take a peek a glance at my brothers. Others. Hot her.
On anger. Angel piece,wwon . eternal. Peace on them, for most mosc mock sure. But what will bring their having been beamed and veerer put down by disinter(est(ment? Lane r ete. (summer or use to be, in french). Will pay the ignorant. The ones that pretend not to know = (= equal or parallel sign and gesture) to be offended, take umbrage when they are told that they sould not be able to pollute (the society, the economy, the environment) in all permission and quietly.
oh, there, o-ther.
Vain, vein
Throat, troth.
Thrush truth, thrust trust.
Religion? real legion. Ligature. Ligament.
This is calle-d an islamic republic.
Why have they been blindfolded? Not to till the last judgment the audience, eyes, us, sue and bring.
Or is oen looking for torture covering?
Let have them prayers reach the invisible apex, peak (cime) and their union seam, assay seen.
Ass as sin a.s asset.
Which muslins would @grant@ me the right to marry. Gee,rant. And dowry, dar-fur dairy diary...oriole, ordeal, or-deal? Bi Dia.rrhea.
Talking about rights and feeling of others, do you know what it is to be forbidden to have your own family, partners, love life, expression … western calls that frustration? To term it is not enough. It is not enough for a therm (to get the warmth, to feel human and a living creature). Or political tenure with you boasting, or bolstering, bowstring protecting human rights) with more cold feet that there is furniture.
At least they die together. In that the romantism and the unexpected sweetness not in the story their stories but of the image we are warned of. Warned with.
But believe me that if I could stop the next one, ti is with proportionate measures that I would adopt if needed = inevitable = if they, on the one, who persist to threaten their lives.
h.r is here to recall us about the need to avoid counter attack at any times, but not at any price.
Two gay Iranian teenagers -- one 18, the other believed to be 16 or 17, were executed this week for the "crime" of hom-osexuality, the Iranian Student News Agency (ISNA) reported on July 19. (The ISNA report is in Farsi, and was translated into English by the British gay rights group OutRage!, which released its report today--ISNA also provided the terrifying photos of the teens' last moments you see on this page. You can see an enlarged version of each photo by left-clicking on them) The two youths -- identified only by their initials as M.A. and A.M., were hanged on July 19 in Edalat (Justice) Square in the city of Mashhad in north-eastern Iran, on the orders of Court No. 19. The hanging of the teens was also reported by the National Council of Resistance of Iran.
I argue that people here that are said of themselves that they are Muslims and religious people, if they were the slightest so would coma bat, comb at.
On combat. Funest.
On condemning the regime that does that, in the name of peace and love, in the name of religion, if any religions = here religious impulse = seed for it (that justifies its claws and calls) there is.
To remember.
Not to forget. Thank you from the bottom of the heart to any whom do.
Whither what fate, one wishes, sick whisk or wisk, wither the world to take???
The balm, blame.
Rights and fundamental freedom
it is just to give you an idea of what step-hen is talking about. On individual real freedom.
Countries vote to accept execution of gays
The United Nations has removed a plea for lesbians, gays and bisexuals not to be executed in a narrow vote.
Tris Reid-Smith
Friday, 16 December 2011
http://news.pinkpaper.com/NewsStory/4319/18/11/2010/countries-vote-to-accept-execution-of-gays.aspx The United Nations has removed a plea for lesbians, gays and bisexuals not to be executed in a narrow vote.
For the last 10 years sexual orientation has been included in a list of discriminatory grounds for executions – gay rights activists say the vote to remove that listing is “dangerous and disturbing.”
The UN resolution urges countries to protect the right to life of all people, calling on them to investigate killings based on discriminatory grounds. Sexual orientation was previously listed as one of these forms of discrimination, alongside ethnicity, religious belief and linguistic minorities.
Others protected by the resolution were human rights defenders (like journalists, lawyers and demonstrators), street children and members of indigenous communities.
But now sexual orientation has been taken out of the list. The amendment was supported by Benin in Africa on behalf of the African Group in the UN General Assembly. It passed on a narrow vote of 79 for, 70 against , 17 abstentions and 26 absent.
Some of those voting to remove sexual orientation were countries where gays are known to be or thought to be executed or summarily killed including Iran, Nigeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iraq.
The UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and many European countries voted in favour of gays.
Cary Alan Johnson, Executive Director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, said: “This vote is a dangerous and disturbing development. It essentially removes the important recognition of the particular vulnerability faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people – a recognition that is crucial at a time when 76 countries around the world criminalise homosexuality, five consider it a capital crime and countries like Uganda are considering adding the death penalty to their laws criminalising homosexuality.”
jsut to put everyone into context dar-ren.
Just, suit.
for those who don't under stand. but ho(o)ve.
funest, not funiest.
To remember.
Not to forget. Thank you from the bottom of the heart to whom do.
To do:
Homosexuality will never be crushed, without self hatred and immodest view and msiconcpetion. Miss, sic con petition. Hotter. Hot ther. Hot hers, Others.
You see we could, we would die for the right to have one’s family happily.
Ps: I am not thinking of dying being handed, crucified or hanged nevertheless.
Not that I am for war or the cold war that is going on if those mean to kill innocent or to kill out out of not self defense or when at any price, but another life, keep every soul alive would have been defensible. As main reasons of wars are economically false economy, of incentives.
Mind, go to war and not knowing exactly if it is not your own people that don’t want you to be liquidated, at the stake of the stock exchange, bringing cash or servants to us, the servants with better pay.
On jihad, e-had, a lot of –had suffix in Arabic, the other acade-my acade-mia, like the west not out of medhi eval (evil, oval, arcade ovule, luv) stories when their accounts come, see.
Jee had (the treatment) of the Christians, once roasted, in ham-ster, lousy roe-ster, rooster, roar-ster haste eating the glorious lamb. On Christian roster and ouster. Christ in nit, in tin. At least did not fuck with teen, but as such, as church, bin, been made the sacrificator scarification virgin as sole prize for praizing pacification. The Christian and their passion. Pas zion...9, pass- if thick.
As for the christinas they absolve their sin in saying that their prophet die on the cross to whas, whish what wash-ash their bloody pussies… none, nun of them.
Acad-emy enmy.
Sorry a bout the other denomination (Caesar, shaocesscou, chaos-and-sky) they did not was-h h my brain for a question of geography.
Have, ave. had, add. Adv. Advent, advertise, ad.am. heavy (breath loud) ivy.
To be call religion and have become down to simply perform an ideological sit (tis, tease till then) sick system.
Me I have to admit that I feel betray by people wanted themselves to be representative of a ‘afaith’ afamed. As so often if you ask about what, well the answer will be that thy aer not so much well read, when touching ignominy like that. To hide what the purpose of one’s set of ‘believes;’. As not everyone, in fact none is welcome as enter singnify loose equal rights ain the research of exploitation and hierarchy establishing…but religion the rascall of prelat magnifying. On family state and mafia-familish.
E rash and scoundrel on scourge penalty. Pen almighty.
To remove the veil, caps and bearbs, one should feel at home. In what world ord ordr without row. D as devotion and d as dedication, edu cation. Not as death for break nor bread.
Not among the veils, nor among the blank. The blank? The western hypocrisy, and the rest of the wor-ld. Hell, held, ell edit.
Uk censorship.
We gonna, are about, to beg for water. What do you want to say?
Peace on our souls. It is not prophecy or prayers but the notion of the ulti-mate. Ulterior mass see.
Fourbue, le four a bu. Dehydrate. The hydrae ate.
Santa, tan as (feedback!?) sans toi.
I write to you as I was waiting. I saw the other day this gazelle gracious and gracile =+ swanlike, nav-et. About whom I cannot life without Now I have seen.
But then for the night of noel, Noe = (ho Noah, one, elle, I expected- nova, nothing come though it is what I am worried about (abs out, absinthe). Worry up to be drawn and drown by les (b)eaux. Les zoos.
S lez ho. To be raw. Biro.
Sleaze, no. lease haut. Lea, soit so, les oiseaux. Contextual of k (key, qui) d-ove, evo. Evolen evelyn Helen. Take part me as one but you, a duel, “a deux, adieu is not folly”.
Alongside a book fo philo, the mother of disciplines, the mother of the field, for staying well firm as in my couple and my contra, construe, contrite, contrive, contree (french = country, centre.) the one fourbue (=exhaust, crimple, joint-knackered) with authorite. Rite, francais. Franc sait! Yeh, iai.
Phil-, file = tail up, fulfill, quest and pursuance of happiness? Sole reason for going on infinitely. Indefinite?k-u-pi-d usurpation of delectation. Defect. Derelict. Select. Elect, ricity, lech, elect, tcele, relics, tinsel, celle, c- quelle. Sequel.
Cup dip cup-id=em
Elect, ricity, Elect, wrick city,
Recite rectify.
The charade considered as dangerous as shown how words are de-vol. volume and volatile.
The veil as most visible means of control, called culture as they had eaten every other belief of autochthonous authentic auto tone noise, noisy, nose noes knows tranquility and blessing for nature (including the female that today as to wear it supported by the eunuchs of the west waiting for being served by more than should allow one plate). Pluralism on edge. Pledge. Late.
nous (n s, nous)
1. Philosophy
a. Reason and knowledge as opposed to sense perception.
b. The rational part of the individual human soul.
c. The principle of the cosmic mind or soul responsible for the rational order of the cosmos.
d. In Stoicism, the equivalent of Logos.
e. In Neo-Platonism, the image of the absolute good, containing the cosmos of intelligible beings.
2. Chiefly British Good sense; shrewdness: "Hillela had the nous to take up with the General when he was on the up-and-up again" (Nadine Gordimer).
nous [naʊs]
1. (Philosophy) Metaphysics mind or reason, esp when regarded as the principle governing all things
2. Brit slang common sense; intelligence
[from Greek, literally: mind]
common sense, good sense, gumption, horse sense, mother wit, sense - mind, psyche, brain, head
cognition, knowledge, noesis - the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
noddle - an informal British expression for head or mind; "use your noddle"
tabula rasa - a young mind not yet affected by experience (according to John Locke)
ego - (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind
unconscious, unconscious mind - that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware
subconscious, subconscious mind
in french, nous, no? nous = Us.
So well you will excuse my aggressivity (aggressiveness as an activity) as it may, could originate from that sort of chronic dolor and fatigue out of disarray. Or by the fact that I don’t do a lot to think and kick, it may.
I am so rude, so fucking rude, at latest there is the blog at last where I am not get rid of. But it is this, one would soon wait for more and more hideous and monstruosity (menstru, menstrue), as a entertaining minstrel gallery of accountability without res of ponspilate (ponce=pounce) possibility, an answer from what is known, proved, disinter, unearth, dig out. Even there and here throwing up, turns up to be envied. Anchora nd Anchovy.
Tack on boat and bank on plan-e-t. Maybe should we count on the machines to start being rebel? Revel.
Or what happens? Are we ready to go just after the last pulverized mammals, last but one.
Hope insects could survive, they have been more polite to me that any kind of rat. Target. Than any kind of rate.
Starkly and jogging hutch got to go to the butchery, by want, no lest, of bush. Hush-hush sun shushes sludgy.
But on the sounds, many of them Microsoft won’t have it. Among those of agony.
To start disagreeing with ideas, would be the precursor of disagreeing with concrete present dealings.
Deal. Lead.
On anger. Angel piece,wwon . eternal. Peace on them, for most mosc mock sure. But what will bring their having been beamed and veerer put down by disinter(est(ment? Lane r ete. (summer or use to be, in french). Will pay the ignorant. The ones that pretend not to know = (= equal or parallel sign and gesture) to be offended, take umbrage when they are told that they sould not be able to pollute (the society, the economy, the environment) in all permission and quietly.
oh, there, o-ther.
Vain, vein
Throat, troth.
Thrush truth, thrust trust.
Religion? real legion. Ligature. Ligament.
This is calle-d an islamic republic.
Why have they been blindfolded? Not to till the last judgment the audience, eyes, us, sue and bring.
Or is oen looking for torture covering?
Let have them prayers reach the invisible apex, peak (cime) and their union seam, assay seen.
Ass as sin a.s asset.
Which muslins would @grant@ me the right to marry. Gee,rant. And dowry, dar-fur dairy diary...oriole, ordeal, or-deal? Bi Dia.rrhea.
Talking about rights and feeling of others, do you know what it is to be forbidden to have your own family, partners, love life, expression … western calls that frustration? To term it is not enough. It is not enough for a therm (to get the warmth, to feel human and a living creature). Or political tenure with you boasting, or bolstering, bowstring protecting human rights) with more cold feet that there is furniture.
At least they die together. In that the romantism and the unexpected sweetness not in the story their stories but of the image we are warned of. Warned with.
But believe me that if I could stop the next one, ti is with proportionate measures that I would adopt if needed = inevitable = if they, on the one, who persist to threaten their lives.
h.r is here to recall us about the need to avoid counter attack at any times, but not at any price.
Two gay Iranian teenagers -- one 18, the other believed to be 16 or 17, were executed this week for the "crime" of hom-osexuality, the Iranian Student News Agency (ISNA) reported on July 19. (The ISNA report is in Farsi, and was translated into English by the British gay rights group OutRage!, which released its report today--ISNA also provided the terrifying photos of the teens' last moments you see on this page. You can see an enlarged version of each photo by left-clicking on them) The two youths -- identified only by their initials as M.A. and A.M., were hanged on July 19 in Edalat (Justice) Square in the city of Mashhad in north-eastern Iran, on the orders of Court No. 19. The hanging of the teens was also reported by the National Council of Resistance of Iran.
I argue that people here that are said of themselves that they are Muslims and religious people, if they were the slightest so would coma bat, comb at.
On combat. Funest.
On condemning the regime that does that, in the name of peace and love, in the name of religion, if any religions = here religious impulse = seed for it (that justifies its claws and calls) there is.
To remember.
Not to forget. Thank you from the bottom of the heart to any whom do.
Whither what fate, one wishes, sick whisk or wisk, wither the world to take???
The balm, blame.
Rights and fundamental freedom
it is just to give you an idea of what step-hen is talking about. On individual real freedom.
Countries vote to accept execution of gays
The United Nations has removed a plea for lesbians, gays and bisexuals not to be executed in a narrow vote.
Tris Reid-Smith
Friday, 16 December 2011
http://news.pinkpaper.com/NewsStory/4319/18/11/2010/countries-vote-to-accept-execution-of-gays.aspx The United Nations has removed a plea for lesbians, gays and bisexuals not to be executed in a narrow vote.
For the last 10 years sexual orientation has been included in a list of discriminatory grounds for executions – gay rights activists say the vote to remove that listing is “dangerous and disturbing.”
The UN resolution urges countries to protect the right to life of all people, calling on them to investigate killings based on discriminatory grounds. Sexual orientation was previously listed as one of these forms of discrimination, alongside ethnicity, religious belief and linguistic minorities.
Others protected by the resolution were human rights defenders (like journalists, lawyers and demonstrators), street children and members of indigenous communities.
But now sexual orientation has been taken out of the list. The amendment was supported by Benin in Africa on behalf of the African Group in the UN General Assembly. It passed on a narrow vote of 79 for, 70 against , 17 abstentions and 26 absent.
Some of those voting to remove sexual orientation were countries where gays are known to be or thought to be executed or summarily killed including Iran, Nigeria, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iraq.
The UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and many European countries voted in favour of gays.
Cary Alan Johnson, Executive Director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, said: “This vote is a dangerous and disturbing development. It essentially removes the important recognition of the particular vulnerability faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people – a recognition that is crucial at a time when 76 countries around the world criminalise homosexuality, five consider it a capital crime and countries like Uganda are considering adding the death penalty to their laws criminalising homosexuality.”
jsut to put everyone into context dar-ren.
Just, suit.
for those who don't under stand. but ho(o)ve.
funest, not funiest.
To remember.
Not to forget. Thank you from the bottom of the heart to whom do.
To do:
Homosexuality will never be crushed, without self hatred and immodest view and msiconcpetion. Miss, sic con petition. Hotter. Hot ther. Hot hers, Others.
You see we could, we would die for the right to have one’s family happily.
Ps: I am not thinking of dying being handed, crucified or hanged nevertheless.
Not that I am for war or the cold war that is going on if those mean to kill innocent or to kill out out of not self defense or when at any price, but another life, keep every soul alive would have been defensible. As main reasons of wars are economically false economy, of incentives.
Mind, go to war and not knowing exactly if it is not your own people that don’t want you to be liquidated, at the stake of the stock exchange, bringing cash or servants to us, the servants with better pay.
On jihad, e-had, a lot of –had suffix in Arabic, the other acade-my acade-mia, like the west not out of medhi eval (evil, oval, arcade ovule, luv) stories when their accounts come, see.
Jee had (the treatment) of the Christians, once roasted, in ham-ster, lousy roe-ster, rooster, roar-ster haste eating the glorious lamb. On Christian roster and ouster. Christ in nit, in tin. At least did not fuck with teen, but as such, as church, bin, been made the sacrificator scarification virgin as sole prize for praizing pacification. The Christian and their passion. Pas zion...9, pass- if thick.
As for the christinas they absolve their sin in saying that their prophet die on the cross to whas, whish what wash-ash their bloody pussies… none, nun of them.
Acad-emy enmy.
Sorry a bout the other denomination (Caesar, shaocesscou, chaos-and-sky) they did not was-h h my brain for a question of geography.
Have, ave. had, add. Adv. Advent, advertise, ad.am. heavy (breath loud) ivy.
To be call religion and have become down to simply perform an ideological sit (tis, tease till then) sick system.
Me I have to admit that I feel betray by people wanted themselves to be representative of a ‘afaith’ afamed. As so often if you ask about what, well the answer will be that thy aer not so much well read, when touching ignominy like that. To hide what the purpose of one’s set of ‘believes;’. As not everyone, in fact none is welcome as enter singnify loose equal rights ain the research of exploitation and hierarchy establishing…but religion the rascall of prelat magnifying. On family state and mafia-familish.
E rash and scoundrel on scourge penalty. Pen almighty.
To remove the veil, caps and bearbs, one should feel at home. In what world ord ordr without row. D as devotion and d as dedication, edu cation. Not as death for break nor bread.
Not among the veils, nor among the blank. The blank? The western hypocrisy, and the rest of the wor-ld. Hell, held, ell edit.
Uk censorship.
We gonna, are about, to beg for water. What do you want to say?
Peace on our souls. It is not prophecy or prayers but the notion of the ulti-mate. Ulterior mass see.
Fourbue, le four a bu. Dehydrate. The hydrae ate.
Santa, tan as (feedback!?) sans toi.
I write to you as I was waiting. I saw the other day this gazelle gracious and gracile =+ swanlike, nav-et. About whom I cannot life without Now I have seen.
But then for the night of noel, Noe = (ho Noah, one, elle, I expected- nova, nothing come though it is what I am worried about (abs out, absinthe). Worry up to be drawn and drown by les (b)eaux. Les zoos.
S lez ho. To be raw. Biro.
Sleaze, no. lease haut. Lea, soit so, les oiseaux. Contextual of k (key, qui) d-ove, evo. Evolen evelyn Helen. Take part me as one but you, a duel, “a deux, adieu is not folly”.
Alongside a book fo philo, the mother of disciplines, the mother of the field, for staying well firm as in my couple and my contra, construe, contrite, contrive, contree (french = country, centre.) the one fourbue (=exhaust, crimple, joint-knackered) with authorite. Rite, francais. Franc sait! Yeh, iai.
Phil-, file = tail up, fulfill, quest and pursuance of happiness? Sole reason for going on infinitely. Indefinite?k-u-pi-d usurpation of delectation. Defect. Derelict. Select. Elect, ricity, lech, elect, tcele, relics, tinsel, celle, c- quelle. Sequel.
Cup dip cup-id=em
Elect, ricity, Elect, wrick city,
Recite rectify.
The charade considered as dangerous as shown how words are de-vol. volume and volatile.
The veil as most visible means of control, called culture as they had eaten every other belief of autochthonous authentic auto tone noise, noisy, nose noes knows tranquility and blessing for nature (including the female that today as to wear it supported by the eunuchs of the west waiting for being served by more than should allow one plate). Pluralism on edge. Pledge. Late.
nous (n s, nous)
1. Philosophy
a. Reason and knowledge as opposed to sense perception.
b. The rational part of the individual human soul.
c. The principle of the cosmic mind or soul responsible for the rational order of the cosmos.
d. In Stoicism, the equivalent of Logos.
e. In Neo-Platonism, the image of the absolute good, containing the cosmos of intelligible beings.
2. Chiefly British Good sense; shrewdness: "Hillela had the nous to take up with the General when he was on the up-and-up again" (Nadine Gordimer).
nous [naʊs]
1. (Philosophy) Metaphysics mind or reason, esp when regarded as the principle governing all things
2. Brit slang common sense; intelligence
[from Greek, literally: mind]
common sense, good sense, gumption, horse sense, mother wit, sense - mind, psyche, brain, head
cognition, knowledge, noesis - the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
noddle - an informal British expression for head or mind; "use your noddle"
tabula rasa - a young mind not yet affected by experience (according to John Locke)
ego - (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind
unconscious, unconscious mind - that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware
subconscious, subconscious mind
in french, nous, no? nous = Us.
So well you will excuse my aggressivity (aggressiveness as an activity) as it may, could originate from that sort of chronic dolor and fatigue out of disarray. Or by the fact that I don’t do a lot to think and kick, it may.
I am so rude, so fucking rude, at latest there is the blog at last where I am not get rid of. But it is this, one would soon wait for more and more hideous and monstruosity (menstru, menstrue), as a entertaining minstrel gallery of accountability without res of ponspilate (ponce=pounce) possibility, an answer from what is known, proved, disinter, unearth, dig out. Even there and here throwing up, turns up to be envied. Anchora nd Anchovy.
Tack on boat and bank on plan-e-t. Maybe should we count on the machines to start being rebel? Revel.
Or what happens? Are we ready to go just after the last pulverized mammals, last but one.
Hope insects could survive, they have been more polite to me that any kind of rat. Target. Than any kind of rate.
Starkly and jogging hutch got to go to the butchery, by want, no lest, of bush. Hush-hush sun shushes sludgy.
But on the sounds, many of them Microsoft won’t have it. Among those of agony.
To start disagreeing with ideas, would be the precursor of disagreeing with concrete present dealings.
Deal. Lead.
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