University summary issues.
For you to be reminded, you have to pay thousands of pounds to access university. It is of course completely anti-democratic, and put knowledge access an only elite issue. I tried to develop this question throughout the posts I made on ‘university deperdition’.
Basically university are at the image of capitalism and to make sure you access knowledge you have to be paid big salaries, for which you have to comply to the capitalism system. That is any questionment about the system is just kill in the buds.
At uni one is rambling about the necessity of critical thinking, but in fact in our societies the information does not come out. Snowden, Manning, etc are the human cannon food fodder attesting of all that.
There is national security, there is industrial secret, and then in all little and bigger jobs, the excuse of confidentiality, the patent on medication, and The Economist magazine that ask on cover of its issue whether its readers are for or against ‘organs trading’ and looting all winning, on and on without the slightest worries, or shadow of ‘interventionism’.
The catch is that one will indebt oneself to pursue studying but when he/she will graduated, they will have no choice but to obey, every little violations, for their employers to employ them. To employ them to what? To neo-liberal prospects, expects, salary slate. The 600000K that one needs in U.S.A (for US a A) to pay their university without it to mean for them, to involve them, being well under their mortgages and finally be expropriated.
Not kind king, but (Din- much ado, Dean – D (the mark and brand) in) kind of king.
One day, banks, in fat fact anyday, can start asking for student’s intelligence to be tested. These tests would only test the king kind of intelligence bank and other (part, parent, party) partners are seeking, leaving the others (types of intelligence or capacities) without higher education and idea on how ‘higher’ discourses, knowledge and information are distributed and formatted. Being put in the categories that have been voted out, casted out the higher education system.
On top of intelligence tests, they could do personality test or simply test undercover or not testing the way one reacts or one sees or size opportunities. All this poetry to tell that thy could be tested on the way you are ready to be compliance to (nil null) neo liberal NO policies and whatever (hells) else politics will succeed it.
Meaning you obtain high mark if making sure you offer and soul shell s-hall sell your soul for nothing (but them).
Neo liberal policies of sponsorship and husbandery, pubonry, esquire escalation of scene and fracas.
Frank case, frank K. Frank Kafka.
Esquire enquire.
In Roehampton one is free to walk in, as it should be in any cultural center that is not preaching death, or death to the one that want more than being a serf at the service of the one that has rendered education a luxury that only middle (callous) class can afford at the price of their economy.
To pay university this price and to annihilate the possibility of extremely specialized people, credited with a layer of diplomas, abling (cabling, aiming, ball, bailing) them to multi-disciplinary = to transcend = to exchange.
To render any professions, and wages, the power of doing one’s jobs with dignity not deign = none at the moment – since doing without expertise and counter expertise and with the aim of servicing species expansions (not pensions) of (wheel) well behave and wellbeing towards all other extension.
Also (solo) don’t think it is roe just like that , it is just a case study reversibly contemplating (temp-plate) the rest of the ‘universities’.
In Roehampton one is free to walk in, as it should be in any cultural center that is not preaching death, or death to the one that want more than being a serf at the service of the one that has rendered education a luxury that only middle (callous) class can afford at the price of their economy.
To pay university this price and to annihilate the possibility of extremely specialized people, credited with a layer of diplomas, abling (cabling, aiming, ball, bailing) them to multi-disciplinary = to transcend = to exchange.
To render any professions, and wages, the power of doing one’s jobs with dignity not deign = none at the moment – since doing without expertise and counter expertise and with the aim of servicing species expansions (not pensions) of (wheel) well behave and wellbeing towards all other extension.
Also (solo) don’t think it is roe just like that , it is just a case study reversibly contemplating (temp-plate) the rest of the ‘universities’.
Should be a UNESCO topic.
In fact- info act.
There was a gay society in Roe, though none (nonsense nominee) of the students beneficiating from it, advertising it to other. It was a closed, almost secret one. Though doing fundraising not towards visibility but their little personal trip to gay pride outside the borders of UK.
At profit, for the profit. Ho ROW! Say the overwhelmed little blushing secretaries. To secrete.
On this post you can see Howe ROW university made millions of pounds creating a degree, it had the monopoly of: human rights single honors, and scrapped it to host yet again a rich, and new, state of the art, business and administration college centre.
On human rights not taught any more at all (a toll) as a speciality in university.
Should be a UNESCO topic.
The department of philosophy promoting their evening lectures (bravo because they’ve got some, good even) by proposing wine. One should not promote alcohol this way, it induces almost that wine could render you intelligence, but addiction may begin at an age when one cannot say.
Also just ending shortened lectures saying that students are happy that lecturers are paid for half what they are supposed to do, is setting bad behaviour, bad attitudes, irreverence, just kill honesty and is appropriate , sensible reaction to work deterrence (would lecturers taken students for would-idiots, or sloe (same pronunciation and as fruity language), slovenly type of worker in the making?, or is it a spurn well make or mask, or just the insurance that future graduate won’t be competing?). to assert that we want the lectures to finish quickly I think is for mots most of us in fact is untrue. It is to give rules (to empower and offer the last ‘work’, last word not lasting) to the less pressing, appreciative of studies.
I thought I was a cultural and intellectual centre (dance, concert, expo rooms for the communities). Turn to be the house of the CEOs. Some of them not even real administrators, but for former lecturers their retirement home, no wonder everything start being weirdo (unorganised (if biology or functionalism is, admin staff) I should say, that ain’t their speciality, should have aca (aka academics) on boards, but not aca as new admin running silence, silencer, silencing, silence culture cine. Quietness only for them, for the rest, the idiots, a ten pound note to pay (their 50K plus expenses cine, big expenses when only looking at the gateau during conferences times, we won’t do nothing but acting like psyche).
LE cuters.
Cult errors. Cul terreux, cul terroir, cul terror, IQ, i cue.
get thisGrove House
by London Study Abroad Experience (SAE)
Pinned by London SAE
Onto University of Roehampton
In matter of communities, some like to pays o much because they ve got reduction to go to leisure activities. Expensive ones, and one off on. Am happy some like it. Me, and uni should invest in knowledge not in in your being trippy. Won’t help the kids from Tripoli.
To neophytes from recruitment team:
Staff at uni, young and self-conceited. Just like the students that think appropriate to speak during lectures on unrelated subjects, forgetting that to enjoy the lectures the rest of us have paid.
Also like me, but at least it is to produce pun or controversies. And counter verses. Like one is supposed to drink the lectures content like it was holy.
To the self-sell called head of students (tool not stool) dwarf societies practicing monopoly over decisions, bring their mates to be sure to keep the bureau, and censor like crazy crappy nazyish (groovy( see above in the post) groupie.
Draw a dowry, dolly.
Do you know what is left of the Crucible center efforts at compiling placement and NGOs networking…?
Efforts, means here funding by the millions pounds for this (thud) to be in the doing.
In the making?
I tried, it seems it was a project for students, because god knows how difficult is to find any jobs without experience, in the non-profit sector. Even the experienced ones will find only unpaid offers.
Not one word, what I think have been done. Is to produce paper work that one can archive to proof the millions of pounds actually had been used- but even not available to university students. But in this age of cavern (not that is the beer you are entice to consume by the very doctor that organise the lectures while coming to evening conferences), the digital age, not one single sheet is on the record. Tell me the opposite, but about crucible I search it on internet, I asked the university staff, nothing is left but the name- maybe because they benefit from other millions pounds projects- that they can hide from the world, would be like academic would benefit some other anyway. I am 100% for acas, uni, research, but what you do to me?
The one help I personally needed at uni, was someone giving me specific advice on my essay. So thank you for when it has been done. Also thank you when I have been challenged intellectually, and not methodologically but that I admit it had not been many times. I think because it takes serious. Here yes education could be emphasized and I would understand why some teachers go earlier because they really make comments, very specific, and knowledge information even though you read as much as you could on the subject, you just not specialised enough to do an essay of a balanced and pin pinning situations and conceptions. Rarely the docs can, is what I think. That is for the value of research. Would stop them to give several lectures on different subjects to perfect beginners and maybe we would be taught by real professionals, and specialists, but that of course would say that they gave it a toss. That one for the recruiters, too.
I know they ve got no time but what I say it is that ‘it is that, that is needed’. They could underline essay and give a 5 mn speech to all students that wish to. That could be possible. Instead of having to write everything down. As the disease of the docs are crooked ends, as in fingers and palms.
Text campaign Roehampton University.
Thank you for letting me post,
University’s issues.
One pays thousands of pounds to enter university, and some
lectures just last ½ hour instead of 1 ½, with teachers making jokes about
students wanting to go early. To react like this, I think, is to take people
for damn idiots and spurn how hard some students (not their parents I hope,
higher education has to be paid by the student in my opinion, or later on after
you get a job. But more on this is that university should be affordable to
every and any purse) might have to work, sometimes have to sacrifice to pay the
fees. On top of teaching that jobs are unserious and ‘owning’ them is just
taken for granted. It is grandly unserious, it is what I mean.
Roehampton wants to have a green reputation. Just one or two
The bushes are actually shrinking from year to year. Wild life
needs real green to survive, not just grass, and big trees isolated. Nature
cannot build homes without undergrowth, etc.
Roehampton like other universities raise their fees so
dangerously, but for what? The vice-chancellor praise themselves to reinvest it
in teachings and not in research… am curious to know about what, with what
rubbish they will manage to produce real refined culture, or novelty.
I’ ll tell you where go the money for a green uni, in
throwing in the bin brand new equipment
to replace it year after year, that endlessly.
We pay sweat and blood for the fess. Research is not
prioritised, or prioritising, but at least they change for marble the W.C.
One stuff more, I really think that the lecture content is
good enough at ROE though I went in some in which I learnt absolutely nothing. My
opinion is that the ‘Groove house’ did not bother and recruit lecturers not up
the job. Like is above said, I think roe is ok regarding to lectures content
but even very few staff not up the job is enough when given lots of lectures or
responsibilities to spoil the students year and rob them from necessary
aptitudes. Recruitment giving lectures to professionals that were not committed.
I guess that lecturing is very very though, and students
that do not respect silence should be asked to go out. At least when it is
nothing to do with the content, their disruption.
Questions time after lectures:
About the other types of disruption. ADRESS ARREST. It is only intellectual honesty to leave after
every lecture, 5 to 10 mn brief, for students to ask question or to simply
question the lectures, or add information that is felt to be lacking, any
reasons that make learning and discussion progress. And can fight the narrative
in which everyone is and has to be. The narrow narrative imposed by ‘art of the
dissertation’ itself (or almost). This possibility is the ABC of pedagogy and
is obviously not respected, no time for questions in almost every lecture, or
quasi. They ask me to work and give them of my money more what I can spare in a full entire year of
labour (lab or) for one year of their teaching and ask me not to ask questions
after more than one hour lectures, nor pass comments. For who they take me, the
new servants of pervy demagogy (demagogues, dodge)???
Do not take me wrong, there is very good, empathic, serious
teachers and lecturers or admin at Roe. But it is certainly ‘cos of having
being treated badly when trying to discuss some, that I would remind people
thinking they own the key of antidemocratically stances and the door to your
employability, counting on ‘students satisfaction’, so shussing everyone that
could relativize the good order of auto satisfaction.
Nevertheless, of course at Roe the green is so lovely that
whatever happen we are happy. I hope the cats and all others are not due to the
former rulers and will continue to be under Roehamtpon’s establishment
To finish I tried to feed the wild life (please do something
for them) Roehampton’s, Barnes’ town green places and little woods are being
I tried to feed the wild life with the huge amount of food
waste from the university’s cafes and restaurants, I asked and asked again
university green team, just to be ignored.
AND RESPECT this beautiful place, that has for extra rid,
extraordinary campus near London just a paradise of quietness hold by
intelligent security staff that make studying within Roehampton campus a
blessed journey. Stop the barbecue or
grill veg, please. Students Grilling meat in this vast paddock near the ponds in
front of the still surviving goose, ducks, and hens, heron… is just an image
from hell.
To read more:
?? check yourself on the internet —
islamic schools etc…preach pedophilia in teaching people that mohamed the
polygamous prophet of islam were married at a 9 year old child, (and) To worship worst form of sexual slavery.
And how this is (let to be) taught to
children in UK and other liberals’ countries.
I think that this information are not
prioritized at all because of people wanting a comeback of rampant slavery,
sexual slavery included. In fact tools at regression and status-quo of progress
and research versus professorate of horror and manipulative stories in order to
have servants docile since dying and domiciliary.
(when you forgot it all about imposed and
ritualised, rooted polygamist and knew nothing about sexual and other sort of
slavery after pillages and wars- here what you got = what you are)
mohammed, the islamic prophet
“””married””” a child.
islam preaches worse than paedophilia but like mohamed its
prophet who was polygamous and whose last 'spouse' was a child.
please check on internet, it is classical Muslim
Check on how you think Roe is green. Is it bearing a green
appellation because they grow vegetable for you to eat, or thanks to their real
efforts at preservation and sustainable action. *
*sustainable for era post Christianity, not just for them to
retire in a I r that their grandchildren could not breath on it.
Power, Mon amour.
12 Nov 2013 - British universities killed a staggering 1.3million animals
last year in the ... and veterinary research throughout British
universities and research ...
9 Jun 2014 - 'This shows why undercover investigations are essential to reveal the
extent of cruelty and suffering animals endure in UK research ...
5 Jun 2014 - We are calling on the Government to end the cruel use of cats in UK
... 'All animal-related research work at Cardiff University
is designed and ...
In the UK, research and teaching activities involving animals
considered to be sentient are governed by a range of legislation, including the
Animals (Scientific ...
14 Nov 2013 - British Universities killed more than a million animals
in scientific research experiments last year alone, including dogs, cats
and primates, ...
Introduction to Animal Research at the University of
Nottingham. ... ethical standards and adhere to strict legislation that
safeguards animal welfare in the UK.
We are investing £15m to replace existing research facilities
with the erection of a new ... Links relating to the use of animals in
medical research in the UK.
by The
Tab - 12 Nov 2013 - Tab research reveals that over 1 million animals are
killed by British universities every year.
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