemon juice with water to whiten whites.

30. Fresh smell - A tsp of lemon juice added to your wash  will make clothes smell fresher.


31. Firelighters - After cooking, use residual oven heat to bake discarded orange or lemon peels until they darken. These create natural, fragrant firelighters.

32. Pot pourri - Dry peels to add to your pot pourri.

33. Fridge - Cut lemon in half and let it absorb fridge smells.

34. Bins - Throw lemon peel in the bin from time to time to keep it smelling fresh.

35. Odour - Neutralise the smell of vinegar-based cleaning products with a small amount of juice.

Food and drink

36. Cut waste #1 - Waste less of your lemon by cutting into quarters / slices, and freeze until you need them.

37. Cut waste #2 - 'Massage' your lemon or roll it in your hands before you squeeze it to get more juice out.

38. Make food last longer - Add a squeeze of lemon to cut fruit, home made juice and salads to help them stay fresh longer.

39. Salad - For a simple, cheap and healthy dressing, blend lemon juice and olive oil.

40. Lemonade - Put juice from 3 lemons and water in blender and liquidise. Add sugar to taste. Strain, add ice and serve.

The Miracle of Lemons

The Miracle of Lemons

(Dr Penny Stanway)

Discover practical uses for lemons, including:

- skin and hair care;
- natural remedies;
- A-Z of ailments that respond to lemons;
- eco friendly cleaning tips.

Find out more about this book >






Green your workplace

23 February 2012

Energy efficiency and sustainable consumption are key to greening your workplace. 

Try our handy tips to reduce the environmental impact of your business.

Set up a Green Action Team

  1. Establish a project team of 3-5 staff members.
  2. Agree a realistic target, like increased recycling rates or switching off monitors and lights.
  3. Get support from management through one-to-one meetings.
  4. Launch your initiative with a green quiz or fun activity at a staff meeting.
  5. Put up posters with interesting green facts and tips.
  6. Ask staff to volunteer as a 'green ambassador' for their floor or team. 
  7. Use meetings or a newsletter to regularly update staff.
  8. Use launch momentum to drive the next action.
  9. Run green inductions for new staff and volunteers. Offer a green incentive eg cloth bag.
  10. Extend inductions to existing staff.

Easy ways to cut waste

  1. Keep bins away from desks.
  2. Organise a simple recycling system.
  3. Buy recycled goods such as stationery, toilet paper, etc.
  4. Replace disposable products with reusable equivalents - eg drinking cups, handtowels, cutlery etc.
  5. If you can't avoid disposables, recycle them - Save a Cup recycles vending cups.

Think before you print

  1. Use recycled paper. Paperback sells lots of green office products.
  2. Set double-sided printing and photocopying as the default.
  3. Consider whether you need to print every document.
  4. Put up signs to make people think before they print.
  5. Reuse paper that's only been used on one side for printing or scrap paper.
  6. Recycle paper products. Organisations like Paper Round and local authorities can help set up collections.
  7. Reuse envelopes. Try our envelope reuse labels.
  8. Set up recycling facilities on each floor.
  9. Use separate containers for white paper, mixed paper, glass, cans and aluminium foil.

Energy - use less, use renewable

  1. Switch off lights when you leave rooms and the office.
  2. Turn off your monitor when you leave your desk.
  3. Make sure the last person out turns off the photocopier.
  4. Brainstorm other energy-saving ideas - get some inspiration from Energy Saving Trust.
  5. Use energy-saving bulbs. Choose more energy efficient appliances - search Sust-it.
  6. Switch to a green energy supplier like Good Energy.

Consider your travel needs

  1. Inspire your staff to find the greenest way to work.
  2. Offer loans for season tickets or bicycles.
  3. Get memberships to Barclays Cycle Hire for London business trips.
  4. Provide a shed or other safe place for bikes.
  5. Review your travel policy and ensure that travel for meetings is low-carbon.
  6. Use 'green' taxi firms like Green Tomato Cars.
  7. Encourage travel by train or bus.
  8. Use video or call conferencing to avoid trips and save money.
  9. If you need to travel, take the train to Europe instead of flying short haul.

Save water  

  1. Heat only as much water as you need for tea and coffee.
  2. Mark kettles to show how much water is needed per cup.
  3. Put 'hippos' in cisterns to reduce water used in non-dual flush toilets. Thames Water provides these for free. 
  4. Alternatively, fill a plastic bottle and put it in the cistern.
  5. Opt for dual-flush systems if replacing toilets.
  6. Replace taps with low-water-flow controls such as spray taps.
  7. Consider waterless urinals - try Eco-works.

Cut plastic and chemicals

  1. Consider greener supplies for cleaning products - try Friends of the Earth Shop
  2. Order refillable containers wherever possible.

Useful links

Carbon Trust - specialist advice to green your company.
Envirowise - manage your waste better.
Ethical Property Foundation - sustainable property management.
Global Action Plan - cut your emissions at work.
The Green Desk - everything for the greener office.
Waste Online - information on resource use and waste.




Over the last few weeks, I've been telling you about some of our life-saving work that PETA members' support has helped make possible.

Every single victory during the past year – from exposing horrific abuse of ducks and geese on a French foie gras farm to helping to convince the UK government to reject an appeal to build a facility in Yorkshire that would have bred hundreds of dogs for use in deadly laboratory experiments – was achieved through the generosity of our compassionate members.

But despite so many recent successes, animals are still being confined to tiny, filthy cages on factory farms; electrocuted, strangled and even skinned alive for "fashion"; cut open, poisoned and mutilated in horrific experiments; and beaten and kept in chains in order to force them to perform for human "entertainment".

It's for these and all animals who at this very moment are crying out for help that I'm urging you to become a PETA member for 2013 right now.

By becoming a PETA member today, you will not only help us win even more impressive victories for animals in 2013 but also receive a free subscription to our wonderful Animal Times magazine

With so many animals in desperate need of our help, the support of every person who cares about animals the way you do is critical to our efforts.

Kind regards,

Ingrid E Newkirk



Watch 'Runway Reversal' and Speak Out Against Stolen Skins

Fur and other skins look best on their original owners. Help us take action to end the fur trade. Read more.

Victory! EU Cosmetics Testing Ban to Go Ahead

Cause to celebrate: the Commission has told PETA that a ban on the sale of all animal-tested cosmetics in the EU will come into force in March. Read more.

PETA UK Vegan Fashion Awards 2013

From Stella McCartney shoes to Topshop knitwear, here are this year's most stylish animal-free fashions. Read more.

Lacey Banghard: Too Much Sex Can Be Deadly

Lacey Banghard might have only just been voted out of the Celebrity Big Brother house, but she's already teamed up with PETA to stand up for what she believes in – safe sex for cats and dogs! Read more.

Cruelty Beneath the Covers?

The production of down-filled duvets and jackets causes immense suffering. Go down-free with Alicia Silverstone. Read more.

'The Hobbit': Unexpected Cruelty

Abuse and neglect during the production of The Hobbit led to alleged animal deaths in the name of entertainment. Read more.

Stay Firm and Fresh

Gyrating fruit and veggies take the spotlight in new PETA video for World Vegan Day. Read more.

Shocking Footage Exposes Cruelty and Abuse on Farms Supplying Fortnum & Mason Foie Gras Distributor

Watch the shocking video and ask Fortnum & Mason to stop selling foie gras. Read more.

PETA Supports Team Badger

Badgers across England are currently being threatened: a planned cull will begin soon unless we can convince the government to stop the slaughter. Read more.

Kevin McHale of 'Glee' Roots for the Underdog

Kevin McHale, who plays Artie on Glee, understands what it's like to be the underdog. So it isn't hard to understand why he's rooting for all underdogs in his new PETA ad. Read more.

David Cameron, Stop Clowning Around -- Ban Wild-Animal Circuses Now!

Urge the Prime Minister to stop dragging his heels and to take action to get wild animals out of circuses now! Read more.

Urge Cardiff to Stop Blinding Animals in Experiments

Experiments at Cardiff University have been revealed in which kittens were raised in darkness or had their eyelids sewn shut and then subjected to brain experiments and killed. Read more.

Teen Wins PETA Award for Kindness to Animals

For her efforts in reaching out to other young people around the world to win justice for animals, Isle of Wight resident Jazzy Heath has won a Compassionate Teen Award. Read more.

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Why Animal Rights?

Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: why should animals have rights? Learn more.

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PETAUK "These practices may be legal but that doesn’t make them right" Do you know what happens to horses in slaughterhouses? 3 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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News Releases

February 15, 2013 | News covering the UN and the world Council is studying climate change's link to security
The United Nations Security Council is scheduled to meet today about the effects of climate change on global security. Joachim Schellnhuber of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research will brief members on a "reality that cannot be washed away" that is likely to spawn "all kinds of unrest and revolutions, with the export of angry and hungry people to the industrialized countries." Bloomberg (2/14) this Story


C: alleluia, as most of us, see only environmental issues in terms of what might bring upon humans directly. To be as stupid to think that consequences of producing posion, even if producing remedy, will have as ultimately impossibly diverted effect.

One cannot ‘wash away’one’s intentional destruction, gross, gratuitous or not.

It is almost the main current, that say what suit to human, as human a little pests ready to eat everything like if mother earth and brothers others were a cake for them to be prepared, his dining oooye.



thouth i a ready to activate it by the net but my system say error that i don't have the right key





Death threats to UK's top Muslim MP who voted for gay marriage

  • Police have told Sadiq Khan he should review the security around him and his family following the Commons vote
  • Officers in his Tooting constituency in London have been put on high alert
  • Khan was among 400 MPs, five Muslim, who voted in favour of the bill

PUBLISHED: 22:14, 16 February 2013 | UPDATED: 01:40, 17 February 2013



Sadiq Khan, Labour's Shadow Business Secretary, has received death threats after voting in favour of gay marriage

Sadiq Khan, Labour's Shadow Justice Secretary, has received death threats after voting in favour of gay marriage

Britain's most senior Muslim MP has received death threats after voting in favour of gay marriage. 

Police have told Sadiq Khan, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary, that the threats are credible enough that he should review the security around him and his family following the Commons vote.

Officers in his Tooting constituency in London have been put on high alert, and will respond ‘extra-quick’ should an incident be reported at his home.

The Metropolitan Police has also advised Mr Khan, 42, that they may put more officers around him if further threats are made.

He told one friend he was especially concerned about those close to him, saying: ‘My family do not need to suffer for what I have to do for my job.

'I’ve not had threats like this before.’

Mr Khan was among 400 MPs, five of them Muslim, who voted in favour of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill at the beginning of this month.

It is believed Mr Khan, who was campaign manager for Ed Miliband’s successful leadership bid, has been singled out as he is the most prominent Muslim MP.

Mr Khan – who became Britain’s first Muslim Minister to attend Cabinet in the last Government – has been condemned by British-based hardline clerics, who have accused him of ‘selling out’ his religion.

Mufti Muhammed Aslam Naqshbandi Bandhalevi, who is the head imam of the Jamia Islamia Rizvia mosque in Bradford, has issued a fatwa, or ruling, declaring Mr Khan an ‘apostate’ from Islam and said he should ‘repent before Allah’.

Some veiled threats against all the Muslim MPs who backed gay marriage are visible online.




C: thank you brother, even if that it shows that depending on the vote for a just decision striking tyrants is as it is undemocratic.

I d like to be the one striking them with punishment over that kinda fatwa issuing.

thank you brother.

I d like to be one part of your escorts, or secret army.


I chose my word, hypocrisy make us forget how people ruin other people life, hip, hope and everything just through the issuance of law, policies, practises and theories. Without forgetting stud pinned tradition and its demonization, by the ones who pretend prudery pursuing whereas it is torture for living- parasites imitation ammunition.