
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kinda NEWROLL: Various from other websites fev 2013

Kinda NEWROLL: Various from other websites Fev - May 2013








Doctors Health Press e-Bulletin

The Latest Health Breakthroughs From The Doctors You Can Trust

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Why This Potato Is Better for You Than That Potato
by Victor Marchione, MD

Here's some health news out of Washington, DC.ET: organic potatoes may contain more nutrients than conventional potatoes. […]


 RECOMMENDED: Pesticides Associated with Cancer Risk 

The Healing Food That's a Tasty Snack
by Richard Foxx, MD

Not much is written about health benefits of pistachios


 almonds or peanuts.


Pistachios, however, are quite nutritious, it turns out. A recent study has found this healing food to be a nutrient-dense nut with a heart-healthy fatty-acid profile, as well as protein, dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin K, tocopherols, and a number of phytochemicals. That's quite a list!




C.ET: it is because pistachio is more expensive.





The New York Times| BREAKING NEWS ALERT | Video


BREAKING NEWS Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:30 PM EST


Hackers in China Attacked The Times for Last 4 Months

For the last four months, Chinese hackers have persistently attacked The New York Times, infiltrating its computer systems and getting passwords for its reporters and other employees.


The timing of the attacks coincided with the reporting for a Times investigation, published online on Oct. 25, that found that the relatives of Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, had accumulated a fortune worth several billion dollars through business dealings.










Tax dodging is a global scandal. Tax raises money to fund public services, to fight poverty and to redistribute wealth in society. Yet for many multinational companies like Amazon, Google and Starbucks, paying tax is now often simply a matter of choic


Despite hitting the headlines by talking tough on tax, this government is planning new changes to the UK’s tax laws to be introduced in the Budget in March which would give a green light to big business to avoid billions in tax.

Murray Worthy
Tax justice campaigner





The Global Theft of Land: Human Rights, Dispossession and Destruction

Wednesday 6 February 2013, 6.30-8pm

Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building,
Lincoln's Inn Fields, LSE
Speakers: Megan MacInnes, Fred  Pearce, Subir Sinha

The forcible expropriation of land from people by states and corporations – ‘land grabbing’ – is occurring on a phenomenal scale and affects every continent and most countries of the ‘South’. Land grabs and the forced displacement of populations, including through state and corporate violence, have been justified through economic development, human development, the extraction of natural resources, the use of land for economic growth, among many other factors. Yet deforestation



Home, Garden & Food

40 handy lemon tips

4 March 2011

Cleaning solutions and beauty tips for natural (and cheap) recipes you can try at home.

These tips have been contributed by volunteers from 


The Miracle of Lemons

(Dr Penny Stanway)

Discover practical uses for lemons, including:

- skin and hair care;
- natural remedies;
- A-Z of ailments that respond to lemons;
- eco friendly cleaning tips.

Find out more about this book >






Green your workplace

23 February 2012

Energy efficiency and sustainable consumption are key to greening your workplace. 

Useful links



C.ET: avoid disposables.




Every single victory during the past year – from exposing horrific abuse of ducks and geese on a French foie gras farm to helping to convince the UK government to reject an appeal to build a facility in Yorkshire that would have bred hundreds of dogs for use in deadly laboratory experiments – was achieved through the generosity of our compassionate members.

But despite so many recent successes, animals are still being confined to tiny, filthy cages on factory farms; electrocuted, strangled and even skinned alive for "fashion"; cut open, poisoned and mutilated in horrific experiments; and beaten and kept in chains in order to force them to perform for human "entertainment".


Ingrid E Newkirk





Fur and other skins look best on their original owners. Help us take action to end the fur trade. Read more.


Cause to celebrate: the Commission has told PETA that a ban on the sale of all animal-tested cosmetics in the EU will come into force in March. Read more.



– safe sex for cats and dogs! Read more.

Cruelty Beneath the Covers?

The production of down-filled duvets and jackets causes immense suffering. Go down-free with Alicia Silverstone. Read more.


'The Hobbit': Unexpected Cruelty

Abuse and neglect during the production of The Hobbit led to alleged animal deaths in the name of entertainment. Read more.


Stay Firm and Fresh

Gyrating fruit and veggies take the spotlight in new PETA video for World Vegan Day. Read more.



Shocking Footage Exposes Cruelty and Abuse on Farms Supplying Fortnum & Mason Foie Gras Distributor

Watch the shocking video and ask Fortnum & Mason to stop selling foie gras. Read more.


PETA Supports Team Badger

Badgers across England are currently being threatened: a planned cull will begin soon unless we can convince the government to stop the slaughter. Read more.


Urge Cardiff to Stop Blinding Animals in Experiments

Read more.

PETA and Animals Rights

PETAUK profile

PETAUK "These practices may be legal but that doesn’t make them right" Do you know what happens to horses in slaughterhouses? 3 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite


Pancake Day – Vegan-Style

Low on Cruelty, Low on Carbon


Get Involved

Action Alerts

Save Monkeys From Cruel Experiments – Tell Air France to Stop Trafficking Primates!

Watch 'Runway Reversal' and Speak Out Against Stolen Skins

Save Hundreds of Beagles From Horrific Animal Tests

More Action Alerts



Free 'Vegetarian
Starter Kit'


Take the Pledge to Be Veg




February 15, 2013 | News covering the UN and the world Council is studying climate change's link to security

The United Nations Security Council is scheduled to meet today about the effects of climate change on global security.

 Bloomberg (2/14) this Story


C.ET: alleluia, as most of us, see only environmental issues in terms of what might cause harm to humans directly.

Also people often says that we can well damage, the other generations will invent somehow a means to reduce it. smote, smooth smitten.  To be as stupid to think that consequences of producing poison, even if producing remedy (potion), could be staunched. A bad will have as ultimate as impossible to divert effect. At least for our ousted souls. Be the eternal re-conduce our essay. 


One cannot wash away ‘one’s intentional (or avertable) destruction, gross, gratuitous or not. A bad and one good cannot be convert into one good.

It is almost the main current of thought of current politics whatever environmentalist or human rights that say what suits to humans, as human a little pests ready to eat everything like if mother earth and brothers others were a cake for them to be prepared, his dining gooey.

human rights philosophy possibly human centred, to say don’t do that because it will have an effect on us. Ok but this should be the little print, amongst the explaination valid by their thousands, the idiot and eternal rules of the boomerang, or the talion, or the communicant recipient, if you harm you ll get it back from one or the other way- spiritually to begin and finish with. When one is in fact harming, not him but others, then, harming others, animals or resources, should be the prime reason for it to have to be stopped.




Death threats to UK's top Muslim MP who voted for gay marriage


Khan was among 400 MPs, five Muslim, who voted in favour of the bill

By Abul Taher

PUBLISHED: 22:14, 16 February 2013 | UPDATED: 01:40, 17 February 2013

Britain's most senior Muslim MP has received death threats after voting in favour of gay marriage. 


Read more:
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C.ET: thank you brother, even if that shows that depending on the vote for a just decision striking tyrants is, as it is, undemocratic. Gay marriage, just as being consensual marriage between adults, just like hetero marriage, should not be voted. It should be without qualifications attributed. Tribute and tribes.

I d like to be the one striking them with punishment over that kinda fatwa issuing.

thank you brother.

I d like to be one part of your escorts, or secret army.


I chose my word, hypocrisy make us forget how people ruin other people life, hip, hope and everything just through the issuance of law, policies, practises and theories. Without forgetting stud pinned tradition and its demonization, by the ones who pretend prudery pursuing whereas it is torture of living- parasites imitation ammunition.


By the way, Sodom is not gay.


Sodom is the sex pest that annihilate sexual orientation choice, and make sex an institution rather than an intimacy.


Intime. Timide. 

Intime = intimate in French. Opportune, not go-getter opportunity.




Ask garden centres to help bees

The rush to remove bee-harming products from shop shelves continues, but some chains are dragging their heels.


 @ Friends of the Earth



Animal Writes: PETA UK's Blog

Victoria Silvstedt’s Plea for the AstraZeneca Beagles


Pamela Anderson to WTO: Save Seals, Uphold EU Seal-Fur Import Ban

Slaughterhouse Secrets

Be My Vegan Valentine

Hurray! Council Chucks Cruel Chicken Factory Plans



Stop Air France From Shipping Monkeys to Their Deaths in Cruel Labs!

Take action today against one of the largest traffickers of primates in the world, and save monkeys from a one-way ticket to experimentation and death. Read more.


Joaquin Phoenix: Fish Have Feelings, Too

The actor takes a soaking in this new video to highlight the agony and terror experienced by 6 billion fish each year. Read more.



snakes, alligators, lizards and crocodiles in many places around the world, from the Philippines to the United States to South Africa, are being painfully stripped of their skin – usually while still alive –


nailed to trees before being skinned alive and tossed onto a pile to die. They can suffer for days before succumbing to shock or dehydration.

Alligators are kept crowded together in filthy tanks on farms before being clubbed and skinned alive. A PETA US investigation of an alligator farm documented gruesome slaughter methods, including chiselling through an animal's spinal column with a pointed instrument and hammer. It can take around two hours filled with intense pain for an animal slaughtered this way to die.


Every day, these fascinating forest and river animals are trapped and beaten and have their skin ripped from their bodies simply to create a fashion look. PETA and our international affiliates are the only organisations with a comprehensive approach to prevent the suffering and deaths of snakes, seals, cats, dogs, cows, rabbits, foxes and other animals used for their skin.








Help save our iconic migrants

Gone. Vanished. Lost.

That’s what’s happened to three-quarters of our turtle doves in the last 15 years. The good news is that there’s an easy way for you to help...


Whilst we’re already helping turtle doves by working with UK farmers to create areas full of seed-rich plants – vital food during their breeding season – buying a spring raffle ticket could help us do even more.





C.ET: look at what to wear and not to wear with a special mention, trainers only for running, hard soles for the walkers, not easily bend, and supple one when staying on one’s feet…

I AM not saying I know but try and read about footwear, very important to health, just like, maybe not, surely not, flossing, mouth bathing, and 3 mn 3 times a day teeth browsing, not browsing boy, brushing.






Protecting yourself


Red Pepper on Facebook




DIY pots for seeds

Find out more from RecycleNow.

@ Friends of the Earth





Turn your garden into a nature reserve

Turn your garden into a nature reserve
Make your garden a home for wildlife



Cleric’s incitement to murder ignored in cancellation decision

 Muslim Society not rebuked for hosting a murder-approving speaker



Reading University cancels "kill gays" Islamist preacher

Feeble excuse: fictitious threat of violent protests?

Cleric’s incitement to murder ignored in cancellation decision

Muslim Society not rebuked for hosting a murder-approving speaker

London - 28 February 2013


“Thahabi endorses the murder of gay people and of Muslims who give up their faith. He says women are deficient and encourages the beating of little girls who refuse to wear the hijab,” said Peter Tatchell, Director of the human rights lobby, the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

“While this cancellation is welcome, the university’s reasons for the cancellation appear to be bogus, feeble and unprincipled.

“The university authorities claim the Thahabi meeting was cancelled because of serious threats of violent protest by extremist groups. I challenge the university to name these groups and reveal the threats.


“Women, Muslim and LGBT students have a right to go to university without being menaced and threatened by hate preachers.

“Disgracefully, the Vice Chancellor has failed to condemn the Muslim Society for invitingThahabi.


A letter had been sent by the Peter Tatchell Foundation to the Vice Chancellor of Reading University, David Bell, protesting at the university's decision to host Abu Usamah at-Thahabi, on the grounds that Thahabi had been filmed by Channel Four’s Dispatches programme justifying the murder of gay people. Incitement to murder is a serious criminal offence.

Further information:

Peter Tatchell
Director, Peter Tatchell Foundation
0207 403 1790



Won't you support PETA's work for seals and all animals by making a gift right now? There won't be as many baby seals killed this year, but the slaughter is still going forward.

 Crude spiked clubs will crush their still-soft skulls. For some, the skin will be ripped off their bloody bodies while they're still conscious. All to satisfy a greedy, vain industry that we are working hard to send the way of the dinosaurs.

Please donate now and help us stop the senseless slaughter of seals and other innocent animals.

More than 170,000 harp seals have been slaughtered on the ice floes off Canada's east coast in recent years. Nearly all of them were less than 3 months old. The seal pups yelp in terror as the sealers' spiked clubs slam into their heads while other seals nearby can only watch and wail. Many infant seals are bludgeoned before they even eat their first solid meal or learn how to swim.

After violently attacking these young pups, sealers routinely hook them in the eye, cheek, or mouth – sometimes while they are still conscious – to avoid damaging their pelts before dragging the animals across the ice to skin them. They then leave them to die a slow, painful death.

Unless something changes, without more help from animal heroes like you, this horror will occur again.
Please donate today so we can ramp up our campaign to stop the slaughter.

Kind regards,

Ingrid E Newkirk




People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation






Horsemeat investigation: latest update

On February 14 the Food Standards Agency (FSA)


C.ET: for your Valentines’ day, the most noble conquest, like the creepy say,

Band of eunuchs, without an ounce of dignity, pretending being stallion like that steroid sharzy anti-gay.





Foods in season in March

Cook with the seasons, and look out for British cauliflower, leeks, purple sprouting broccoli, parsnips and chicory in March.

Best Wishes, Rita @ Friends of the Earth




Russian scientists may have found new life under Antarctic ice

MOSCOW (Reuters) -









PETA E-News: What Crufts Won't Tell You




ethicalsingles is a global online matchmaking service designed exclusively for people who hold ethical issues, such as human rights, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability, close to their hearts!




C.ET: if asked.

I found that search similar to “has wspa rescued zidi yet from bear baiting” has been performed.

As I edited a wspa compaing about a bear torture for betting game.


has wspa rescued zidi yet from bear baiting, after us taking plenty of photos.

Mind for one, these horrors has been recorder , record hof off horror.


What is worth recording others?

For it to become the norms, or the subject of another bet?




Superhomes Week

Do you want to transform your home into an
eco home with lower bills?

 Visit a SuperHome for some green inspiration.

Best Wishes, Rita @ Friends of the Earth



Babylon 9

Simply Translate

To translate with Babylon, type any word.

To learn how to use Babylon, click here.




Babylon, baby lone. Loan.


Babe like ball, babble an babel.




Morning Star News

Photo: Muslim mobs attack a Christian area of Lahore after blasphemy allegation (M. Ali)

LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – Muslim mobs upset over an alleged derogatory comment about the prophet of Islam burned down more than 180 Christian-owned houses and shops and at least two church buildings here on Saturday (March 9) after authorities told police to “let them vent their grief and anger,” officials said.

Lahore’s impoverished Joseph Colony looked like a war-ravaged town by Saturday night. There were no reports of casualties, but the site was reminiscent of the destruction in Gojra in 2009, when eight Christians were burned alive, 100 houses looted and 50 homes set ablaze after a blasphemy accusation.


C.ET: mind in this magazine I saw as well homophobic comments, so as homos are the target of intolerant and warring society, as they need to suppress holistic and natural feeling of love, what these so called, self-called (cull and care for carving the baby lame lambs and calves) religious, would let themselves using and abusing the name of god, be doing.




C.ET: As for the reasons, there is no reasons valid, as the majority has (AS) the power to get things right and moral- if there is ounce of that in their insanity but if any, nayni. And the reason of this kind of blasphemy is a sing signing sign of extreme extremist comedy.




bid [bɪd]

vb bids ; bidding ; bad, bade esp for senses 1, 2, 5, 7, bid ; bidden esp for senses 1, 2, 5, 7, bid

1. (often foll by for or against) to offer (an amount) in attempting to buy something, esp in competition with others as at an auction

2. (Business / Commerce) Commerce to respond to an offer by a seller by stating (the more favourable terms) on which one is willing to make a purchase

3. (tr) to say (a greeting, blessing, etc.) to bid farewell

4. to order; command do as you are bid!

5. (intr; usually foll by for) to attempt to attain power, etc

6. (tr) to invite; ask kindly she bade him sit down

7. (Group Games / Bridge) Bridge to declare in the auction before play how many tricks one expects to make

bid defiance to resist boldly

bid fair to seem probable



bidder  n

v. bade (babreved, bamacrd) or bid, bid·den (bibrevedprimen) or bid, bid·ding, bids

1. To issue a command to; direct.

2. To utter (a greeting or salutation).

3. To invite to attend; summon.



2. An invitation, especially one offering membership in a group or club.

3. Games

a. The act of bidding in cards.



C.ET: religious like that offering rapes and familial as well as society vulture down the cross and re-assemblymen, cross roads against the little destructive power of their sanctuary = obey or you will be killed by the pedo cure.




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This article is about the biblical creature. For the book by Thomas Hobbes, see Leviathan (book). For other uses, see Leviathan (disambiguation).

"Destruction of Leviathan". 1865 engraving by Gustave Doré


C.ET: could be a lightning. Beautiful animal. And paint. Anyway it’s French.

Leviathan (/lɨˈv.əθən/; Hebrew: לִוְיָתָן, Modern Livyatan Tiberian Liwyāṯān ; "twisted, coiled") is a sea monster referenced in the Tanakh and in the Christian Old Testament.


The Leviathan is mentioned six times in the Tanakh, with Job 41:1-34 being dedicated to describing him in detail:[1]

1 Can you pull in the leviathan with a fishhook or tie down his tongue with a rope?

2 Can you put a cord through his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook?

3 Will he keep begging you for mercy? Will he speak to you with gentle words?

4 Will he make an agreement with you for you to take him as your slave for life?

5 Can you make a pet of him like a bird or put him on a leash for your girls?

6 Will traders barter for him? Will they divide him up among the merchants?

7 Can you fill his hide with harpoons or his head with fishing spears?

8 If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again!

9 Any hope of subduing him is false; the mere sight of him is overpowering.

10 No-one is fierce enough to rouse him. Who then is able to stand against me?

11 Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me.

12 I will not fail to speak of his limbs, his strength and his graceful form.

13 Who can strip off his outer coat? Who would approach him with a bridle?

14 Who dares open the doors of his mouth, ringed about with his fearsome teeth?

15 His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together;

16 each is so close to the next that no air can pass between.

17 They are joined fast to one another; they cling together and cannot be parted.

18 His snorting throws out flashes of light; his eyes are like the rays of dawn.

19 Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out.

20 Smoke pours from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds.

21 His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth.

22 Strength resides in his neck; dismay goes before him.

23 The folds of his flesh are tightly joined; they are firm and immovable.

24 His chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone.

25 When he rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before his thrashing.

26 The sword that reaches him has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.

27 Iron he treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood.

28 Arrows do not make him flee, sling stones are like chaff to him.

29 A club seems to him but a piece of straw, he laughs at the rattling of the lance.

30 His undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing-sledge.

31 He makes the depths churn like a boiling cauldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.

32 Behind him he leaves a glistening wake; one would think the deep had white hair.

33 Nothing on earth is his equal— a creature without fear.

34 He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud.

Isaiah 27:1 he is called the "wriggling serpent" who will be killed at the end of time.[2]

[…] Isaiah 27:1 uses the first of these phrases to describe Leviathan (although in this case the name "Leviathan" apparently refers to an unnamed historical/political enemy of Israel rather than the original serpent-monster).[citation needed] In Psalm 104, Leviathan is not described as harmful in any way, but simply as a creature of the ocean, part of God's creation. It is possible that the authors of the Job 41:2-26, on the other hand, based the Leviathan on descriptions of Egyptian animal mythology where the crocodile is the enemy of the solar deity Horus (and is subdued either by Horus, or by the Pharaoh). This is in contrast to typical descriptions of the sea monster trope in terms of mythological combat.[2]

[edit] In later Jewish literature


his companion to the words of Job xli. 18: "By his neesings a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning" (B. B. l.c.). However, in spite of his supernatural strength, the leviathan is afraid of a small worm called "kilbit", which clings to the gills of large fish and kills them (Shab. 77b).[6]


 [edit] Christianity

The Leviathan of the Middle Ages was used as an image of Satan, endangering both God's creatures—by attempting to eat them—and God's creation—by threatening it with upheaval in the waters of Chaos.[7] St. Thomas Aquinas described Leviathan as the demon of envy, first in punishing the corresponding sinners. (Secunda Secundae Question 36) Leviathan became associated with, and may originally have referred to, the visual motif of the Hellmouth, a monstrous animal into whose mouth the damned disappear at the Last Judgement[…] [edit]


Leviathan in Satanism

In LaVeyan Satanism, according to the author of The Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor LaVey, Leviathan represents the element of Water and the direction of West. The element of Water in Satanism is associated with life and creation, and may be represented by a Chalice during ritual.


C.ET: Leviathan

Leve a temps = rise in times.      (Leave, lever, leaven, Levee, live)

Leve = elevate /    temps = temporary = time.

Times like tap. ten and …


An oddity it is the monster of the sea associated with the end of the world, i.e of humanity, as the seas are rising, from ice melting.


Jacob wrestling with the angel


Gustave Doré, Jacob Wrestling the Angel (1855)

The account of Jacob wrestling with the angel is a story found in the Book of Genesis, and referenced elsewhere such as Genesis 35:1-7 and Hosea chapter 12. The account includes the renaming of Jacob as "Israel", literally "He who struggles with God."


C.ET: the struggle with God, that is religion, just the miserable fight that humans think they obtain.





Candlelight Stories Home


Arabian Nights: The Story of Sidi-Nouman


“Sidi-Nouman,” replied the Caliph, “your story is indeed a strange one, and there is no excuse to be offered for your wife. But, without condemning your treatment of her, I wish you to reflect how much she must suffer from being changed into an animal, and I hope you will let that punishment be enough. I do not order you to insist upon the young magician finding the means to restore your wife to her human shape, because I know that when once women such as she begin to work evil they never leave off, and I should only bring down on your head a vengeance far worse than the one you have undergone already.”

C.ET: on double penalty.





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For other uses of the term "ghoul", see Ghoul (disambiguation).

"Amine Discovered with the Goule", from the story of Sidi Nouman, of the Arabian Nights.

A ghoul is a (folkloric) monster associated with graveyards and consuming human flesh, often classified as undead.


C.ET: a goule, une french, in French, mean (mine) = figure, face.


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are described in the last book of the New Testament of the Bible, called the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John the Evangelist at 6:1-8. The chapter tells of a "'book', or 'scroll', in God's right hand that is sealed with seven seals". The Lamb of God, or Lion of Judah (Jesus Christ), opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons forth four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. Although some interpretations differ, in most accounts, the four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest,[1] War,[2] Famine,[3] and Death, respectively. The Christian apocalyptic vision is that the four horsemen are to set a divine apocalypse upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment.[1



 Mohammed, along with Buraq and Gabriel, visit Hell, and see a demon punishing "shameless women" who had exposed their hair to strangers. For this crime of inciting lust in men, the women are strung up by their hair and burned for eternity. Persian, 15th century.


Next, Mohammed sees women strung up by hooks thrust through their tongues by a green demon. Their crimes were to "mock" their husbands and to leave their homes without permission. Persian, 15th century.

Further on, Mohammed sees a red demon that is torturing women by hanging them up by hooks through their breasts, as they are engulfed in flames. The women are being punished for giving birth to illegitimate children whom they falsely claimed were fathered by their husbands. Persian, 15th century.


 Next, Mohammed sees women strung up by hooks thrust through their tongues by a green demon. Their crimes were to "mock" their husbands and to leave their homes without permission. Persian, 15th century.



 Further on, Mohammed sees a red demon that is torturing women by hanging them up by hooks through their breasts, as they are engulfed in flames. The women are being punished for giving birth to illegitimate children whom they falsely claimed were fathered by their husbands. Persian, 15th century.


C.ET: old cuckold.





Algol (Beta Per, β Persei, β Per), known colloquially as the Demon Star, is a bright star in the constellation Perseus.


Historically, the star has received a strong association with bloody violence across a wide variety[which?] of cultures.


associated with death by decapitation: a theme which mirrors the myth of the hero Perseus’ victory over the snake-headed Gorgon Medusa.[28] Astrologically,[clarification needed] Algol is considered one of the unluckiest stars in the sky



God the Father[edit]

God the Father is the creator of Heaven, Hell, the World, and of everyone and everything there is. He desires glory and praise from all his creations. He is an all-powerful, all-knowing, infinitely good being who cannot be overthrown by even the great army of angels Satan incites against him.


Leonard speculates that the English Civil War interrupted Milton's earliest attempts to start his "epic [poem] that would encompass all space and time."






The Book of Abramelin

Structure [edit]

The grimoire is […] describes his journey from Germany to Egypt and reveals Abramelin's magical and Kabbalistic secrets to his son […]Abraham recounts how he found Abramelin the Mage living in the desert […]He discussed nothing but "the Fear of God", leading a well-regulated life, and the evils of the "acquisition of riches and goods."

[…]After this, Abramelin gave Abraham the "Divine Science" and "True Magic" embedded within the two manuscripts, which he was to follow and give to only those whom he knew well.


Once this is accomplished, the magician must evoke the twelve Kings and Dukes of Hell (Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Belial, etc.) and bind them. Thereby, the magician gains command of them in his own mental universe, and removes their negative influence from his life. […]

The magical goals for which the demons can be employed are typical of those found in grimoires


[…]For example, a square entitled "To walk under water for as long as you want" contains the word MAIAM (מים or ماء), the Hebrew and Arabic word for "water". […]


Abramelin and Thelema [edit]

C.ET: the di-lema.



1. Immoral or unchaste; lewd.


a. Gratuitously cruel; merciless.

b. Marked by unprovoked, gratuitous maliciousness; capricious and unjust: wanton destruction.

3. Unrestrainedly excessive: wanton extravagance; wanton depletion of oil reserves.


[Middle English wantowen : wan-, not, lacking (from Old English; see euschwa- in Indo-European roots) + towen, past participle of teen, to bring up (from Old English temacron, to lead, draw; see deuk- in Indo-European roots).]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


wan•ton (ˈwɒn tn)


1. done maliciously or unjustifiably: wanton cruelty.

2. deliberate and without motive; unprovoked: a wanton attack.

3. without regard for what is right, just, etc.; reckless: wanton assassination of a person's character.

4. sexually unrestrained; lascivious; lewd: wanton behavior.

5. extravagant or excessive: living in wanton luxury.

6. luxuriant, as vegetation.

7. Archaic.

a. sportive or frolicsome, as children or young animals.

b. having free play: wanton breezes.

c. cruelly playful; mischievous: wanton schoolboys.


8. a wanton or lascivious person, esp. a woman.


9. to behave in a wanton manner.


10. to squander (often fol. by away): to wanton away one's inheritance.

[1250–1300; Middle English wantowen literally, undisciplined, ill-reared, Old English wan- not + togen past participle of tēon to discipline, rear, c. German ziehen, Latin dūcere to lead; akin to tow1]

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

Thesaurus Legend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms



wanton - lewd or lascivious womanwanton - lewd or lascivious woman            

sensualist - a person who enjoys sensuality

light-o'-love, light-of-love - a woman inconstant in love



wanton - waste timewanton - waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently

piddle, piddle away, trifle, wanton away

expend, spend, drop - pay out; "spend money"


wanton - indulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of lifewanton - indulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of life

live - lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style; "we had to live frugally after the war"


wanton - spend wastefullywanton - spend wastefully; "wanton one's money away"

trifle away, wanton away

expend, spend, drop - pay out; "spend money"


wanton - become extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously


ware, squander, consume, waste - spend extravagantly; "waste not, want not"


wanton - engage in amorous play

chat up, coquet, coquette, flirt, mash, philander, romance, dally, butterfly - talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; "The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries"; "My husband never flirts with other women"


wanton - behave extremely cruelly and brutally



wanton - occurring without motivation or provocationwanton - occurring without motivation or provocation; "motiveless malignity"; "unprovoked and dastardly attack"- F.D.Roosevelt

motiveless, unprovoked

unmotivated - without motivation


wanton - casual and unrestrained in sexual behaviorwanton - casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior; "her easy virtue"; "he was told to avoid loose (or light) women"; "wanton behavior"

promiscuous, sluttish, easy, loose, light

unchaste - not chaste; "unchaste conduct"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. wilful, needless, senseless, unjustified, willed, evil, cruel, vicious, deliberate, arbitrary, malicious, wicked, purposeful, gratuitous, malevolent, spiteful, unprovoked, groundless, unjustifiable, uncalled-for, motiveless the unnecessary and wanton destruction of our environment
wilful called-for, justified, provoked, motivated, warranted, legitimate, excusable

2. promiscuous, immoral, shameless, licentious, fast, wild, abandoned, loose, dissipated, lewd, profligate, debauched, lustful, lecherous, dissolute, libertine, libidinous, of easy virtue, unchaste Women behaving with the same sexual freedom as men are considered wanton.
promiscuous Victorian, rigid, stuffy, prim, puritanical, prudish, strait-laced, priggish, overmodest


slut, tart, whore, slag (Brit. slang), swinger (informal), harlot, slapper (Brit. slang), loose woman, scrubber (Brit. & Austral. slang), strumpet, trollop, woman of easy virtue His wife had shown herself to be a shameless wanton.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



[edit] Leviathan in popular culture

Main article: Leviathan in popular culture

Leviathan in popular culture

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William Blake's painting The Spiritual Form of Nelson Guiding Leviathan, in which the monster is a symbol of military sea-power controlled by Nelson

See Leviathan (disambiguation)

The Hebrew monster Leviathan found in the Book of Job has given rise to many popular incarnations. This article treats subjects with no direct connection to the Ancient Middle East or Jewish origins.

[edit] Literature

Leviathan is the title of Thomas Hobbes' 1651 work on the social contract and the origins of creation of an ideal state, and his proper name for the Commonwealth.

In Paradise Lost, Milton uses the term Leviathan to describe the size and power of Satan, the ruler of many kingdoms.

The Leviathan appears in the last book of the 1975 The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson as a colossal, intelligent sea creature in the shape of a tentacled pyramid.

In Steven Brust's novel To Reign in Hell, Leviathan (female in this case) is one of seven elder inhabitants of Hell who conspire to prevent Yahweh from creating the Earth as a sanctuary for himself and those loyal to him.


Beelzebub was a prince of the Seraphim, just below Lucifer. Beelzebub, along with Lucifer and Leviathan, were the first three angels to fall. He tempts men with pride and is opposed by St. Francis of Assisi.



George Bernard Shaw Defends Hitler, Mass Murder

C.ET: a demonstration around the use of the word ‘humane’



Jeff Dunham - Ahmed the dead terrorist

Mohamed 4 months ago

insult religion of other people are not funny 

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Mohamed 4 months ago

fuckkk youuuu motherfuckers . Ahmed is the best Foreverrr .. u lughtt about our relagionnnn i will never watch your shit videoss

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Ahmed is our Prophet motherfuckers , He is Not a terrorist , He is the best Man ,


Comme ils disent《正如他们所说》Charles Aznavour

C.ET: oui, mais c est justement cela c 'est un homme. ho! aux hommes.



Charles Aznavour Comme ils Disent French & English subtitles


Google Translate


Peter Tatchell Foundation

Islamist haters blocked at East London University

University & student union fail to publicly condemn preachers

London - 18 March 2013

The University of East London (UEL) blocked an Islamist meeting that was due to be held on the Stratford campus last Friday, 15 March. The meeting was billed as featuring hate preachers Khalid Yasin and Jalal Ibn Saeed.

The meeting was also advertised with “segregated seating”, where women would be forced to sit separate from men.

The Peter Tatchell Foundation, LGBT Society at UEL and the Braki blog lobbied for the meeting to be cancelled.

Khalid Yasin says homosexuality and lesbianism are “aberrations, they are immoralities.” He endorses the execution of gay people.

He also insists that Muslims should not have non-Muslims as friends, condemning non-Muslims using the derogatory term, kaffirs. He praises public executions and amputations and claims AIDS is a western and World Health Organisation conspiracy to kill Africans.




C.ET: and do not worry before killing the gays or whatever else to be more specific, they sure would chuck people out, one by one, of the universities.

It is not believes but insanity growing out of desire to be god personified (if not perfectionable, or purified) in the demon, since it is easier to mimic, even though they are already sold to the world of facility.

Talking about the so called believes or opinions, not the person, they ain’t more or less than person, but so called is the same than usurpations: equal.



We've got a message for multinational companies... Up Yours*

let's send a clear message to big business:
"We pay our tax. It's time for you to UP YOURS."






Keep climate change in the curriculum

The Government want to remove climate change from the geography curriculum for under 14s. We think this will threaten the wellbeing of future generations and the environment. Find out more and sign the petition.

Best Wishes, Rita @ Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth engages in bold, justice-minded environmentalism.

C.ET: Are the Tory wanting to assassinate the whole planet this way, minus the one being able to buy space shuttle ticket?

Doctors Health Press e-bulletin

Friday, March 22, 2013

How to Find Out if You're Deficient in Vitamin D





Shaolin monks training and vegetarianism. National geography documentary.

Myths & Logic Of Shaolin Monks Pt 1


The World's Best Parkour and Freerunning 2012


Free filter for your water butt

Friends of the Earth




Narwhal, the unicorn.


As Arctic Melts, Inuit Face
Tensions with Outside World

“First, the community’s spring narwhal hunt, which usually yields roughly 60 of the tusked whales, produced only three. The sea ice was so thin that the Inuit couldn’t safely stand on it and shoot the narwhal as they migrated into Arctic Bay from Greenland through channels in the ice.” by ed struzik


narwhal whales

It's Sensitive. Really. By William Broad
December, 13, 2005
New York Times, Science Times

“But a team of scientists from Harvard and the National Institute of Standards and Technology has now made a startling discovery: the tusk, it turns out, forms a sensory organ of exceptional size and sensitivity, making the living appendage one of the planet's most remarkable, and one that in some ways outdoes its own mythology.

The find came when the team turned an electron microscope on the tusk's material and found new subtleties of dental anatomy. The close-ups showed that 10 million nerve endings tunnel from the tusk's core toward its outer surface, communicating with the outside world. The scientists say the nerves can detect subtle changes of temperature, pressure, particle gradients and probably much else, giving the animal unique insights.

"This whale is intent on understanding its environment," said Martin T. Nweeia, the team's leader and a clinical instructor at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Contrary to common views, he said, "The tusk is not about guys duking it out with sticks and swords."  By William Broad December, 13, 2005
New York Times, Science Times

Challenges and threats

“Around 30,000 small whales, dolphins and porpoises die each year as a result of becoming entangled in fishing gear and drowning. Known as ‘bycatch,’ this accidental catch is one of the greatest threats to cetaceans.

Whaling is another huge problem. Systematic over-exploitation has brought some species close to extinction. In the Antarctic alone, more than two million whales were killed by commercial whalers during the 20th century. In 1986 the International Whaling Commission (IWC) banned commercial whaling. However, loopholes in the rules mean whales can still be hunted for “scientific purposes”. This happens in countries such as Japan and Iceland.

Other threats facing whales include being struck by ships, chemical pollution from industry, and disturbance by noise from navy operations and seismic surveys, and depletion of prey as a result of over fishing”.  (



Dolphins and Porpoises: Narwhals


Elephants: Elephants Communicate While at Play


C.ET: elephant cuddling during pilates and chinese massaging.


Mess, messiah, mecca.



Please go to Friends of the Earth website, I do not wish to go on editing their data for fear of breach of copyrights. Their sites is full of good tips and awareness necessity.

Ditto for Peta, and others, in my opinion, that I cited or duplicated.







‘’ is my own writing, just for try to be clear on me not putting words in others’ items.





A scavenger collects plastic for recycling at a dump site on World Environment Day in the northeastern Indian city of Guwahati, June 5, 2013. REUTERS/Utpal Baruah


C.ET: I just were wondering if any one would attack me for posting this picture. While the little guy who is scavenging have been left (without the money produced by the original article, for you to be reassure none I ll be making, I post it just as a ‘reminding’) and even he would have received black economy pocket money, the little boy just left there and on going.

I appreciate that one cannot do everything and that taking a pic could be used as an act purposing help for him- and the other guys and girls in his situation.

But what I recall equally it is that in this realm, I have to ask myself if no one could seriously try to sue me for doing this. So please note that I am absolutely not the author, that I own no copyright and do not seek to earn any money. I just try and do like any computer of search engine, give you my specific summarizing and collection.



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