August 7,
2013 By Our Algeria Correspondent
OUZOU, Algeria (Morning Star News) – Nearly nine months since an Algerian
court last heard his case, a Christian convert from Islam still awaits a ruling
on the appeal of his unusually harsh sentence for allegedly “proselytizing” and
defaming Islam and its prophet. Krimo Siaghi (also known as Karim Siaghi) was
arrested on April 14, [...]
Coptic Christian Girl Shot Dead in Egypt
CAIRO, Egypt (Morning Star News) – A Coptic Christian girl walking home from a Bible class at her church was shot and killed last week in Cairo by an unidentified gunman, human rights activists said August 9.
Amid a near-constant din of
threats and scattered attacks against the Christian population in Egypt by
Anne-Marie Waters | Islam Is
Not A Peaceful Religion | Oxford Union
c: I agree, and I
would add that she expresses what I perceive as being the greatest danger: this
message asking to stay calm, while a tsunami is in the making. Ok one has to
stay calm but have to organize very quickly. Personal history and history are full
of these moments were it is when people speak gently and pacifically that began
the upside down settlement.
I would like to
believe pacific Muslims. But I know what belief is and I would not trust
someone saying to me I quote ‘I would just wait for you to do it or for god to
judge you’, like liberalist ‘I would not interfere or force’. Because if you
hold true belief (or you believe truly in them) then it is in the logic of the
nature that you gonna fight as your primary duty to defend your principles and
what the principles themselves are elevated to protect.
Most importantly,
if the pacifists loved islam they would do anything on earth to prove that they
do not belong to the same thing, that they are against, fiercely, against the
people that take islam to commit the worst human rights abuses. They would also
make sure that alongside their speech they show, they group together and act as
pacifist and religious, kind not king (waiting for the dominance of one group
over another by the establishment of privileges particularly birth privileges.
In all system privileges domination lead to the privileges coming from the
crimes perpetrated, form and from the crimes in fashion) to every people and
every one.
Or additionally,
are peaceful muslims just people that know they have got to pretend to belief
in order to stay unscathed by the, if left in this logic of terror, rising, according
to logics’ law, extremists.
PS: No need to
call oneself an extremist when you read what the Islamic reference have been,
to be the next So, dom dictator. Only they are not doing that on the beacher,
it is at home that could pry proceed horrors, veil and dignity torn, tortures
of orgies, terrors.
About the pacifist or the gentle, If
they ain’t strong enough to group this way, or if they do not have the courage
or the opportunities, then it would be extremely foolish of anyone to count on
their view of islam as legitimisation or has safety net since they demonstrate
practically that they would be in 0,001 seconds outnumbered by their absence in
the making. A religious groups as for force and only elevation the charities
and justice they can commit.
I still thank
people to be on the pacifist and respectful side or strike, because I do not
want, for nothing, being cut from speaking and liaising with honest and loving
and living people from Islamic countries.
Also the women
would start unveiling because as far as we know they have been welcomed in
liberal, democratic, atheist, secular countries. And that means that they ain’t
less protected here than their at in their family and at large in Islamic
countries, unless they want war. One can go on thinking they will be better off
with authoritarianism countries permitting any human rights abuses only if they
think that 1- they are the countries about to win --- and perhaps thank to
their people diplomacy and ‘integration’. (Integer a quarter more like- or
disintegration). 2- That these countries, that are to win, are the countries of
slavery that they if not hope for, for which they would be ultimately for, or
obedient to. Today everyone has the choice. But the millions political
prisoners, or victims of human trafficking or simply used as middle ages
And nota bene we
were servants because under the sun and the cold every one was dying. It was
these tough time coming from another era were we had to die around 20-40 max
because of the humidity, the cold or the diet. And because of this lack or this
lack of water that is resurging globally.
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